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A reagent (I, N4-(9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl-4-amino-1-oxyl-4-succinimidyloxycarbonyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine)) that acylates calmodulin specifically at lysines 75 and 148 was recently described (Jackson and Puett, 1984). Chromatographic procedures are described that permit purification to apparent homogeneity of a 1 : 1 and a 2 : 1 adduct characterized by modification at just Lys 75 or at Lys 75 and Lys 148, respectively. These adducts are suitable for detailed characterization in an effort to provide information on calmodulin structure-function relationships. The adducts were incapable of, or exhibited low potency (e.g., 0.1% that of calmodulin) in, stimulating the activity of an activatable bovine brain cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (3,5-cyclic AMP 5-nucleotidehydrolase, EC preparation. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the adducts yielded rotational correlation times of approximately 3–6 nsec, in agreement with the expected value for a hydrated protein of this molecular weight (5–7 nsec). Thus, the nitroxide reporter group appears to monitor closely the motion of the protein, and there is no evidence of a major conformational change in the derivative relative to calmodulin. Interestingly, removal of the fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl portion from the 1 : 1 adduct to give a deprotected 1 : 1 adduct resulted in apparent greater mobility of the probe, since the rotational correlation coefficient was found to be 1 nsec. Circular dichroic spectra were obtained over the wavelength interval 200–250 nm on the two adducts and on the deprotected 1 : 1 adduct. These derivatives, like calmodulin, exhibited a Ca2+-mediated increase in helicity, and the spectra of the adducts in the presence of a chelating agent and in the presence of saturating Ca2+ were similar to those obtained for calmodulin. Thus, the adducts have secondary structures similar to the native protein. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were determined in the aromatic region (6–8 ppm) for the deprotected 1 : 1 adduct before and after reduction of the nitroxide with ascorbate. The nitroxide had little effect on the chemical shifts of the two tyrosines and the single histidine relative to calmodulin, although the histidine C4 resonance was markedly altered by the addition of ascorbate. In order to explore in greater detail the tertiary structure of the 1 : 1 adduct, a reagent similar to I, but not paramagnetic, was synthesized. This compound II, -N-(9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl)alanine N-hydroxysuccinimide ester, like I, forms a 1 : 1 adduct at Lys 75 and a 2 : 1 adduct at Lys 75 and Lys 148. Proton NMR spectra of adducts with II were not complicated by the relaxation effects arising from adducts with I; thus more definitive assignments could be made to the upfield resonances, including the fluorene protons. Again, it was possible to conclude that adduct formation had no major effect on the tertiary structure of the protein as monitored by chemical shifts associated with various residues. We conclude that modification of just Lys 75, a residue in the long connecting helix of calmodulin, does not lead to major changes in protein conformation but does interfere with the ability of calmodulin to stimulate an activatable form of bovine brain cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   
Conformational change of bovine serum albumin by heat treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal denaturation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied at pH 2.8 and 7.0 in the range of 2–65°C. The relative proportions of -helix, -structure, and disordered structure in the protein conformation were determined as a function of temperature, by the curve-fitting method of circular dichroism spectra. With the rise of temperature at pH 7.0, the proportion of -helix decreased above 30°C and those of -structure and disordered structure increased in the same temperature range. The structural change was reversible in the temperature range below 45°C. However, the structural change was partially reversible upon cooling to room temperature subsequent to heating at 65°C. On the other hand, the structural change of BSA at pH 2.3 was completely reversible in the temperature range of 2–65°C, probably because the interactions between domains and between subdomains might disappear due to the acid expansion. The secondary structure of disulfide bridges-cleaved BSA remained unchanged during the heat treatment up to 65°C at pH 2.8 and 7.0.  相似文献   
The pollination biology and breeding systems ofKielmeyera coriacea andK. speciosa, two sympatric woody species common in the cerrado vegetation of C. Brazil, were studied. Both species have similar nectarless, polystemonous Papaver-type flowers which are visited by a similar spectrum of insects, though they bloom in different seasons and are thus phenologically isolated. Large carpenter bees seem to be the most important pollinators and these and other bees effect buzz pollen retrieval despite the fact that anthers are not poricidal. Both species ofKielmeyera possess strong xenogamous breeding systems. The presence of staminate flowers and andromonoecy inK. coriacea, as well as the longevity ofK. speciosa flowers are discussed as alternative strategies to improve pollination success and reproductive efficacy.  相似文献   
Acetylation at the -amino terminal is a common post-translational modification of many peptides and proteins. In the case of the potent opiate peptide -endorphin, -N-acetylation is a known physiological modification that abolishes opiate activity. Since there are no known receptors for -N-acetyl--endorphin, we have studied the association of this peptide with calmodulin, a calcium-dependent protein that binds a variety of peptides, phenothiazines, and enzymes, as a model system for studying acetylated endorphin-protein interactions. Association of the acetylated peptide with calmodulin was demonstrated by cross-linking with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate; like -endorphin, adducts containing 1 mol and 2 mol of acetylated peptide per mole calmodulin were formed. Some of the bound peptides are evidently in relatively close proximity to each other since, in the presence of amidated (i.e., lysine-blocked) calmodulin, cross-linking yielded peptide dimers. The acetylated peptide exhibited no appreciable helicity in aqueous solution, but in trifluoroethanol (TFE) considerable helicity was formed. Also, a mixture of acetylated peptide and calmodulin was characterized by a circular dichroic spectrum indicative of induced helicity. Empirical prediction rules, applied earlier to -endorphin, suggest that residues 14–24 exhibit -helix potential. This segment has the potential of forming an amphipathic helix; this structural unit is believed to be important in calmodulin binding. The acetylated peptide was capable of inhibiting the calmodulin-mediated stimulation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (EC activity with an effective dose for 50% inhibition of about 3 µM; this inhibitory effect was demonstrated using both an enzyme-enriched preparation as well as highly purified enzyme. Thus, acetylation at the -amino terminal of -endorphin, although abolishing opiate activity, does not interfere with the binding to calmodulin. Indeed, -endorphin and the -N-acetylated peptide behave very similarly with respect to calmodulin association.Portions of this work are in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree from Vanderbilt University.  相似文献   
Summary Sexual stimulation of males has been reported to affect hypothalamic oxytocinergic systems. In the present study we used radioimmunoassays of micro-dissected forebrain regions and immunocytochemical analysis of Vibratome sections to study the oxytocin systems of naive males, males killed after one mating, and males mated daily with different receptive females for 3 weeks. In males that had mated once, less oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons were observed in the paraventricular (PVN), supraoptic (SON) and periventricular (NPE) nuclei than in naive males. However, after repeated matings, the number of immunoreactive neurons and their staining intensity was increased in these regions. Furthermore, additional oxytocinergic neurons could be found in the lateral subcommissural nucleus, the zona incerta and the ansa lenticularis of repeatedly mated males. Oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons were only occasionally seen in these areas in unmated males or in animals that had been killed after initial mating. Radio-immunoassays of microdissected PVN, SON, NPE and the lateral hypothalamus confirmed the reduction in oxytocin-immunoreactive levels after a first mating by a male and the increase after repeated matings. It is likely that oxytocin secretion into peripheral and portal circulation is stimulated by the endocrine conditions associated with initial mating. These immediate effects may be followed by the activation of synthesis in oxytocin neurons in several sites of the basal forebrain.  相似文献   
Visible absorption and CD spectral and potentiometric studies on the His- and Tyr-containing ternary copper(II) complexes Cu(A)(L-B), where A refers to L-His, D-His, or L-Tyr and B to Lys, Tyr, Trp, Phe, Ala, Val, Arg, Glu, Asn, Gln, Ser, or Thr, were made to study ligand-ligand interactions in the complexes. While the CD spectral magnitudes in the d—d region are additive in the absence of side chain interactions and can be estimated from the magnitudes for the ternary systems involving DL-A or DL-B, deviation from the additivity was observed for Cu(L-His)(L-B) (B = LysH, Tyr, Trp, or Phe) and Cu(L-Tyr)(L-Trp). From the stability constants determined at 25 °C and I = 0.1 M (KNO3), the equilibrium constants, K, for the following hypothetical equilibria were calculated to be large (0.14–0.60) for formation of Cu(L-/D-His)(L-B)(B = Tyr or Trp) and Cu(D-His)(L-Phe) with Cu(en)(L-Ala) as standard: Cu(A)(L?Ala)+Cu(en)(L?b)?KCu(A)(L?B)+Cu(en)(L?Ala) The positive values indicate the stabilization due to the stacking between the imidazole ring of His and the aromatic side chain of L-B. Solvent dependence of the CD spectra for Cu(L-His)(L-LysH) and Cu(L-His) L-Trp) further supported the existence of the intramolecular electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   
氨基酰化酶中金属锌离子的功能作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 氨基酰化酶是含锌金属酶。该酶每摩尔蛋白中含2摩尔Zn(Ⅱ)离子。金属鳌合剂与酶作用,通过竞争螯合Zn(Ⅱ)离子使酶活力下降。残余活力与残留金属含量呈正相关。竞争螯合的结果,生成不含金属的脱辅基酶蛋白,并导致酶活力的丧失。脱辅基酶由于加入Zn(Ⅱ)离子而恢复其活力。实验表明金属锌离子是氨基酰化酶催化活力所必需。与Zn(Ⅱ)离子相似,Co(Ⅱ)离子也可与脱辅基酶相结合并使之复活。 在190—240nm区域内对比了天然酶、脱辅基酶蛋白与Co(Ⅱ)置换氨基酰化酶的圆二色谱。远紫外圆二色谱表明,与天然酶相比,在脱辅基酶中由于金属离子的丧失导致主链构象发生变化,其中α螺旋增加约7%。因而锌离子(钴离子)对蛋白主链的反应最适构象有一定的稳定作用。脱辅基酶与Co(Ⅱ)离子结合,酶的主链构象恢复至与天然酶几近相同。可认为这是促使酶复活的内在因素。  相似文献   
From the petrol extract of Piper clusii five lignans were isolated. One of the lignans (?)-clusin is assigned the structure (?)-2-furanol-4(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl) tetrahydro-3(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl) methyl. This is the first report of this compound from a natural source. Asaronaldehyde and sitosterol were also present.  相似文献   
A circular dichroism study was conducted on the solution structure of several different oligonucleotides, whose X-ray structures have been solved. It is suggested that in aqueous solution the oligonucleotides can form structures that maintain geometrical elements which are typical of B-DNA, A-DNA, and their intermediate forms. It is shown that 5'GGATGGGAG:5'CTCCCATCC, which forms an A-DNA helix in the crystal state (McCall et al. 1986), in aqueous solution maintains an A-DNA like structure at temperatures below 10 degrees C. At temperatures between 10 degrees C and 25 degrees C it shows a tendency to form an intermediate structure between A-DNA and B-DNA. Also, it is shown that TFE does not cause a transition from B-DNA to A-DNA helix in short DNA fragments, but instead disrupts the helix.  相似文献   
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