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We isolated the small subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO SSu) from a fern,Asplenium cataractarum and determined its 34 N-terminal amino acid sequence. We obtained a cDNA clone that contains the entire coding region of the SSu from the same fern species, using synthetic oligonucleotide probes derived from the above amino acid sequence. It contains a 525 bp open reading frame capable of coding for a polypeptide with 174 amino acids, 31 bp 5′-and 206 bp 3′-noncoding regions. It was also elucidated that the precursor to the SSu contains a transit peptide of 53 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 121 residues. We compared the deduced amino acid sequence of the fern SSu with those of 11 other vascular plant species (including gymnosperms, monocots and dicots). As low as 55% homology was observed between those of a fern and seed plants. Constancy of the amino acid substitution rate in RuBisCO SSu was supported by our relative rate test. Amino acid substitution rate per year per site for RuBisCO SSu was calculated to be 0.81×10−9 assuming that the separation between pteridophytes and seed plants arose 380 million years ago.  相似文献   
Calluses induced fromPterocladia capillacea have been kept in culture for more than three years. They exhibit a fast growth rate, owing to the release of single cells, which in turn develop into new callus. The effect of various media and culture conditions upon growth was investigated. In order to confirm the identity of the callus cells, a 0,45 mg incoculum was grown that yielded 15 g dried callus within six weeks. Polysaccharides from this material (5.5 g) were analysed by13C NMR spectroscopy. This produced a spectrum typical of agar and very similar to the one obtained for agar extracted fromP. capillacea plants. However, the callus agar displayed no gel-forming properties, even after alkali modification.author for correspondence  相似文献   
C1q, a collagen-like complement protein, was purified from the serum of a ddermatosparactic calf which lacks procollagen N-terminal proteinase (pN-proteinase). The specific hemolytic activity of the serum Clq from the dermatosparactic animal was identical to that of C1q from a normal calf. Gel-filtration of serum from dermatosparactic calf, on Sepharose 6B, showed the presence of C1q-antigenic material at only one position which was identical to the elution position of normal bovine C1q. No differdence, under dissociating conditions, could be seen in the size of the chains of C1q in specific immunoprecipitates isolated from the sera of dermatosparactic and normal animals, as judged by polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The C1q from the dermatosparactic animal showed the same N-terminal amino acid and typtic-digest peptide pattern on HPLC as C1q from the normal calf. These results strongly suggest that pN-proteinase is not involved in the extracellular processing of C1q.  相似文献   
Summary Escherichia coli Rl is an Ag+-resistant strain that, as we have shown recently, harbours at least two large plasmids, pJT1 (83 kb) and pJT2 (77 kb). Tn5-Mob was introduced into theE. coli Rl host replicon via conjugation on membrane filters. The transfer functions of plasmid RP4-4 were provided in this process and Tn5-Mob clones mated withE. coli C600 yielded Ag+-resistant transconjugants. This mobilization procedure allowed transfer and expression of pJT1 Ag+ resistance inE. coli C600. Prior to use of Tn5-Mob mobilization, it was not possible to transfer Ag+-resistant determinant(s) intoE. coli by conjugation or transformation including high-voltage electroporation.E. coli C600 containing PJTI and PJT2 displayed decreased accumulation of Ag+ similar toE. coli R1.E. coli C600 could not tolerate 0.1 and 0.5 mM Ag+, rapidly accumulated Ag+ and became non-viable. Tn5-Mob mobilization may be useful in the study of metal resistance in bacteria, especially in strains not studied for resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   
We have studied the mechanisms of breakdown of 2'-5' oligoadenylates. We monitored the time-courses of degradation of ppp(A2'p5')nA (dimer to tetramer) and of 5'OH-(A2'p5')nA (dimer to pentamer) in unfractionated L1210 cell extract. The 5' triphosphorylated 2'-5' oligoadenylates are converted by a phosphatase activity. However, 2'-5' oligoadenylates are degraded mainly by phosphodiesterase activity which splits the 2'-5' phosphodiester bond sequentially at the 2' end to yield 5' AMP and one-unit-shorter oligomers. The nonlinear least-squares curve-fitting program CONSAM was used to fit these kinetics and to determine the degradation rate constant of each oligomer. Trimers and tetramers, whether 5' triphosphorylated or not, are degraded at the same rate, whereas 5' triphosphorylated dimer is rapidly hydrolyzed and 5'-OH dimer is the most stable oligomer. The interaction between degradation enzymes and the substrate strongly depends on the presence of a 5' phosphate group in the vicinity of the phosphodiester bond to be hydrolyzed; indeed, when this 5' phosphate group is present, as in pp/pA2'p5'A/or A2'/p5'A2'p5'A/, affinity is high and maximal velocity is low. Such a degradation pattern can control the concentration of 2'-5' oligoadenylates active on RNAse L either by limiting their synthesis (5' triphosphorylated dimer is the primer necessary for the formation of longer oligomers) and/or by converting them into inhibitory (e.g., monophosphorylated trimer) or inactive (e.g., nonphosphorylated oligomers) molecules.  相似文献   
Summary The actions of cyclic AMP are subject to several levels of post-receptor modulation in cardiac tissue. Isoproterenol and prostaglandin E1 both stimulate cAMP accumulation, but only isoproterenol causes activation of particulate cAMP-dependent protein kinase, leading to activation of phosphorylase kinase and glycogen phosphorylase, and inhibition of glycogen synthase. Through the use of isolated, adult ventricular myocytes, we have determined that the hormone-specific activation of glycogen phosphorylase is due to subcellular compartmentation of cAMP. There is some evidence that cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, whose activity is stimulated by alpha1-adrenergic agonists in isolated myocytes, may have a role in compartmentation. Phosphoinositide hydrolysis is stimulated by alpha, and muscarinic agonists, presumably leading to activation of protein kinase C, which in turn has multiple effects on hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase.Abbreviations cAMP Adenosine-3,5-Cyclic Monophosphate - cGMP Guanosine-3,5-Cyclic Monophosphate - Gi, GS Guanine nucleotide-binding proteins linked to inhibition and stimulation, respectively, of adenylate cyclase - GTP Guanosine-5-triphosphate - PDE Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase - PGE1 Prostaglandin E1  相似文献   
A set of 18 synthetic uniform overlapping peptides spanning the entire extracellular part (residues 1–210) of the -subunit of human acetylcholine receptor were studied for their binding activity of125I-labeled -bungarotoxin and cobratoxin. A major toxin-binding region was found to reside within peptide 122–138. In addition, low-binding activities were obtained with peptides 34–49 and 194–210. It is concluded that the region within residues 122–138 constitutes a universal major toxin-binding region for acetylcholine receptor of various species.  相似文献   
Summary Studies with the atypical muscarinic antagonist pirenzepine provide convincing evidence for the classification of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) into two subtypes, M1 and M2. The present study examines the heterogeneity of the M2 subtype employing the newly developed competitive muscarinic antagonist, AFDX-116. Comparison of the binding affinities of pirenzepine, atropine, and AFDX-116 to mAChRs in microsomes from the rabbit cerebral cortex, heart, and iris smooth muscle shows that iris mAChRs, which are pharmacologically of the M2 subtype, can be distinguished from M2 cardiac receptors based on their affinity for AFDX-116. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the M2 receptor subtype consists of a heterogeneous population of receptors.Abbreviations mAChRs Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors - CCh Carbachol - NMS N-Methylscopolamine - AFDX-116 11-[[2-[(diethylamino)methyl]-1-piperidinyl]acetyl]-5,11-dihydro-6Hpyrido[2,3-b][1,4]benzodiazepine-6-one  相似文献   
Summary The serotonergic innervation of the genital chamber of the female cricket, Acheta domestica, has been investigated applying anti-serotonin (5-HT) immunocyto-chemistry at both light- and electron-microscopic levels as well as using conventional electron microscopy. Whole mount and pre-embedding chopper techniques of immuno-cytochemistry reveal a dense 5-HT-immunoreactive network of varicose fibers in the musculature of the genital chamber. All of these immunoreactive fibers originate from the efferent serotonergic neuron projecting through the nerve 8v to the genital chamber (Hustert and Topel 1986; Elekes et al. 1987). At the electron-microscopic level, 5-HT-immunoreactive nerve terminals, which contain small (50–60 nm) and large ( 100 nm) agranular vesicles as well as granular vesicles (100nm), contact the muscle fibers or the sarcoplasmic processes without establishing specialized neuromuscular connections. In addition to the 5-HT-immunoreactive axons, two types of immunonegative axons can also be found in the musculature. By use of conventional electron microscopy, three ultrastructurally distinct types of axon processes can be observed, one of which resembles 5-HT-immunoreactive axons. While the majority of the varicosities do not synapse on the muscle fibers, terminals containing small (50–60 nm) agranular vesicles occasionally form specialized neuromuscular contacts. It is suggested that the 5-HTergic innervation plays a non-synaptic modulatory role in the regulation circular musculature in the genital chamber of the cricket, while the musculature as a whole may be influenced by both synaptic and modulatory mechanisms.Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung  相似文献   
Summary Ventral thoracic neurosecretory cells (VTNCs) of the blowflies, Calliphora erythrocephala and C. vomitoria, innervating thoracic neuropil and the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion have been shown to be immunoreactive to a variety of mammalian peptide antisera. In the neural sheath the VTNC terminals form an extensive neurohaemal network that is especially dense over the abdominal ganglia. The same areas are invaded by separate, ut overlapping serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-IR) projections derived from neuronal cell bodies in the suboesophageal ganglion. Immunocytochemical studies with different antisera, applied to adjacent sections at the lightmicroscopic level, combined with extensive cross-absorption tests, suggest that the perikarya of the VTNCs contain co-localized peptides related to gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP), Met- and Leuenkephalin and Met-enk-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-enk-RF). Electron-microscopic immunogold-labeling shows that some of the terminals in the dorsal sheath react with several of the individual peptide antisera, whilst others with similar cytology are non-immunoreactive. In the same region, separate terminals with different cytological characteristics contain 5-HT-IR. Both 5-HT-IR and peptidergic terminals are localized outside the cellular perineurium beneath the acellular permeable sheath adjacent to the haemocoel. Hence, we propose that various bioactive substances may be released from thoracic neurosecretory neurons into the circulating haemolymph to act on peripheral targets. The same neurons may also interact by synaptic or modulatory action in the CNS in different neuropil regions of the thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   
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