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The R3H domain is a conserved sequence motif, identified in over 100 proteins, that is thought to be involved in polynucleotide-binding, including DNA, RNA and single-stranded DNA. In this work the 3D structure of the R3H domain from human Smubp-2 was determined by NMR spectroscopy. It is the first 3D structure determination of an R3H domain. The fold presents a small motif, consisting of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and two alpha-helices, which is related to the structures of the YhhP protein and the C-terminal domain of the translational initiation factor IF3. The similarities are non-trivial, as the amino acid identities are below 10%. Three conserved basic residues cluster on the same face of the R3H domain and could play a role in nucleic acid recognition. An extended hydrophobic area at a different site of the molecular surface could act as a protein-binding site. A strong correlation between conservation of hydrophobic amino acids and side-chain solvent protection indicates that the structure of the Smubp-2 R3H domain is representative of R3H domains in general.  相似文献   
Mutations in alpha-synuclein, parkin and ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1, and defects in 26/20S proteasomes, cause or are associated with the development of familial and sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD). This suggests that failure of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) to degrade abnormal proteins may underlie nigral degeneration and Lewy body formation that occur in PD. To explore this concept, we studied the effects of lactacystin-mediated inhibition of 26/20S proteasomal function and ubiquitin aldehyde (UbA)-induced impairment of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (UCH) activity in fetal rat ventral mesencephalic cultures. We demonstrate that both lactacystin and UbA caused concentration-dependent and preferential degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. Inhibition of 26/20S proteasomal function was accompanied by the accumulation of alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin, and the formation of inclusions that were immunoreactive for these proteins, in the cytoplasm of VM neurons. Inhibition of UCH was associated with a loss of ubiquitin immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm of VM neurons, but there was a marked and localized increase in alpha-synuclein staining which may represent the formation of inclusions bodies in VM neurons. These findings provide direct evidence that impaired protein clearance can induce dopaminergic cell death and the formation of proteinaceous inclusion bodies in VM neurons. This study supports the concept that defects in the UPS may underlie nigral pathology in familial and sporadic forms of PD.  相似文献   
Somatic embryos of Larix × leptoeuropaea were grown on modified MSG media with 60 M abscisic acid (ABA). These were compared to control embryos raised on the same medium without ABA. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that zonation of polyphenol production as well as presence of extracellular mucilage was markedly different in embryos raised with and without ABA. Idioblasts were found in subepidermal and pith regions of hypocotyls and among the subepidermal cells of cotyledons in embryos matured on ABA, but not in embryos matured without ABA. The embryonal root caps of ABA-treated embryos had substantial deposition of lipids and proteins in both the column and inner pericolumn regions, but not in the outer layer of the pericolumn. Control embryos showed no accumulation of proteins or lipids, but an increase in polyphenol accumulation, which had spread to the epidermal and sub-epidermal layers of the cotyledons and hypocotyl. Starch accumulation was similar over the course of development in embryos treated with or without ABA. Using gas chromatography-selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry, it was shown that concentrations of ABA averaged 186 ± 17 g g–1 dry weight (DW) in embryos raised on medium supplemented with this plant growth regulator, versus an average concentration of 55 ± 19 g g–1 DW in embryos raised in the absence of ABA. No difference in ABA concentration was found between the root cap and the rest of ABA-treated embryos.  相似文献   
Although the four polypeptides of blasticidin S (BS) deaminase (BSD) are packed rather tightly coordinated to the "structural and catalytic" zinc atom of each subunit, the C-terminal region of the enzyme was suggested to be somewhat molten and flexible [M. Kimura, S. Sekido, Y. Isogai, and I. Yamaguchi (2000) J. Biochem. 127, 955-963]. To understand roles of this flexible region, we constructed five C-terminal deletion variants of BSD (each successively deleted from the C-terminal end up to five residues) and analyzed their biochemical properties focusing on the structure and activity of the enzyme. BSD and all of the deletion mutants showed the unique rigid conformation (e.g., characterized by their stabilities in SDS solution) and high levels of resistance against protease digestions. Furthermore, both the wild-type and deletion apoenzymes exhibited similar physical properties in thermodynamic refolding into the stable tetramer conformation. However, these small C-terminal deletions exerted deleterious effects on the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme as indicated by their strongly reduced k(cat)/K(m) value. Judging from the altered kinetic parameters and unaltered structural properties of the deletion variants, these C-terminal residues appear to be directly involved in enzyme-substrate interaction. In this short flexible region, Tyr-126, Trp-128, and Gly-130 were the key residues. Most notably, removal of Gly-130 markedly increased K(m) for BS without affecting its k(cat) value. These results indicate that the flexible C-terminal region is important for catalytic function and that a single Gly residue at the C-terminal end of BSD contributes significantly in facilitating access of a substrate to the active site.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein 5 (PBP5) anchors to the inner membrane in a pH-dependent manner via a C-terminal amphiphilic alpha-helix. Low pH was found to enhance both levels of PBP5 membrane anchoring and levels of alpha-helicity in an aqueous PBP5 C-terminal homologue, which led to the suggestion that levels of PBP5 membrane anchoring are related to levels of PBP5 C-terminal alpha-helicity. Here we have used Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and a peptide homologue of the PBP5 C-terminal sequence to investigate the effect of pH on the conformational behavior of this sequence at a lipid interface and on its ability to interact with lipid. Our results suggest that the membrane-anchoring mechanism of PBP5 is unlikely to involve conformational change in the protein's C-terminal region and may therefore involve conformational changes in the protein's ectomembranous domain.  相似文献   
Two membrane transporters, the 17 amino acid (aa) oligopeptide penetratin derived from the homeodomain of Antennapedia (Ant) and an analogue of the basic domain of TAT (aa 47-57) (TAT-a) from HIV-1, were tested as carriers for a p53 C-terminal peptide (aa 361-382) into human breast cancer cells. The studies were performed to determine whether the membrane-transduction efficiency of membrane carriers: Ant, TAT or TAT analogue (TAT-a) correlated with peptide hydrophobic features. Peptide-sequence analysis clearly demonstrated that the Ant sequence and p53 peptide sequence (p53p) together created a peptide with enhanced hydrophobic characteristics; while the TAT or TAT analogue (TAT-a) and p53p sequence together created a peptide with significantly less hydrophobic qualities. The degree of hydrophobic moment and helical wheel plots for these peptides correlated directly with their ability to transduce the p53 peptide. Western blot analysis revealed that Ant was able to transduce p53 C-terminal peptide into human breast cancer cells as a highly efficient membrane transporter. Compared to Ant, TAT-a fused to the C-terminus of p53 peptide (p53p-TAT-a) was a less efficient carrier into these cells under the conditions of our study. Additionally, N-terminal linked TAT-a to p53p (TAT-a-p53p) showed even lower efficiency as a transporter than p53-TAT-a. Apoptosis assays showed that the p53 peptide, fused at its C-terminus to Ant (p53p-Ant), induced a higher percentage of apoptotic cells in human breast cancer cell lines expressing mutant or wild-type p53 as compared to p53 peptide fused at its C-terminus to the TAT-a sequence (p53p-TAT-a) or when fused at the N-terminus to TAT-a (TAT-a-p53p). These data suggested a direct correlation between hydrophobic characteristics and efficiency as a transporter. Sequence study, using hydrophobic moment and helical wheel analyses, may be useful predictive tools for choosing the best carrier for a peptide.  相似文献   
The quiescent center is viewed as an architectural template in the root apical meristem of all angiosperm and gymnosperm root tips. In roots of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., the quiescent center inhibits differentiation of contacting initial cells and maintains the surrounding initial cells as stem cells. Here, the role of the quiescent center in the development of the maize (Zea mays L.) root cap has been further explored. Three maize root-specific genes were identified. Two of these were exclusively expressed in the root cap and one of them encoded a GDP-mannose-4,6-dehydratase. Most likely these two genes are structural, tissue-specific markers of the cap. The third gene, a putative glycine-rich cell wall protein, was expressed in the cap and in the root epidermis and, conceivably is a positional marker of the cap. Microsurgical and molecular data indicate that the quiescent center and cap initials may regulate the positional and structural expression of these genes in the cap and thereby control root cap development. Received: 22 September 1999 / Accepted: 9 November 1999  相似文献   
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