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国产7种乌头属植物的核型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文报道了国产7种乌头属植物(两色乌头(Aconitum alboviolaceum Kom.,牛扁 A.barbartum var.puberulum Ledeb.,蔓乌头A.volubile Pall.,展毛蔓乌头 A.ciliare DC.,北乌头 A.kusnezoffii Reichb.,蒿叶乌头 A.artemisiaefolium Bar.et Skv.,细叶乌头 A.macrorhgnchum Turcz.)的核型。其中展毛蔓乌头、蒿叶乌头和细叶乌头的核型为首次报道。本文还首次指出乌头属中具多年生根状茎的牛扁亚属植物的核型没有明显的二型性,而具二年生块根的乌头正属植物的核型的二型性十分明显。此外还讨论了细叶乌头及展毛蔓乌头的系统位置,认为它们与蔓乌头有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   
A detailed karyotype analysis was made on the somatic complement ofPicea rubens andP. glauca. B-chromosomes were observed in someP. glauca populations. The karyotypes are generally asymmetrical with most of the chromosomes having median to median-submedian centromeres.Picea glauca chromosomes 2, 3, 7, and 8 have secondary constriction on their short arm and chromosome 10 has a secondary constriction on the long arm. Chromosome 3 was the most easily identifiable, as it has two secondary constrictions located on the short arm. InP. rubens, all the chromosomes but chromosomes 8 and 9 have one to four distinctive secondary constrictions. In general, the diagrammatic comparisons show a high degree of similarity amongP. mariana, P. rubens, andP. glauca. GenomicP. mariana probe strongly hybridized to dots of genomic DNA fromP. rubens andP. glauca indicating that there is a high sequence homology among these three species. The synchronizing agent, hydroxyurea was used at different concentrations to enhance the mitotic index of cell suspensions derived from embryogenic cultures. Hydroxyurea at 1.25 mM increased significantly the mitotic index. An increase of hydroxyurea from 1.25 mM to 5 mM and 10 mM resulted in a steady decrease of mitotic index.  相似文献   
王臣  路芳  关旸  张贵一 《植物研究》2001,21(2):215-221,T001,T002,T003
报道东北蒿属艾组12种植物的染色体数及核型资料,结果如下:宽叶山蒿(Artemisia stolonifera (Maixm.)Komar.)2n=4x=36=28m 4sm(4SAT) 4st(4SAT);野艾蒿(A.lavandulaefolia DC)2n=2x=50=40m 4sm 6st(6SAT); 矮蒿(A.lancea Van.)2n=2x=16=10m 4sm 2st;蒙古蒿(A.mongolica (fisch.ex Bess.)Nakai]2n=2x=16=14m 2st;红足蒿(A.rubripes Nakai)2n=2x=16=14m 2st;歧茎蒿(A.igniaria Maixm.)2n=2x=34=28m 2sm 4st(4SAT);柳叶蒿(A.integrifolia Linn.)2n=4x=36=20m 12sm 4st;线叶蒿(A.subula 4st(4SAT);柳叶蒿(A.integrifolia Linn.)2n=4x=36=20m 12sm 4st;线叶蒿(A.subulata Nakai)2n=2x=16=14m 2st;高岭蒿(A.brachyphylla Kitam.)2n=2x=18=14m 2sm 2st;林文稿[A.uiridissima(Komar.)Pamp.]2n=2x=18=14m 4sm;奄癌(A.keiskeana Miq.)2n=2x=18=16m 2sm;阴地蒿(A.sylvatica Maxim.)2n=2x=16=14m 2sm,核型对称性野艾蒿(A.lavandulaefolia)为2B型,其余均为2A型,依据核型资料对个别种的演化 分类进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
中华蚊母树染色体制片及核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中华蚊母树根尖为材料,采用常规压片法制片,比较材料的不同采集时间、预处理方法、固定剂、解离方法、解离时间及染色方法对中华蚊母树根尖染色体制片的影响.结果表明最佳的制片技术为:取材时间为上午9:00~11:00或下午13:00~15:00,以饱和对二氯苯预处理3 h,用1 mol?L-1盐酸60℃下解离8 min,卡诺固定剂固定,以改良石碳酸品红染色10 min.以该最佳制片方案对中华蚊母树进行体细胞染色体核型分析,首次揭示了中国特有植物———中华蚊母树体细胞染色体数目为2n=2x=24,染色体基数x=12,染色体核型公式为2n=2x=24=12m(2SAT)+10sm+2st,主要由中部和近中部着丝点染色体组成;染色体相对长度组成为2n=24=2L+8M2+12M1+2S,核型不对称指数为64.29%,属于2A型.结果显示中华蚊母树核型对称程度较高,在进化中属于比较原始的类型.  相似文献   
Nineteen Trypanosoma cruzi stocks, most of them of wild origin, and four Trypanosoma rangeli stocks from Colombia were analysed by molecular karyotype analysis with cloned DNA cruzipain as the probe. Another 27 cloned stocks of T. cruzi from different geographic areas of South America were used as reference for T. cruzi lineages. Phenetic analysis of chromosome size polymorphism demonstrated a great variability of Colombian T. cruzi stocks, suggesting that most belong to lineage I, although two of them belong to lineage II. The 2 lineage II T. cruzi, 17 T. cruzi lineage I, and 3 T. rangeli stocks from Colombia were studied further by Southern blot analysis with a panel of kinetoplast DNA minicircle probes. Hybridisation results indicate that the two T. cruzi II stocks are genetically distant from each other and from T. cruzi lineages IIb, IId, and IIe from Chile. Finally, T. cruzi minicircle probes do not cross-hybridise in any stringency condition tested with T. rangeli minicircles, a clear indication that these parasites can be easily distinguished by this method.  相似文献   
We established and characterized a murine mesenchymal stem cell line from the bone marrow of a transgenic C57BL mouse that ubiquitously expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP). Immunostaining revealed the presence of several markers common for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The cells expressed specific fibroblast proteins, such as smooth muscle actin, which is localized in stress fibrils, and vimentin, a major protein of intermediate filaments in connective tissue cells. These proteins are responsible for the ability to differentiate into adipocytes or osteoblasts under appropriate conditions. The MSC karyotype was unstable. At the 6th passage cells, were aneuploid and genetically heterogeneous. The number of chromosomes ranged from near 2n to 8n. 80% of cells had chromosome numbers between 50 and 85 without a well-defined modal class. Differential G-staining of metaphase spreads showed variability in the copy numbers of individual chromosomes and presence of random chromosome rearrangements, such as ectopic associations of nonhomologous chromosomes. All cells analyzed contained a single dicentric marker chromosome. Some cells also had mini-chromosomes regarded as indicators of gene amplification. We suppose that the karyotypic instability of MSCs that express GFP is provoked by the insertion of foreign GFP transgenes into the murine genome. These cells could be useful for the study of genomic alterations during the spontaneous oncogenic transformation of stem cells.  相似文献   
国产磨芋属的染色体核型报道(1)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李恒  顾志健  龙春林  杨永平   《广西植物》1990,10(1):21-24
本文报道了磨芋属(Amorphophallus Blume)六个种的染色体数目和核型,其中5个种属于首次报道。其核型公式如下: 1.滇磨芋 K(2n)=2x=26=26m.2.磨芋 K(2n)=2x=26=26m.3.攸落磨芋K(2n)=2x=26=22m(2SAT)+4sm.(2SAT).4.西盟磨芋 K(2n)=2x=26=20m+4sm+2st.5.勐海磨芋 K(2n)=2x=26=22m+4sm.6.白磨芋 K(2n)=2x=26=20m(2SAT)+6sm。  相似文献   
黄向旭  陈忠毅   《广西植物》1992,12(4):331-332
本文首次对单种属植物黄根豆(Chrysoirhiza adenotricha T.Chen)进行了核型分析,其核型公式为K(2n)=22=22m,并确认黄根豆属(Chrysorhiza)的染色体基数为X=11。  相似文献   
染色体C带核型在物种鉴定、分类阶元间的比较及其系统演化关系的推断中是一个有用的指标,染色体组内C带分布位置、大小、数量及异染色质含量可以反映出属、种及种下阶元的细胞学异同.本研究报道了中国2种短鼻蝗--裴氏短鼻蝗Filchnerella beicki和宽顶短鼻蝗Filchnerella amplivertica的染色体C带核型.结果表明:2种短鼻蝗均为XO(♂)型性别决定机制;染色体组成均为2n ♂=19,染色体为端着丝粒染色体;在各染色体相对长度、C带的大小、位置和着色程度上又存在不同程度的差异,可以作为区分种的依据.  相似文献   
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