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Abstract:  Studies were carried out on the galls formed by Apiomyia bergenstammi (Wa.) on buds and/or twigs of pear trees, in Yayladagi, Senköy, and Belen, Hatay province, Turkey in 2003. The pest was introduced into Hatay province at least 5 years ago. It produces one generation a year and hibernates as larvae in the galls. In Yayladagi, Senköy and Belen, 20, 18 and 5%, respectively, of buds/twigs of pear trees were attacked by A. bergenstammi . Each of the galls contained on average 9.6 ± 0.5 (range: 6–11) larval chambers. Adults were reared from galls collected at the beginning of spring, viz. A. bergenstammi emerged in the first half of April 2003, Oxyglypta rugosa Ruschka (Hym., Pteromalidae) and Torymus apiomyiae Boucek & Mihajlovic (Hym., Torymidae) (a new record for Turkey) emerged in the second half of April. Other chambers contained unemerged adults of Platygaster sp. (Hym., Platygasteridae). Natural parasitism rates obtained by dissecting 10 galls from Yayladagi and Senkoy in 2003 were: 26.6 ± 4.4% by O. rugosa and 10.0 ± 3.2% by Platygaster sp. The parasitism rate by T. apiomyiae was 16.6% as determined from the galls collected from Belen.  相似文献   
The dark-adapted Photosystem II efficiency of field-grown pear leaves, estimated by the variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence ratio, was little affected by moderate and severe iron deficiency. Only extremely iron-deficient leaves showed a decreased Photosystem II efficiency after dark adaptation. Midday depressions in Photosystem II efficiency were still found after short-term dark-adaptation in iron-deficient leaves, indicating that Photosystem II down-regulation occurred when the leaves were illuminated by excessive irradiance. The actual Photosystem II efficiency at steady-state photosynthesis was decreased by iron deficiency both early in the morning and at midday, due to closure of Photosystem II reaction centers and decreases of the intrinsic Photosystem II efficiency. Iron deficiency decreased the amount of light in excess of that which can be used in photosynthesis not only by decreasing absorptance, but also by increasing the relative amount of light dissipated thermally by the Photosystem II antenna. When compared to the controls, iron-deficient pear leaves dissipated thermally up to 20% more of the light absorbed by the Photosystem II, both early in the morning and at midday. At low light iron-deficient leaves with high violaxanthin cycle pigments to chlorophyll ratios had increases in pigment de-epoxidation, non-photochemical quenching and thermal dissipation. Our data suggest that pH could be the major factor controlling thermal energy dissipation, and that large (more than 10-fold) changes in the zeaxanthin plus antheraxanthin to chlorophyll molar ratio caused by iron deficiency were associated only to moderate increases in the extent of photoprotection.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
人工低温对滇中砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝的效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
建立大田温栅,以不同的人工低温量(冷温小时数分别为600h、900h、1200h)处理滇中砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝,分别将枝条嫁接到温棚中,调查芽的萌动与发育状况,并检测不同的低温量导致芽和枝发生的生理生变化。结果表明,不经冬季低温处理的砀山酥酥梨花芽自然不能解除休眠,600h低温量基本可解险砀山酥梨花芽休眠,900h低温量使休眠芽的总萌发率、花芽萌动率均达最高值,1200h低 一反而使休眠芽的总萌发率  相似文献   
香梨果实成熟衰老过程中4种内源激素的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以库尔勒香梨[白梨(PyrusbretschneideriRehd.)的变种]为材料,在果实生长发育、成熟衰老期间检测内源IAA、GA3、ABA、乙烯含量变化规律及其相互关系。结果表明果实发育初期IAA、GA3、ABA含量最高,有利于幼果坐果;CA3与ABA的比值变化对果实迅速膨大起关键作用;高浓度GA3对阻抑叶绿素分解起明显作用;果实成熟衰老期间,IAA含量与乙烯释放速率呈方向相同的变化;在此期间GA3含量变化与乙烯释放变化相反。  相似文献   
云南不同海拔花椒园昆虫群落结构及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了4种不同海拔花椒园昆虫群落组成及结构的周年变化,应用群落特征参数及主分量分析方法分析了昆虫群落特征及其在时间过程中的主导因素和时间格局.结果表明,随着海拔的逐渐上升,昆虫群落中种类数量逐渐减少,种群数量相对增加,群落多样性、丰富度及均匀度等指数逐渐下降,随时间的变化而波动的趋势逐渐明显,主导昆虫群落变化的最主要因子由天敌亚群落的物种数和个体数量综合因子逐渐转向害虫亚群落的物种数和个体数量综合因子.  相似文献   
Three amylases E1, E2 and E3 have been extracted from Passe-Crassane pears pulp and partially purified. A good extraction of these enzymes is obtained only with non ionic detergents. Furthermore, solubilization of amylase E1 needs the use of these compounds. Separation of the 3 amylases is obtained by chromatography on Sephadex G100. E1 and E2 are β-amylases whereas E3 is an α-amylase. The first two have similar kinetic properties and interconversion of one form into the other is possible. It is suggested that the insoluble form E1 is the result of the association of β-amylase E2 with other compounds present in the fruit.  相似文献   
利用SRAP分子标记,从88对引物中筛选出34对引物组合,分析砀山酥梨母本与授粉品种之间的亲缘关系,探讨梨授粉品种亲缘关系对砀山酥梨石细胞含量的影响。结果表明:授粉品种紫酥、鸭梨和马蹄黄与砀山酥梨亲缘关系较远,授粉品种华山、幸水和圆黄与砀山酥梨亲缘关系较近;砀山酥梨自然授粉果实石细胞含量为0.61%;选用紫酥、鸭梨和马蹄黄作授粉树时,果实石细胞含量分别为0.34%、0.33%、0.36%,低于自然授粉的砀山酥梨;选用华山、幸水和圆黄作授粉树时,果实石细胞含量分别为0.84%、0.70%、0.66%,高于自然授粉的砀山酥梨。选用与砀山酥梨亲缘关系较远的梨品种作授粉树可减少砀山酥梨石细胞含量,改善口感  相似文献   
以五种基因型梨果实为材料,对石细胞团的大小、分布进行解剖学观察,并测定石细胞、木质素含量和木质素相关合成酶PAL、POD、PPO活性,探讨不同基因型梨果实木质素代谢对石细胞含量及口感的影响.结果表明,不同基因型梨木质素含量高时,石细胞含量也高,石细胞团相对较大,分布较密集,口感差.各基因型的梨木质素、石细胞含量和大小为...  相似文献   
Tomato fruit shape varies significantly in the cultivated germplasm. To a large extent, this variation can be explained by four genes including OVATE. While most varieties with the OVATE mutation bear elongated fruits, some accessions carry round fruit, suggesting the existence of suppressors of OVATE in the germplasm. We developed three intraspecific F2 populations with parents that carried the OVATE mutation but differed in fruit shape. We used a bulk segregant analysis approach and genotyped the extreme classes using a high-throughput genotyping platform, the SolCAP Infinium Assay. The analyses revealed segregation at two quantitative trait loci (QTLs), sov1 and sov2. These loci were confirmed by genotyping and QTL analyses of the entire population. More precise location of those loci using progeny testing confirmed that sov1 on chromosome 10 controlled obovoid and elongated shape, whereas sov2 on chromosome 11 controlled mainly elongated fruit shape. Both loci were located in intervals of <2.4 Mb on their respective chromosomes.  相似文献   
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