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The measurement of the ATP content of fresh semen is as accurate as the estimation of sperm motility by conventional methods in discriminating between semen of fertile versus subfertile men. The ATP content of frozen thawed donor semen is correlated with the probability of conception per cycle of insemination. Exact quantification of cytotoxic sperm antibodies in serum is possible with the adenosine-triphosphate-release-cytotoxicity test, since measurement is free of the bias of microscopic examination. The procedure has been simplified by testing only one serum dilution and calculating the ‘sperm toxicity index’.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to analyse the ultrastructure of storage crypts and stored spermatozoa, and to describe changes during the annual reproductive cycle of the bluemouth Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus , which has internal fertilization and a zygoparous mode of reproduction. Spermatozoa had elongated heads and long midpieces, two characteristics which are thought to be fairly advanced and correlated with internal fertilization, as is the case of the bluemouth. A remarkable spermatozoon feature was the retention of a significant quantity of cytoplasm around the head, a condition that appeared to be related to nourishment during the long storage period, up to 10 months in the intraovarian crystal structures of the female. Male sex cells' protection against the female immune system was ensured by junctional complexes between the crypt cells composed of tight junctions and desmosomes.  相似文献   
A purified head fraction was prepared from bovine epididymal spermatozoa and was utilized to identify the solubility characteristics and major polypeptide components of the postacrosomal sheath. Sperm heads extracted in nonionic-detergent-containing or high-salt-containing solutions retained an intact postacrosomal sheath, but it was readily solubilized by high pH extraction solutions. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a major polypeptide of 58,000 daltons (58-kD) in the high pH extract solution. Antibodies to the 58-kD polypeptide specifically reacted with the postacrosomal segment by immunofluorescence and by electron microscopic immunohistochemistry were shown to bind the postacrosomal sheath. We conclude that this 58-kD polypeptide is a constituent of the postacrosomal sheath and that its distribution is restricted to the postacrosomal segment.  相似文献   
Secretions from the mammalian epididymis contain proteins that bind to developing sperm and are presumed to play a role in sperm maturation. The biochemical functions in sperm of most of these proteins are not known. In this report we describe the presence of a low molecular weight compound in bovine caudal epididymal luminal fluid (CF) that has a potent stimulatory effect on calcium (45Ca2+) uptake in immature caput epididymal spermatozoa. The studies were initially undertaken to characterize the effect of the protein caltrin, present in bovine seminal plasma (BSP), on calcium uptake into caput spermatozoa. Caltrin is known to block calcium influx into mature bovine sperm. Unexpectedly, the kinetics of calcium uptake into caput sperm showed a biphasic response when treated with BSP, namely, a stimulation of uptake at 1 to 5 min and inhibition of uptake after this time. Since caudal sperm do not show this biphasic response, we reasoned that BSP contained a factor derived from CF that must interact with developing sperm before the binding of caltrin to sperm can prevent further calcium uptake. We first demonstrated that preincubation of caput sperm with CF eliminated the biphasic calcium uptake effect induced in caput sperm by BSP and that caudal fluid alone had a potent stimulatory effect on calcium uptake in caput sperm. Half-maximal stimulation (fivefold over control) occurred at a caudal fluid protein concentration of 0.27 mg/ml. Partial purification of the factor indicates that it is of low molecular weight (MW ~ 1,000), but further chemical characterization has not been carried out and its epididymal site of origin is not known. The results indicate that the regulation of intracellular calcium levels in sperm differs in immature and mature bovine sperm in that an epididymal factor promotes calcium uptake during epididymal maturation, and the seminal fluid protein caltrin prevents it at ejaculation.  相似文献   
Our objective was to examine the developmental fate of sperm nuclei in oocytes fertilized under conditions of meiotic arrest. Therefore zona-free metaphase II oocytes and oocyte fragments (nucleate and anucleate) were fertilized in the presence of colcemid. In anucleate oocyte fragments, normal male pronuclei develop. In contrast, in intact oocytes and nucleate fragments sperm nuclei after initial decondensation undergo secondary condensation. This state is maintained as long as the oocytes are treated with colcemid. When the drug is removed 3 h after insemination, the meiotic spindle(s) is reconstructed, the second polar body(ies) is extruded, and a female pronucleus (or micronuclei) forms. At the same time the sperm nucleus decondenses again and transforms into a male pronucleus. In addition oocytes fertilized in the presence of colcemid could not be refertilized. These observations suggest that oocytes and oocyte fragments fertilized in the presence of colcemid undergo activation despite the failure of pronucleus formation. The inhibitory effect of colcemid on the formation of pronuclei is expressed only in the presence of oocyte chromosomes. We suggest that colcemid stabilizes factors responsible for chromosome condensation that are associated with oocyte chromosomes but not factors (whether the same or different) present in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Rapid cell detachment concomitant with the flat-to-round (FTR) change that is mediated by an upshifted Na+/H+ antiporter via HCO3(-)-dependent H+ pumping, is significantly enhanced by the addition of Na2SO4 (FTR + SO4): (1) a faster and greater reduction in cell surface area and perimeter, and (2) a higher level of macromolecular internalization which is also amiloride sensitive. At a fixed 1 mg/ml extracellular FITC-dextran (FDx) concentration, the intracellular FDx load is similar irrespective of the particle size, in the range from 4400 to 2 million mol.wt which is a 455-fold diversity. This is inconsistent with entry via limited sized portals which would discriminate against the larger molecular weight species, such as the 2 million mol.wt species that measures up to 5 microns in width. Two million mol.wt FDx loads linearly in direct proportion to the extracellular FDx concentration, simulating simple diffusion. Large-channel endocytosis is considered to be a characteristic of specialized cell types such as phagocytes and macrophages. However, the antiporter mediated endocytosis (AME) shown here is demonstrated in two different cell types which are not known for their endocytic prowess, viz. epitheloid human Chang liver cells (ATCC CCL 13) and human lung fibroblasts (ATCC CCL 202). The rounded cells with internalized FDx start reverting back to their flat and protracted form upon flooding with warm growth medium, a round-to-flat (RTF) change. However the cell surface reversion is not associated with efflux of FDx which are sorted out into 'granular patches', the later stage endosomes without membrane outlines in AME. FDx-loaded cells grow as well as trypsinized cells without FDx loaing and they maintain a significant FDx load even after nearly 4 cell divisions. Toad sperms internalized into Chang cells via antiporter activation are also sorted into granular patches. AME provides (a) distinctive access to large particles, simulating small ion influx, and (b) an alternate membrane recycling capability where granular patches are instrumental in sorting. It appears to be not a simple endocytosis-exocytosis pathway.  相似文献   
Ejaculated, bovine sperm have been subjected to multiple partition in aqueous two-phase systems. This partition, carried out in a countercurrent fashion, reveals heterogeneity of the sperm population with respect to surface properties. The sperm, when partitioned in phase systems that detect non-change associated surface properties (change-insensitive) are largely distributed as two distinct populations. In charge-sensitive phase systems (which principally detect cell surface molecules carrying charge) the sperm do not show any obvious surface heterogeneity. Considerable heterogeneity is revealed in affinity-ligand phase systems containing palmitic acid coupled to one of the phase components-poly(ethylene glycol). There is a difference in surface heterogeneity between sperm which have been washed in buffer or left unwashed, direct from the ejaculate. This is indicative of weak adsorption of proteins to the sperm surface in seminal fluid. These results show that bovine ejaculated sperm is a heterogeneous cell population having unequal distributions of a number of different surface molecules.  相似文献   
Ejaculate size varies with socio-sexual situation in an insect   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
  • 1 Males operate within a finite energy budget and cannot produce limitless supplies of sperm. On the other hand, when a female mates with a second male while still containing fertile sperm from a rival male, selection should favour the male that inseminates more sperm. Optimal strategy should thus be for males to exercise discretion in the allocation of sperm to individual females. Assuming the outcome of sperm competition to be based on either the raffle or kamikaze principles, the sperm competition hypothesis predicts a positive association between the probability that the sperm will find themselves in competition with sperm from rival males and the number of sperm inseminated.
  • 2 The beetle, Tenebrio molitor L., behaves in accordance with this hypothesis. Males accompanied by a rival male before and during mating inseminate more sperm per ejaculate than unaccompanied males. Accompanied males are also faster to initiate mating and more likely to show post-copulatory guarding. Adjustment of number of sperm inseminated was shown by males subjected to both long-term (5 days) and short-term (5 min) exposure to potential intrasexual competitors. Individual males exposed to both levels also demonstrated the ability to adjust their ejaculate according to socio-sexual situation.
  • 3 We conclude that male T.molitor adjust the number of sperm they inseminate according to some perception of the risk of sperm competition.
Sperm-oocyte membrane fusion has been observed during monospermic fertilization of a human oocyte in vitro. Women were stimulated with both clomiphene citrate and human menopausal gonadotropin and were given human chorionic gonadotropin before a LH-surge. Twelve oocytes, collected at laparoscopy from six women who became pregnant by IVF, were allowed to mature for 7–14 hours in vitro and inseminated with preincubated sperm, fixed between 1–3 hours after insemination, and examined by transmission electron microscopy. Membrane fusion had occurred in one ovum 2 hours after insemination, and the oocyte had resumed maturation and was at anaphase II of meiosis. Cortical granules had been exocytosed, and some of their contents were visible at the surface close to the oolemma all around the oocyte. The sperm that fused with this oocyte was acrosome-reacted and had been partly incorporated into the ooplasm, while the anterior two-thirds of its head was phagocytosed by a tongue of cortical ooplasm. Membrane fusion had occurred between the oolemma and the plasma membrane overlying the postacrosomal segment of the sperm head, posterior to the equatorial vestige. Sperm chromatin had not decondensed, and serial sections revealed a midpiece attached to the basal plate and a tail located deeper in the ooplasm, all devoid of plasma membrane. Supplementary sperm penetrating the inner zona, approaching the perivitelline space, had undergone the acrosome reaction but had a persistent vestige of the equatorial segment of the acrosome with intact plasma membrane. Evidence of sperm chromatin decondensation was seen in other oocytes, 3 hours after insemination, which were at telophase II of meiosis. Eight oocytes penetrated by sperm were monospermic, while four were unfertilized. The general pattern of sperm fusion and incorporation appears to conform to that seen in most other mammals. The study also reveals that sperm have to complete the acrosome reaction before fusing with the egg.  相似文献   
The effects of Ca2+ channel antagonists on the motility and acrosome reaction of guinea pig spermatozoa were examined by incubating the spermatozoa continuously in Ca2+-containing capacitating media with 10?6 M to 10?4 M antagonist. Antagonists tested were four voltage-gated Ca2+ channel antagonists (verapamil, nifedipine, nimodipine, and FR–34235) and two ligand-gated channel antagonists (NaNO2 and Na-nitroprusside). None of these antagonists could block the acrosome reaction. Instead, three antagonists (verapamil, nimodipine, and FR-34235, each at 10?4 M) accelerated the onset of the acrosome reaction with a subsequent decrease in sperm motility. Nifedipine and Na-nitroprusside at the same concentration caused a complete loss of sperm motility by 4 hr of incubation with no substantial effect on the rate of acrosome reaction. The detrimental effect of antagonists on the motility of spermatozoa appears to be due to a direct, Ca2+-independent, membrane-perturbing action of the reagents. The acrosome reaction was not inhibited when guinea pig spermatozoa were precapacitated in Ca2+-free medium (with a low concentration of lysolecithin) in the continuous presence of antagonists. An acceleration of the onset of the acrosome reaction by verapamil (10?4 M) was also demonstrated in the golden hamster. These results may be interpreted as indicating that the entry of extracellular Ca2+ into spermatozoa, which triggers the acrosome reaction of guinea pig and hamster spermatozoa, is not mediated by Ca2+ channels. This is in marked contrast with the case reported in invertebrate spermatozoa. Possible mechanisms by which some of the antagonists stimulate the acrosome reaction and affect the motility of mammalian spermatozoa are discussed.  相似文献   
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