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We examined variation in species composition in a low-diversity, anthropogenic grassland in response to 11 years of nitrogen (N) manipulation and disturbance. The species-poor grassland (2–3 species/0.5 m2) represents a wide spread vegetation type (>10 million ha in North America) dominated by the introduced perennial grasses Bromus inermis and Agropyron cristatum. Four levels of N and three of soil disturbance were applied in all combinations to plots (5 × 15 m, N = 120) in a completely randomized design each year. Seeds or transplants of 47 species were added to ensure that dispersal was not a barrier to changes in species composition. After 11 years of treatment, all but the most disturbed plots continued to be dominated by B. inermis. The cover of the second-most abundant species, A. cristatum, decreased with disturbance but did not vary significantly with N. Despite the lack of changes in the identity of the dominant species, our environmental manipulations strongly influenced ecosystem characteristics. Added N increased soil available N, and decreased the cover of bare ground and light availability. Soil disturbance decreased aboveground biomass, and increased the cover of bare ground and light availability. Sawdust application, designed to decrease N availability, significantly reduced community biomass, and increased light availability and the cover of bare ground, but did not alter nutrient availability or species composition. The results highlight the difficulty of restoring diversity in species-poor, anthropogenic communities dominated by introduced species, and thus the importance of conserving remnants of diverse natural grasslands.  相似文献   
The ecological effects of fire management, especially regarding arthropods are poorly investigated. Burning in winter was assumed to pose a threat to butterfly species hibernating as larvae. To assess the impact of prescribed burning on population viability, we analysed larval-habitat preferences of the highly endangered, xero-thermophilous butterfly Hipparchia fagi in vineyards of the Kaiserstuhl region (southern Germany). Microhabitat preference analyses for mature larvae and egg-laying females revealed a preference of H. fagi for Bromus erectus-dominated communities with sparse vegetation coverage and a distinct tuft growth of the host plant B. erectus on microclimatically benefited slopes. We explain the preference of B. erectus by a preference of vegetation structure. The grass tufts offer a suitable climatically buffered living space for larvae. Egg deposition took place on dry substrate at positions of high solar radiation, thus adapted to hot and dry microclimate. As the larval habitat was sparsely vegetated as well as generally legally protected, fire management was not applicable and therefore not affecting the populations. We think it is conceivable that H. fagi, occurring here at its northern range limit, might expand its larval habitat into denser, combustible B. erectus stands in the course of global warming. A change in habitat preferences would necessitate a re-evaluation of management options.  相似文献   
Predation of annual grass weed seeds in arable field margins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seeds of three species of annual grass weeds (Alopecurus myosuroides, Avena fatua and Bromus sterilis) were placed in field margins around arable fields in a randomised block split-plot design experiment. The field margin vegetation was either sown or naturally regenerated and either cut or uncut. The seeds were either placed in cages designed to exclude small mammals and birds or were uncaged. The proportion of seeds removed was monitored on 10 occasions and mean seed loss was analysed. In general, a greater proportion of weed seeds was removed from uncaged trays in uncut swards, suggesting predation by small mammals, which inhabit tall grass. This effect was mainly due to removal of seeds of the two large-seeded species (A. fatua and B. sterilis), with A. fatua being especially favoured. It is therefore likely that small mammals play a role in the population dynamics of major crop weeds by feeding on their seeds in field margins, especially when these are dense and uncut.  相似文献   
Most ecologists believe that climate change poses a significant threat to the persistence of native species. However, in some areas climate change may reduce or eliminate non-native invasive species, creating opportunities for restoration. If invasive species are no longer suited to novel climate conditions, the native communities that they replaced may not be viable either. If neither invasive nor native species are climatically viable, a type of "transformative" restoration will be required, involving the translocation of novel species that can survive and reproduce under new climate conditions. Here, we illustrate one approach for restoration planning by using bioclimatic envelope modeling to identify restoration opportunities in the western United States, where the invasive plant cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ) is no longer climatically viable under 2100 conditions projected by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL2.1) coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. We then select one example of a restoration target area and identify novel plant species that could become viable at the site in the wake of climate change. We do so by identifying the closest sites that currently have climate conditions similar to those projected at the restoration target area in 2100. This approach is a first step toward identifying appropriate species for transformative restoration.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Growth of grass species in temperate-humid regions is restricted by low temperatures. This study analyses the origin (intrinsic or size-mediated) and mechanisms (activity of individual meristems vs. number of active meristems) of differences between Bromus stamineus and Lolium perenne in the response of leaf elongation to moderately low temperatures. METHODS: Field experiments were conducted at Balcarce, Argentina over 2 years (2003 and 2004) using four cultivars, two of B. stamineus and two of L. perenne. Leaf elongation rate (LER) per tiller and of each growing leaf, number of growing leaves and total leaf length per tiller were measured on 15-20 tillers per cultivar, for 12 (2003) or 10 weeks (2004) during autumn and winter. KEY RESULTS: LER was faster in B. stamineus than in L. perenne. In part, this was related to size-mediated effects, as total leaf length per tiller correlated with LER and B. stamineus tillers were 71% larger than L. perenne tillers. However, accounting for size effects revealed intrinsic differences between species in their temperature response. These were based on the number of leaf meristems simultaneously active and not on the (maximum) rate at which individual leaves elongated. Species differences were greater at higher temperatures, being barely notable below 5 degrees C (air temperature). CONCLUSIONS: Bromus stamineus can sustain a higher LER per tiller than L. perenne at air temperatures > 6 degrees C. In the field, this effect would be compounded with time as higher elongation rates lead to greater tiller sizes.  相似文献   
The seed pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda has demonstrated potential as a mycoherbicidal biocontrol for eliminating persistent seed banks of annual bromes on western North American rangelands. This pathogen exhibits variation in virulence that is related to mycelial growth rate, but direct laboratory tests of virulence on seeds often have low repeatability. We developed a rapid and sensitive high pressure liquid chromatography method for quantification of the phytotoxin cytochalasin B in complex mixtures in order to evaluate its use in virulence screening. All 10 strains tested produced large quantities of this metabolite in solid wheat seed culture, with production varying over a fourfold range (535–2256 mg kg?1). No cytochalasin B was produced in liquid potato dextrose broth culture, showing that its synthesis is strongly dependent on cultural conditions. In a Bromus tectorum coleoptile bioassay, solid culture extracts showed mild toxicity similar to the cytochalasin B standard at a concentration equivalent to 10?4 M cytochalasin B (72–95% of control), whereas at 10?3 M equivalent, the extracts exhibited significantly higher toxicity (8–18% of control) than the cytochalasin B standard (34% of control). This suggests the possible presence of other phytotoxic metabolites. Cytochalasin B production in solid wheat seed culture exhibited the predicted significant negative correlation with mycelial growth rate on potato dextrose agar, but the correlation was not very strong, possibly because cytochalasin B production and growth rate were measured under different cultural conditions.  相似文献   
A field study was conducted to determine the effects of neighbour root exclusion and gap size on the seedling emergence and early growth of Bromus inermis. Seeds of B. inermis were added to artificially created gaps in an improved shortgrass steppe in northern China. Neighbour root exclusion was accomplished using PVC tubes sunk in the soil of gaps. Emergence and survival of seedlings were greater in all gaps than in the control (0-cm diameter), but better growth performance (height of seedling, leaves, tillers and dry weight per seedling) was observed only in large gaps (20- and 40-cm diameter) with neighbour root present and gaps without neighbour root presence. Seedling growth performance was improved by reducing root and shoot competition. Neighbour root exclusion provided a favourable environment for seedling establishment. Differences between gaps in light levels and topsoil temperature can explain the patterns of germination. These results confirm that B. inermis is a gap-enhanced species. Our study strongly suggests that asymmetric competition by adult neighbour plants negatively influences the establishment of B. inermis.  相似文献   
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