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Within the oak woodlands of California there is often a distinct shift in the botanical composition between the open grassland and the herbaceous understory beneath oak canopy. Botanical sampling at two woodland sites indicated that the annual grass Bromus diandrus was dominant under deciduous blue oak canopy, while a congener, Bromus hordeaceus, was dominant in open grassland. We examined the relative importance of congeneric competition and edaphic factors in creating these differences in species distribution in two separate field experiments that manipulated both congeneric and intraspecific competition, as well as soil type. We used the demographic measure of relative reproductive rate as an index of population growth. In general, demographic performance correctly predicted the distribution of the two annual grasses in the field. Our results indicate that reduced abundance of B. hordeaceus under canopy reflects the negative effects of competition with B. diandrus. In contrast, B. diandrus is little affected by competition from B. hordeaceus. The reduced abundance of B. diandrus in open grassland may result, in part, from its inability to adapt as well as B. hordeaceus to lower nutrient availability in soils of the open grassland.  相似文献   
Herbaceous species possess several mechanisms to compensate for tissue loss. For clonal herbaceous species, clonal integration may be an additional mechanism. This may especially hold true when tissue loss is very high, because other compensatory mechanisms may be insufficient. On inland dunes in northern China, we subjected Bromus ircutensis and Psammochloa villosa ramets within 0.5 m×0.5 m plots to three clipping treatments, i.e., no clipping, moderate (50% shoot removal) and heavy clipping (90% shoot removal), and kept rhizomes at the plot edges connected or disconnected. Moderate clipping did not reduce ramet, leaf or biomass density of either species. Under moderate clipping, rhizome connection significantly improved the performance of Psammochloa, but not that of Bromus. Heavy clipping reduced ramet, leaf and biomass density in the disconnected plots of both species, but such negative effects were negated or greatly ameliorated when the rhizomes were connected. Therefore, clonal integration contributed greatly to the compensatory growth of both species. The results suggest that clonal integration is an additional compensatory mechanism for clonal plants and may be important for their long-term persistence in the heavily grazed regions in northern China.  相似文献   
Numerous studies show that an increase in the availability of limiting resources can increase invasion by non-native plants into natural communities. One possible explanation is that the ability of natives to compete with non-natives tends to decrease when resource availability is increased. We tested this hypothesis in a competition experiment using two closely matched plant species and two environmental factors related to limiting resources in a coastal grassland system on Bodega Head in northern California. We grew the native grass Bromus carinatus and the non-native grass B. diandrus together and apart at different levels of soil nitrogen crossed with different levels of soil salinity. Both species are abundant in the grassland and previous work suggested that the abundance of B. carinatus is lower and the abundance of B. diandrus is higher on soil that has been enriched with nitrogen. Salinity has been shown to be negatively associated with invasion by B. diandrus into another California grassland, and to vary significantly over short distances in the grassland at Bodega Head, where it could affect water availability, which strongly limits plant growth during the dry season. Contrary to our prediction that low resource availabilities would increase the relative competitive ability of the native, the ability of B. carinatus to compete with B. diandrus was not greater when nitrogen availability was lower or when soil salinity was higher. Instead, high salinity increased the relative competitive ability of the non-native, and low nitrogen had little effect on competition. This suggests that preventing resource enrichment will not suffice to control invasion by non-native plant species in this grassland.  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: The mechanisms for range expansion in invasive species depend on how genetic variation is structured in the introduced range. This study examined neutral genetic variation in the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum in the Intermountain Western United States. Patterns of microsatellite (SSR) genotype distribution in this highly inbreeding species were used to make inferences about the roles of adaptively significant genetic variation, broadly adapted generalist genotypes, and facultative outcrossing in the recent range expansion of B. tectorum in this region. ? Methods: We sampled 20 individuals from each of 96 B. tectorum populations from historically and recently invaded habitats throughout the region and used four polymorphic SSR markers to characterize each individual. ? Key results: We detected 131 four-locus SSR genotypes; however, the 14 most common genotypes collectively accounted for 79.2% of the individuals. Common SSR genotypes were not randomly distributed among habitats. Instead, characteristic genotypes sorted into specific recently invaded habitats, including xeric warm and salt desert as well as mesic high-elevation habitats. Other SSR genotypes were common across a range of historically invaded habitats. We observed very few heterozygous individuals (0.58%). ? Conclusions: Broadly adapted, generalist genotypes appear to dominate historically invaded environments, while recently invaded salt and warm desert habitats are dominated by distinctive SSR genotypes that contain novel alleles. These specialist genotypes are not likely to have resulted from recombination; they probably represent more recent introductions from unknown source populations. We found little evidence that outcrossing plays a role in range expansion.  相似文献   
Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) is a flourishing invasive weed in the western United States. The objective of our study is to characterize its genetic diversity. We made a B. tectorum genomic library in lambda phage and screened approximately 4000 clones for poly CA and poly CT dinucleotide repeats. Of 38 sequences with dinucleotide repeats isolated from the library, we designed primer sets for 18 loci. A preliminary screen of 40 individuals from four populations indicated that seven loci were polymorphic. These loci will be valuable for elucidation of cheatgrass genetic diversity and population structure.  相似文献   


Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is notorious for creating positive feedbacks that facilitate vegetation type conversion within sagebrush steppe ecosystems in the western United States. Similar dynamics may exist in adjacent lower montane forest. However, fire‐forest‐cheatgrass dynamics have not been examined. We used species distribution modeling to answer three questions about fire and invasibility in lower montane forests: (Q1) Does fire create more suitable habitat for cheatgrass? (Q2) If so, which site attributes are altered to increase site suitability? (Q3) Does fire increase connectivity among suitable habitat and enhance spread?


Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, USA.


We measured cheatgrass presence–absence in 93 plots within Interior Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) forests. Random Forests predicted cheatgrass distribution with and without fire using nine site attributes: elevation, slope, aspect, solar radiation, annual precipitation, maximum temperature in July, minimum temperature in January, forest canopy cover and distance to nearest trail or road. Additionally, invasion pathways and spread were mapped using Circuitscape.


Cheatgrass distribution was controlled by topographic and climate variables in the absence of fire. In particular, cheatgrass was most likely to occur at low elevation along dry, south‐ and east‐facing slopes. High‐severity fire increased potential cheatgrass distribution when forest canopy cover was reduced to below 30%. This process created new invasion pathways, which enhanced cheatgrass spread when modelled in Circuitscape.

Main conclusions

Our study showed that in the absence of fire, drier south‐ and east‐facing slopes at low elevation are most susceptible to cheatgrass invasion. However, high‐severity fire increased the total area susceptible to invasion—allowing cheatgrass to expand into previously unsuitable sites within lower montane forests in the western United States. These results are important for present day management and reflect that integrating responses to disturbance in species distribution models can be critical for making predictions about dynamically changing systems.
The effects of elevated CO2 on plant biomass and community structure have been studied for four seasons in a calcareous grassland in northwest Switzerland. This highly diverse, semi-natural plant community is dominated by the perennial grass Bromus erectus and is mown twice a year to maintain species composition. Plots of 1.3 m2 were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 concentrations (n = 8) using a novel CO2 exposure technique, screen-aided CO2 control (SACC) starting in March 1994. In the 1st year of treatment, the annual harvested biomass (sum of aboveground biomass from mowings in June and October) was not significantly affected by elevated CO2. However, biomass increased significantly at elevated CO2 in the 2nd (+20%, P = 0.05), 3rd (+21%, P = 0.02) and 4th years (+29%, P = 0.02). There were no detectable differences in root biomass in the top 8 cm of soil between CO2 treatments on eight out of nine sampling dates. There were significant differences in CO2 responsiveness between functional groups (legumes, non-leguminous forbs, graminoids) in the 2nd (P = 0.07) and 3rd (P < 0.001) years of the study. The order of CO2 responsiveness among functional groups changed substantially from the 2nd to the 3rd year; for example, non-leguminous forbs had the smallest relative response in the 2nd year and the largest in the 3rd year. By the 3rd year of CO2 exposure, large species-specific differences in CO2 response had developed. For five important species or genera the order of responsiveness was Lotus corniculatus (+271%), Carex flacca (+249%), Bromus erectus (+33%), Sanguisorba minor (no significant CO2 effect), and six Trifolium species (a negative response that was not significant). The positive CO2 responses in Bromus and Carex were most closely related to increases in tiller number. Species richness was not affected by CO2 treatment, but species evenness increased under elevated CO2 (modified Hill ratio; P = 0.03) in June of the 3rd year, resulting in a marginally significant increase in species diversity (Simpson's index; P = 0.09). This and other experiments with calcareous grassland plants show that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations can substantially alter the structure of calcareous grassland communities and may increase plant community biomass. Received: 12 July 1997 / Accepted: 14 September 1998  相似文献   
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