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In the Netherlands and adjacent countries on old (non-holocene) soils the relation was studied between high forest dominated by Fagus sylvatica, and coppice derived from it, with Quercus spp. and Betula spp. or Carpinus betulus. From place-names a shift Fagus > Quercus > Betula is found, caused by cutting and coppicing. An analysis of relevés of the vegetation yielded more detailed information.The occurrence and rejuvenation of Fagus and other climax tree species decrease, while most other trees and shrubs show an increase. The mean total number of species in 1396 relevés increases from 22.0 to 24.4. Decreasing species include widely distributed species as well as character species. Increasing species include shrubs, woodedge species of heathland or limestone grassland, and nitrophilous species.The light-indication according to Ellenberg increases considerably, most of all in the types on poor soils. Moisture seems hardly involved, but pH-indication is divergent: decreasing in acid types, increasing in alkaline types. For the latter erosion is held responsible. N-indication follows the same trend. All ecological shifts remain within the framework of each association concerned.The Sørensen index for floristic composition shows a mean of 68% correlation, of the same order as variants within one association. The ecological correlation is even higher. So coppice can be considered as management variants, not deserving an association status, as often was given in the past.  相似文献   
Phosphorus availability in soils is controlled by both the sizes of P pools and the transformation rates among these pools. Rates of gross P mineralization and immobilization are poorly known due to the limitations of available analytical techniques. We developed a new method to estimate P transformation rates in three forest soils and one grassland soil representing an Alfisol, an Ultisol, and Andisol, and a Mollisol. Three treatments were applied to each soil in order to separate the processes of mineral P solubilization, organic P mineralization, and solution P immobilization. One set of soils was retained as control, a second set was irradiated with -rays to stop microbial immobilization, and a third was irradiated and then autoclaved, also stop phosphatase activity. All three sets of samples were then incubated with anion exchange resin bags under aerobic conditions. Differences in resin P among the three treatments were used to estimate gross P mineralization and immobilization rates. Autoclaving did not affect resin-extractable P in any of the soils. Radiation did not alter resin-extractable P in the forest soils but increased resin-extractable P in the grassland soil. This increase was corrected in the calculation of potential P transformation rates. Effects of radiation on phosphatase activity varied with soils but was within 30% of the original values. Rates of P gross mineralization and immobilization ranged from 0.6–3.8 and 0–4.3 mg kg-soil-1 d-1, respectively, for the four soils. The net rates of solubilization of mineral P in the grassland soil were 7–10 times higher than the rates in forest soils. Mineralization of organic P contributed from 20–60% of total available P in the acid forest soils compared with 6% in the grassland soil, suggesting that the P mineralization processes are more important in controlling P availability in these forest ecosystems. This new method does not require an assumption of equilibrium among P pools, and is safer and simpler in operation than isotopic techniques.  相似文献   
海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林木质藤本垂直结构特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
赵科  陶建平  郝建辉  乌玉娜 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3173-3181
木质藤本植物是热带森林结构和功能的重要组分,但对于其垂直分布的研究较少。通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林坡地8条样带内胸径≥0.5cm的攀援木质藤本进行调查,比较分析了其多度、物种丰富度、径级结构、攀援方式组成、物种组成的垂直结构特征。结果表明:(1)随着高度级增加,木质藤本多度和物种丰富度都呈现出一种先增加后降低的单峰型曲线变化规律。(2)随着高度级增加,木质藤本个体趋于分布在更大径级。在森林底层(05m)和林冠层(≥15m)分别以0.51cm和≥2cm径级的木质藤本占优。(3)不同高度级间,不同攀援方式木质藤本个体比例存在显著差异。主茎缠绕类木质藤本在各高度级都占优势,卷须类木质藤本个体比例随高度增加显著降低,根攀类木质藤本呈现相反趋势。(4)随着高度级增加,木质藤本物种优势度明显发生变化。总体来看,木质藤本呈现出一种复杂、有序的垂直结构,这可能决定其对森林动态的影响。  相似文献   
热带森林碳汇或碳源之争   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
祁承经  曹福祥  曹受金 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6613-6623
热带森林生产和储存有世界40%的生物量碳,这一碳汇的存在对于全球碳循环和人类的生态安全是极其重要的。由于气候变化热带森林碳储存量已经发生了一系列的变化。一种观点认为自20世纪80年代后期起热带森林的基面积(生物量)、茎个体密度、茎个体周转率均呈现显著增长,并归结为热带森林结构和动态协调一致的变化,同时将生物量的增加归功于高浓度CO2施肥。进而推断热带森林现今和今后数十年,它仍然是一个中等的碳汇。另一种观点认为热带森林生物量并无增加,其森林碳汇已沦落为碳源。在实验室中设置高浓度CO2条件栽培热带植物进行观测的多数结果是,无结构碳水化合物增加,而生物量并无增加。同时,随着CO2浓度升高,高温和干旱对热带森林将产生一系列更严重的负面影响,如森林生长量下降、死亡率以及森林火险增加;厄尔尼诺事件将会更加剧旱情和火灾,致使树木出现枯梢和死亡高峰。未来人类开发森林及林地利用改变将日益加剧,在自然和人为的综合影响下,不论是对热带森林生物量增加持肯定立场的生态学家,或对此持反对立场的生态学家,双方都一致认为未来退化的热带森林系统碳汇必然转变为碳源,甚至是一大规模的碳源。  相似文献   
水土保持林土壤改良效益评价研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
沈慧  姜凤岐  杜晓军 《生态学报》2000,20(5):753-758
森林效益评价是目前林业研究的热点,也是难点问题,通过评价水土保持林土壤改良效益,对效益评价的方法和思路进行了探索。指出水土保持林土壤改良效益指标体系的总目标层为效益评价综合指数,准则层包括土壤肥力、抗蚀性能和抗冲性能3个方面,指标层由水稳性团聚体含量、有机质含量、土壤酶活性、pH值、平均重量直径、团聚度、分散率、土壤硬度和渗透系数构成。在计算效益评价综合指数时,首先要对各项指标的实测数据进行处理,  相似文献   
磨盘山天然次生林凋落物数量及动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以磨盘山5.76hm2天然次生林群落固定监测样地为平台,均匀布设144个凋落物收集器,于2006年每月末(4—11月)连续收集其凋落物,用以分析群落尺度上的凋落物产量、组成及时空变化。结果表明,天然次生林年凋落量为3039.6 kg/hm2,以凋落叶(2499.2 kg/hm2)所占的比例最大,占年凋落量的82.22%,而凋落枝仅占年凋落量的9.92%,花果皮等所占比例更小,占总量的5%以下。1a内,凋落物收集器内共收集到42种树木的凋落叶,占样地内树种总数(46种)的91.30%,其中花曲柳(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)、核桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)和蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)3个树种的凋落叶占落叶总量的82.97%,为叶凋落量的主要来源。不同收集器之间凋落量存在较大差异,99个收集器的年凋落量在200—400 g,2个收集器超过600 g;单个收集器全年最多可收集到19种树种的凋落叶,收集到凋落叶种数12种的收集器最多(29个)。凋落量月动态呈单峰型,69.78%的凋落量产生于9—10月份,叶凋落量月动态与凋落总量变化相同。落叶以秋季为主,但树种间叶凋落节律存在差异,其中核桃楸叶的凋落高峰集中在8—9月,花曲柳和春榆(Ulmus japonica)集中在9—10月,色木槭(Acer mono)为10月,蒙古栎叶为10—11月。  相似文献   
森林是重要的陆地生态系统类型,它通过特有的养分循环机制维持其结构和功能.其中氮素对林木生长和发育十分重要,而且常是森林生产力的限制因素.另一方面,森林氮动态又常受到人类活动干扰的影响.根据国内外研究结果综述了采伐和火烧对森林氮动态的影响.结果表明采伐后环境因素的变化将影响森林N动态,其中最为关注的是采伐后一系列因素引起的N损失,如:N淋溶增加、伴随生物量的N迁移以及因径流或侵蚀增加造成的枯枝落叶层和土壤层N流失.这些N损失又将影响更新林分的生长和生产力.此外,采伐后N吸收速率一般下降,但随着植被快速生长N吸收速率将不断增加.采伐后氨化和硝化过程增强,但因短期内同化作用较弱,生态系统中大部分N将发生损失.火烧对森林N动态的短期影响主要包括:第一,火烧时N直接挥发损失;第二,火烧后N有效性增加,这主要由灰分沉积、根和微生物死亡及有机质N矿化增强等综合造成.随着时间延长,N有效性逐渐降低,这可能与火烧引起的有机质损失、植物N吸收增加、淋溶或侵蚀损失有关.然而,目前关于火烧造成的长期生态影响,如火烧后地上植被恢复与地下生物地球化学过程变化有何联系仍不太清楚.未来研究应着重于探讨氮素对森林采伐和火烧作出的短期响应将如何长期影响森林的结构和功能.此外,建议在实施营林方案时需考虑采伐和火烧对生态系统氮的影响.  相似文献   
中国天然林保护、生态恢复与可持续经营的理论与技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘世荣  马姜明  缪宁 《生态学报》2015,35(1):212-218
全面总结了近年来中国在天然林保护与生态恢复的理论与技术实践方面所取得的研究进展。高度凝练出了天然林动态干扰与保育技术、典型退化天然林的生态恢复技术和天然林景观恢复与空间经营技术等三方面的创新成果,形成了天然林保护与生态恢复的理论与技术创新体系,对今后天然林保护、生态恢复与可持续经营进行了展望。  相似文献   
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