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达赉湖自然保护区疣鼻天鹅繁殖行为初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年8~11月和2007年4~8月,在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区对疣鼻天鹅(Cygnus olor)的繁殖数量、繁殖行为及迁飞时间进行研究.结果显示,疣鼻天鹅通常4月初迁来,10月底迁离,居留期长达196 d左右(n=3).4月下旬开始求偶,时间一般为上午进行,没有固定求偶地点,每次求偶所需时间平均172 s(n=8).主要依靠炫耀行为来保卫和标记领域.2006与2007年的繁殖种群数量均为12只(6对),2006年育成幼鸟数分别为4、2、4、3、6、3只;2007年仅有3对繁殖成功,幼鸟数分别为4、4、5只.  相似文献   
Sea-urchin species differ in susceptibility to sperm limitation and polyspermy, but the influences of gamete traits on reproductive variance, sexual selection, and sexual conflict are unknown. I compared male and female reproductive success of two congeners at natural densities in the sea. The eggs of the species occurring at higher densities, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, require higher sperm concentrations for fertilization but are more resistant to polyspermy compared to S. franciscanus. Both species show high variance in male fertilization success at all densities and high variance in female success at low densities, but they differ in female variance at high densities, where only S. franciscanus shows high female variance. The intensity of sexual selection based on Bateman gradients is high in males of both species, variable in S. franciscanus females, and low in S. purpuratus females. Strongylocentrotus franciscanus females experience sexual selection at low densities and sexual conflict at high densities. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus may rarely experience sperm limitation and may have evolved to ameliorate sexual conflict. This reduces the variance in female fertilization, providing females with more control over fertilization. Sperm availability influences sexual selection directly by determining sperm-egg encounter probabilities and indirectly through selection on gamete traits that alter reproductive variances.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The pollination biology of very few Chloraeinae orchids has been studied to date, and most of these studies have focused on breeding systems and fruiting success. Chloraea membranacea Lindl. is one of the few non-Andean species in this group, and the aim of the present contribution is to elucidate the pollination biology, functional floral morphology and breeding system in native populations of this species from Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul State).


Floral features were examined using light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The breeding system was studied by means of controlled pollinations applied to plants, either bagged in the field or cultivated in a glasshouse. Pollination observations were made on natural populations, and pollinator behaviour was recorded by means of photography and video.

Key Results

Both Argentinean and Brazilian plants were very consistent regarding all studied features. Flowers are nectarless but scented and anatomical analysis indicates that the dark, clavate projections on the adaxial labellar surface are osmophores (scent-producing glands). The plants are self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. The fruit-set obtained through cross-pollination and manual self-pollination was almost identical. The main pollinators are male and female Halictidae bees that withdraw the pollinarium when leaving the flower. Remarkably, the bees tend to visit more than one flower per inflorescence, thus promoting self-pollination (geitonogamy). Fruiting success in Brazilian plants reached 60·78 % in 2010 and 46 % in 2011. Some pollinarium-laden female bees were observed transferring pollen from the carried pollinarium to their hind legs. The use of pollen by pollinators is a rare record for Orchidaceae in general.


Chloraea membrancea is pollinated by deceit. Together, self-compatibility, pollinarium texture, pollinator abundance and behaviour may account for the observed high fruiting success. It is suggested that a reappraisal and re-analysis of important flower features in Chloraeinae orchids is necessary.  相似文献   
Non-native freshwater fishes may become one of the dominant species in still and slow running waters and may impact whole ecosystem. One such species is the pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, which has become widely distributed throughout Western Europe occurring primarily lakes and reservoirs. Although the species is known to have existed at least for four decades and expanded its distribution range in Turkish waters widely, virtually there is no study on the factors behind the species' establishment success. We hypothesized high environmental tolerance as well as high population structuring result in more successful establishment of pumpkinseed in new environments. We sampled three reservoirs, one canal and one stream located longitudinally along western part of Turkey to test this hypothesis. Optima (uk) and tolerance (tk) levels of the species were calculated with weighted averaging values for several measured environmental factors. Invasiveness of pumpkinseed populations was determined with the model proposed earlier examining the relationship between juvenile growth and age at maturity. The phylogenetic network of mitochondrial haplotypes was constructed for Turkish populations and other populations of pumpkinseed from native (North America) and introduced range (Europe). Potential invasiveness of pumpkinseed populations in Turkey was categorized as invasive in one location (Sarıçay stream) and transitional in other locations. Environmental tolerance values were higher in southern populations. Likewise phylogenetic network showed that the Turkish populations have unique haplotypes, which were originated from native North American populations suggesting a high differentiation in haplotypes. Results clearly demonstrate the effect of environmental factors on genetic structure and the establishment success of pumpkinseed.  相似文献   
Breeding bird communities in burnt and unburnt residual pinewoods were studied over 3 years by line-transect method, following a catastrophic fire event in Castelfusano (Rome, Central Italy; July 2000). We applied bootstrap procedures to evaluate whether the observed data were true or just produced by chance, and then examined the emerging patterns at three levels: community, guild and species levels. At the community level, fire acted on breeding bird communities by altering especially the total abundance patterns: the species abundance decreased in the burnt pinewood compared to the residual one, but other parameters were not significantly affected by fire. As a consequence of fire, the destruction and structural simplification of the canopy and shrubby component, as well as the increase of edge habitat and patchiness at landscape scale, induced a turnover in species between pinewoods. Species turnover was higher at the burnt than at the residual pinewoods, during all the 3 years of study. At the guild level, the forest species decreased strongly in terms of richness and abundance in the burnt pinewoods, contrary to the edge and open habitat species which increased in terms of richness, abundance and evenness. Edge species showed the highest turnover in burnt pinewood during the whole period of study. At species level, after an a priori subdivision (based on bibliographic search) of the various species in two ecological guilds (forest versus edge species), it was found that an a posteriori statistical analysis confirmed the expected trend, i.e. that the species which decreased significantly in burnt pinewood were essentially the forest species, whereas the species which increased were essentially the edge/open habitat ones. Overall, in order to investigate the effects of fire catastrophes on birds, the guild approach seems more exhaustive than the taxonomic community approach, where intrinsic confounding trends are present.  相似文献   
1. We performed demographic analyses on Cassin's auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus, a zooplanktivorous seabird inhabiting the variable California Current System, to understand how temporal environmental variability influences population dynamics. 2. We used capture-recapture data from 1986 to 2002 to rank models of interannual variation in survival, breeding propensity, breeding success, and recruitment. 3. All demographic parameters exhibited temporal variability. Interannual variation in survival was best modelled as a nonlinear function of the winter Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). Breeding propensity was best modelled as a threshold function of local sea surface temperature. Breeding success and recruitment were best modelled with year-dependent annual variation. 4. Changes in the SOI force El Ni?o/La Ni?a events, which in turn alter prey availability to seabirds in this system. Demographic responses varied during El Ni?os/La Ni?as. Survival diminished substantially during the 1997-98 El Ni?o event, while breeding propensity was affected during both the 1992 and 1998 El Ni?os. Breeding success was reduced during the 1992, 1993, and 1998 El Ni?os, but was unusually high in 2002. Recruitment was higher at the beginning and end of this time-series. 5. While demographic responses varied interannually, parameter values covaried in a positive fashion, a situation conducive to rapid population change. During the 11 years study period, the Farallon auklet breeding population declined at 6.05 +/- 0.80% (SE) per year, a cumulative decline of 49.7%. This study demonstrates how climate variability has influenced key demographic processes for this diminished marine bird population.  相似文献   
甘肃莲花山蓝马鸡孵卵节律的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2002~2003年5~6月,应用温度自动监测技术,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区对蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)的繁殖及孵卵节律进行了初步研究。蓝马鸡的巢址位于海拔2900—3020m的针阔混交林或灌木林中,蓝马鸡的窝卵数为9.5(n=4),孵卵期的主要天敌为哺乳类。根据对4个巢的监测,蓝马鸡雌鸟在孵卵期的平均日离巢次数在1.25~4.00次,平均日离巢时间在16.6~46.4min之间。雌鸟的平均在巢率为97.0%(n=3)。根据对4号巢雌鸟孵卵节律连续27d的观测,发现雌鸟在每日离巢2次或3次时,其首次离巢时间要显著早于每日仅离巢1次的时间。  相似文献   
Summary The effects of food on breeding success and behavior of the red-winged blackbird (Icteridae: Agelaius phoeniceus) were investigated during 3 successive breeding seasons. In the second season, a 4-week pulse of abundant food in the form of a periodical cicada emergence (Homoptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.) occurred in the forest adjacent to the marsh where the birds were breeding.During the cicada period, the bird population showed: 1) an increase in foraging trips to the forest and a decrease in trips per h, 2) increased biomass of nestlings, 3) increased nestling survival caused by decreased starvation, 4) increased fledging success, and 5) bimodal weight distributions of older nestlings (reflective of the sexual dimorphism in this species). These data suggest the temporary removal of food limitations on the breeding population when the pulse of food was available.  相似文献   
Males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, are strongly attracted to various plant odors, and previous work has demonstrated that male exposure to certain odors, including the scent of orange oil (OO) and ginger root oil (GRO), increases their mating success relative to non-exposed males. However, the mechanism(s) underlying this mating increase is not known. Here, we describe several experiments that further investigate the association between GRO- and OO-exposure and male signaling activity, pheromone attractiveness, and mating success in male medflies. Exposure to GRO or OO increased time spent pheromone calling but did not accelerate the rate of male sexual maturation. Using a wind tunnel, we compared female attraction to the pheromone of control, non-exposed males versus males previously exposed to OO or GRO. There was no evidence that GRO exposure enhanced the attractiveness of the male pheromone. The data for OO were inconclusive: females tended to spend more time on spheres emanating pheromone from OO-exposed males than on spheres emanating pheromone from non-exposed males, but the number of female landings did not differ between the two types of pheromone sources. Female choice tests confirmed that GRO- and OO-exposure boost male mating success relative to non-exposed males. Application of GRO directly to the abdomen reduced male mating success, whereas similar application of OO boosted male mating success. The potential role and mode of action of plant chemicals in the mating behavior of male medflies are evaluated in light of these findings.  相似文献   
1. Male-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in mammals has been explained by sexual selection favouring large, competitive males. However, new research has identified other potential factors leading to SSD. The aim of this review is to evaluate current research on the causes of SSD in mammals and to investigate some consequences of SSD, including costs to the larger sex and sexual segregation. 2. While larger males appear to gain reproductive benefits from their size, studies have also identified alternative mating strategies, unexpected variance in mating success and found no clear relationship between degree of polygyny and dimorphism. This implies that sexual selection is unlikely to be the single selective force directing SSD. 3. Latitude seems to influence SSD primarily through variation in overall body size and seasonal food availability, which affect potential for polygyny. Likewise, population density influences resource availability and evidence suggests that food scarcity differentially constrains the growth of the sexes. Diverging growth patterns between the sexes appear to be the primary physiological mechanism leading to SSD. 4. Female-biased dimorphism is most adequately explained by reduced male–male competition resulting in a decrease in male size. Female–female competition for dominance and resources, including mates, may also select for increased female size. 5. Most studies found that sexual segregation arises through asynchrony of activity budgets between the sexes. The larger sex can suffer sex-biased mortality through increased parasite load, selective predation and the difficulty associated with sustaining a larger body size under conditions of resource scarcity. 6. None of the variables considered here appears to contribute a disproportionate amount to SSD in mammals. Several promising avenues of research are currently overlooked and long-term studies, which have previously been biased toward ungulates, should be carried out on a variety of taxa.  相似文献   
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