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Savanna biomes cover around 20% of land surfaces, yet the origins and processes that have shaped their biodiversity remain understudied. Here, we assess the timing of diversification and how patterns of genetic diversity vary along an aridity gradient in specialized saxicoline gecko clades (Oedura spp.) from the tropical savannas of northern Australia.


Australian Monsoonal Tropics (AMT), Kimberley region (Western Australia).


We compiled mitochondrial and nuclear data for two Kimberley endemic lizard clades (Oedura filicipoda/murrumanu and O. gracilis), and allied non‐Kimberley taxa (O. marmorata complex). Species delimitation methods were used to identify evolutionary lineages, Maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic methods were employed to assess relationships and diversification timeframes, and rainfall data and range sizes were tested for correlations.


Phylogenetic analyses of cryptic or recently discovered lineage diversity revealed late‐Miocene to early‐Pliocene crown ages. Microendemism and diversity were highest in high‐rainfall regions, while the most widespread lineages occurred in the central and south‐east Kimberley, and showed evidence of introgression with parapatric lineages.

Main conclusions

The initial diversification in both clades was broadly concordant with global climatic events linked to the expansion of savanna biomes in the lateMiocene. Higher endemism in mesic and refugial areas suggests long histories of localized persistence, while wider distributions and evidence of introgression suggest a dynamic history at the arid‐monsoonal interface.  相似文献   
1. A key challenge in the study of mutualistic interactions is understanding sources of variation that strengthen or weaken these interactions. In spider–plant mutualisms, spiders benefit plants by improving plant nutrition and protecting plants from herbivory. Although the benefits of plants to spider growth and survival are often claimed, they are rarely demonstrated. 2. In this study, empirical evidence is provided that bromeliads (Bromelia balansae, Bromeliaceae) are essential for the resilience of the mutualistic bromeliad‐living jumping spider populations (Psecas chapoda, Salticidae) after a fire event, sheltering spiders from the heat of the flames. 3. Spider populations were compared before and after a natural fire event and it was shown that spiders of different ages survived the fire. The survival of such individuals allowed the population of P. chapoda spiders to recover rapidly, returning to pre‐fire levels in 5 months. 4. Bromeliads reduced the susceptibility of P. chapoda spiders to burning, and this mutualistic relationship contributed to the resilience of the spider population after a fire event. It is suggested that frequent fires in fire‐prone landscapes may have strengthened this spider–plant relationship, contributing to the maintenance and evolution of this association.  相似文献   
Studies on keratinolytic microorganisms have been mainly related to their biotechnological applications and association with animal pathologies. However, these organisms have an ecological relevance to recycling keratinous residues in nature. This work aimed to select and identify new culturable feather-degrading bacteria isolated from soils of Brazilian Amazon forest and Atlantic forest. Bacteria that were isolated from temperate soils and bacteria from Amazonian basin soil were tested for their capability to grow on feather meal agar (FMA). Proteolytic bacteria were tested for feather degradation and were further identified according to their morphological and biochemical characteristics. Also, molecular identification based on 16S rDNA gene sequencing was carried out. A total of 24 proteolytic and 20 feather-degrading isolates were selected; Most of the isolates were from the Bacillus genus (division Firmicutes), but one Aeromonas, two Serratia (??-Proteobacteria), and one Chryseobacterium (Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group).  相似文献   
The effectiveness of ecological restoration actions toward biodiversity conservation depends on both local and landscape constraints. Extensive information on local constraints is already available, but few studies consider the landscape context when planning restoration actions. We propose a multiscale framework based on the landscape attributes of habitat amount and connectivity to infer landscape resilience and to set priority areas for restoration. Landscapes with intermediate habitat amount and where connectivity remains sufficiently high to favor recolonization were considered to be intermediately resilient, with high possibilities of restoration effectiveness and thus were designated as priority areas for restoration actions. The proposed method consists of three steps: (1) quantifying habitat amount and connectivity; (2) using landscape ecology theory to identify intermediate resilience landscapes based on habitat amount, percolation theory, and landscape connectivity; and (3) ranking landscapes according to their importance as corridors or bottlenecks for biological flows on a broader scale, based on a graph theory approach. We present a case study for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (approximately 150 million hectares) in order to demonstrate the proposed method. For the Atlantic Forest, landscapes that present high restoration effectiveness represent only 10% of the region, but contain approximately 15 million hectares that could be targeted for restoration actions (an area similar to today's remaining forest extent). The proposed method represents a practical way to both plan restoration actions and optimize biodiversity conservation efforts by focusing on landscapes that would result in greater conservation benefits .  相似文献   
Facilitation is an important ecological mechanism with potential applications to forest restoration. We hypothesized that different facilitation treatments, distance from the forest edge and time since initiation of the experiment would affect forest restoration on abandoned pastures. Seed and seedling abundance, species richness and composition were recorded monthly during two years under isolated trees, bird perches and in open pasture. Seed arrival and seedling establishment were measured at 10 m and 300 m from the forest edge. We sampled a total of 131,826 seeds from 115 species and 487 seedlings from 46 species. Isolated trees and bird perches increased re-establishment of forest species; however, species richness was higher under isolated trees. Overall, abundance and richness of seeds and seedlings differed between sampling years, but was unaffected by distance from the forest edge. On the other hand, species composition of seeds and seedlings differed among facilitation treatments, distance from the forest edge and between years. Seedling establishment success rate was larger in large-seeded species than medium- and small-seeded species. Our results suggest that isolated trees enhance forest re-establishment, while bird perches provide a complementary effort to restore tree abundance in abandoned pastures. However, the importance of seed arrival facilitation shifts toward establishment facilitation over time. Arriving species may vary depending on the distance from the forest edge and disperser attractors. Efforts to restore tropical forests on abandoned pastures should take into account a combination of both restoration strategies, effects of time and proximity to forest edge to maximize regeneration.  相似文献   
A comparative analysis of the gastrointestinal tracts of wild-caught marmosets, Callithrix emiliae, and tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli, was undertaken in order to evaluate the degree of specialisation for digestion of plant exudates. Compared to S.f. weddelli, C. emiliae exhibits a reduced small intestine and a relatively large, compartmentalised caecum in which gum is probably fermented. The apparent specialisation of the digestive tract in C. emiliae correlates with that of its dentition, which is adapted for gouging the bark of gum-producing plants. A similar degree of specialisation of the caecum is predicted for other marmosets (Callithrix spp. and Cebuella pygmaea).  相似文献   
Woody vegetation is distributed patchily in many arid and semi-arid ecosystems, where it is often associated with elevated nitrogen (N) pools and availability in islands of fertility. We measured N availability and δ15N in paired blue-oak versus annual grass dominated patches to characterize the causes and consequences of spatial variation in N dynamics of grassland-savanna in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. We found significantly greater surface soil N pools (0–20 cm) in oak patches compared to adjacent grass areas across a 700 m elevation gradient from foothills to the savanna-forest boundary. N accumulation under oaks was associated with a 0.6‰ depletion in soil δ15N relative to grass patches. Results from a simple δ15N mass balance simulation model, constrained by surface soil N and δ15N measured in the field, suggest that the development of islands of N fertility under oaks can be traced primarily to enhanced N inputs. Net N mineralization and percent nitrification in laboratory incubations were consistently higher under oaks across a range of experimental soil moisture regimes, suggesting a scenario whereby greater N inputs to oak patches result in net N accumulation and enhanced N cycling, with a potential for greater nitrate loss as well. N concentrations of three common herbaceous annual plants were nearly 50% greater under oak than in adjacent grass patches, with community composition shifted towards more N-demanding species under oaks. We find that oaks imprint distinct N-rich islands of fertility that foster local feedback between soil N cycling, plant N uptake, and herbaceous community composition. Such patch-scale differences in N inputs and plant–soil interactions increase biogeochemical heterogeneity in grassland-savanna ecosystems and may shape watershed-level responses to chronic N deposition.  相似文献   
Abstract Woody plant encroachment in savannas may alter carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools over the long‐term, which could have regional or global biogeochemical implications given the widespread encroachment observed in the vast savanna biome. Soil and litter %C and %N were surveyed across four soil types in two encroached, semi‐arid savanna landscapes in northern South Africa. Litter at sampling points with a woody component had a higher %N and lower C : N ratio than litter at solely herbaceous points. Severely encroached areas had lower C : N ratios throughout the soil profile than less encroached areas. Soil %C and %N were highly influenced by soil texture but were also influenced by the presence of a woody overstorey, which increased surface soil %C on three soil types but decreased it on the most heavily encroached soil type. Soil C sequestration may initially increase with bush encroachment but then decline if bush densities become so high as to inhibit understorey grass growth.  相似文献   
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