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Female Epiphyas postvittana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) moths were able to lay fertile eggs without feeding, but they require water to achieve their full reproductive potential. Fecundity of moths given water from emergence was not different from that of moths fed with 30% honey solution. Deprivation of feeding during the early stage (up to three days after emergence) showed no significant decrease in fecundity provided that honey solution was available from the age of four days after emergence. Starved moths laid less than 30% of the number of eggs laid by those fed with honey solution or water. Fecundity was correlated with moth weight at emergence when moths were fed with water or honey solution, but not when no food or water was provided. Moths of both sexes fed on honey solution copulated less frequently, lost body weight at a lower rate and had a greater longevity, compared with those fed with water or nothing. These results are discussed in relation to the reproductive strategy of this species.
Zusammenfassung Weibliche Motten der Art Epiphyas postvittana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) legten fruchtbare Eier ohne Nahrung aufzunehmen, brauchten jedoch Wasser, um ihr volles Fortpflanzung — Potential zu erreichen. Fruchtbarkeit von Motten, denen Wasser von der Zeit des Schlüpfens an gegeben wurde, unterschied sich nicht von der Fruchtbarkeit der Motten, die mit einer 30 prozentigen Honiglösung gefüttert wurden. Nahrungsentzug während der frühen Entwicklung (bis zu drei Tagen nach Schlüpfen) führte nicht zu einer Reduktion der Fruchtbarkit, vorausgesetzt dass Honiglösung von einem Alter von vier Tagen nach Schlüpfen angeboten wurde. Hungernde Motten legten weniger als 30% der Eier als mit Honiglösung oder Wasser gefütterte Motten. Fruchtbarkeit war korreliert mit dem Gewicht der Motten zur Zeit des Schlüpfeus, wenn die Motten mit Wasser oder Honiglösung gefüttert wurden, jedoch nicht, wenn weder Nahrung noch Wasser angeboten wurde. Mit Honiglösung gefütterte Motten beiderlei Geschlechts kopulierten weniger häufig, verloren Gewicht langsamer und lebten langer als mit Wasser oder nicht gefütterte Motten. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert in Bezug auf die Fortpflanzungsstrategie der Art.
Estrus in a 10-yr-old brown hyena was described by monitoring urinary steroid metabolites. These studies were repeated the succeeding year and combined with ultrasonography, vaginal cytology, and laparoscopy to further aid in identifying natural and induced estrus. Collection of semen from a 14-yr-old male brown hyena was accomplished by electroejaculation. Use of frozen semen once during natural estrus and again during estrus induced with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) did not result in pregnancy. Further studies with this animal indicate that stimulation with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GNRH), rather than FSH, may be the more appropriate treatment for stimulating ovulation in canids or related species. While this study did not result in conception, a significant step toward that end was realized by utilizing urinary estrogen to monitor the estrus cycle.  相似文献   
Zoospores of 17 species in 14 genera of Laminariales, collected in the northeast Pacific Ocean, were studied by electron microscopy. These zoospores are unique in the brown algae in lacking both an eyespot in the single chloroplast and any associated swelling at the base of the shorter, posterior flagellum. Spores of all species examined possess a distal whiplash portion on the longer, mastigoneme-bearing anterior flagellum. This appendage may sometimes be as long as the mastigoneme-bearing portion of the flagellum, but it is only seldom preserved in the preparations for electron microscopy. A microtubular cytoskeleton is probably responsible for maintaining the shape of the spore. It consists of a short band of about 10 microtubules between the two basal bodies, scattered tubules converging at the anterior of the spore, a band of 7–9 tubules directed anteriorly from the anterior basal body, and a band directed posteriorly from the posterior basal body. These anterior and posterior bands may form one continuous band looping around the periphery of the spore. Variation with possible taxonomic significance was found in the ultrastructure of vesicles which apparently contain adhesive material, and which are extruded through the plasmalemma when the zoospores settle.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of sperm from 13 species in 11 genera of Laminariales collected in the northeast Pacific Ocean is unique in the brown algae. The sperm are elongate, and possess a nucleus, several mitochondria and two or three chloroplasts, but no eyespot. The anterior flagellum bears mastigonemes on the proximal half of its length; a distal “whiplash” portion lacks mastigonemes and is an extension of only the two central singlet microtubules of the axoneme. A peculiar feature of these sperm is the posterior flagellum, which is longer than the anterior flagellum and tapers distally as the doublet microtubules become singlets and decrease in number. This feature contrasts with the laminarialean zoospore, which possesses a short posterior flagellum with the usual “9 + 2” axoneme. The structure of these sperm differs from that reported for Chorda, the sperm of which resembles a primitive brown algal zoospore. The facts support the concept that Chorda is the most primitive member of the Laminariales.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of coniferous monoculture on the distribution of C, Fe and Al in the upper horizons of brown ochreous earths of the Belgian Ardennes were investigated by comparing 5 soil profiles developed under an 80 year old spruce stand with another 5 profiles developed under a climactic broad-leaved forest (beechwood).Organic carbon, Fe and Al were extracted with 0.1N NaOH/Na-tetraborate solution buffered at pH 9.7: recent studies have shown that this extraction is particularly appropriate for the detection of incipient podzolisation in brown earths-brown podzolic soils intergrades.Even if most of the classic podzolisation indexes fail to illustrate differences, nevertheless our results show that fulvic acids and organo-ferric complexes are present in significantly greater amounts in the upper part of the cambic (B)1 horizon of the soils developed under conifers. Moreover, this podzolic tendancy is confirmed by the weathering patterns of the clay minerals in the A1(B) horizons developed under spruces, i.e. a more pronouced weathering of chloritic layers than those observed in the beechwood soil, with a correlative genesis of more abundant smectite-like minerals. One may therefore conclude that the change in the humus type (moder to mor) after the planting of spruce trees, has been sufficient, within the local climatic and edaphic context, to promote incipient podzolisation.  相似文献   
Extraction with hydrochloric acid (pH 2.5) of the brown alga Padina pavonia afforded water-soluble and water-insoluble polysaccharides comprising D-glucuronic acid, L-fucose, D-xylose, D-mannose, D-glucose and D- galactose residues. The water-soluble polysaccharide was fractionated by using ethanol, and cetylpyridinium chloride and by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. A neutral laminaran-like glucan, a sulphated heteropolysaccharide composed of the aforementioned sugars and a protein moiety were obtained. The isolated heteropolysaccharide showed high anticoagulation activity.  相似文献   
Many plants pollinated by nectar-foraging animals have to maintain a balance between legitimate visitor attraction strategies and mechanisms that minimize illegitimate visits. This study investigated how floral display and neighboring species composition influences nectar robbing by hummingbirds in the tropical ornithophilous herb Heliconia spathocircinata. We tested the role of inflorescence display, flower abundance, and neighboring species in the reduction of nectar robbing in H. spathocircinata. Our results indicate that nectar robbing hummingbird activity was higher in moderately large inflorescence displays and that the frequency of nectar robbing in H. spathocircinata decreases with increased flower abundance and the presence of neighboring plant species. Neighboring non-ornithophilous plants decreased the frequency of nectar robbing in H. spathocircinata flowers to a greater extent than ornithophilous ones. These results suggest that nectar robbing hummingbirds are attracted to similar conditions that attract legitimate visitors and that spatial aggregation and mixed-species displays may represent a mechanism to dilute nectar robbing effects at an individual level.  相似文献   
苹果褐斑病菌侵染对苹果叶片光合机构功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探究苹果褐斑病菌侵染对苹果叶片光合机构的伤害机制,以‘寒富’苹果为试材,研究苹果褐斑病菌侵染对苹果叶片光合作用和光系统功能的影响。结果表明:随褐斑病菌侵染加重(叶片感病程度分0、1、2、3、4和5级),叶片的叶绿素a含量和总叶绿素含量持续下降,其中2~5级与对照相比差异显著,病菌侵染提高了叶片类胡萝卜素含量,但仅以2级与对照差异显著。苹果褐斑病菌侵染显著降低了叶片的净光合速率(Pn),3~5级病叶的Pn分别较对照下降44.9%、56.6%和70.3%,而胞间CO2浓度(Ci)上升,说明非气孔因素是光合作用的主要限制因子。褐斑病菌侵柒影响了光合电子传递效率,随病菌侵染程度加重,光系统Ⅱ反应中心、供体侧放氧复合体(Wk)和受体侧(Vj)受到的伤害加重,并引起苹果叶片PSII的光合性能指数用PIABS和PSI受体侧末端电子受体的量子产额(φRo)急剧下降。褐斑病菌侵染加重了苹果叶片的膜脂过氧化程度,1~5级感病叶片的丙二醛(MDA)含量均显著高于对照,引发超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及过氧化物酶(POD)活性的上调。以上结果表明,苹果褐斑病菌侵染引起叶片光合色素降解,对PSII反应中心、受体侧和供体侧造成伤害,进一步影响了PSI的电子传递效率,并导致叶片膜脂过氧化,造成苹果叶片光合能力下降。  相似文献   
The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is a polyphagous invasive insect and currently one of the most threatening agricultural pests in the USA and globally. Nymphs are highly mobile, moving among host plants, and causing significant damage. Thus, understanding dispersal biology for all life stages is critical for the development of reliable monitoring and management programs. Here, we evaluated the influence of harmonic radar as a tool to study dispersal ecology of nymphal H. halys; we measured the impact of glues and tag attachment on survivorship and mobility in the laboratory and validated in the field that tagged and released nymphs could be tracked on baited and unbaited host and non‐host plants using harmonic radar. In the laboratory, four glues were evaluated for attaching harmonic radar tags securely to nymphs, and survivorship with attached tags was measured. There were no significant differences in survivorship or vertical and horizontal movement among nymphs with tags affixed with the glue treatments compared with the untagged control. Based on numerically greater survivorship of nymphs with tags affixed with Loctite glass glue, a field validation study of tagged nymphs released in host (apple tree) and non‐host (mowed grass) with or without H. halys pheromonal stimuli present revealed that nymphs could be successfully relocated using harmonic radar after 48 h. Among treatments, 83% of nymphs remained in baited and unbaited apple trees, 50% of nymphs remained in baited mowed grass plots, and in unbaited mowed grass plots, 17% of fifth instars, and 0% of fourth instars were retained. The absence of negative effects on mobility, survivorship, and field tracking validates that harmonic radar can be used to study dispersal ecology of nymphal H. halys.  相似文献   
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