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Populations of Brassica rapa were grown for three generations in each of two environments: intraspecific competition, with four surrounding Brassica rapa neighbors per pot, and interspecific competition, with two Raphanus sativus neighbors per pot. In each environment, the largest (by flower number) 10% of the plants were outcrossed and provided seeds for the next generation. As a control, a randomly chosen 10% of the plants in each environment were outcrossed to produce seed for the next generation. Each of these four treatments, the selected lines in intra- and interspecific competition and the corresponding control lines, was maintained for three generations. After a single generation of growth in a common, no-competition environment, replicate plants from each treatment were grown with no competition and with intra- and interspecific competition for determination of growth responses. After two generations of selection, flower number in the intraspecific-selection line had increased by more than 50% over that in the control line and by more than 19% over that under interspecific selection. After a common-environment generation, plants from the intraspecific-selection line were shown to have significantly faster growth in height and flower number as seedlings. Plants in the interspecific-selection line showed similar but nonsignificant trends. No differences in seed mass, emergence time, or photosynthetic rate were found between control and selected lines in either intra- or interspecific competition. Some differences between control and selected lines were noted in biomass allocation related to differences in phenology. The results demonstrate that performance in competitive environments can evolve through changes in plant development but that rates of evolution will differ in intra- and interspecific competition.  相似文献   
Seeds of cauliflower cv. Hipop and Brussels sprouts cv. Asmer Aries were aged at 20% moisture content for 24 h; all seeds retained a germination of over 70% after ageing although the mean germination time increased. Prolonged aerated hydration for up to 32 h at 20°C followed drying resulted in improved performance of both unaged and aged cauliflower seeds and aged Brussels sprouts. Thus, all seed showed reductions in the mean germination time to the extent that after 32 h hydration the aged cauliflower seeds performed as well as high quality unaged seed. The improvement of aged seeds was also revealed an increase in germination after the controlled deterioration test following up to 24 h (cauliflower) or 32 h (Brussels sprouts) aerated hydration. This increase was indicative of a decrease in the extent of deterioration present after aerated hydration. Deleterious effects of prolonged hydration were observed in Brussels sprouts after 32 h although these may be explained desiccation injury after treatment since radicle emergence had occurred during hydration. The improvements in seed performance may be explained the activation of metabolic repair occurring during the early part of the hydration period therereducing the extent of deterioration that has been sustained during ageing, with further improvements due to the advancement of the germination process.  相似文献   
The DNA sequence data reported have been lodged in the Genbank, EMBL and DDBJ databases under the accession numbers Z21609 and Z26914  相似文献   
以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)品种‘Westar’和‘Topas’为材料,通过超微结构观察和荧光定量PCR技术对油菜胚胎发育早期油体的发生、油体蛋白及脂肪酸合成转录因子基因的表达情况进行分析。结果显示:油体出现在油菜胚胎发育早期,在授粉9~11 d后(球形胚时期)的胚体和胚柄中均存在直径小于0.5 μm的油体;荧光定量实验结果表明,除BnCLO3的表达量在整个胚胎发育阶段无明显变化外,其他油体蛋白基因Oleosins、Steroleosins和BnCLO1的表达量在心形胚时期就明显增多并持续增长;脂肪酸合成转录因子BnLEC1、BnL1L、BnWRI1和BnFUS3在胚胎发育阶段,基因表达规律均呈先上升再下降的趋势,但达到最高值的时间存在差异,其中BnLEC1最早,BnL1L其次,BnWRI1和BnFUS3较晚。研究结果表明甘蓝型油菜在球形胚时期出现油体,其结构蛋白和转录调控因子基因的表达自心形胚开始明显增多。  相似文献   
Non-green plastids (leucoplasts) isolated from pea roots are shown to be considerably active in forming aromatic amino acids by the shikimate pathway which, in contrast to the chloroplast pathway, is independent of light. Supply of phosphoenolpyruvate and 3-dehydroquinate, 3-dehydroshikimate, shikimate and quinate effectively enhances the formation of aromatic amino acids suggesting an intra- or/and intercellular intermediate transport.  相似文献   
In a rapeseed-squash cropping system, Meloidogyne incognita race 1 and M. javanica did not enter, feed, or reproduce in roots of seven rapeseed cultivars. Both nematode species reproduced at low levels on roots of the third crop of rapeseed. Reproduction of M. incognita and M. javanica was high on squash following rapeseed, hairy vetch, and fallow. The application of fenamiphos suppressed (P = 0.05) root-gall indices on squash following rapeseed, hairy vetch, and fallow; and on Dwarf Essex and Cascade rapeseed, but not Bridger and Humus rapeseed in 1987. The incorporation of 30-61 mt/ha green biomass of rapeseed into the soil 6 months after planting did not affect the population densities of Criconemella ornata, M. incognita, M. javanica, Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia solani AG-4; nor did it consistently increase yield of squash. Hairy vetch supported larger numbers of M. incognita and M. javanica than rapeseed cultivars or fallow. Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica survived in fallow plots in the absence of a host from October to May each year at a level sufficient to warrant the use of a nematicide to manage nematodes on the following susceptible crop.  相似文献   
Summary Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal pathogen of Brassica spp., was successfully transformed with the vector pAN8-1, encoding phleomycin resistance. Protoplasts of a vigorous Phleor transformant were then retransformed using the partially homologous vector, pAN7-1 which encodes hygromycin B resistance. Retransformation of this strain to hygromycin resistance occurred at frequencies that were consistently twofold higher than with the original recipient strain. Linearised pAN7-1 DNA transformed phleomycin-resistant protoplasts at higher frequencies still. All the transformants that were tested retained a phleomycin-resistant phenotype (20/20). Molecular analysis of five transformants generated with circular pAN7-1 DNA indicated that in four cases the pAN7-1 vector had integrated into pAN8-1 sequences. These results suggest that transformation frequencies in L. maculans are limited by the ability of vector DNA to integrate into the genome. Hence, construction of strains with target sites for integration may prove to be a generally useful method for improving transformation frequencies of poorly characterised filamentous fungi, particularly when using heterologous vectors. This would greatly facilitate the identification of genes by transfer of gene libraries and the standardisation of chromosomal location effects in studies of expression of nested promoter deletions.  相似文献   
Summary Brassica campestris-alboglabra monosomic addition lines were developed from a trigenomic Brassica hybrid (2 n=3 x=29, AAC) obtained by backcrossing a resynthesized B. napus (2 n=4 x=38, AACC) line to its parental B. campestris (2 n=2 x=20, AA) line. One addition line was characterized genetically with three loci specific for the alien chromosome and cytologically by meiotic analysis. The following results were obtained. (1) The same chromosome in the B. alboglabra (2 n= 2 x=18, CC) genome carried the three loci, E c, W c and Lap-1 C c, which control the biosynthesis of erucic acid, white flower colour and the faster migrating band of leucine aminopeptidase, respectively. The linear order and possible positions of the three loci were inferred. The meiotic behaviour of the alien chromosome was documented and its transmission frequency was assessed. (2) Intergenomic recombination frequently occurred in the monosomic addition line, resulting in the introgression of one or two loci from the alien chromosome into the B. campestris genome. (3) B. campestris trisomics were found in the progeny of the monosomic addition line. (4) The removal of the other eight C-genome chromosomes from the trigenomic Brassica hybrid led to a dramatic increase in the erucic acid content of the monosomic addition line. (5) No offspring of the trigenomic Brassica hybrid showed evidence of intergenomic recombination and introgression of the W c locus into the B. campestris genome. It is questioned whether such a difference might be due to a possible regulating mechanism for homoeologous chromosome pairing.  相似文献   
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