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《Fungal biology》2020,124(1):65-72
This review deals with characteristics of peptidases of fungi whose life cycles are associated with insects to varying degrees. The review examines the characteristic features of the extracellular peptidases of entomopathogenic fungi, the dependence of the specificity of these peptidases on the ecological characteristics of the fungi, and the role of peptidases in the development of the pathogenesis. Data on the properties and physiological role of hydrolytic enzymes of symbiotic fungi in “fungal gardens” are also considered in detail. For the development of representations about mechanisms of control over populations of insect pests, special attention is given to analysis of possibilities of genetic engineering for the creation of entomopathogens with enhanced virulence. Clarification of the role of fungi and their secreted enzymes and careful environmental studies are still required to explain their significance in the composition of the biota and to ensure widespread adoption of these organisms as effective biological control agents. The systematization and comparative analysis of the existing data on extracellular peptidases of insect-associated fungi will help in the planning of further work and the search for markers of pathogenesis and symbiosis.  相似文献   
第十一届国际植物园协会(IABG)大会于1993年9月7日在中国无锡开幕,经苏州、杭州,于9月12日在上海闭幕。9月6日部分与会代表参加了在南京举行的“中国南京国际植物园俱乐部”奠基仪式及江苏省重点实验室南京中山植物园“植物迁地保存实验室”扩建部分开放使用等一系列庆祝活动。参加大会的有来自23个国家和地区的199名代表。大会收到论文74篇,其中板报42篇,大会报告13篇。本次会议的主要议题为“植物园与国家发展”。经过大会报告和交流,明确了世界植物园在继续发挥其保护物种和保护环境的功能之外,必须进一步密切植物园与国家发展的关系。全面发展植物园的十项功能,不仅可以增加植物园对社会的贡献,也有利于提高植物园自身的活力和生存能力。大会选出了以主席岩(木规)邦男,副主席李蔼娃、贺善安、安德列也夫,秘书长艾斯特万为领导核心的新一届理事会。世界植物园两大组织国际植物园协会(IABG)和国际植物园保护组织(BGCI)在无锡签署的合作备忘录标志着国际植物园运动进入了一个新的历史时期。理事会的第一次会议于9月11日在由杭州开往上海的火车上举行。讨论了整顿组织、会员登记、出版IABG通讯及与BGCI合作开展活动等问题。会议确认1994年将在印尼召开IABG-AD第二次会议。第十二届IABG大会将于1  相似文献   
厦门植物园多肉植物资源及应用评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概述厦门植物园多肉植物资源的种类和类型,描述其栽培特性,评价多肉植物的园林应用及经济价值的开发状况,为进一步开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   
有关《植物园学》问题的讨论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
林有润  谢振华 《植物研究》2004,24(3):379-384
讨论了世界及我国植物园的建立、发展及近代植物园的性质与任务.本文第一作者曾指出中国科学院下属植物园的建立、建设和以科研为先导,推动科普与生产等工作,可以概括为一新兴的、综合性的学科--植物系统与工程学,或称新植物园学.并对中国科学院下属植物园科研、科普、建园、生产等作过论述.另外指出中国植物园与发达国家植物园之间的差距在于中国植物园的体制、管理机制、经济支撑与高素质的科技人才的努力工作精神.同时中国植物园信息研究、管理与交流滞后;在园貌建设方面,中国植物园与发达国家植物园相比,缺乏中国经典的建筑群与雕塑群,也缺少具中国特色的"师出自然"的造园手法与造林中的"适地适树"的有机结合等.过去提出植物园主要任务是植物引种驯化,即"从种子到种子".作者认为过分强调"从种子到种子"有其"误区".对园艺花卉、蔬菜及观叶植物而言,只需能长好叶或开好花,能批量生产、快速繁殖出来满足市场需要就是成果,而无需考虑种子的出处,或种子的有或无.原产中国多种杨树及柳树种子生育力已极度退化,原产地都难以"从种子到种子",但却是速生、无性繁殖力极强的树种.而若干有害杂草,如紫茎泽兰、薇苷菊、凤眼莲等从国外传入中国,无须"驯化"、却极容易"从种子到种子"的快速地繁衍,造成大面积的灾害.最后,作者强调发挥植物园作为植物大世界网上星罗棋布的一个闪亮发光的亮点的作用,加强信息研究、交流与传导工作,尤其在当今"知识创新工程"和新的"绿色革命"的浪潮的推动下,代表21世纪的新的技术革命的"纳米技术"与生物学的结合以及作为信息时代的信息研究与流通更显得必要.  相似文献   
BackgroundMetals are a minor constituent in honey, but they have been suggested to be a potential tool to characterize honeys according to their botanical or geographical origin.MethodsA total of 40 metals were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry in monofloral and multifloral honeys from Northwestern Italy. PCA and ANOVA were used to discriminate honeys according to the various floral types.ResultsThe highest levels of trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) were found in chestnut honey, while the lowest concentrations were recorded in acacia and rhododendron honeys. Rubidium and aluminum were the most represented nonessential elements, while manganese, iron, zinc and copper had the highest values of the essential elements. Potentially toxic elements arsenic, cadmium and lead were close to or below the limit of quantification.ConclusionsThe present study showed significant differences in metal concentrations according to honey floral type, reflecting the strong influence of botanical origin on the chemical composition of this particular food.  相似文献   
Bacteria living on the cuticle of ants are generally studied for their protective role against pathogens, especially in the clade of fungus‐growing ants. However, little is known regarding the diversity of cuticular bacteria in other ant host species, as well as the mechanisms leading to the composition of these communities. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to study the influence of host species, species interactions and the pool of bacteria from the environment on the assembly of cuticular bacterial communities on two phylogenetically distant Amazonian ant species that frequently nest together inside the roots system of epiphytic plants, Camponotus femoratus and Crematogaster levior. Our results show that (a) the vast majority of the bacterial community on the cuticle is shared with the nest, suggesting that most bacteria on the cuticle are acquired through environmental acquisition, (b) 5.2% and 2.0% of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) are respectively specific to Ca. femoratus and Cr. levior, probably representing their respective core cuticular bacterial community, and (c) 3.6% of OTUs are shared between the two ant species. Additionally, mass spectrometry metabolomics analysis of metabolites on the cuticle of ants, which excludes the detection of cuticular hydrocarbons produced by the host, were conducted to evaluate correlations among bacterial OTUs and m/z ion mass. Although some positive and negative correlations are found, the cuticular chemical composition was weakly species‐specific, suggesting that cuticular bacterial communities are prominently environmentally acquired. Overall, our results suggest the environment is the dominant source of bacteria found on the cuticle of ants.  相似文献   

This study investigated Hg uptake from soil into garden crops to help assess the significance of human consumption of crops as a potential route of exposure to Hg. Locations for both a floodplain and a control garden were identified within the Augusta Forestry Center near Crimora, VA, USA, which is about 16 river-km downstream from the city of Waynesboro, along the South River. The floodplain garden had measured soil Hg concentrations ranging from 4.2 to 78 mg Hg kg?1 dry weight basis in the surface to 15-cm deep layer. A total of 139 samples from the floodplain garden from 17 different crops were analyzed for Hg. All crop samples (except for nine) had less than 0.1 μg Hg g?1 wet weight basis (ww). Many samples were less than the method detection limit (MDL) of 0.003 μg Hg g?1 ww. Based on the measured Hg concentrations and several conservative assumptions (e.g., Hg assumed present when less than MDL; 100% consumption from the geographical area in which study was conducted; and 100% bioavailable Hg as methyl Hg), consumption of crops with these Hg levels is not expected to be a significant route of Hg exposure.  相似文献   
Capsule Blackbird density within a town is related to the proportion of gardens, open space and housing density within individual developments.  相似文献   
《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):295-300
We reply to Webber et al. (2011 Webber, BL, Born, C, Conn, BJ, Hadiah, JT and Zalamea, P-C. 2011. What is in a name? That which we call Cecropia peltata by any other name would be as invasive?. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 3: 241245.  [Google Scholar]). Our study, Sheil and Padmanaba (2011 Sheil, D and Padmanaba, M. 2011. Innocent invaders? A preliminary assessment of Cecropia, an American tree, in Java. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 3: 231240.  [Google Scholar]), was a preliminary assessment of the alien Neotropical tree Cecropia around Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. We highlighted the need for low-cost assessment approaches for addressing alien species and considered what might be achieved by local actors with limited resources. We successfully characterised the local distribution of Cecropia and identified, addressed and illustrated various concerns. Based on these results we asked how such studies might be useful and how they could be improved. Webber et al. criticise our study but fail to engage with its goals. Certainly, low-input local approaches lack the sophistication and rigour of larger international efforts, but such comparisons are unhelpful. Aside from a number of misunderstandings, we find Webber et al.’s principal arguments overstated, and unsupported by published information. The evidence that Cecropia causes harm is unconvincing; species-level identification is overemphasised; and the insistence on completing detailed research before considering management options is problematic. We offer some positive conclusions and repeat our plea for the development of effective low-input methods for evaluating and addressing naturalised organisms.  相似文献   
李奕昂  王飒 《生物信息学》2019,26(11):120-125
选取3处苏州园林的曲桥路径,现场邀请游人取景拍照,获取其游园过程中关注景物、视线方向等信息,结合路径与景物关系,通过实验方法分析曲桥路径中游人赏景的视觉行为特征。通过定量分析发现,苏州文人园林中曲桥转折间带来的空间位置变化影响着人们的视觉行为,其中景物视距与方向对人们的观景兴致存在显著影响,视距在3~33 m时,游人观景兴致最佳;同时路径方向与观景方向的垂直关系、路径对景物的指向关系可增强游人对相应景观的观赏兴致,曲桥中对垂直与指向关系的运用存在一定的规律。  相似文献   
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