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Aquatic macrophytes provide essential spawning and nursery habitat for fish, valuable food source for waterfowl, migratory birds and mammals, and contribute greatly to overall biodiversity of coastal marshes of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Two approaches have been used to survey the plant community in coastal wetlands, and these include the grid (GR) and transect (TR) methods. These methods have been used to identify the average species richness at different sites, but their suitability for determining total species richness of a site has not been tested. In this paper, we compare the performance of these two established methods with that of the Stratified method (ST), which uses the sampler’s judgment to guide them to different habitat zones within the wetland. We used the three protocols to compare species richness of six coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes, three pristine marshes in eastern Georgian Bay (Lake Huron) and three degraded wetlands in Lake Ontario, Canada. The greatest species richness was associated with the ST method, irrespective of wetland quality. The ST method was also more efficient (fewer quadrats sampled), and revealed the most number of unique (those found with only one method) and uncommon species (those found in <5% of the quadrats). Despite these statistical differences, we found that sampling method did not significantly affect the performance of a recently developed index of wetland quality, the Wetland Macrophyte Index. These results have important implications for designing macrophyte surveys to track changes in biodiversity and wetland quality.  相似文献   
Zhou J  Chen B  Yu W W  Huang H 《农业工程》2011,31(5):264-270
Coastal wetland is located in the active interface between land and sea, which is one of the richest biodiversity habitats, while it is seriously disturbed and destroyed by anthropogenic activities in both terrestrial and marine parts. Habitat serves as the basis for organism survival, providing food, shelter, water, space and so on, and habitat degradation and loss caused by intense anthropogenic activities is widely considered as the main reason for biodiversity decline and loss. However, there is still limited study on the evaluating methods of coastal wetland habitats, especially for those in a large scale. In this study, methods for evaluating coastal wetland habitat quality, including selecting indicators, setting value assignment criteria and weights were discussed systematically, a method of coastal wetland habitat quality evaluation was established, and the habitat quality in Quanzhou Bay was also evaluated as a case study. The present study provided a new concept and method to assess quantitatively habitat status, indicate the ecological status and its change, and also reflect and predict indirectly the ecological impact of human activities.
Referring to the habitat evaluation system (HES) developed by United States in the mid 1970s, the evaluation method was established by thorough analysis of the characteristics of coastal wetland. The habitat indicators were selected in terms of three habitat factors as follows: chemical factors, including dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate in seawater, sulfide in sediment, and regional priority pollutants; physical factors, including landscape naturalness index and coastline artificialization index; biological factors, including invasive species risk and area ratio of invasive alien species. Weights were established by Analytic Hierarchy Process, combined with several-round expert evaluation. Evaluation criteria providing principles for value assignment of each indicator, were established referring to previous standards and related researches. The final result for assessing habitat quality was indicated and stated by the value of Habitat Quality Index (HQI), which is the weighted sum of each indicator. Habitat quality increased with the HQI value, with value ranging from 0 to 100.
The established evaluating method was applied to assess the habitat quality of Quanzhou Bay, located in the southeast coastal zone of Fujian Province, with a total area of 136.4 km2, which is an important bay in Fujian. Quanzhou Bay wetland is a typical coastal wetland with diverse wetland habitats, including mangrove, estuary, island, aquaculture ponds, salt pan, shallow sea, mud flat and so on. The Quanzhou Bay is now seriously suffering environmental problems, e.g. eutrophication due to great discharge of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastewater, rapid urbanization and reclamation resulting in decreased wetland area, and the invasion of alien species. The evaluation results showed that the habitat quality index value was 68.13, 57.99 and 51.23 in 1989, 2002 and 2008, respectively, indicating that the habitat degraded gradually. The five major factors that led to decline of HQI value were phosphate in seawater, lead in sediment, landscape naturalness index and coastline artificialization index and area ratio of invasive alien species. Therefore, in order to improve and maintain habitat quality, it is urgent to control pollution, large-scale reclamation and Spartina invasion in Quzhou Bay.  相似文献   
动态平衡理论是生态化学计量学的理论基础, 各种有机体是否存在一个固定的化学计量比是生态学研究的热点问题。该文研究了杭州湾滨海湿地3种优势物种海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)、糙叶薹草(Carex scabrifolia)和芦苇(Phragmites australis)叶片N、P生态化学计量特征的季节变化。结果发现, 3种植物叶片N含量范围分别是7.41-17.12、7.47-13.15和6.03-18.09 mg·g-1, 平均值(±标准差)分别为(11.69 ± 2.66)、(10.17 ± 1.53)和(11.56 ± 3.19) mg·g-1; 叶片P范围分别是0.34-2.60、0.41-1.10和0.35-2.04 mg·g-1, 平均值为(0.93 ± 0.62)、(0.74 ± 0.23)和(0.82 ± 0.53) mg·g-1; N:P范围分别是7.19-30.63、11.58-16.81和8.62-21.86, 平均值为16.83 ± 8.31、14.53 ± 3.91和16.49 ± 5.51, 可见不同植物其生态化学计量值范围存在一定差异, 但经方差分析发现3种草本植物间生长季节内N、P元素含量差异并不显著(p > 0.05)。各物种叶片N、P含量均表现出在生长初期显著大于其他生长季节(p < 0.05), 生长旺季(6、7月)随着叶片生物量的持续增加, N、P含量逐渐降低并达到最小值, 随后8-9月叶片不再生长而N、P含量逐渐回升, 在10月叶片衰老时N、P含量再次下降; 叶片N:P则在生长初期较小, 在生长旺季先升高后降低, 随后叶片成熟不再生长时又逐渐增加并趋于稳定。  相似文献   
湿地为城市发展提供巨大的生态系统服务,但其被市场“认可”的经济价值难以准确评估。以青海省西宁市城市湿地为例,筛选房屋结构、可达性、环境、湿地等10个因子,采用享乐价格模型对110个湿地周边社区样点的因子数据(2020年)进行分析,定量分析城市湿地被市场“认可”的价值量。采用断裂点理论和加权Voronoi图模型方法等,分析了湿地生态系统服务价值的空间影响范围;构建了湿地生态系统服务价值影响因素的结构方程模型,探究了影响湿地生态系统服务价值的主要因素。结果表明:(1)2020年湟水城市湿地的总价值达到3.367亿元,约有54.3%的生态系统服务通过房产被市场转化;(2)湟水湿地单位面积的生态系统服务价值为151.916元/m~2,生态系统服务价值由大到小排列:火烧沟(1.632亿元)>海湖湿地(0.710亿元)>宁海湿地(0.629亿元)>北川湿地(0.330亿元);(3)湿地生态系统服务价值占房产总价值的比例达到2.04%,位列10个因素中的第7位;线性函数模型结果显示,购买者对湿地的边际支付意愿是0.12元/m~2,即购买者愿意为房产与湿地之间的距离每缩小1m而多支付...  相似文献   
白洋淀湖滨湿地岸边带氨氧化古菌与氨氧化细菌的分布特性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
摘要:本研究通过分子生物学分析方法,以amoA基因为标记,考察了氨氧化古菌(Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea, AOA)和氨氧化细菌(Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria,AOB)在华北平原的白洋淀这一典型湖泊的湖滨湿地岸边带系统中的生物多样性和丰度分布。在前人的研究中,氨氧化古菌在海洋、原生态土壤和人为干扰土壤等环境中主导氨氧化过程的完成。但本研究发现,在湿地岸边带系统中氨氧化过程并不是完全由氨氧化古菌主导完成,即氨氧化古菌和氨氧化细菌在不同区域分别占据主导地位。根据主导微生物的不同,可以将湿地岸边带区域划分为陆相区、中间区和湖相区。在湿地岸边带陆相区,氨氧化古菌主导氨氧化过程,氨氧化古菌的amoA基因丰度是氨氧化细菌的526倍(AOA:1.23?108每克干土;AOB:2.34?105每克干土);在岸边带湖相区,氨氧化细菌主导氨氧化过程,氨氧化古菌的amoA基因丰度只有氨氧化细菌的1/50倍(AOA:3.17?106每克干土;AOB:1.39?108每克干土);在岸边带中间区,两种微生物对氨氧化过程的贡献相当,二者的amoA基因丰度也相当 (AOA:9.83?106, AOB:4.08?106)。研究还发现,湿地中间区的微生物生物多样性高于陆相区和湖相区。在湿地中间区,氨氧化古菌和氨氧化细菌的生物多样性都最高,分别有5和7个操作分类单元(OTUs);相比之下,岸边带陆相区和湖相区的多样性依次降低,陆相区的氨氧化古菌和氨氧化细菌分别有3和6个操作分类单元,湖相区的氨氧化古菌和氨氧化细菌分别有2和6个分类单元。本研究的两个结论进一步反映了湿地岸边带极强的空间异质性。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖湿地水位变化的景观响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据《湿地公约》和《全国湿地资源调查技术规程(试行)》关于湿地内涵和界定条件,利用现代遥感技术和地理信息技术,提取鄱阳湖湿地面积为3886km2。在此基础上,利用多时段遥感影像,分析了湿地在相似水位条件和不同水位条件下的景观变化。结果表明,在相似水位条件下,鄱阳湖湿地景观变化主要表现为居民地和裸地面积增加,水域面积变化不明显;在不同水位条件下,鄱阳湖湿地景观变化比较显著。景观变化驱动力分析表明,湿地水位变化是湿地景观变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
黑河中游湿地景观破碎化过程及其驱动力分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
赵锐锋  姜朋辉  赵海莉  樊洁平 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4436-4449
在遥感和GIS技术支持下,基于1975-2010年长时间序列遥感影像,选取斑块密度指数(PD)、景观内部生境面积指数(IA)、斑块平均面积指数(MPS)、斑块形状破碎化指数(FS1、FS2)等具有典型生态意义的景观指数模型,系统分析了黑河中游湿地景观的破碎化过程,并结合灰色关联分析、主成分分析等方法,探讨了影响研究区湿地景观破碎化过程的各驱动因子.结果表明:近35年来,研究区湿地景观破碎化主要表现为斑块平均面积的萎缩,斑块密度的上升以及斑块形状破碎化指数的增大.整个研究时段内,研究区湿地斑块平均面积减少了48.95hm2,斑块密度的上升0.006个/hm2;导致黑河中游湿地景观破碎化发生和发展的驱动力包含自然和人文两个方面.自然因子对湿地景观破碎化进程的影响则主要体现在气温和降水上,而且气温对湿地景观破碎化进程的影响程度明显大于降水.但在1975-2010年间的这一较小时间尺度上,人类活动对湿地景观破碎化的贡献率明显高于自然因子,人类活动能力的增强以及影响范围的不断扩大是引发黑河中游湿地景观破碎化的主因.  相似文献   
Boreal forests are increasing in age partly due to reduced logging and efficient wildfire control. As a result, they also stock more carbon. Whether increased forest C stock causes greater production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is uncertain. DOC in bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil water was studied in 10-, 30-, 60- and 120-year-old stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) DOC concentrations in throughfall and O horizon soil water followed the order 10 < 30 < 60 = 120 and 10 = 30 < 120 < 60, respectively. DOC fluxes followed the order 10 = 30 < 60 = 120 in throughfall, while no significant difference between stands was found for O horizon soil water. Above-ground tree litter varied according to 10 < 30 < 60 = 120, a pattern identical to that for DOC concentrations in throughfall and resembling but not identical to that for DOC concentrations in O horizon soil water. This indicates additional sources for DOC in soil water. Seasonality in DOC concentrations was observed at the base of the O horizon, and seasonality in DOC fluxes in both throughfall and O horizon soil water. Our results suggest differences in the polarity of DOC between the 10-year stand and the others, which we interpret as reflecting the lack of grown trees and possibly the different vegetation on the 10-year stand.  相似文献   
初小静  韩广轩 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):2978-2990
湿地由于具有较高的初级生产力以及较低的有机质降解速率而成为缓解全球变暖的潜在有效碳汇.虽然近年来中国湿地生态系统CO2交换过程及其影响机制研究取得了一系列进展,但尚缺乏对数据进行系统性整合分析.基于29篇文献的数据,对中国21个典型湿地植被净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)、生态系统呼吸(Reco)、总初级生产力(GPP)、NEE的光响应参数以及Reco的温度响应参数进行整合分析,并探讨了这些指标对温度与降雨的响应.结果表明: 年尺度上,气温和降雨量对NEE(R2=50%,R2=57% )、GPP(R2=60%,R2=50%)和Reco(R2=44%,R2=50%)均有显著影响(P<0.05).生长季尺度上,NEE (R2=50%)、GPP (R2=36%)和Reco(R2=19%)与气温呈显著相关(P<0.05);同时NEE(R2=33%)和GPP(R2=25%)也与降雨量呈显著相关(P<0.05),但Reco与降雨量的相关关系不显著(P>0.05).生长季降雨量与最大光合速率(Amax)之间呈显著相关 (P<0.01),但与表观量子产率(α)、白天生态系统呼吸速率(Reco,day)无显著相关(P>0.05).生长季气温对α、Amax和Reco, day均无显著影响(P>0.05).生态系统基础呼吸速率(Rref)与降雨量无显著相关(P>0.05),但是生态系统呼吸的温度敏感系数(Q10)与降雨量呈显著的线性负相关(P<0.05),同时气温对Q10(R2=0.35)、Rref(R2=0.46)均产生显著影响(P<0.05).  相似文献   
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