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P/2e ratios were calculated from anaerobic chemostat cultures of Paracoccus denitrificans with nitrogenous oxides as electron acceptor. P/2e ratios were calculated, using the Y ATP max values determined for aerobic cultures. When succinate was the carbon and energy source the average P/2e values of the sulphate-and succinate-limited cultures with nitrate as electron acceptor were 0.5 and 0.7, respectively, and of the nitrite-limited culture 0.9. With gluconate as carbon and energy source the average P/2e values of the gluconate-limited with nitrate as electron acceptor and nitrate limited cultures were 0.9 and 1.1, respectively.H+/O ratios measured in cells obtained from sulphate-, succinate, nitrite-, gluconate-and nitratelimited cultures yielded respective average values of 3.4, 4.5, 3.5, 4.8 and 6.2 for endogenous substrates. From our data we conclude that sulphate-and nitritelimitation causes the loss of site I phosphorylation. Nitrite has no influence on the maximum growth yield on ATP. We propose that metabolism in heterotrophically grown cells of Paracoccus dentrificans is regulated on the level of phosphorylation in the site I region of the electron transport chain.  相似文献   
Membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli can be produced by 2 different methods: lysis of intact cells by passage through a French pressure cell or by osmotic rupturing of spheroplasts. The membrane of vesicles produced by the former method is everted relative to the orientation of the inner membrane in vivo. Using NADH, D-lactate, reduced phenazine methosulfate, or ATP these vesicles produce protonmotive forces, acid and positive inside, as determined using flow dialysis to measured the distribution of the weak base methylamine and the lipophilic anion thiocyanate. The vesicles accumulate calcium using the same energy sources, most likely by a calcium/proton antiport. Calcium accumulation, therefore, is presumably indicative of a proton gradient, acid inside. The latter type of vesicle, on the other hand, exhibits D-lactate-dependent proline transport but does not accumulate calcium with D-lactate as an energy source. NADH oxidation or ATP hydrolysis, however, will drive the transport of calcium but not proline in these vesicles. Oxidation of NADH or hydrolysis of ATP simultaneous with oxidation of D-lactate does not result in either calcium or proline transport. These results suggest that the vesicles are a patchwork or mosiac, in which certain enzyme complexes have an orientation opposite to that found in vivo, resulting in the formation of electrochemical proton gradients with an orientation opposite to that found in the intact cell. Other complexes retain their original orientation, making it possible to set up simultaneous proton fluxes in both directions, causing an apparent uncoupling of energy-linked processes. That the vesicles are capable of generating protonmotive forces of the opposite polarity was demonstrated by measurements of the distribution of acetate and methylamine (to measure the ΔpH) and thiocyanate (to measure the Δψ).  相似文献   
Continuous calorimetry has been applied to monitoring the heat evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown on d-glucose. The heat evolution, together with the energy and carbon balances, was used to evaluate the energetic efficiency of biomass, by-product biosynthesis, fermentative heat evolution as well as the maintenance energy of S. cerevisiae in ‘aerobic fermentation’ and ‘aerobic respiration’. In aerobic fermentation, under catabolite repression, the fraction of substrate energy converted to heat evolution, maintenance requirement, and biomass decreased with the increase of d-glucose concentration. The fraction of substrate energy converted to ethanol is the highest value and it could contribute up to 70% of the total substrate energy. In aerobic respiration, 43% of the total substrate energy was evolved as heat. While 50% of the total substrate energy was converted into biomass, only 7% of the total substrate energy was used for maintenance functions. The maintenance energy coefficient of S. cerevisiae was determined to be 0.427 MJ kg?1 cell h?1 (0.102 kcal g?1 cell h?1). For the first time, heat evolution together with yield-maintenance energy was used to predict biomass concentration during the fed-batch cultivation of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
 本文在生物生产力研究的基础之上,通过热值测定,对东北东部帽儿山地区21年生人工落叶松(Larix gmelinii)生态系统净初级生产力形成过程中的能量特征做了系统研究。结果表明:(1)植物热值随植物种类、器官、分布层次、年龄及季节而发生变化。(2)生态系统中活植物体的能量现存量为269.719×1010J/ha,而枯死体中的能量现存量为36.817×1010J/ha,其中凋落物层和立枯体中能量贮量各占84.04%和15.96%。 (3)生态系统能量净固定量为264.346×109J/ha·yr,其中29.49%的能量存留在植物体中,用于植物净生长。生态系统年能量归还量为88.809×109J/ha,其中32.39%的能量在当年被分解释放,余下能量积累于凋落物层之中;生态系统的能量转化效率为2.299%,与其它森林植物群落相比,落叶松人工林系统是高效率的能量代谢系统。  相似文献   
(5-Nitro-2-furfuryliden)amino compounds bearing triazol-4-yl, benzimidazol-l-yl, pyrazol-l-yl, triazin-4-yl or related groups (a) stimulated superoxide anion radical generated by rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH and oxygen; (b) inhibited the NADPH-dependent, iron-catalyzed microsomal lipid peroxidation; (c) prevented the NADPH-dependent destruction of cytochrome P-450; (d) inhibited the NADPH-dependent microsomal aniline 4-hydroxylase activity; (e) failed to inhibit either the cumenyl hydroperoxide-dependent lipid peroxidation or the aniline-4-hydroxylase activity, except for the benzimidazol-l-yl and the substituted triazol-4-yl derivatives, which produced minor inhibitions. Reducing equivalents enhanced the benzimidazol-l-yl derivative inhibition of the cumenyl hydroperoxide-induced lipid peroxidation. The ESR spectrum of the benzimidazol-l-yl derivative, reduced anaerobically by NADPH-supplemented microsomes, showed characteristic spin couplings. Compounds bearing unsaturated nitrogen heterocycles were always more active than those bearing other groups, such as nifurtimox or nitrofurazone. The energy level of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital was in fair agreement with the capability of nitrofurans for redox-cycling and related actions. It is concluded that nitrofuran inhibition of microsomal lipid peroxidation and cytochrome P-450-catalyzed reactions was mostly due to diversion of reducing equivalents from NADPH to dioxygen. Trapping of free radicals involved in propagating lipid peroxidation might contribute to the overall effect of the benzimidazol-l-yl and substituted triazol-4-yl derivitives.  相似文献   
One short red (R) irradiation increases the ATP content of Kalanchoë blossfeldiana Poelln. cv Feuerblüte seeds before onset of germination. Phytochrome control is demonstrated by the full R/far-red light (FR) reversibility of the effect in water imbibed seeds. In seeds imbibed in the presence of gibberellin A3 (GA3, one short R exposure already increases the ATP content when given 2h after start of imbibition, showing phytochrome control at the energy-metabolic level when one R pulse cannot yet induce germination. After longer imbibition periods in the presence of GA3, one short FR irradiation also increases the ATP content of ungerminated Kalanchoë seeds. The time course of the ATP levels after a R or FR germination inducing irradiation shows an initial increase that clearly preceeds germination. A second increase starts about 15 h after irradiation and is most probably the consequence of the germination itself. The results suggest that, in Kalanchoë seeds, the increase in ATP levels, induced by irradiation(s) and preceding germination, is a phytochrome-mediated process, supplying energy, required for germination.  相似文献   
Living matter is an organized system which requires a continual flux of energy for its survival. As a working assumption, the flux of energy required for the origin of a self-duplicating cell is taken as the power required for the maintenance of a modern cell: 10 mW per g of carbon or some 105 times the output per gram of the sun. Solar photochemistry supplies the energy for the continuing evolution of life and, by continuity, for its origin. The iron oxide-sulfide photosynthetic unit proposed by S. Granick 35 years ago was meant to supply this energy. The evolution of complex organic photosensitizers is rationalized by the Granick hypothesis that biosynthetic pathways recapitulate their evolution. These concepts are discussed in the context of the evolution of photosynthetic systems and the known properties of these pigments.  相似文献   
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