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利用蛋白质主链的极性分数及主链二面角为参量,构建了一种基于蛋白质结构数据库的势函数。将该势函数应用于蛋白质反向折叠研究中,发现该函数可成功地将蛋白质分子的天然构象从构建的构象库中识别出来;将一目标序列与构象库的每一可能的构象匹配,并用该势函数计算相应的能量,结果表明对绝大多数蛋白质分子来说,天然的构象的能量值总是最低。此外,该函数还将一些序列相似性较低,而结构相似性较高的蛋白质分子识别出来。我们认  相似文献   
高压静电场对绵羊精子存活率的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用不同剂量的高压静电场处理绵羊精液,经分析发现,高压静电场对绵羊精具有激活作用。能提高绵羊精液品质,表现在适当剂量的高压静电场能显著地提高绵羊精子存活率,其中以600kV/m剂量处理效果最佳。100kV/m和300kV/m剂量对精子刺激不足,而900kV/m剂量则对精子刺激过程,导致部分精子损伤和死亡,同样达不到预期的效果。  相似文献   
The floristic and structural differentiation of vegetation along the altitudinal gradient in four subalpine forests of different developmental stages on Mt. Fuji has been studied. Near the forest limit a micropattern of vegetation corresponding to the altitudinal zonation has been observed which elucidated the mechanisms of development of the vegetation zonation. As to early stages of vegetation development only two types can be distinguished: the volcanic desert above 1500 m and the pioneer forests below. As to later stages a differentiation of subzones includes from higher to lower altitudes: the Alnus maximowiczii, Betula ermanii, Abies veitchii and Tsuga diversifolia forests. Larix leptolepis and Sorbus americana ssp. japonica, appear as co-dominants in ecotonal communities between the principal subzones and are also important pioneers in early stages. Similarity analyses reveal that the upper subalpine Alnus-Betula forests can be regarded as early successional phases of the climax Abies-Tsuga forests of the lower subalpine zone. The regular arrangement of A. maximowiczii-B. ermanii-A. veitchii is studied along the gradient from the margin to the interior of the forest growing near the forest limit where locally favourable conditions prevail. Growth form, height growth, photosynthetic activity, seed supply, and seedling distribution of the three principal species have been compared, as well as biomass and production relations in contiguous forests of these species. The marginal Alnus type community is productive and disturbance-tolerant, and has a wide ecological and sociological amplitude along the gradient, while the central Abies community is accumulative and disturbance-intolerant, and has a narrower tolerance range, but is superior in competition under stable habitat conditions. A vegetation organization, ‘temporal multi-storeyed structure’, is suggested which means that a zonal pattern of vegetation within a climax region develops by successive replacement of successional species along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   
The endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase [cellulase, 1,4-(1,3:1,4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC] activity of two-day old culture filtrates of Penicillium janthinellum has been enhanced four-fold by incubating with a 10-day old culture filtrate of Penicillium funiculosum grown on the same medium. An inactive protein isolated by fractionation of two-day old culture filtrate of P. janthinellum using preparative isoelectric focusing, showed 30- to 50-fold enhancement of endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase activity. This fraction has been designated the ‘procellulase’ in the present paper. The purity of the procellulase was confirmed by analytical isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It had a molecular weight of 68 000 and an isoelectric point of pH 3.7.  相似文献   
A new approach to the design of conceptually and phenomenologically new herbicides is described. It involves the joint utilization of tetrapyrrole precursors, such as δ-aminolaevulinic acid (a biodegradable amino acid) and activators of the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway, such as 2,2′-dipyridyl, in order to induce treated plants to biosynthesize and accumulate massive amounts of tetrapyrrole intermediates of the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway in the dark (i.e. at night). During the subsequent light period (daylight) the accumulated tetrapyrroles act as potent photodynamic sensitiziers, which in turn result in the death of susceptible plants in a matter of hours. We have therefore proposed to name herbicides that act via this mechanism as photodynamic herbicides, or more pictorially as laser herbicides. From a limited survey of agricultural plant and weed species it appears that photodynamic herbicides exhibit a very pronounced organ, age and species-dependent selectivity. For example, dicotyledonous weeds such as mustard, red-root pigweed, common purslane and lambsquarter are very susceptible while monocotyledonous plants such as corn, wheat, barley and oats are not. The biochemical basis of this selectivity seems to lie, among other things, in the rates of tetrapyrrole turnover and in a differential enhancement by the applied chemicals of the monovinyl and divinyl tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathways in the various species. A survey of various groups of chemicals (herbicides and other selected biochemicals) that are likely to exhibit photodynamic herbicidal properties is currently under investigation.  相似文献   
One hundred microorganisms have been screened for their abilities to selectively modify the structure of the sesquiterpene lactone known as quadrone. The only products obtained were those formed when the 4-ketone functional group was reduced to the stereoisometric 4-quadronols. Quadrone alcohol isomers of (S) or (R) absolute configurations were identified by proton and carbon n.m.r., and high performance liquid chromatography (h.p.l.c.) was used to separate and quantitate these compounds in extracts of fermentations. Microorganisms were categorized according to their abilities to achieve Re- or Si-face carbonyl reduction to yield (S)- or (R)-alcohol isomers by h.p.l.c. Three groups of microorganisms were identified: those yielding only the (R)-alcohol isomer; those yielding only the (S)-alcohol isomer; and those providing mixtures of the two alcohol isomers. With quadrone as substrate, Mucor and Curvularia spp. may contain either Re- or Si-face reductases. The selection of microorganisms for their abilities to achieve enantiospecific reductions of ketones to alcohol products is discussed.  相似文献   
Because of a possible relationship between schizophrenia and celiac disease, a condition in some individuals who are sensitive to wheat gluten proteins in the diet, there has been interest in observations that peptides derived from wheat gluten proteins exhibit opioid-like activity in in vitro tests. To determine the origin of the peptides exhibiting opioid activity, wheat proteins were fractionated by size (gel filtration), by charge differences (ion exchange chromatography) and by differences in hydrophobicity (reversed-phase HPLC). These fractions were hydrolyzed by pepsin or pepsin and trypsin and the resulting peptides separated by gel filtration chromatography. The separated peptides were tested for opioid-like activity by competitive binding to opioid receptor sites in rat brain tissue in the presence of tritium-labeled dihydromorphine. The peptides showed considerable differences in activity; while some peptides exhibited no activity, 0.5 mg of the most active peptides were equivalent to 1 nM of morphine in the binding assay. The most active peptides were derived from the gliadin fraction of the gluten complex.  相似文献   
A selective uptake mechanism for some nucleosides and related substances was found in retinae of light adapted rabbits and fish. After the intravitreal injection in vivo of [3H]adenosine, [3H]inosine, [3H]guanosine and certain related compounds, the distribution of radioactivity was studied by autoradiography. Retinae were also incubated in [3H]adenosine and [3H]inosine and then were similarly processed.In rabbits, the accumulation of radioactivity from [3H]adenosine and [3H]guanosine was predominantly into glial cells, but also into neurons. [3H]Inosine labelled glia almost exclusively. However, the adenosine analog, [3H]methylphenylethyl-adenosine, resulted in well-defined neuronal labelling in this species. In fish, a few photoreceptor cell bodies exhibited strong radioactivity with the nucleosides, presumably representing incorporation into nucleic acids of replicating cells. Labelling was also seen in horizontal cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells after the injection of either [3H]adenosine, [3H]guanosine or [3H]inosine.To some extent, the selective accumulation of radioactivity is likely to be due to cell replication, but in most neurons, other factors must be responsible. Judging from what is known about the actions of adenosine in central nervous tissue, signal transmission in the retina could be such a factor.  相似文献   
Summary Glucose-6-phosphatase activity decreases whereas gamma glutamyltranspeptidase activity increases during hepatocarcinogenesis and the maintenance of hepatocytes in primary culture. This report describes the effect of culture conditions that are known to preserve hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity on gamma glutamyltranspeptidase activity. The results indicate that the regulation of glucose-6-phosphatase and gamma glutamyltranspeptidase activities is not coordinated in primary cultures of hepatocytes. This work was supported by a grant from the USPHS, NIH grant AG00439 awarded to Dr. Christopher C. Widnell and a Category I Research Development Award from the University of Pittsburgh to Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona. Editor's Statement Information communicated in this article contributes to a greater understanding of the mechanisms regulating liver cell metabolism and provides some further insight concerning the complexity of the controls involved in vitro, and presumably in vivo. David W. Barnes  相似文献   
Interrelationships between water and cellular metabolism inArtemia cysts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cysts of the crustaceanArtemia are a useful model for studies on intracellular water because they are capable of essentially complete and reversible desiccation. We have used a variety of techniques on this system, the present work being an attempt to estimate the density of intracellular water (ρw). The density of individual cysts was evaluated from sedimentation velocity. Heptane displacement methods were used to determine the volume of a known mass of cysts, from which the density was calculated. The two methods produce comparable results. It was shown that the densities and water contents of large masses of cysts accurately reflect those of individual cysts. Cyst densities (ρc) were determined over the entire range of water content from 0 to 0.63 weight fraction of water (W f), and temperature dependence was measured for 0.61W f over 2–41°C. The following refer to 25°C. No marked change was detected in ρc until the water content exceeded 0.15W f, at which ρc decreased as a linear function of Wf to maximum water content. However, the cyst does not behave ideally in the sense that the densities of the nonaqueous components and added water are not additive as a function ofW f. The partial specific volume of water in cysts at maximum hydration was estimated to be 3% larger than that of pure water. These observations are compared with density measurements on other systems, and with previous findings on the physical properties of water in this system.  相似文献   
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