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A departure from single-system dynamics, that may arise in characterizing self-organized dynamics of complex systems, is dealt with by using the Karhunen-Loève expansion of the trajectory matrix to decompose an experimental signal in a sum of spectral features. For an electroencephalographic -signal, a separation of waves and extraction of additive sub-signals are achieved, each sub-signal covering a well-bounded and physiologically meaningful frequency range. From the subsignals, an attractor that vanishes on phase-randomizing the data is characterized, under conditions where none was found for the recorded signal.  相似文献   
Various explanations can be offered for the incongruence between phylogenetic hypotheses resulting from morphological and molecular data sets. Of these, the possibility that incongruence may result from the mutation of major morphogenetic genes leading to dramatic morphological divergence unaccompanied by equivalent change of the phylogenetic marker molecule(s) used is discussed in detail. As evidence for this hypothesis, several examples for such incongruence are surveyed. It seems possible that in many cases the genetic basis of the morphological characters responsible for the incongruence found may be simple, and that the genes involved may be homologous to genes known from mutant systems. It is suggested that: 1. the systematic documentation of incongruence between molecular and morphological phylogenies may help to assess the frequency of evolutionary change through the mutation of major morphogenetic genes, and that 2. the identification of major morphological characters distinguishing closely related taxa with mutant phenotypes known from mutant systems eventually may allow an experimental approach to the problem of evolutionary change resulting from major genes. Natural taxa suspected to be the result of such processes could be changed morphologically through transformation with the relevant genes.  相似文献   
Based on the hypothesis that the relation between sweating rate and body temperature should be different during exercise and rest after exercise, we compared the sweating response during exercise and recovery at a similar body temperature. Healthy male subjects performed submaximal exercise (Experiment 1) and maximal exercise (Experiment 2) in a room at 27° C and 35% relative humidity. During exercise and recovery of 20 min after exercise, esophageal temperature (Tes), mean skin temperature, mean body temperature ( ), chest sweating rate ( ), and the frequency of sweat expulsion (F SW) were measured. In both experiments, andF SW were clearly higher during exercise than recovery at a similar body temperature (Tes, ). was similar during exercise and recovery, or a little less during the former, at a similarF SW. It is concluded that the sweating rate during exercise is greater than that during recovery at the same body temperature, due to greater central sudomotor activity during exercise. The difference between the two values is thought to be related to non-thermal factors and the rate of change in mean skin temperature.  相似文献   
Eviostachya hoegii Stockmans在中国五通组的首次发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次描述了Eviostachya hoegii Stockmans的营养部分,通过大量标本的观察,修订了前人有关其生殖部分和解剖部分的描述,并对其生殖部分进行了复原.同意Emberger(1968)的观点,将其归于Eviostachyrales中.  相似文献   
Two sets of four replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster were selected for large and small thorax with controls. F, progeny of crosses between the selected lines within each size category showed (a) a reduction in preadult viability in large lines relative to control and small lines when they were cultured at medium or high density in competition with a standard mutant marked competitor stock, and (b) an increase in larval development time in large lines relative to control and small lines. Natural selection for increased body size in adults may therefore be opposed by adverse effects on larval viability. The results are discussed in terms of the developmental mechanisms probably responsible for the change in body size. The preadult survival of the large and control lines was measured at three different temperatures, and there was no evidence for a significant interaction between size and temperature. The observed evolutionary increase in body size in response to reduced temperature in Drosophila must therefore involve either different genes from those subject to selection for size at a single temperature, or a fitness component other than preadult survival. There was no significant asymmetry in response to selection, and thorax length showed heterosis in crosses between the selected lines.  相似文献   
  • 1 Males of Hermetia comstocki Williston compete for territorial control of certain agaves and yuccas. Winners copulate with females that visit these plants solely to acquire a mate.
  • 2 Males vary in body weight by more than an order of magnitude and larger flies almost always defeat smaller ones in aerial contests for control of landmark territories.
  • 3 The mean body size (as measured by wing-length) was significantly greater for males retaining residency at a site for at least one hour compared to males unable to do so. Likewise, males able to return to a perch site in the study area on more than one day were larger on average than males unable to do so.
  • 4 Male preferences for landmark territories remained similar across years. Large males dominated the perch landmarks most likely to be occupied by males and most likely to be visited by females.
  • 5 Despite the fighting and territorial advantages enjoyed by large males, the mean size of males found mating with females was not significantly larger than that of the general population.
  • 6 The apparent failure of large males to secure a statistically significant mating advantage may be a statistical consequence of the small sample size of males observed mating. On the other hand, any mating advantage of large males may be reduced because (a) receptive females visit many different landmarks, (b) females mate with the first male they encounter at a landmark, regardless of his size, (c) there are usually many vacant landmarks available for smaller males, and (d) even popular territories are often open to small males, thanks to the low site-tenacity of territory owners.
Background and AimsClimate is an important parameter in delimiting coarse-grained aspects of fundamental ecological niches of species; evolution of these niches has been considered a key component in biological diversification. We assessed phylogenetic niche conservatism and evolution in 24 species of the family Oleaceae in relation to temperature and precipitation variables. We studied niches of 17 Olea species and 7 species from other genera of Oleaceae globally.MethodsWe used nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA to reconstruct an evolutionary tree for the family. We used an approach designed specifically to incorporate uncertainty and incomplete knowledge of species’ ecological niche limits. We performed parsimony- and likelihood-based reconstructions of ancestral states on two independent phylogenetic hypotheses for the family. After detailed analysis, species’ niches were classified into warm and cold niches, wet and dry niches, and broad and narrow niches.Key ResultsGiven that full estimates of fundamental niches are difficult, we explore the alternative approach of explicit incorporation of knowledge of gaps in the information available, which allows avoidance of overestimation of amounts of evolutionary change. The result is a first synthetic view of evolutionary dynamics of ecological niches and distributional potential in a widespread plant family. Temperate regions of the Earth were occupied only by lineages that could derive with cold and dry niches; Southeast Asia held species with warm and wet niches; and parts of Africa held only species with dry niches.ConclusionsHigh temperature in Lutetian (Oligocene) and low temperature in Rupelian (Eocene) with major desertification events play important role for niche retraction and expansion in the history for Oleaceae clades. Associations between environmental niche characteristics and phylogeny reconstruction play an important role in understanding ecological niche conservatism, the overall picture was relatively slow or conservative niche evolution in this group.  相似文献   
Drainage and agricultural use transform natural peatlands from a net carbon (C) sink to a net C source. Rewetting of peatlands, despite of high methane (CH4) emissions, holds the potential to mitigate climate change by greatly reducing CO2 emissions. However, the time span for this transition is unknown because most studies are limited to a few years. Especially, nonpermanent open water areas often created after rewetting, are highly productive. Here, we present 14 consecutive years of CH4 flux measurements following rewetting of a formerly long-term drained peatland in the Peene valley. Measurements were made at two rewetted sites (non-inundated vs. inundated) using manual chambers. During the study period, significant differences in measured CH4 emissions occurred. In general, these differences overlapped with stages of ecosystem transition from a cultivated grassland to a polytrophic lake dominated by emergent helophytes, but could also be additionally explained by other variables. This transition started with a rapid vegetation shift from dying cultivated grasses to open water floating and submerged hydrophytes and significantly increased CH4 emissions. Since 2008, helophytes have gradually spread from the shoreline into the open water area, especially in drier years. This process was periodically delayed by exceptional inundation and eventually resulted in the inundated site being covered by emergent helophytes. While the period between 2009 and 2015 showed exceptionally high CH4 emissions, these decreased significantly after cattail and other emergent helophytes became dominant at the inundated site. Therefore, CH4 emissions declined only after 10 years of transition following rewetting, potentially reaching a new steady state. Overall, this study highlights the importance of an integrative approach to understand the shallow lakes CH4 biogeochemistry, encompassing the entire area with its mosaic of different vegetation forms. This should be ideally done through a study design including proper measurement site allocation as well as long-term measurements.  相似文献   
于1986—1988年,先后人工诱导2尾红镜鲤和4尾荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育,获得雌核发育2倍体当年鱼种2133尾,其中红镜鲤685尾,荷包红鲤1448尾。通过对这些后代鳞被和体色两个质量性状的分析,发现荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育2倍体(1987)中有约三分之一个体表现散鳞型鳞被和桔红色(出现由深到浅一系列变化)及少量桔黄色、肉红色个体。红镜鲤散鳞型鳞被出现体表全部覆盖不规则大型鳞片、2/3、1/2覆盖不规则的大型鳞片和散鳞型个体。体色出现桔红色、桔黄色,上述二色都出现由深到浅一系列变化和肉红色。这两个质量性状在雌核发育代中表现出数量性状的特征。  相似文献   
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