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Although renal histopathology is the gold standard for the diagnosis and prognosis of lupus nephritis (LN), the invasiveness of renal biopsy warrants the discovery of novel non-invasive diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. In the present study, urine samples from 10 LN patients (5 active and 5 inactive) were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) to screen for potential biomarkers of active LN. Quantitative analysis and statistics revealed 16 protein spots whose levels significantly differed between groups. These proteins were successfully identified by electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS). Among these potential candidates, differential levels of urinary Zn-α2-glycoprotein (ZA2G) and prostaglandin H(2)D-isomerase (PGDS) were further validated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in another independent group of 78 subjects, including 30 active LN, 26 inactive LN, 14 non-LN glomerular diseases, and 8 healthy normal individuals. Whereas ZA2G levels were elevated in urine of patients with active LN and non-LN glomerular diseases, PGDS was elevated only in the urine of the active LN group. Urinary PGDS, not ZA2G, may serve as a biomarker for active LN and upon validation in larger studies, may become the non-invasive test to evaluate the disease activity in future management of LN.  相似文献   
高温对温室草莓光合生理特性的影响及胁迫等级构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以草莓品种"红颜"为材料,采用人工控制试验对草莓苗进行动态高温(32℃/22℃,35 ℃/25℃,38 ℃/28 ℃和41℃/31℃;日最高温/日最低温)胁迫(2、5、8和11 d)处理,以28℃/18℃为对照(CK),测定各处理下草莓叶片的光合生理参数.通过主成分分析提取关键参数,并以此计算高温胁迫指数(Z),划分高...  相似文献   
Seals have adapted their social systems and lactation strategies to marine environments that include open and ice-covered oceans, high and low productivity, extremes in seasonality, and ocean- and terrestrial-type predators. Different explanations for the variation in pinniped lactation systems have been proposed but tests of alternative hypotheses have not sufficiently accounted for phylogeny and body size. After controlling for this variation, I predicted that environment, mating habitat, and predation would yield a fuller explanation. Lactation traits, duration, pup growth rate, and fat content were significantly influenced by both body size and phylogeny, which together explained 20–69% of the variation. After controlling for this variation, initial results did not support the environment hypothesis, as no differences in lactation traits were found between species living in polar (≥60°N) versus equatorial (<60°N) environments. In contrast, seals that nurse in areas of Arctic sea ice contending with ice-hunting predators, such as polar bears, had relatively short lactation compared to species living in the Antarctic and more equatorial regions. Also, the availability of predator-free islands for terrestrial mating and parturition was related to a harem mating system, increased sexual size dimorphism (SSD), and slow juvenile growth rates, less fat in milk, and longer lactation. Using structural equation modeling, latitude and size of harems provided independent explanations for all three lactation traits. Thus, use of islands in ice-free waters, predation in Arctic ice-covered waters, and more milk fat in high-latitude seals together provided adequate explanations for the evolution of lactation diversity among pinnipeds.  相似文献   
灰仓鼠重要内脏器官生长指数及其变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
廖力夫  黎唯  王诚  聂时铖 《兽类学报》2002,22(4):299-304
对室内培育的灰仓鼠进行同一季节不同年龄段和同一年龄段不同季节某些器官的测量。结果显示, 在初生至25 d 的高速生长期, 体重与肝脏、心脏、肺、脾脏和肾的生长非常接近Huxley 的相对生长公式Y = b xk , 其回归方程分别为: 肝脏Y = 0.013 47 x1.515 9 ; 心脏Y = 0.000 18 x2.163 ; 肺Y = 0.028 48 x0.798 2 ; 脾脏Y = 0.000 24 x1.583 6 ; 肾脏Y = 0.000 2418 x2.310 4 , 并高度相关。睾丸的回归方程在60 日内与Y = b xk公式非常拟合, Y = 0.000 0108 x3.049 4 , r = 0.989 9。除性腺外, 肝脏、心脏、肺、脾脏和肾脏的比值最高值均在25 d 之前。在性成熟期不同年龄段, 性腺比值较稳定, 其它器官比值在性别和年龄段有显著性差异, 雌性普遍高于雄性。在10 月龄不同季节, 只有体重和睾丸比值有显著性差异(7 月最高) , 表示在不同季节利用相近体重比较器官指数差异应将年龄因素作为重要参考依据。  相似文献   
通过盆栽控水试验,设置5个干旱胁迫水平,分别为最大田间持水量的80%(CK)、60%(轻度胁迫)、45%(中度胁迫)、30%(重度胁迫)、20%(极重度胁迫),并同步设计充足灌水后自然干旱实验,测定干旱胁迫对3种滨藜属牧草叶片形态解剖结构、叶片相对含水量、叶绿素含量、净光合速率、可溶性糖含量、质膜相对透性和丙二醛含量等生理生化指标的影响,以明确3种滨藜属牧草的抗旱特性,并探索其抗旱机理。结果表明:(1)3种滨藜属牧草均具有适应旱生环境的典型叶片结构特征,即在干旱胁迫条件下叶片组织结构形态表现为叶片栅栏组织逐渐变薄,而海绵组织在胁迫早期先变薄后增厚的现象,叶肉组织结构紧密度也出现了先降低后增高的规律。(2)随着干旱胁迫的加剧,叶片的可溶性糖含量增加,而其相对含水量减少,3种滨藜属牧草在土壤含水量很低的情况下叶片仍能保持高于52%的相对含水量。(3)在干旱胁迫下,3种滨藜属牧草叶片的叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率都发生显著变化,细胞膜受到的伤害程度有明显差异。(4)3种滨藜属牧草抗旱能力均较强,在干旱胁迫下其抗旱性综合表现为灰白滨藜变种1灰白滨藜变种2四翅滨藜。  相似文献   
草鱼血液学的研究 Ⅰ.九项血液常数的周年变化   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
用741尾健康草鱼种作红细胞、血红蛋白、红细胞比积、红细胞平均体积、红细胞平均血红蛋白量、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度、红细胞沉降率、血浆总蛋白和血浆葡萄糖浓度等九项血液常数的测定。所得的年均值经变异系数分析,除红细胞沉降率和血浆葡萄糖浓度外,其余各项常数的可靠性基本一致。另从周年变动的规律分析,高值出现在冬夏季,低值出现的月份较为分散。水温仅对总蛋白含量的变动呈现显著的负相关(P<0.01)。而体重与血液常数存在着一定的相关因素,在10—90克之间的鱼种中,血红蛋白、红细胞比积、红细胞平均体积、红细胞平均血红蛋白量与体重呈现直线正相关;红细胞沉降率为负相关。  相似文献   
近40a甘肃省气候生产潜力时空变化特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
根据甘肃省69个气象站1971-2007年温度和降水资料,采用Miami模型、Thornthwaite Memorial模型计算了全省温度生产潜力、降水生产潜力和气候生产潜力,分析了影响气候生产潜力的气候驱动力,用经验正交函数(EOF)分析其时空变化特征。结果表明:温度生产潜力显著增加,降水生产潜力略有减少,平均气候生产潜力为733.86 kg · hm-2 · a-1,呈逐渐减少趋势。区域差异性明显,呈东南-西北递减,陇南山区>陇东高原>陇中高原>甘南草原>河西走廊,气候生产潜力以1997年为转型年。增湿和增温均有利于气候生产潜力的增加,但增湿增益更为显著,另气候的暖干化趋势是研究区气候生产潜力减少的重要原因。  相似文献   
【目的】分离鉴定噬菌体,对其生物学特性进行研究,并筛选候选毒株为防控牛源无乳链球菌的感染提供依据。【方法】分别采用从牛奶或环境中分离、溶原菌诱导两种方法分离鉴定无乳链球菌噬菌体,利用双层琼脂平板法纯化。将新分离鉴定毒株与前期已分离鉴定的源自乳腺炎牛奶的无乳链球菌噬菌体JX01进行分析和比较,包括噬菌体透射电镜形态观察、对55株无乳链球菌和其他细菌的宿主谱鉴定、噬菌体基因Eco R I、Sal I、Xba I或Pst I的酶切图谱、最适MOI、吸附曲线和一步生长曲线、不同保存条件下的稳定性等。【结果】分离鉴定的3株噬菌体LYGO9、HZ04和p A11(诱导自牛源菌株HAJL2011070601)与JX01比对分析,结果显示,4株噬菌体均为长尾噬菌体;Eco R I、Sal I、Xba I、Pst I的酶切图谱分获4、3、3或2种带型,显示4株噬菌体为不同毒株;均特异性裂解牛源无乳链球菌,对42株牛源无乳链球菌的裂解率如下:LYGO9为28.6%(12/42)、p A11为31%(13/42)、HZ04为47.6%(20/42)、JX01为54.8%(23/42);同时,LYGO9与p A11、HZ04和JX01分别有共同宿主11、12和11株;HZ04与JX01有共同宿主18株,提示它们具有同源性。LYGO9感染宿主的潜伏期短,仅5 min,平均裂解量为30。分离株在SM液中4°C至少可保存1个月。【结论】分离鉴定的3株牛源无乳链球菌噬菌体均为长尾噬菌体,其中LYGO9潜伏期短、裂解量较大。  相似文献   
乙型肝炎病毒的流行对人们的生命健康造成了极大的威胁, 而有效准确的诊断和预防性疫苗是阻止其流行的主要手段, 乙肝表面抗原是诊断试剂和疫苗的主要成分。本试验在构建稳定表达HBsAg的毕赤酵母菌株后, 对其发酵条件进行了研究。采用摇瓶分批培养方法, 探讨了不同培养基、溶解氧、诱导物甲醇的浓度以及pH值等因素对菌体生长与重组蛋白表达的影响。在10 L发酵罐上采用分批补料培养的方法研究了进行扩大培养生产重组HBsAg。结果表明, FBS无机盐合成培养基是理想的工业发酵培养基, 溶解氧对菌体的生长与表达有显著的影响, 甲醇诱导最佳终浓度为1% (V/V), 发酵的最适pH值为5.4~6.0。发酵罐放大培养后, ELISA和 SDS-PAGE分析表明重组HBsAg获得了高效表达, 最终菌体生物量达到310 OD600, 表达量达到27 mg/L。电子显微镜观察表达重组乙肝抗原可以自组装为22 nm类病毒颗粒, 为HBV的新一代早期血清学诊断和疫苗的大规模生产提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   


Diabetes is a growing worldwide problem that is strongly associated with atherosclerosis. Screening and intervention for diabetes in the earliest stages are advocated for the prevention of diabetic complications and cardiovascular disease.

Scope of review

This review gives a background of and discusses the potential clinical utility of glycated albumin (GA) in diabetes.

Major conclusions

GA is a ketoamine formed via a non-enzymatic glycation reaction of serum albumin and it reflects mean glycemia over two to three weeks. GA can be used for patients with anemia or hemoglobinopathies for whom the clinically measured hemoglobin A1c level may be inaccurate. Because both serum and plasma samples can be used, GA can be analyzed from the same samples as common biological markers. GA is a useful marker for the screening of diabetes in a medical evaluation. It can be also used to determine the effectiveness of treatment before initiating or changing medications for diabetic patients. GA is potentially an atherogenic protein in the development of diabetic atherosclerosis.

General significance

GA measurement is useful as part of a routine examination to screen for both diabetes and atherosclerosis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Serum Albumin.  相似文献   
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