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Bacillus subtilis AddAB, RecS, RecQ, PcrA, HelD, DinG, RecG, RuvAB, PriA and RecD2 are genuine recombinational repair enzymes, but the biological role of RecD2 is poorly defined. A ΔrecD2 mutation sensitizes cells to DNA-damaging agents that stall or collapse replication forks. We found that this ΔrecD2 mutation impaired growth, and that a mutation in the pcrA gene (pcrA596) relieved this phenotype. The ΔrecD2 mutation was not epistatic to ΔaddAB, ΔrecQ, ΔrecS, ΔhelD, pcrA596 and ΔdinG, but epistatic to recA. Specific RecD2 degradation caused unviability in the absence of RecG or RuvAB, but not on cells lacking RecU. These findings show that there is notable interplay between RecD2 and RecG or RuvAB at arrested replication forks, rather than involvement in processing Holliday junctions during canonical double strand break repair. We propose that there is a trade-off for efficient genome duplication, and that recombinational DNA helicases directly or indirectly provide the cell with the means to tolerate chromosome segregation failures.  相似文献   
Proteomics has now published a series of Dataset Briefs on the EyeOme from the HUPO Human Proteome Project with high‐quality analyses of the proteomes of these compartments of the human eye: retina, iris, ciliary body, retinal pigment epithelium/choroid, retrobulbar optic nerve, and sclera, with 3436, 2929, 2867, 2755, 2711, and 1945 proteins, respectively. These proteomics resources represent a useful starting point for a broad range of research aimed at developing preventive and therapeutic interventions for the various causes of blindness.  相似文献   
泥河湾盆地是中国北方第四纪地层发育最为齐全的地区之一,多处哺乳动物化石产地及旧石器遗址中均有披毛犀化石产出(卫奇,1997),但报道产出的化石多数只是骨体碎片或零星的牙齿。1965年夏天,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所前太原工作站王择义、王向前和武文杰在泥河湾盆地河北省阳原县东城乡虎头梁一带进行旧石器调查时,从褐黄色含细砾砂质粘土层中采集到一些披毛犀化石,产出地点位于虎头梁旧石器遗址NE55°方向350m处,地层层位位于旧石器产出层位之下的泥河湾组上部,时代为早更新世末期。这些技毛犀化石是该…  相似文献   
This study intends to clarify the ability of different carbonyl-containing lens metabolites to form advanced glycation end products, which possess photosensitizer activity and to investigate whether these modified proteins could be implicated in lens photodamage. Calf lens protein was experimentally glycated with either methylglyoxal, glyoxal, ascorbic acid, or fructose to obtain models of aged and diabetic cataractous lenses. Being exposed to 200 J/cm 2 UVA radiation the model glycated proteins produced 2-3-fold more singlet oxygen compared to the unmodified protein and the superoxide radical formation was 30-80% higher than by the native protein. Ascorbylated proteins demonstrated the highest photosensitizer activity. Biological responses of glycation-related photosensitizers were studied on cultured lens epithelial cells irradiated with 40 J/cm 2 UVA. Tissue culture studies revealed a significant increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in the culture medium of lens epithelial cells after irradiation and treatment with glycated proteins. Lens proteins had a protective effect against UVA induced cytotoxicity, however, this protective effect decreased with the increasing photosensitizer activity of experimentally glycated proteins. The documented glycation-related photosensitization could explain the accelerated pathogenic changes in human lens at advanced age and under diabetic conditions.  相似文献   
Mutations within the sagA gene of Aspergillus nidulans cause sensitisation to DNA-damaging chemicals but have no effect upon spontaneous or damage-induced mutation frequency. The sagA gene was cloned on a 19-kb cosmid-derived fragment by functional complementation of a sagA1 sagC3 double mutant; subsequently, a fragment of the gene was also isolated on a 3.9-kb genomic subclone. Initial sequencing of a small section of the 19-kb fragment allowed the design of primers that were subsequently used in RTPCR experiments to show that this DNA is transcribed. A 277-bp fragment derived from the transcribed region was used to screen an A. nidulans cDNA library, resulting in the isolation of a 1.4-kb partial cDNA clone which had sequence overlap with the genomic sagA fragment. This partial cDNA was incomplete but appeared to contain the whole coding region of sagA. The sagA1 mutant was shown to possess two mutations; a G-T transversion and a+1 frameshift due to insertion of a T, causing disruption to the C-terminal region of the SagA protein. Translation of the sagA cDNA predicts a protein of 378 amino acids, which has homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae End3 protein and also to certain mammalian proteins capable of causing cell transformation. Received: 1 August 1998 / Accepted: 9 November 1998  相似文献   
The outflying and homeflying activity pattern of a colony of the Indian pygmy bat Pipistrellus mimus occupying a tunnel was studied under natural conditions. Before leaving the tunnel for foraging, the bats made circling flights outside to sample the environmental light conditions. The onset and end of activity was related to the times of sunset and sunrise respectively. The onset of flight during evening commenced after sunset from mid-September to mid-April, before sunset during the rest of the year. Onset of activity occurred at higher light intensities compared to light intensities prevailing during the return flight to the roost in the morning. The duration of activity time showed a curvilinear relationship with the duration of the night. The phase relationship between onset and end of activity, and sunset and sunrise, showed marked seasonal variations in the values of Ψonset, Ψend, and Ψmidpoint. However, such changes in the phase angle properties did not obey Aschoff's seasonal rule. Based upon the data obtained on the onset and end of activity patterns for five species of bats, including the data from this study, we report that P. mimus is the earliest to set out for foraging in the evening and among the last to return home in the morning. This might be due to dusk and dawn peaks in activity of the prey insects.  相似文献   
目的:分析和比较血液透析和腹膜透析终末期肾病患者预后的影响及其安全性。方法:选取2010年1月至2016年4月本医院收治的透析患者246例作为研究对象,将其分为血液透析组和腹膜透析组,比较两组患者治疗后的生存情况及并发症的发生情况。结果:两组患者死亡原因是心力衰竭、消化道出血、重度感染、脑梗死,两组的病死率及死因构成比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。腹膜透析组患者1年、3年、5年生存率均显著高于血液透析组(P0.05),两组患者7年生存率比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。首次透析年龄超过60岁的终末期肾病患者中,腹膜透析组1年、3年、5年、7年生存率均显著低于血液透析组(P0.05)。血液透析组心力衰竭、动静脉内瘘闭塞发生率显著高于腹膜透析组(P0.05),腹膜透析组腹膜炎的发生率显著高于血液透析组(P0.05),血液透析组总并发症发生率明显高于腹膜透析组(P0.05)。结论:血液透析和腹膜透析各有优缺点,对终末期肾病患者应个体化选择透析方式,减少并发症,提高生活质量及生存率。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to analyse whether the functional diversity of the fungal community follows the environmental gradients as much as vascular plants. After determination of the Ellenberg's indicator values on the basis of 602 cormophyte species occurring in 110 permanent plots across Central Europe, the relation between soil fungi and the abiotic factors as defined by Ellenberg's indicators has been evaluated. The palynological assessment proves that not the fungal occurrence, but the concentration of fungal remains is the most appropriate tool to unravel causal links between the belowground microflora and the soil abiotic factors. The analyses show a striking dichotomy within the fungal community. First, the logarithms of fungal diversity and hyphal density show close but opposite relationships with light, moisture, soil reaction and nitrogen availability. Second, fungal functional groups show parallel, decreasing trends for soil reaction and nitrogen availability. Aside from the mycorrhizal network as a whole (ericoid, EM and AM), we demonstrate that the degree of ecological information supplied by the different trophic levels (litter-related fungi, fimicolous fungi, wood-related fungi and strictly ericoid mycorrhizal fungi) is much greater than expected from previous studies.  相似文献   
A literature review of 34 families of flowering plants containing at least one species pollinated primarily by beetles is presented. While the majority of species are represented by magnoliids and basal monocotyledons specialized, beetle-pollinated systems have evolved independently in 14 families of eudicotyldons and six families of petaloid monocots. Four, overlapping modes of floral presentation in plants pollinated exclusively by beetles (Bilabiate, Brush, Chamber Blossom and Painted Bowl) are described. Chamber Blossoms and Painted Bowls are the two most common modes. Chamber Blossoms, found in magnoliids, primitive monocotyledons and in some families of woody eudicots, exploit the greatest diversity of beetle pollinators. Painted Bowls are restricted to petaloid monocots and a few families of eudicots dependent primarily on hairy species of Scarabaeidae as pollen vectors. In contrast, generalist flowers pollinated by a combination of beetles and other animals are recorded in 22 families. Generalist systems are more likely to secrete nectar and exploit four beetle families absent in specialist flowers. Centers of diversity for species with specialized, beetle-pollinated systems are distributed through the wet tropics (centers for Brush and Chamber Blossoms) to warm temperate-Mediterranean zones (centers for Painted Bowls and a few Bilabiate flowers). It is unlikely that beetles were the first pollinators of angiosperms but specialized, beetlepollinated flowers must have evolved by the midlate Cretaceous to join pre-existing guilds of beetlepollinated gymnosperms. The floras of Australia and western North America suggest that mutualistic interactions between beetles and flowers has been a continuous and labile trend in angiosperms with novel interactions evolving through the Tertiary.  相似文献   
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