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Studies on the genetic basis of rostral-caudal specification, neural induction, and head development require knowledge of the relevant gene expression patterns. Gaps in our understanding of gene expression have led us to examine the detailed spatiotemporal expression patterns of 19 genes implicated in early development, to learn more about their potential role in specifying and patterning early developmental processes leading to head formation. Here, we report the expression patterns of these markers in blastula- and gastrula-stage chick embryos, using whole-mount in situ hybridisation. Nodal, Fgf8, Bmp7, Chordin, Lim1, Hnf3beta, Otx2, Goosecoid, Cerberus, Hex, Dickkopf1, and Crescent are all already expressed by the time the egg is laid. When the primitive streak has reached its full length, a later group of genes, including Ganf, Six3, Bmp2, Bmp4, Noggin, Follistatin, and Qin (BF1), begins to be expressed. We reassess current models of early rostral patterning based on the analysis of these dynamic spatiotemporal expression patterns.  相似文献   
Recent studies show that cell dispersal is a widespread phenomenon in the development of early vertebrate embryos. These cell movements coincide with major decisions for the spatial organization of the embryo, and they parallel genetic patterning events. For example, in the central nervous system, cell dispersal is first mainly anterior–posterior and subsequently dorsal–ventral. Thus, genes expressed in signaling centers of the embryo probably control cell movements, tightly linking cellular and genetic patterning. Cell dispersal might be important for the correct positioning of cells and tissues involved in intercellular signaling. The emergence of cell dispersal at the onset of vertebrate evolution indicates a shift from early, lineage-based cellular patterning in small embryos to late, movement-based cellular patterning of polyclones in large embryos. The conservation of the same basic body plan by invertebrate and vertebrate chordates suggests that evolution of the embryonic period preceding the phylotypic stage was by intercalary co-option of basic cell activities present in the ancestral metazoan cell.  相似文献   
Members of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play important roles in many aspects of vertebrate embryogenesis. In developing limbs, BMPs have been implicated in control of anterior-posterior patterning, outgrowth, chondrogenesis, and apoptosis. These diverse roles of BMPs in limb development are apparently mediated by different BMP receptors (BMPR). To identify the developmental processes in mouse limb possibly contributed by BMP receptor-IB (BMPR-IB), we generated transgenic mice misexpressing a constitutively active Bmpr-IB (caBmpr-IB). The transgene driven by the mouse Hoxb-6 promoter was ectopically expressed in the posterior mesenchyme of the forelimb bud, the lateral plate mesoderm, and the whole mesenchyme of the hindlimb bud. While the forelimbs appeared normal, the transgenic hindlimbs exhibited several phenotypes, including bifurcation, preaxial polydactyly, and posterior transformation of the anterior digit. However, the size of bones in the transgenic limbs seemed unaltered. Defects in sternum and ribs were also found. The bifurcation in the transgenic hindlimb occurred early in the limb development (E10.5) and was associated with extensive cell death in the mesenchyme and occasionally in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER). Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Patched (Ptc) expression appeared unaffected in the transgenic limb buds, suggesting that the BMPR-IB mediated signaling pathway is downstream from Shh. However, ectopic Fgf4 expression was found in the anterior AER, which may account for the duplication of the anterior digit. An ectopic expression of Gremlin found in the transgenic limb bud would be responsible for the ectopic Fgf4 expression. The observations that Hoxd-12 and Hoxd-13 expression patterns were extended anteriorly provide a molecular basis for the posterior transformation of the anterior digit. Together these results suggest that BMPR-IB is the endogenous receptor to mediate the role of BMPs in anterior-posterior patterning and apoptosis in mouse developing limb. In addition, BMPR-IB may represent a critical component in the Shh/FGF4 feedback loop by regulating Gremlin expression.  相似文献   
The following was recently reported by Bonner et al. (1995): (1) Rapid differentiation occurred into two zones in Dictyostelium discoideum cells confined in a fine glass capillary. The cells in the anterior zone exposed to the air appear similar to prestalk cells, while the posterior zone isolated from the air mimics prespore cells. (2) The volumes of the two zones are proportional to each other for different sized cell masses, and the proportion is the same as that in normal migrating slugs. We investigated the nature of this newly discovered rapid differentiation in a slightly modified geometry. Exponentially growing cells were harvested, washed to remove external nutrients, and pelleted by centrifugation. Subsequently, a small drop of the pelleted (starved) cells was placed on a slide glass and then confined in a two-dimensional space between the slide glass and a coverslip, with help of spacers whose thickness varied from 25 to 100 μm. As a result, a dark zone, which looked optically different, emerged within several minutes in the periphery of the disc of the confined cells, corresponding to the zonation in a capillary as previously reported. When the width of the peripheral zone was measured for more than 30 samples of different diameters for each thickness of the spacers, the width was found to be always about 100 μm, irrespective of the size difference of the cell mass placed. This seems to be contradictory to the previous observation made by Bonner et al. (1995). We also examined oxygen concentration dependence on the zone width. The zone width was found to be independent of the oxygen concentration at low concentrations, but increased rapidly at high concentrations. A reaction-diffusion mechanism for formation of the zone and possible involvement of atmospheric oxygen (O2) in the initial steps of cell differentiation and pattern formation is discussed.  相似文献   
M. Geisler  M. Yang  F. D. Sack 《Planta》1998,205(4):522-530
Stomata are consistently patterned so that they are not in contact. This patterning is violated in the too many mouths (tmm) and four lips (flp) mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. which have stomatal clusters in the first-formed leaves. To clarify the function of both genes in stomatal initiation and patterning, the phenotypes of many different organs were quantified. The flp mutation affects dorsiventral and cylindrical organs differentially with respect to the frequency of clustering. The tmm mutation has a more complex region-specific phenotype in that some regions lack stomata entirely, other regions have excess stomata, and the flower stalk exhibits an apex-to-base gradient from excess to no stomata. This suggests that TMM represents an unusual type of gene regulating plant cell development in that it can either influence stomatal initiation in a positive or negative fashion depending on region. Since the frequencies of initiation and clustering can be uncoupled in tmm, these two functions are under separate region-specific control. Analysis of double mutants shows that tmm and flp in some cases show region-specific interactions in both cluster formation and initiation, and that there may be subpopulations of stomata under different genetic control. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   
Several studies have shown that the human body generally conforms to the ecogeographical expectations of Bergmann's and Allen's rules; however, recent evidence suggests that these expectations may not hold completely for some populations. Egypt is located at the crossroads of Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern Europe, and the Near East, and gene flow among groups in these regions may confound ecogeographical patterning. In this study, we test the fit of the adult physique of a large sample (N = 163) of females and males from the Kellis 2 cemetery (Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt) against ecogeographical predictions. Body shape (i.e., body mass relative to stature) was assessed by the femur head diameter to bicondylar femur length index (FHD/BFL), and brachial and crural indices were calculated to examine intralimb proportions. Body shape in the Kellis 2 sample is not significantly different from high‐latitude groups and a Lower Nubian sample, and intralimb proportions are not significantly different from mid‐latitude and other low‐latitude groups. This study demonstrates the potential uniqueness of body shape and intralimb proportions in an ancient Egyptian sample, and further highlights the complex relationship between ecogeographic patterning and adaptation. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:496–505, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Given the well‐documented fact that human body proportions covary with climate (presumably due to the action of selection), one would expect that the Ipiutak and Tigara Inuit samples from Point Hope, Alaska, would be characterized by an extremely cold‐adapted body shape. Comparison of the Point Hope Inuit samples to a large (n > 900) sample of European and European‐derived, African and African‐derived, and Native American skeletons (including Koniag Inuit from Kodiak Island, Alaska) confirms that the Point Hope Inuit evince a cold‐adapted body form, but analyses also reveal some unexpected results. For example, one might suspect that the Point Hope samples would show a more cold‐adapted body form than the Koniag, given their more extreme environment, but this is not the case. Additionally, univariate analyses seldom show the Inuit samples to be more cold‐adapted in body shape than Europeans, and multivariate cluster analyses that include a myriad of body shape variables such as femoral head diameter, bi‐iliac breadth, and limb segment lengths fail to effectively separate the Inuit samples from Europeans. In fact, in terms of body shape, the European and the Inuit samples tend to be cold‐adapted and tend to be separated in multivariate space from the more tropically adapted Africans, especially those groups from south of the Sahara. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effects of mutations in five anterior gap genes (hkb, tll, otd, ems and btd) on the spatial expression of the segment polarity genes, wg and hh, were analyzed at the late blastoderm stage and during subsequent development. Both wg and hh are normally expressed at blastoderm stage in two broad domains anterior to the segmental stripes of the trunk region. At the blastoderm stage, each gap gene acts specifically to regulate the expression of either wg or hh in the anterior cephalic region: hkb, otd and btd regulate the anterior blastoderm expression of wg, while tll and ems regulate hh blastoderm expression. Additionally, btd is required for the first segmental stripe (mandibular segment) of both hh and wg at blastoderm stages. The subsequent segmentation of the cephalic segments (preantennal, antennal and intercalary) appears to be dependent on the overlap of the wg and hh cephalic domains as defined by these gap genes at the blastoderm stage. None of these five known gap genes are required for the activation of the labral segment domains of hh and wg, which are presumably either activated directly by maternal pathways or by an unidentified gap gene.  相似文献   
The concept of positional information is central to our understanding of how cells determine their location in a multicellular structure and thereby their developmental fates. Nevertheless, positional information has neither been defined mathematically nor quantified in a principled way. Here we provide an information-theoretic definition in the context of developmental gene expression patterns and examine the features of expression patterns that affect positional information quantitatively. We connect positional information with the concept of positional error and develop tools to directly measure information and error from experimental data. We illustrate our framework for the case of gap gene expression patterns in the early Drosophila embryo and show how information that is distributed among only four genes is sufficient to determine developmental fates with nearly single-cell resolution. Our approach can be generalized to a variety of different model systems; procedures and examples are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
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