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Oxynoemacheilus cemali sp. nov. is described from the Çoruh River drainage in the eastern Black Sea basin. One molecular marker (coI), 25 morphometric and four meristic characters were analysed. Oxynoemacheilus cemali is distinguished from O. kosswigi, O. banarescui, O. samanticus and O. angorae in the Black Sea basin by having a suborbital groove in males, an axillary lobe at the pelvic-fin base, no dorsal adipose crest on the caudal peduncle, a slightly-forked caudal fin and 7–15 dark grey dorsal saddles. Morever, Oxynoemacheilus cemali is distinguished by commonly having 9–15 irregularly-shaped dark-grey bars on the flank posterior to the dorsal-fin origin or, rarely having a mottled pattern or 4–6 irregularly shaped dark-grey bars on the flank posterior to the dorsal-fin origin. Oxynoemacheilus cemali is also distinguished from the closely related species O. araxensis and O. cyri, distributed outside the Black Sea basin, by having 15 and 31 diagnostic nucleotide substitutions in the coI barcode region, respectively.  相似文献   
Progress in metabolomic analysis now allows the evaluation of food quality. This study aims to identify the metabolites in meat from livestock using a metabolomic approach. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS), many metabolites were reproducibly detected in meats, and distinct differences between livestock species (cattle, pigs, and chickens) were indicated. A comparison of metabolites between tissues types (muscle, intramuscular fat, and intermuscular fat) in marbled beef of Japanese Black cattle revealed that most metabolites are abundant in the muscle tissue. Several metabolites (medium-chain fatty acids, etc.) involved in triacylglycerol synthesis were uniquely detected in fat tissue. Additionally, the results of multivariate analysis suggest that GC/MS analysis of metabolites can distinguish between cattle breeds. These results provide useful information for the analysis of meat quality using GC/MS-based metabolomic analysis.

ABBREVIATIONS: GC/MS: gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance; MS: mass spectrometry; IS: 2-isopropylmalic acid; MSTFA: N-Methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide; CV: coefficient of variation; TBS: Tris-buffered saline; MHC: myosin fast type; PCA: principal component analysis; OPLS-DA: orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis; O2PLS: two-way orthogonal partial least-squares  相似文献   

生态位分化是解释物种共存的重要理论。Schonenr认为空间维度对生态位差异形成的影响程度最高,营养维度次之,时间维度则最后被启动。为验证这一假说,我们于2018年12月至2019年11月,在浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区龙塘山区域采用公里网格法布设52台红外相机,对同域分布且食性相似的黑麂和小麂种群进行监测,计算平均拍摄率,分析不同季节黑麂和小麂对不同植被类型、海拔、坡位、水源距离的选择差异,并运用核密度估计法分析二者日活动节律及重叠程度。结果显示,(1)黑麂和小麂对空间生态位的选择出现分化:黑麂偏好针阔混交林,主要栖息于1 301~1 500 m的高海拔地区,回避下坡位和谷地,在距离水源较近的区域内活动频繁;小麂则偏好落叶阔叶林,主要栖息于901~1 100 m的中海拔地区,偏好中坡位,回避谷地,对水源距离没有明显的选择倾向。(2)黑麂和小麂均为晨昏性活动的昼行性动物,二者全年日活动节律重叠程度较高(Δ4=0.86),仅冬季较低(Δ1=0.65)。上述结果支持Schonenr的假说:首先,空间维度对物种生态位分化的影响大于时间维度,龙塘山区域黑麂和小麂主要通过选择不同的栖息地来增加空间...  相似文献   
Genetic differences which exist in the prion protein gene (PRNP) have been reported to influence susceptibility of humans, sheep and goats to prion diseases. In cattle, however, none of the known coding polymorphisms has a direct effect on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). It has been reported that 23‐bp insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphisms within the promoter region have a tentative association to BSE susceptibility in German cattle, and a lower number of 24‐bp repeat units in the open reading frame (ORF) was reported to reduce BSE susceptibility in transgenic mice. In this study, because of the hypothesis that bovine PRNP promoter polymorphisms cause changes in PRNP expression, we genotyped PRNP polymorphisms in the promoter and intron 1 using 218 genomic DNA samples from two Japanese cattle breeds. We also analysed the expression levels of prion in 40 animals by quantification of real‐time PCR using mRNAs extracted from the medulla oblongata to study the relationship between PRNP genotypes and PRNP expression. We found a significant correlation between promoter indel polymorphisms and PRNP‐mRNA expression (P0.0413) and therefore hypothesize that differences in polymorphisms could be one of the causes of differences in PRNP expression levels. We also report a novel difference in PRNP expression (P < 0.0001) between Japanese Black and Japanese Brown cattle breeds. There was no significant difference based on age and sex of the animals.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective effect of black tea (BT) extract against induced oxidative damage in Jurkat T-cell line. Cells supplemented with 10 or 25 mg/L BT were subjected to oxidation with ferrous ions. Malondialdehyde (MDA) production as marker of lipid peroxidation, DNA single strand breaks as marker of DNA damage, and modification of the antioxidant enzyme activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPX) were measured. Results show the efficacy of BT polyphenols to decrease DNA oxidative damage and to affect GPX activity (P<0.05), while no effect was shown on MDA production. The succeeding investigation of the activity of caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate demonstrated their antioxidant potential with respect to the cellular markers evaluated. In conclusion, this study supports the protective effect of BT against ferrous ions induced oxidative damage to DNA and the ability of BT to affect the enzyme antioxidant system of Jurkat cells.  相似文献   
The aim of this contribution is to examine the effect of an indiscriminate epidemic on a population to assess whether or not a catastrophic event can be identified from examination of paleodemographic data. Using paleodemographic techniques, the death assemblage from the Royal Mint site, London, a Black Death cemetery dated 1349 AD, is compared with that from St. Helen-on-the-Walls, York, which dates from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries AD. The Royal Mint site represents a catastrophic cemetery, while that of St. Helen-on-the-Walls is of an attritional type. Certain features of the paleodemographic profile of the plague victims suggest that the population had been affected by factors other than natural wastage. Three factors are proposed which may define an indiscriminate catastrophic event in preindustrial populations.  相似文献   
Two yeasts, Debaryomyces polymorphus, Candida tropicalis, and two filamentous fungi, Umbelopsis isabellina, Penicillium geastrivorus, could completely decolorize 100 mg Reactive Black 5 (RB 5) l–1 within 16–48 h. Manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP) activities between 60 and 424 U l–1 were detected in culture supernatants of three of these organisms indicating the color removal by enzymatic biodegradation but with P. geastrivorus there was no ligninolytic enzyme activity in its culture and the decolorization was mainly due to biosorption to mycelium. Extensive decolorization by D. polymorphus (69–94%) and C. tropicalis (30–97%) was obtained with five other azo dyes and one anthraquinone dye. Except for Reactive Brilliant Blue KNR and Reactive Yellow M-3R, the four azo dyes, Reactive Red M-3BE, Procion Scharlach H-E3G, Procion Marine H-EXL and Reactive Brilliant Red K-2BP, induced D. polymorphus to produce MnP (105–587 U l–1). However, MnP activities of 198–329 U l–1 were only detected in the culture of C. tropicalis containing Reactive Red M-3BE and Reactive Brilliant Red K-2BP, respectively.  相似文献   
Distance between dam and offspring (1–121 days old) in a herd of Japanese Black cattle (Bos taurus) grazing a tropical grass (Paspalum notatum) pasture (1.5 ha) was investigated during 7-h grazing periods over grazing seasons from May (spring) to October (autumn). The mother–young distance was not constant throughout the grazing period, repeatedly increasing and decreasing. Although significant periodicity was always detected in the mother–young distance, there was no consistent dominant cycle, indicating the complexity of the within-day pattern of mother–young distance. The mean mother–young distance over the grazing period increased as a calf aged, reaching a plateau at an age of about 33 days. The mean distance of a calf from its mother was usually shorter than that from a non-mother cow, with the difference between the mean distances decreasing sharply until a calf became about 35 days old. The results and literature show that mutual independence of mother and young rapidly develops in the first 30–50 days after parturition. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Abstract.— Marine species generally show high dispersal capabilities, which should be accompanied by high levels of gene flow and low speciation rates. However, studies that focused on the relationship between dispersal and gene flow in marine fishes have been inconclusive. This study focuses on the black surfperch, Embiotoca jacksoni , a temperate reef fish that lacks a pelagic larval stage and lives on almost continuous reefs along the California and Baja California coasts. Mitochondrial control-region sequences from 240 individuals were obtained, and phylogeographic patterns were analyzed. A major phylogeographic break was found at Santa Monica Bay, a sandy expanse that prevents adult dispersal. Deep water separating the southern California Channel Islands was also found to be a major barrier to gene flow. Minor phylogeographic breaks were also detected in the Big Sur/Morro Bay and in the Punta Eugenia/Guerrero Negro regions, but none in the Point Conception region. Gene flow levels in E. jacksoni were found to be almost identical to those of another species with limited dispersal, Acanthochromis polyacanthus , thus indicating that the lack of a pelagic larval stage combined with barriers to adult dispersal may have had similar effects on these two species.  相似文献   
The influence of lignin, lignin model compounds, and black liquor from the kraft pulping process on the hydrolysis of xylan by xylanase was investigated. Addition of vanillic acid, acetovanillone, and protocatechuic acid increased the rate of hydrolysis of xylan by as much as 18–50% at low concentrations, but reached maxima at about 0.05% concentration. Addition of vanillin caused a 15% improvement in xylan hydrolysis, while addition of guaiacol more than doubled the hydrolysis rate. Increasing concentrations of either lignin or black liquor also increased the hydrolysis rate of xylan. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated a change in the structure of xylanase in the presence of black liquor.  相似文献   
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