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Selection and optimization procedure of synbiotic for cholesterol removal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhang F  Hang X  Fan X  Li G  Yang H 《Anaerobe》2007,13(5-6):185-192
A selection and optimization procedure for the synbiotic combination of probiotic and prebiotics was established to optimize its cholesterol removal in vitro. In light of fermentability, prebiotics utilization by probiotics was highly variable and interspecies differences existed. Based on the results of fermentability, L. plantarum LS12, Ls31, LP529 and L. ruminis La3 could be the better candidates for symbiotic research. The bile tolerance of all the tested strains could be improved by the strain-specific prebiotics comparing to the control carbon source (glucose). The strain LS12 was finally selected to form the symbiotic according to its better ability to ferment prebiotics and bile tolerance, while the five prebiotics (FOS, stachyose, GOS, IMO and mannitol) were selected to make their synbiotic combination because of their better enhancement of bile tolerance and growth support to LS12. The synbiotic combination for cholesterol removal was optimized by use of response surface methodology. The first-order model showed that the selected prebiotics mannitol and GOS were significant factors. Then through the second-order polynomial regression model, the optimum conditions of the two factors for cholesterol removal by the synbiotic were suggested.  相似文献   
Summary. S-adenosylmthionine is the major methyl donor in all living organisms, but it is also involved in many other reactions occurring through radical-based catalysis. The structure and function of some of these enzymes, including those involved in the synthesis of the molybdenum cofactors, biotin, lipoate, will be discussed.  相似文献   
The test fungus Trichoderma harzianum was isolated from the Western Ghats area of Tamilnadu, India. The study involves the feasibility of using T.harzianum to remove erioglaucine from an aqueous solution in batch mode. The batch mode experimental parameters such as effect of agitation time and initial dye concentration, adsorbent mass and pH were determined. The results revealed that, the fungal biomass at 1.5 g/50 ml adsorbent mass removed 75.67–88.05% of dye (10–50 mg/l) in 105 min at pH 4.0. The adsorption equilibrium data followed both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. From the Langmuir isotherm, the adsorbent had adsorption capacity (Q 0 ) of 3.09 mg/g. Pseudo first and second order rate kinetic equations were applied to the experimental adsorption data. The results indicate that the adsorbent system followed second order rate kinetics.  相似文献   
人工湿地除磷研究进展   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
李晓东  孙铁珩  李海波  王洪 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1226-1232
从人工湿地除磷机理着手,综述了国内外有关湿地基质、湿地植物及微生物强化除磷的研究机理以及进展。深入研究多种基质组合对磷素的吸附与解析机理,可以从理论上推进诸多高效除磷基质的实际应用进程;植物间接净化作用及其与湿地水力停留时间的关系,是影响湿地植物选种和种植的重要依据;植物根际微环境以及植物与微生物的耦合作用可能是人工湿地除磷的主要途径之一;强调湿地的污水净化功能而忽视其生态服务功能,是湿地运行中普遍存在的认识错误。最后指出:湿地运行应采取高水力负荷、低污染负荷的方式,强调强化一级处理的重要性。  相似文献   
水网藻(Hydrodictyon reticulatum)治理水体富营养化的可行性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究了不同形态的氮及磷浓度对水网藻的生长及吸收去除氮磷能力的影响;并对水网藻在我国南方供水水库GDAR现场的生长能力作出评价。水网藻在氮磷比为15左右的条件下,生长及氮,磷去除能力均为最好,并能优先吸收氨氮。在总氮、总磷分别为4.5mg/L和0.3mg/L时,对总氮和总磷的3d去除率几乎达100%。水网藻在水库现场全年均能正常生长。夏、秋和冬3个季度的生长率分别为1.051、0.557和0.353。实验证明水网藻可以作为改善我国南方富营养化水库水质的一种辅助措施。  相似文献   
黄宝强  寇勇  安德军 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6795-6802
少花鹤顶兰(Phaiu delavayi)是多年生、多次结实的具有克隆能力的地生兰科植物,是中国特有种。目前少花鹤顶兰开花物候、花寿命、繁殖成功等生物学特征尚不清楚,而这些资料是开展少花鹤顶兰进化和保护生物学研究的基础。利用2005-2007年四川黄龙沟少花鹤顶兰的调查数据,对少花鹤顶兰繁殖成功特征进行了研究。结果表明黄龙沟少花鹤顶兰每个花序的平均花朵数为3(1-7)朵。叶和花的形态指标在年季间无显著变异。2005-2007年3年间的开花物候没有明显的差异,花期始于6月中旬,于7月底至8月初结束,持续约6-7周,80%-90%的花在7月初的开花高峰期开放,属花集中开放模式。花寿命与是否授粉密切相关,成功授粉的花寿命比没有授粉的花寿命短。少花鹤顶兰是自交亲和的,但其结实完全依赖于两种熊蜂的传粉,不存在自动自花授粉和无融合生殖现象。柱头可授性和花粉活力可维持15 d左右。繁殖成功率年季间的变化很大,并表现出逐年下降的趋势,花粉移走率为18%-51%,自然结实率为10%-36%。繁殖成功下降的趋势可能与黄龙沟喷洒农药有关。  相似文献   
王思琪  张利敏  刘月  陈羽彤 《生态学报》2023,43(8):3236-3246
根系与凋落物有机碳输入变化对土壤碳氮循环的影响已成为当前学界关注的热点,但冻融季不同有机碳输入方式将对土壤活性氮含量产生何种影响尚不明确。为此在春季具有明显冻融作用的温带森林设立凋落物去除、根系去除处理以代表仅根系有机碳输入方式、仅凋落物有机碳输入方式,并设置自然条件有机碳输入方式即保留根系及凋落物作为对照,多角度探究土壤微生物量氮、矿质氮动态变化。结果表明:(1)有机碳输入方式对土壤活性氮含量有重要影响:与自然条件下有机碳输入方式相比,仅根系输入处理使土壤微生物氮、总矿质氮含量升高10.5%、12.3%。(2)输入时长改变了有机碳输入方式对土壤活性氮含量的作用效果:长期单一有机碳输入使土壤微生物量氮含量下降,反应率值为0.451、0.422。(3)季节差异是影响有机碳输入方式对土壤活性氮含量作用效果的关键因素:仅根系有机碳输入在冻融季使总矿质氮含量上升,反应率值为0.404,生长季相反,呈下降趋势,其值为0.121。以上结果表明,有机碳输入方式对土壤活性氮含量有重要调控作用,且作用效果会受季节、输入时长等因素影响。  相似文献   
[背景]油藏环境中呈单相液态的原油,在开采、运送的过程中由于温度、压力及流动条件的变化,石蜡不断从原油中析出,造成井筒、管线的结蜡.微生物清防蜡作为一项新兴的技术,受到广泛的关注,但是需要根据现场的环境条件施用合适的微生物清防蜡菌液.[目的]利用来源于青海油田盐碱油藏环境的混合菌系QZ-10,有效解决油井结蜡的问题并探...  相似文献   
The biochemical mechanisms of the wastewater treatment process known as enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) are presently described in a metabolic model. We investigated details of the EBPR model to determine the nature of the anaerobic phosphate release and how this may be metabolically associated with polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) formation. Iodoacetate, an inhibitor of glycolysis, was found to inhibit the anaerobic formation of PHA and phosphate release, supporting the pathways proposed in the EBPR metabolic model. In the metabolic model, it is proposed that polyphosphate degradation provides energy for the microorganisms in anaerobic regions of these treatment systems. Other investigations have shown that anaerobic phosphate release depends on the extracellular pH. We observed that when the intracellular pH of EBPR sludge was raised, substantial anaerobic phosphate release was caused without volatile fatty acid (VFA) uptake. Acidification of the sludge inhibited anaerobic phosphate release even in the presence of VFA. From these observations, we postulate that an additional possible role of anaerobic polyphosphate degradation in EBPR is for intracellular pH control. Intracellular pH control may be a metabolic feature of EBPR, not previously considered, that could have some use in the control and optimisation of EBPR. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 63: 507–515, 1999.  相似文献   
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