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This model of growth offers a quantitative definition for altricial and precocial newborns, makes muscular strength a benchmark for locomotor independence, and discriminates related genera as well as genera across major taxonomic divides. The model contrasts four theoretical conditions of the neonate (I, small brain, weak musculature; II, small brain, strong musculature; III, large brain, weak musculature; IV, large brain, strong musculature) with species from three orders of placental mammal. Each species exhibits a distinct mother-infant strategy from the altricial red panda cub (condition I) and the golden lion tamarin (condition III) to the precocial wildebeest calf (condition IV). The model proposes that early growth rates of brain and muscle correlate with nutrition, maternal effort during gestation and lactation, and parental care, whereas postnatal muscular growth correlates directly with adult body size and locomotor repertoire. An example of condition II (small brain, strong musculature) has not been found. This suggests that muscle does not grow in advance of the brain and that the brain acts as a pacemaker of growth. In order to increase our understanding of exotic species, noninvasive measures (body weight and length) and observations (opening of the eyes and ears, hair density, weaning, and the abilities to ther-moregulate and to move) should be supplemented with analysis of the differential tissue and organ growth. In both theoretical and practical ways analysis of deceased individuals contributes to the understanding of all species.  相似文献   
Summary The spatial overlap of woody plant root systems and that of annual or perennial grasses promotes competition for soil-derived resources. In this study we examined competition for soil nitrogen between blue oak seedlings and either the annual grassBromus mollis or the perennial grassStipa pulchra under controlled outdoor conditions. Short-term nitrogen competition was quantified by injecting15N at 30 cm depth in a plane horizontal to oak seedling roots and that of their neighbors, and calculating15N uptake rates, pool sizes and15N allocation patterns 24 h after labelling. Simultaneously, integrative nitrogen competition was quantified by examining total nitrogen capture, total nitrogen pools and total nitrogen allocation.Stipa neighbors reduced inorganic soil nitrogen content to a greater extent than didBromus plants. Blue oak seedlings responded to lower soil nitrogen content by allocating lower amounts of nitrogen per unit of biomass producing higher root length densities and reducing the nitrogen content of root tissue. In addition, blue oak seedlings growing with the perennial grass exhibited greater rates of15N uptake, on a root mass basis, compensating for higher soil nitrogen competition inStipa neighborhoods. Our findings suggest that while oak seedlings have lower rates of nitrogen capture than herbaceous neighbors, oak seedlings exhibit significant changes in nitrogen allocation and nitrogen uptake rates which may offset the competitive effect annual or perennial grasses have on soil nitrogen content.  相似文献   
Developing pods of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska no 7) were used to study the enzymes of sucrose metabolism. Acid and neutral invertase (EC sucrose synthase (SS, EC and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, EC have been localized in the soluble fraction. Acid invertase activity was also present in the insoluble fraction and in pea ovary apoplast. In pea pods, sucrose breakdown was dominated by the invertase pathway. SS specific activity only increased at late stages of parthenocarpic pod development, while SPS did so in pods obtained by pollination. Changes in time course of invertase activities have been correlated with the growth rate of fruits induced to develop either by fertilization or by exogenous application of giberellic acid (GA), 2,4-dichloro-phenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) or 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP). The soluble neutral activities might be associated with pod elongation, while the acid ones were rather related to assimilate import by the induced fruits. Application of gibberellic acid to non-pollinated ovaries significantly enhanced the soluble neutral invertase activity before any ovary outgrowth was detected (up to 2 h after treatment). Within the same period of time. GA-treated ovaries showed a decrease in the acid invertase activity of the soluble fraction and an increase of the acid invertase activity in the apopiast. preceding in time the increment of the acid invertase activity associated with the insoluble fraction. Our results suggest that the early GA response may be mediated through a promotion of processes of protein secretion.  相似文献   
Commonly used minirhizotrons consisting of a transparent tube inserted into the soil seldom attain good contact between the tube and the soil, which leads to root growth occurring in a gap rather than in the soil. A new system is described involving an inflatable flexible rubber wall, made from a modified motorcycle tube. Pressure ensures a proper tube/soil contact so that the environmental circumstances for root growth along the tube more closely correspond to those in the undisturbed soil. Before the endoscope slide is introduced into the minirhizotron for taking pictures, the inflatable tube is removed, so that there is no-often opaque-wall between the endoscope and the roots. This improves the picture quality and facilitates the analysis of root images.  相似文献   
We determined the action spectra of the photophobic responses as well as the phototactic response in Dunaliella salina (Volvocales) using both single cells and populations. The action spectra of the photophobic responses have maxima at 510 nm, the spectrum for phototaxis has a maximum at 450–460 nm. These action spectra are not compatible with the hypothesis that flavoproteins are the photoreceptor pigments, and we suggest that carotenoproteins or rhodopsins act as the photoreceptor pigments. We also conclude that the phototactic response in Dunaliella is an elementary response, quite independent of the step-up and step-down photophobic responses. We also determined the action spectra of the photoaccumulation response in populations of cells adapted to two different salt conditions. Both action spectra have a peak a 490 nm. The photoaccumulation response may be a complex response composed of the phototactic and photophobic responses. Blue or blue-green light does not elicit a photokinetic response in Dunaliella.Diagrams of the optical set-ups used for measuring the responses at the single-cell level and of the plans for building the phototaxometer described in this paper are available to the interested readerWe thank Mr. M. Kubota for a tremendous amount of technical assistance and Mr. R. Nagy for building the phototaxometer. We thank T. Kondo, Professor H. Imaseki and the members of the Laboratory of Biological Regulation, NIBB, for their help and support in various aspects of this research. This research was supported, in part, from grants from the Okazaki Large Spectrograph (Project Nos. 86-535, 87-518, 88-523), the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University to R. W.  相似文献   
Non-destructive scanning electron microscopy allows one to visualize changing patterns of individual cells during epidermal development in single meristems. Cell growth and division can be followed in parallel with morphogenesis. The method is applied here to the shoot apex of Anagallis arvensis L. before, during, and after floral transition. Phyllotaxis is decussate; photoperiodic induction of the plant leads to the production of a flower in the axil of each leaf. As seen from above, the recently formed oval vegetative dome is bounded on its slightly longer sides by creases of adjacent leaf bases. The rounded ends of the dome are bounded by connecting tissue, horizontal bands of node cells between the opposed leaf bases. The major growth axis runs parallel to the leaf bases. While slow-growing at the dome center, this axis extends at its periphery to form a new leaf above each band of connecting tissue. Connecting tissue then forms between the new leaves and a new dome is defined at 90° to the former. The growth axis then changes by 90°. This is the vegetative cycle. The first observed departure from vegetative growth is that the connecting tissue becomes longer relative to the leaf creases. Presumably because of this, the major growth axis does not change in the usual way. Extension on the dome continues between the older leaves until the axis typically buckles a second time, on each side, to form a second crease parallel to the new leaf-base crease. The tissue between these two creases becomes the flower primordium. The second crease also delimits the side of a new apical dome with the major axis and growth direction altered by 90°. During this inflorescence cycle the connecting tissue is relatively longer than before. Much activity is common to both cycles. It is concluded that the complex geometrical features of the inflorescence cycle may result from a change in a biophysical boundary condition involving dome geometry, rather than a comprehensive revision of apical morphogenesis.Abbreviation SEM scanning electron microscopy, micrograph Use of the SEM facility of Professor G. Goffinet, Institute of Zoology, University of Liège, is greatly appreciated. We thank Dr. R. Jacques, C.N.R.S., Le Phytotron, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, for providing the experimental material, and Mr. Philippe Ongena for expert photography. Support was from grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation as well as from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale et Collective, and the Action de Recherche Concertée of Belgium.  相似文献   
Patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) are frequently deficient in the essential trace element selenium (Se), because of their very low protein diet. Using two approaches to investigate T-cell response to proliferative signaling, viz, mitogenesis caused by the monoclonal antibody OKT3 and the plant lectin phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), we demonstrated significantly reduced responses to optimal concentrations of OKT3 in a group of PKU patients with reduced serum Se compared with a normal group (p = 0.0005) and with a group of PKU patients whose serum Se was normal (p = 0.0023). The response of the Se-deficient group to optimal levels of PHA did not differ from that of the normal controls or from that of Se-normal PKU patients. A dose-dependent relationship between serum Se levels and mitogenic response was evident for OKT3 (r = 0.34, p = 0.0154), but not for PHA (r = -0.02, p = 0.9086). We suggest that the reduced response to OKT3 mitogenesis in Se-deficient PKU patients is possibly the consequence of impaired Se-dependent metabolic activity, which affects mitogenic signaling via the T cell antigen receptor (TCR/CD3) complex.  相似文献   
Mendel's work in hybridization is ipso facto a study in inheritance. He is explicit in his interest to formulate universal generalizations, and at least in the case of the independent segregation of traits, he formulated his conclusions in the form of a law. Mendel did not discern, however, the inheritance of traits from that of the potential for traits. Choosing to study discrete non-overlapping traits, this did not hamper his efforts.  相似文献   
Aplanospores ofHaematococcus pluvialis MUR 145 contained 0.7% carotenoids (dry wt. basis) consisting of β,β-carotene (5% of total carotenoid), echinenone (4%), canthaxanthin (4%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin diester (34%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin monoester (46%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin (1%) and (3R,3′R,6′R)-lutein (6%). The astaxanthin esters were examined by TLC and HPLC and VIS,1H NMR and mass spectra recorded. Their chirality was determined by the camphanate method (Vecchi & Müller, 1979) after anaerobic hydrolysis. The tough cell wall of the aplanospores required enzymatic treatment prior to pigment extraction. The potential use of this microalga as a feed ingredient in aquaculture is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
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