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In Late Jurassic times, the Swiss Jura carbonate platform occupied the transition between the Paris Basin and the Tethys and thus connects the Boreal and Tethyan realm. Up to now, the lack of index fossils in the Reuchenette Formation prevented a reliable correlation between both areas (its sediments are characterised by a prominent sparseness of index fossils). Now, seven recently in situ collected species of ammonites helped to establish a new sequence-stratigraphical frame for the platform sediments of the Reuchenette Formation in NW Switzerland. Based on biostratigraphical data, five third-order sedimentary sequences were assigned to the Late Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian. The upper three third-order sequences correspond to the Boreal sequences Kim3–5 of Hardenbol et al. (1998). The deduced large-scale sea-level fluctuations match those from other European regions (Spain, Russia). This biostratigraphically based sequence-stratigraphical frame is a prerequisite to refine correlations within a wider area covering the Swiss Jura and parts of adjacent France and Germany. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   
Late Pennsylvanian succession of the Picos de Europa Unit (Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain) constitutes one of the few exposed marine strata of this age in Western Europe. It consists of synorogenic deposits that accumulated in piggy-back basins developed during the latest stages of the Variscan orogeny. The 11 mappable 3rd, 4th–5th order depositional sequences that form the succession were subdivided in higher-order cycles (5th order) and grouped into two sequence sets. Fusulinoidean faunas have allowed dating of these strata (late Myachkovian-Gzhelian) and to characterize each depositional sequence. Sequence stratigraphy, coupled with sedimentological and paleontological analysis have enabled the reconstruction of a sea level curve that may shed light on Late Pennsylvanian global events and faunal migrations. These studies suggest potential correlations between late Moscovian cycles recognized both in the Cantabrian Mountains and in the Moscow Basin. Sudden appearances of early Dorogomilovian and early Gzhelian fusulinoideans could indicate migrations within the Paleotethys, probably favoured by global sea level rises and highstands.  相似文献   
Stratigraphic sections and microfossils samples from the upper part of the “Graptolitic Shales-Orthoceras Limestones” and from the Camprodon Formation lying in the area of Camprodon, eastern Pyrenees, Spain, have been studied. Some beds at the top of the “Graptolitic Shales-Orthoceras Limestones” correspond to the Torres Member of the Rueda Formation, and conodont faunas, indicating a Lochkovian age, are described. The Camprodon Fm. is interpreted to be turbidites deposited in deep sea fans, although slope deposits prevail in the eastern sections. One reworked carbonate clast from the Camprodon Fm. provided a valuable early Ludlow conodont fauna, from the Kockelella crassa Zone, reported for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. Late Devonian conodonts and late Visean (Asbian-Brigantian) foraminifers and algae were also obtained from reworked limestone clasts, and latest Visean or Serpukhovian foraminifers from the sandstone matrix in the Camprodon Fm. The studied microfossils suggest a late Mississippian age for the Camprodon Fm. instead of the previously assigned late Silurian-Lochkovian age. This age must be considered when discussing the distribution of the Culm Facies in the Pyrenees and the significance of the contact between the Camprodon Fm. and the underlying “Graptolitic Shales”.  相似文献   
Cambrian rocks in South Australia occur in the Stansbury, Arrowie, eastern Officer and Warburton Basins. The succession in the Stansbury and Arrowie Basins can be divided into three sequence sets (supersequences), 1, 2 and 3. Sequence set 1 can be divided into five third-order sequences: 1.0, 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.2 and 1.3. Trilobites from the Stansbury and Arrowie Basins are restricted largely to the lower part of the succession. Four trilobite zones are recognized: Abadiella huoi (latest Atdabanian–earliest Botoman), Pararaia tatei, Pararaia bunyerooensis and Pararaia janeae Zones (all Botoman). Trilobites higher in the succession are known from only a few horizons and in part correlate with the upper Lower Cambrian Lungwangmiaoan Stage of China, equivalent to the top Toyonian. Pagetia sp. has been reported in the Coobowie Formation of the Stansbury Basin, thus suggesting an early Middle Cambrian age.The Cambrian faunas of the Warburton Basin range in age from early Middle Cambrian (Late Templetonian) to very Late Cambrian, although the richest faunal assemblages are late Middle Cambrian (Ptychagnostus punctuosus to Goniagnostus nathorsti Zones). Conodonts, including Cordylodus proavus, occur in a Datsonian fauna.The Arrowie Basin contains the most complete and best studied archaeocyath succession in the Australia–Antarctica region. The Warriootacyathus wilkawillensis, Spirillicyathus tenuis and Jugalicyathus tardus Zones from the lower Wilkawillina Limestone (Arrowie Basin) and equivalents are correlated with the Atdabanian. Botoman archaeocyathids occur higher in the Wilkawillina Limestone. The youngest (Toyonian) archaeocyath fauna in Australia occurs in the Wirrealpa Limestone (Arrowie Basin).Brachiopods and molluscs of the Arrowie and Stansbury Basins can be divided into four biostratigraphic assemblages. Several informal Early Cambrian SSF biostratigraphic assemblages are recognized. Probable tabulate-like corals occur in the Botoman Moorowie Formation. Seven informal acritarch assemblages occur in the Early Cambrian of the Stansbury and Arrowie Basins. Trace fossils may mark the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary. Only two of several tuffaceous horizons from the Stansbury and Arrowie Basins have been dated (i) a date of 522.0 ± 2.1 Ma from the Heatherdale Shale of the Stansbury Basin, about 400 m above latest Atdabanian archaeocyathids and (ii) a date of 522.0 ± 1.8 Ma from the lower part of the Billy Creek Formation in the Arrowie Basin. Neither date is regarded as reliable.  相似文献   
Siliceous phytoplankton assemblages were examined from fine laminated diatomite beds of the Gavdos unit (Metochia A subsection) in the northeastern part of the Gavdos Island, southern of Crete in the Libyan Sea. The diatom associations characterized by species of low latitudes, belong to the upper part of the zone Nitzschia miocenica and the zone Thalassiosira convexa of Messinian age. The rich silicoflagellate association is assigned to the local biozone Distephanus speculum minutus. These biozones correspond approximately to the zones C9bA (Amaurolithus primus) and C9bB (Amaurolithus amplificus) of calcareous nannofossils and the zone Globoratalia conomiozea of planktic foraminifera.  相似文献   
During the Triassic, the Bayan Har Basin is a huge triangular basin surrounded by the North China Platform, South China Platform and Qingtang Terrane. It is filled by a Triassic turbidite sequence, the Bayan Har Group. For a long time, the series of Bayan Har Group in the eastern part of the basin were considered to be a Lower to Upper Triassic sequence, and in the western part, was attributed to the Upper Triassic. A well-preserved diversified radiolarian fauna was recovered from radiolarian chert and tuffite interbeds of the Bayan Har Group turbidites and adjacent stratigraphic units in the Hoh Xil area, northern Tibet. Sixty-seven species are identified and subdivided into two assemblages: late Anisian and early Carnian. Combined with the discovery of the Late Permian and Early Triassic turbidite in the Bayan Har Group in this area by Huang et al., it proves that all the Triassic is also present in the Bayan Har Group sequence in the western part. The evolution of the Bayan Har Basin may be traced back to the Late Permian. The massive sequence of the Bayan Har Group and its provenance indicate that the Kunlun and Qinling orogenic belts rapidly rise during the Middle-Late Triassic. The basin extended to the end of the Triassic, possibly locally to the Jurassic.  相似文献   
Two new fossil charophyte species from middle Miocene lacustrine deposits of Moneva (Ebro Basin, NE Spain) are described and illustrated. Sphaerochara miocenica nov. sp. is represented by medium sized gyrogonites with a characteristic spheroidal shape and ornamented with numerous small and regularly spaced tubercles arranged along the spiral cells. Several specimens show an unusual carbonate encrusted layer that covers completely or partially the gyrogonite. Psilochara monevaensis nov. sp. is characterized by large gyrogonites, with typical prolate shape and protruding apical poles. A second population of S. miocenica nov. sp. from a distant early upper Miocene lacustrine basin located in the Middle East (Bekaa Valley, Lebanon), identified in a previous study as Sphaerochara sp., is described and illustrated here, allowing the comparison of these distant populations. Ecologically, the associated fauna and facies from both localities suggest that these taxa grew in very shallow athalassic lakes. Interestingly, S. miocenica nov. sp. having a wide geographic distribution in peri-Mediterranean lakes with variable salinity, may become a fossil guide for the Miocene, providing at the same time important palaeoecological information.  相似文献   
The late Smithian extinction represents a major event within the Early Triassic. This event generally corresponds to a succession of two, possibly three successively less diverse, cosmopolitan ammonoid assemblages, which when present, provide a robust biostratigraphic framework and precise correlations at different spatial scales. In the western USA basin, known occurrences of latest Smithian taxa are rare and until now, have only been documented from northeastern Nevada. Based on these restricted basinal occurrences, a regional zone representing the latest Smithian was postulated but not corroborated, as representative taxa had not yet been reported from outside Nevada. Here we document two new ammonoid assemblages from distant localities in northern Utah, overlying the late Smithian Anasibirites beds and characterized by the unambiguous co-occurrence of Xenoceltites subevolutus and Pseudosageceras augustum. The existence of a latest Smithian zone in the western USA basin is therefore validated, facilitating the identification of the Smithian/Spathian boundary and intra-basin correlation. This zone also correlates with the latest Smithian zone recognized from southern Tethyan basins. Additionally, these new data support other observed occurrences of Xenoceltites subevolutus throughout most of the late Smithian.  相似文献   
The Sidi Kassem Basin is the only limnic basin of Westphalian age in Morocco. It is built up of 1,250 m of alluvio-fluvial to lacustrine deposits that have so far yielded plant fossils and invertebrate remains only. Recent exploration for fossil tetrapod footprints in floodplain-deposits of the basin revealed a moderately diverse vertebrate ichnofauna composed of tracks assigned to cf. Batrachichnus Woodworth, 1900; cf. Hylopus Dawson, 1882; Dimetropus Romer and Price, 1940; and Notalacerta Butts, 1891. The tracks can be referred to temnospondyl, anamniote reptiliomorph, non-therapsid synapsid (pelycosaur), and captorhinomorph trackmakers. The described ichnoassemblage is important in at least three aspects: (1) It suggests an Early to mid-Pennsylvanian age for the footprint-bearing strata of the study area. (2) It is the oldest association of tetrapod footprints from Africa. (3) It is the first evidence of the relatively rare ichnogenera cf. Hylopus and Notalacerta outside of North America and Europe. Judged from the variety of tetrapod tracks and previously collected floral remains, the Sidi Kassem Basin must have represented a well-established continental ecosystem during Pennsylvanian time. Further exploration for trace and body fossils of Palaeozoic vertebrates in this basin may be important for the reconstruction of early tetrapod evolution.  相似文献   
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