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Biofuel production from renewable resources can potentially address lots of social, economic and environmental issues but an efficient production method has yet to be established. Combinations of different starting materials, organisms and target fuels have been explored with the conversion of cellulose to higher alcohols (1-propanol, 1-butanol) being one potential target. In this study we demonstrate the direct conversion of untreated plant biomass to 1-propanol in aerobic growth conditions using an engineered strain of the actinobacterium, Thermobifida fusca. Based upon computational predictions, a bifunctional butyraldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenase was added to T. fusca leading to 1-propanol production during growth on glucose, cellobiose, cellulose, switchgrass and corn stover. The highest 1-propanol titer (0.48 g/L) was achieved for growth on switchgrass. These results represent the first demonstration of direct conversion of untreated lignocellulosic biomass to 1-propanol in an aerobic organism and illustrate the potential utility of T. fusca as an aerobic, cellulolytic bioprocess organism.  相似文献   
Question: Woody plant and grass interactions in savannas have frequently been studied from the perspective of the response of one growth form on the other but seldom evaluated as two‐way interactions. What causes woody plant encroachment in semi‐arid savannas and what are the competitive responses of tree seedlings and grasses on rocky and sandy substrates? Methods: In this greenhouse study, we investigated the influence of substrate and grazing on responses to interspecific competition by tree seedlings and grasses. We measured competitive/facilitative responses on biomass and nutrient status of tree seedlings and grasses grown together. Results: Interspecific competition suppressed growth of trees and grasses. Tree seedlings and uncut grass accumulated double the biomass when grown without competition relative to when they competed. Competitive responses varied on different substrates. Grass biomass on rocky substrate showed no response to tree competition, but appeared to be facilitated by trees on sandy substrate. Grass clipping resulted in higher tree seedling biomass on rocky substrate, but not on sandy substrate. There was a positive response of grass nutrient status to competition from tree seedlings. Conclusion: Selective grass herbivory in the absence of browsing or suppression of shade‐intolerant grasses by trees are commonly cited reasons behind bush encroachment in savannas. We show that grazing may confer a competitive advantage to tree seedlings and promote bush encroachment more readily on rocky substrates. This may be due to the imposed sharing of the soil depth niche on rocky substrates, whereas possible niche separation on sandy substrates minimizes the advantage conferred by reduced competition.  相似文献   
Kwiatkowski A 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):447-459
During a period of three years (2006-2008) the carabid fauna in wet and humid forest habitats of different stages of succession was studied at the Puszcza Knyszynska (north-east part of Poland). The aim of this study was to determine how the assemblages of the carabid fauna change in relation to the ongoing process of succession. Using pitfall traps, 24 plots were sampled. The plots were located in stands of different age, from two year old plantations to more than 100 year old forests. Additionally, the stands were ordered in three moisture classes (wet, humid and very humid) and two classes of soil richness. As indicators for change in the carabid fauna in relation to age of the stands Mean Individual Biomass (MIB), species diversity and share of forest species were used. By applying multivariate statistics the relation of the different habitat characteristics to changes in the carabid fauna was examined. During the study 8903 individuals belonging to 57 species were collected. Pterostichus niger represented 28% of the total catches and therefore the most common species. Another common species, Pterostichus melanarius, contributed to 13% of the total catch. This species was caught at every plot, even in the old forests. In contrast to the results obtained by Szyszko (1990) for fresh and dry pine stands, in this study the relation of MIB with the age of forest was not significant. Although the number of species was rather constant, the number of individuals belonging to the group of forest species significantly increased with the ageing of the forest. The multivariate analysis showed a relationship with ageing of the stands and soil richness rather than with moisture and size of the forest. According to the present paper, clear cuttings in wet and humid habitats do not cause a strong degradation of the carabid fauna.  相似文献   
Schwerk A  Szyszko J 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):319-332
Degraded areas constitute challenging tasks with respect to sustainable management of natural resources. Maintaining or even establishing certain successional stages seems to be particularly important. This paper presents a model of the succession in five different types of degraded areas in Poland based on changes in the carabid fauna. Mean Individual Biomass of Carabidae (MIB) was used as a numerical measure for the stage of succession. The run of succession differed clearly among the different types of degraded areas. Initial conditions (origin of soil and origin of vegetation) and landscape related aspects seem to be important with respect to these differences. As characteristic phases, a 'delay phase', an 'increase phase' and a 'stagnation phase' were identified. In general, the runs of succession could be described by four different parameters: (1) 'Initial degradation level', (2) 'delay', (3) 'increase rate' and (4) 'recovery level'. Applying the analytic solution of the logistic equation, characteristic values for the parameters were identified for each of the five area types. The model is of practical use, because it provides a possibility to compare the values of the parameters elaborated in different areas, to give hints for intervention and to provide prognoses about future succession in the areas. Furthermore, it is possible to transfer the model to other indicators of succession.  相似文献   
目的:消除菌悬液中无机盐沉淀对比浊法测定生长量的干扰。方法:以嗜有机甲基杆菌ME25为材料,采用比浊法,研究了EDTA对菌悬液中无机沉淀物的清除效应以及对菌体生物量测定的影响。结果:在室温、pH 4~11,1.25×10-2 mol/L EDTA与菌悬液样品作用1min,即可去除样品中无机盐沉淀,样品稳定,在1h内不影响样品中菌体吸光度的测定;实际样品和理论样品测定,相对误差小于3.0%,回收率为98%~100%,RSD均小于0.5%。结论:采用螯合剂EDTA可快速去除菌悬液中的无机盐沉淀,有效地消除沉淀物的干扰,明显提高了比浊法测定生长量的准确度,简便易行,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   
富油能源微藻的筛选及产油性能评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了筛选具有产油潜力的能源微藻,以实验室保藏的20株淡水和海洋微藻(绿藻门18株,真眼点藻纲1株,硅藻纲1株)为研究对象,利用光径为3 cm柱状光生物反应器通气分批培养,通过测定微藻培养物的生物量和总脂含量等指标,从中筛选生长速度快、生物量和总脂含量高的微藻。结果表明:20株微藻的生物量和总脂含量分别在1.81~7.88g/L和16.0%~55.9% dw(% Dry weight)之间,筛选得到具有产油潜力的微藻9株,分别是栅藻(Scenedesmus sp.)(6.34g/L,55.9% dw)、麻织绿球藻(Chlorococcum tatrense)(5.93g/L,46.9% dw)、眼点拟微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata)(7.88g/L,35.0% dw)、油面绿球藻(Chlorococcum oleofaciens)(5.58g/L,45.9% dw)、多形拟绿球藻(Pseudochlorococcum polymorphum)(6.10g/L,40.0% dw)、八月衣藻(Chlamydomonas augustae)(5.78g/L,40.5% dw)、椭圆小球藻(Chlorella ellipsoidea)(5.56g/L,40.7%dw)、椭圆绿球藻(Chlorococcum ellipsoideum)(5.41g/L,38.0% dw)、雪绿球藻(Chlorococcum nivale)(5.55g/L,36.3% dw),其中最具产业化潜力的微藻为栅藻(Scenedesmus sp.),其总脂收获量和单位体积总脂产率分别为3.5 g/L和218.7mg/L·d。  相似文献   
We examined the hypothesis that secondary production of a community of stream crayfish (Orconectes spp.) depended upon the available suite of channel units (e.g., riffle, run, pool) and that age-specific use of channel units was the important underlying mechanism. Nine cohorts of each of three species over a 10-year period at two sites on the Jacks Fork River, Missouri, USA, were sampled. Cohort-production estimates were calculated for specific channel units: riffles, runs, pools, backwaters and emergent vegetation patches. Orconectes luteus was the most productive species with similar production across channel units. Production of O. ozarkae and O. punctimanus was significantly greater in vegetation patches than other channel units. There were no species by channel unit differences in production between the two sites. Although total site production for some species substantially changed over the 10-year period, relative production differences between habitats remained temporally stable. Differences in mean production between channel units were largely due to age-class habitat use rather than differences related to growth. Some channel units particularly susceptible to common anthropogenic activities that result in hydrograph alterations and homogenization of physical habitat, e.g., backwaters, vegetation patches, and pools, were particularly important as high production areas for two species. A variety of channel units appears necessary for maintaining the high secondary production and diversity of crayfish in this system. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   
Regional variations in mesozooplankton composition, abundance and biomass were studied during a cruise in August 2006 near Novaya Zemlya Archipelago (eastern Barents Sea) using Juday net hauls from the bottom (or 100 m depth) to the surface. A comparison with multiannual literature values revealed that the mean temperature and salinity in the south and centre of the study area were similar to typical values, while temperature in the north was significantly higher. A total of 36 species and higher taxa were identified. Mesozooplankton abundance and biomass varied from 47 to 851 ind m−3 and from 5 to 74 mg dry weight m−3, respectively. Copepods dominated the mesozooplankton community, reaching 73–98% and 61–97% of the total abundance and biomass. Calanus finmarchicus and Oithona similis were the most abundant species at all stations. The biodiversities (Shannon indices) of the mesozooplankton community varied between stations from 1.10 to 2.46 (estimated from species abundances) and from 0.19 to 1.92 (estimated from species biomasses), averaging 1.93 ± 0.127 and 1.34 ± 0.151, respectively. Three groups at the 48% level of dissimilarity of species abundance were delineated by cluster analyses. The clusters differed significantly with respect to temperature and salinity. The total mesozooplankton abundance and biomass as well as quantitative parameters of most common taxa scaled negatively with temperature.  相似文献   
We investigated the solid particle flow characteristics and biomass gasification in a clapboard-type internal circulating fluidized bed reactor. The effect of fluidization velocity on particle circulation rate and pressure distribution in the bed showed that fluidization velocities in the high and low velocity zones were the main operational parameters controlling particle circulation. The maximum internal circulation rates in the low velocity zone came almost within the range of velocities in the high velocity zone, when uH/umf = 2.2–2.4 for rice husk and uH/umf = 3.5–4.5 for quartz sand. In the gasification experiment, the air equvalence ratio (ER) was the main controlling parameter. Rice husk gasification gas had a maximum heating value of around 5000 kJ/m3 when ER = 0.22–0.26, and sawdust gasification gas reached around 6000–6500 kJ/m3 when ER = 0.175–0.24. The gasification efficiency of rice husk reached a maximum of 77% at ER = 0.28, while the gasification efficiency of sawdust reached a maximum of 81% at ER = 0.25.  相似文献   
Livestock grazing represents a major human disturbance to grasslands throughout the world. We evaluated the effects of long-term grazing (>20 years) on a dominant perennial grass species, Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel., in the semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China, in terms of its morphological and functional responses. L. chinensis, one of the most abundant species in semiarid grassland, had significantly smaller leaf area, fewer vegetative tillers and shorter shoot internodes length, but significantly greater specific leaf area for the individuals in the grazing plot than those in the exclosure (grazing-free) plot. Long-term grazing also altered the relative distribution of biomass to leaves, roots and rhizomes. The biomass, coverage and the number of species were lower in the grazing plot by 50–70% in comparison with those in the grazing-free plot. In addition, the long-term grazing substantively decreased the physiological capacities of this grass species, including significantly lower net photosynthetic rate, apparent quantum efficiency, photochemical efficiency of PSII and water use efficiency. Significantly higher stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ 18O) of the soil water in the grazing plot than those in the grazing-free plot indicated a much higher soil evaporation in the grazing plot because of less litter coverage. Seasonal patterns in the δ 18O values of the stem water of L. chinensis and three other common species in the grazing and grazing-free plots indicated that plants in the grazing and grazing-free plots might shift their water sources differently from a dry month (June) to a wet month (August). This study illustrated the importance of using different approaches to study the possible responses of grass species in arid regions to human disturbances, such as long-term grazing.  相似文献   
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