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By means of a systemic analysis of the relationships among components of an ecosystem's web, the flows of energy and other resources converging to produce the output (biomass, biodiversity, assets, etc.) can be evaluated on a common basis, i.e. the content of solar equivalent energy (emergy). Indices and ratios based on the emergy flows can be calculated and used to evaluate the behaviour of the whole system. In this paper, one of these indices, the emergy yield ratio η (total yield emergy per unit of emergy invested) is evaluated and suggestions made to modify it to account for present and future environmental damages due to the use of a given resource. The meaning of this index, with and without the proposed modification, is stressed illustrating the long-term effects of environmental pollution as well as some key uncertainty factors that are very often not taken into account. Odum, 1993  相似文献   
Summary Estimates were made of the above-ground biomass and contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Na, Fe, Zn, Al, and Cu in fertilized (N 448 kg/ha, P 112 kg/ha, lime 4480 kg/ha) and unfertilized white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata Michx.). For individuals of both species, fertilization increased the average above-ground biomass increment and the N and P content increment by 150 per cent and 300 per cent, respectively, but decreased uptake of Mn and Zn. The allocation of biomass and elements differs not only between species, but within species under untreated and fertilized conditions.  相似文献   
Synopsis The upper Speed River, on which a dam was under construction, was surveyed through fourteen qualitative and six quantitative collections to determine the distribution of fishes in the river above Guelph, Ontario and in a tributary, Luteral Creek. At the quantitative localities the removal method was used to estimate density and standing crop of all species. At three of these localities age and growth of the dominant species were determined and total ecological production calculated. Two approaches to the estimation of production for the 0–1 age class were compared and found to result in differences of 33–39% in the estimates of total production, thus illustrating the extent to which methodology may affect such estimates The dominant species in the river were, Semotilus atromaculatus, Notropis cornutus, Pimephales notatus, Rhinichthys atratulus, Hypentelium nigricans, Catostomus commersoni, Ambloplites rupestris, Micropterus dolomieui and Etheostoma flabellare. Density ranged from 11126 to 74765 individuals per hectare and standing crop from 32.4 to 190.0 kg ha−1. Production values at the three localities were 15, 19 and 54 kg ha−1 yr−1 , and are low compared with estimates for other fluvial systems. Comparison with a 1951 survey of the Speed River revealed considerable changes in the composition and distribution of fish species. The ranges of several cold-water species had contracted towards the headwaters, whereas several warm-water species had extended their ranges up the river  相似文献   
Fast pyrolysis is being increasingly applied in commercial plants worldwide. They run exclusively on woody biomass, which has favorable properties for conversion with fast pyrolysis. In order to increase the synergies of food production and the energetic and/or material use of biomass, it is desirable to utilize residues from agricultural production, e.g., straw. The presented method is suitable for converting such a material on an industrial scale. The main features are presented and an example of mass balances from the conversion of several biomass residues is given. After conversion, fractionated condensation is applied in order to retrieve two condensates — an organic-rich and an aqueous-rich one. This design prevents the production of fast pyrolysis bio-oil that exhibits phase separation. A two phase bio-oil is to be expected because of the typically high ash content of straw biomass, which promotes the production of water of reaction during conversion.Both fractionated condensation and the use of biomass with high ash content demand a careful approach for establishing balances. Not all kind of balances are both meaningful and comparable to other results from the literature. Different balancing methods are presented, and the information that can be derived from them is discussed.  相似文献   
Durum wheat is an important staple food crop in Tunisia and other Mediterranean countries and is grown in various climatic conditions. Production and yield are however severely limited not only by drought events but also by reduced levels of nitrogen fertilisation. A study was carried out at two locations in the sub‐humid area of Tunisia: Mateur in 2009–10 and 2010–11 and Beja in 2011–12 and 2012–13 under rainfed conditions. Four durum wheat genotypes (landraces: Bidi, Azizi; improved: Om Rabia, Khiar) were evaluated for nitrogen agronomic efficiency and related agronomic traits under various nitrogen rates: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg N ha?1, with three replications. There was a significant interaction effect (P ≤ 0.001) environments × genotypes × N treatments for grain yield (GY), biomass yield (BY), harvest index (HI), partial factor productivity of applied nitrogen (PFPN) and nitrogen agronomic use efficiencies (NAE). GY was the most affected trait by nitrogen applied showing an increase of 94% under high N treatment (250 kg N ha?1) compared to control plots without N treatments. A significant linear regression exists between GY (0 N) and GY for the different N rates (r = 0.70; P < 0.001). This effect was more pronounced for improved genotypes than landraces for all parameters excepting BY and NAEBY. BY showed +11% increase in landraces than improved genotypes. PFPN showed an average decrease of 65% under high‐N fertilisation with 10% prevalence for improved genotypes. Landraces tend to promote vegetative growth while grain filling efficiency was higher for improved genotypes.  相似文献   
Over the past decades, strong global demand for industrial chemicals, raw materials and energy has been driven by rapid industrialization and population growth across the world. In this context, long-term environmental sustainability demands the development of sustainable strategies of resource utilization. The agricultural sector is a major source of underutilized or low-value streams that accompany the production of food and other biomass commodities. Animal agriculture in particular constitutes a substantial portion of the overall agricultural sector, with wastes being generated along the supply chain of slaughtering, handling, catering and rendering. The recent emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) resulted in the elimination of most of the traditional uses of rendered animal meals such as blood meal, meat and bone meal (MBM) as animal feed with significant economic losses for the entire sector. The focus of this review is on the valorization progress achieved on converting protein feedstock into bio-based plastics, flocculants, surfactants and adhesives. The utilization of other rendering streams such as fat and ash rich biomass for the production of renewable fuels, solvents, drop-in chemicals, minerals and fertilizers is also critically reviewed.  相似文献   
Aims Monitoring and quantifying the biomass and its distribution in urban trees and forests are crucial to understanding the role of vegetation in an urban environment. In this paper, an estimation method for biomass of urban forests was developed for the Shanghai metropolis, China, based on spatial analysis and a wide variety of data from field inventory and remote sensing. Methods An optimal regression model between forest biomass and auxiliary variables was established by stepwise regression analysis. The residual value of regression model was computed for each of the sites sampled and interpolated by Inverse-distance weighting (IDW) to predict residual errors of other sites not subjected to sampling. Forest biomass in the study area was estimated by combining the regression model based on remote sensing image data and residual errors of spatial distribution map. According to the distribution of plantations and management practices, a total of 93 sample plots were established between June 2011 and June 2012 in the Shanghai metropolis. To determine a suitable model, several spectral vegetation indices relating to forest biomass and structure such as normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), ratio vegetation index (RVI), difference vegetation index (DVI), soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), and modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), and new images synthesized through band combinations such as the sum of TM2, TM3 and TM4 (denoted Band 234), and the sum of TM3, TM4 and TM5 (denoted Band 345) were used as alternative auxiliary parameters . Important findings The biomass density in urban forests of the Shanghai metropolis varied from 15 to 120 t•hm2. The higher densities of forest biomass concentrated mostly in the urban areas, e.g. in districts of Jing'an and Huangpu, mostly ranging from 35 to 70 t•hm2. Suburban localities such as the districts of Jiading and Qingpu had lower biomass densities at around 15 to 50 t•hm2. The biomass density of Cinnamomum camphora trees across the Shanghai metropolis varied between 20 and 110 t•hm2. The spatial biomass distribution of urban forests displayed a tendency of higher densities in northeastern areas and lower densities in southwestern areas. The total biomass was 3.57 million tons (Tg) for urban forests and 1.33 Tg for C. camphora trees. The overall forest biomass was also found to be distributed mostly in the suburban areas with a fraction of 93.9%, whereas the urban areas shared a fraction of only 6.1%. In terms of the areas, the suburban and urban forests accounted for 95.44% and 4.56%, respectively, of the total areas in the Shanghai metropolis. Among all the administrative districts, the Chongming county and the new district of Pudong had the highest and the second highest biomass, accounting for 20.1% and 19.18% of the total forest biomass, respectively. In contrast, the Jing'an district accounted for only 0.11% of the total forest biomass. The root-mean-square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean relative error (MRE) of the model for estimating urban forest biomass in this study were 8.39, 6.86 and 24.22%, respectively, decreasing by 57.69%, 55.43% and 64.00% compared to the original simple regression model and by 62.21%, 58.50%, 65.40% compared to the spatial analysis method. Our results indicated that a more efficient way to estimate urban forest biomass in the Shanghai metropolis might be achieved by combining spatial analysis with regression analysis. In fact, the estimated results based on the proposed model are also more comparable to the up-scaled forest inventory data at a city scale than the results obtained using regression analysis or spatial analysis alone.  相似文献   
Aims Accurate estimation of carbon density and storage is among the key challenges in evaluating ecosystem carbon sink potentials for reducing atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is also important for developing future conservation strategies and sustainable practices. Our objectives were to estimate the ecosystem carbon density and storage of Picea schrenkiana forests in Tianshan region of Xinjiang, and to analyze the spatial distribution and influencing factors. Methods Based on field measurements, the forest resource inventories, and laboratory analyses, we studied the carbon storage, its spatial distribution, and the potential influencing factors in Picea schrenkiana forest of Tianshan. Field surveys of 70 sites, with 800 m2 (28.3 m × 28.3 m) for plot size, was conducted in 2011 for quantifying arbor biomass (leaf, branch, trunk and root), grass and litterfall biomass, soil bulk density, and other laboratory analyses of vegetation carbon content, soil organic carbon content, etc. Important findings The carbon content of the leaf, branch, trunk and root of Picea schrenkiana is varied from 46.56% to 52.22%. The vegetation carbon content of arbor and the herbatious/litterfall layer was 49% and 42%, respectively. The forest biomass of Picea schrenkiana was 187.98 Mg•hm2, with 98.93% found in the arbor layer. The biomass in all layers was in the order of trunk (109.81 Mg•hm2) > root (39.79 Mg•hm2) > branch (23.62 Mg•hm2) > leaf (12.76 Mg•hm2). From the age-group point of view, the highest and the lowest biomass was found at the mature forest (228.74 Mg•hm2) and young forest (146.77 Mg•hm2), respectively. The carbon density and storage were 544.57 Mg•hm2 and 290.84 Tg C, with vegetation portion of 92.57 Mg•hm2 and 53.14 Tg C, and soil portion of 452.00 Mg•hm2 and 237.70 Tg C, respectively. The spatial distribution of carbon density and storage appeared higher in the western areas than those in the eastern regions. In the western Tianshan Mountains (e.g., Ili district), carbon density was the highest, whereas the central Tianshan Mountains (e.g., Manas County, Fukang City, Qitai County) also had high carbon density. In the eastern Tianshan Mountains (e.g., Hami City), it was low. This distribution seemed consistent with the changes in environmental conditions. The primary causes of carbon density difference might be a combined effects of multiple environmental factors such as terrain, precipitation, temperature, and soil.  相似文献   
Fifty-day-oldCichorium intybus Linn, plants were exposed to 1 ppm sulfur dioxide gas, 2 h per day for 7 consecutive days. Their leaves as well as those from the control plants were sampled at pre-flowering, flowering, and post-flowering stages to study their morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses to SO2 stress. The number, dimensions, area, and biomass of leaves were less in the treated plants. Length and width of stomatal apertures on both epidermises were greater for leaves exposed to SO2. The Stomata were longer on the adaxial epidermis, but shorter on the abaxial epidermis, except at the pre-flowering stage. Stomatal widths varied widely. Compared with the controls, the abaxial epidermis on treated leaves showed consistently lower stomatal densities as well as stomatal indices. This was also true for the adaxial epidermis during the post-flowering stage. The photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were reduced in the SO2-exposed plants, but intercellular CO2 concentrations increased at the pre-flowering stage and, subsequently, declined. Chlorophyll a, carotenoid, and total chlorophyll contents increased at the pre-flowering stage, and then decreased. The level of chlorophyllb was reduced throughout plant development compared with the untreated controls.  相似文献   
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