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In an attempt to develop a cost-effective process for bioinsecticide production by B. thuringiensis, the feeding regime during aerobic cultivation of the bacterium was investigated and optimized. The process was designed as a two-stage process; a first stage of active growth, where glucose and other nutrients were adequately supplied to the growing cells over 12 h, followed by a second stage of 2 h for spore formation and toxin release. In order to maximize spore and toxin yield and productivity, different quantities of glucose and nutrients were fed separately to the growing cells in four different fermentation runs. In all runs, glucose was converted to bacterial biomass during the first stage and subsequently to spores and crystal protein during the second phase. The best results were obtained with a fermentation run supplied with 190 g glucose in 1500 ml. Up to 20.1 g of bacterial insecticides/l were recovered from fermentation broth with a glucose to toxin conversion yield of 0.159 g/g. Also, a markedly high spore concentration of 2.31 × 1012 c.f.u./ml was obtained. The spore–crystal protein mixture obtained was tested for its insecticidal activity against three of the most agronomically important pests. Among the bioinsecticide-treated insect pests, Egyptian cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis was the most susceptible pest with the lowest LC50 of the bioinsecticides against its larval instar and the highest virulence against adults emerged later on from the surviving larvae.  相似文献   
Watermelon production is threatened by fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum (FON) in continuous cultivation system. Some elements, mainly allelochemicals, released from living roots or decayed plants might be associated with the disease. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possible impact of coumarin, one kind of watermelon allelochemical, on FON. Furthermore, possible new mechanisms might be investigated during the ecological interactions of plant-microbe. Results showed that coumarin strongly inhibited growth of FON leading to a decrease in its biomass, dry weight of mycelia of FON in a liquid culture. The dry weight was decreased by 62.9% compared with control. The hyphal growth of FON on plates was stopped at high (>400 mg l−1) concentrations of coumarin. At 320 mg l−1, sporulation and enzyme activities of FON were also severely suppressed by coumarin. The yield of conidia, and the activities of proteinase, cellulase, and amylase were reduced by 98.9%, 79.7%, 29.8% and 15.9% respectively. However, conidial germination and mycotoxin (MT) production of FON were greatly stimulated, being increased by 55.7% and 14.9 fold at 320 mg l−1 respectively. We conclude that coumarin acted as an allelochemical substance to inhibit growth and pathogenic enzyme activities of FON but to stimulate mycotoxin production and conidial germination. It was suggested that coumarin acted as a signal transduction element bridging plant and pathogen in the process of plant-microbe interactions.  相似文献   
The interactive effects of three levels of N (mM) (low 0.36, medium 2.1 and high 6.4) and two levels of P (mM) (low 0.10 and high 0.48) on growth and resource allocation of Canna indica Linn. were studied in wetland microcosms. After 91 days of plant growth, there was a significant interactive effect of N and P on plant growth, but not on resource allocation (except for allocation of N to leaves and allocation of P to the stems). The plant growth positively responded to the relatively higher nutrient availability (taller plants with more stems, leaves and flowers), but the growth performance was not significantly different between the medium N-low P and high N-low P treatments. At high P, the total biomass in the high N was about 51% higher than that in the medium N and about 348% higher than that in the low N. The growth performance was related to the physiological responses. The photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) increased from 0.843 to 0.855 with an increase in N additions. The photosynthetic rate increased from 13 to 16 μmol m−2 s−1 in the low P levels and from 14 to 20 μmol m−2 s−1 in the high P levels with an increase in N applications, but significant difference was only between the low and medium N levels, regardless of the P levels. The tissue concentrations of N increased with an increase in N applications and decreased with an increase in P additions, whereas reverse was true for tissue concentrations of P. The highest concentrations of N and P in leaves were 30.8 g N kg−1 in the high N-low P treatment and 4.9 g P kg−1 in the low N-high P treatment. The percent biomass allocation to aboveground tissues in the high N was nearly twice that in the low N treatments. The N allocation to aboveground tissues was slightly larger in high N than in low N treatments, whereas the P allocation to aboveground tissues increased with an increase in the N addition. Although some patterns of biomass allocation were similar to those of nutrient allocation, they did not totally reflect the nutrient allocation. These results imply that in order to enhance the treatment performance, appropriately high nutrient availability of N and P are required to stimulate the growth of C. indica in constructed wetlands.  相似文献   
Approximately 75% of the cost to load, haul, and deliver a weekly supply of herbaceous biomass from temporary storage locations near the production fields to a bioprocessing plant (50 Mg/h average capacity, 24/7 operation) is truck cost. The management policy that a bioprocessing plant uses to schedule trucks determines the maximum number of trucks required, and thereby, the total cost for the logistic system. Three land use rates corresponding to 50%, 45%, and 40% of existing pastureland within a 3.2-km radius of chosen satellite storage locations were used to establish a production base surrounding the plant location. Total area harvested was 25,500 ha, or about 2.1% of the total land area in the 7-county region studied. Assumed average yield was 8.3 Mg/ha. Two different management policies, one based on travel time (Policy 1) and another based on the assignment of trucks to given sectors of the surrounding production base (Policy 2) were used to develop truck schedules. The logistic system was modeled as a discrete event simulation model, and the schedule was validated.

The maximum number of trucks needed for the logistic system was 32, 33 and 34 for 50%, 45% and 40% land use rates, respectively. In Policy 1, the maximum number of loads accumulated in the at-plant inventory was 384 truckloads at 50% land use rate (maximum inventory corresponds to about 3 days of plant operation). In Policy 2, the maximum number of loads accumulated in the at-plant inventory was 330 truckloads at 50% land use rate. Total number of loader and unloader operating hours for both the policies was computed, and the loader and unloader utilization rates were 83.5% and 70.8%, respectively. The delivered cost (load, haul, and unload) varied from $14.68 (Policy 1) to $16.14 per Mg (Policy 2) for 15% w.b. moisture content biomass.  相似文献   

Biomass in the form of agricultural residues is becoming popular among new renewable energy sources, especially given its wide potential and abundant usage. Pyrolysis is the most important process among the thermal conversion processes of biomass. In this study, the various characteristics of bio-oils acquired under different pyrolysis conditions from safflower seed press cake (SPC) were identified. The elemental analyses and calorific values of the bio-oils were determined, and then the chemical compositions of the bio-oils were investigated using chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques such as column chromatography, 1H NMR, FTIR and GC. The fuel properties of the bio-oil such as kinematic viscosity, flash point, density, water content and ASTM distillation were also determined. Chemical compositions of bio-oils showed that some quantities of hydrocarbons were present, while oxygenated and polar fractions dominated. The bio-oils obtained from safflower seed press cake were presented as an environmentally friendly feedstock candidate for biofuels and chemicals.  相似文献   
In this work, an experimental study of the thermal decomposition of mixtures of wood particles and high density polyethylene in different atmospheres has been carried out in a downdraft gasifier with a nominal processing capacity of 50 kg/h. The main objective was to study the feasibility of the operation of the gasification plant using mixtures and to investigate the characteristics of the gas obtained. In order to do so, experiments with biomass only and with mixtures with up to 15% HDPE have been carried out. The main components of the gas generated are N2 (50%), H2 (14%), CO (9–22%) and CO2 (7–17%) and its relatively high calorific value was adequate for using it in an internal combustion engine generator consisting of a modified diesel engine coupled with a 25 kV A alternator.  相似文献   
Question: Can above‐ground biomass of naturally growing Alhagi sparsifolia shrubs be estimated non‐destructively? Location: Qira oasis (37° 01′N, 80° 48′E, 1365 ma.s.l.) at the southern fringe of the Taklamakan desert, Xinjiang, NW China. Methods: Two methods were compared to estimate above‐ground biomass (AGB) of Alhagi. At first shrub AGB was estimated by manual ground measurements (called ‘allometric approach’) of length, width and height of 50 individuals. Subsequently regression equations were established between calculated shrub canopy volume and shrub AGB (r2= 0.96). These equations were used to calculate AGB from manual ground measurements in 20 sample plots within the Alhagi field. Secondly, kite‐based colour aerial photography coupled with the use of a Geographic Information System (called ‘GIS approach’) was tested. First and second order polynomial regressions between AGB data of the 50 individual shrubs and their respective canopy area allowed to automatically calculate the AGB of all remaining shrubs covered by the photograph (r2= 0.92 to 0.96). The use of non‐linear AGB regression equations required an automatised separation of shrubs growing solitary or in clumps. Separation criteria were the size and shape of shrub canopies. Results: The allometric approach was more reliable but also more time‐consuming than the GIS‐based approach. The latter led to an overestimation of Alhagi dry matter in densely vegetated areas. However, this systematic error decreased with increasing size of the surveyed area. Future research in this field should focus on improvements of AGB estimates in areas of high shrub density.  相似文献   
胶州湾菲律宾蛤仔生物量与资源评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用1998∽2003年胶州湾10个站中3个站的具有统计学意义的调查数据,对菲律宾蛤仔的生物量、生长期、年龄结构等进行了分析,从而对近期蛤仔的资源进行了初步评估。结果表明,蛤仔种群经过多年的增长延滞期之后,目前开始慢慢恢复。  相似文献   
The structure and standing crop biomass of a dwarf mangrove forest, located in the salinity transition zone ofTaylor River Slough in the Everglades National Park, were studied. Although the four mangrove species reported for Florida occurred at the study site, dwarf Rhizophora mangle trees dominated the forest. The structural characteristics of the mangrove forest were relatively simple: tree height varied from 0.9 to 1.2 meters, and tree density ranged from 7062 to 23 778 stems ha–1. An allometric relationship was developed to estimate leaf, branch, prop root, and total aboveground biomass of dwarf Rhizophora mangle trees. Total aboveground biomass and their components were best estimated as a power function of the crown area times number of prop roots as an independent variable (Y = B × X–0.5083). The allometric equation for each tree component was highly significant (p<0.0001), with all r2 values greater than 0.90. The allometric relationship was used to estimate total aboveground biomass that ranged from 7.9 to 23.2 ton ha–1. Rhizophora mangle contributed 85% of total standing crop biomass. Conocarpus erectus, Laguncularia racemosa, and Avicennia germinans contributed the remaining biomass. Average aboveground biomass allocation was 69% for prop roots, 25% for stem and branches, and 6% for leaves. This aboveground biomass partitioning pattern, which gives a major role to prop roots that have the potential to produce an extensive root system, may be an important biological strategy in response to low phosphorus availability and relatively reduced soils that characterize mangrove forests in South Florida.  相似文献   
细叶百合的生物量和营养分配   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
 以栽培的2年生细叶百合(Lilium pumilum)为材料,于2000年的生长季从蕾期至种子成熟期进行6次取样,对其各器官生物量和氮、磷元素的配置进行了动态研究。结果表明,细叶百合虽然以种子繁殖为主,但在整个生长季用于生殖器官的生物量投资的比例并不很大,大量干物质分配到地下器官鳞茎中(平均为60.17%);茎、叶的生物量分配比例仅次于鳞茎;雄蕊生物量分配比例明显高于雌蕊。在叶萌动及展叶初期植株全氮百分含量最高;从春季萌动至秋季果实成熟,叶中的氮呈逐渐递减的趋势;茎和生殖器官的全氮含量在蕾期最大;生殖器官与叶、鳞茎的全氮含量相关显著。磷在生殖器官的含量较高,这与磷在植物有性生殖过程中的重要作用相一致;生殖器官与茎的全磷含量相关显著。地下器官全氮、全磷随季节变化有增多的趋势;地上各器官全氮、全磷相关显著,随季节变化有明显减少的趋势。  相似文献   
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