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洄游型、淡水型和陆封型刀鲚的寄生蠕虫群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于对淡水环境的适应和江湖阻隔,部分洄游型刀鲚(Coilia nasus)分化成淡水型和陆封型,为寻找区分洄游型、淡水型和陆封型这3种生态型刀鲚的寄生虫标志,并分析其寄生蠕虫群落结构特征,本文调查了3种生态型刀鲚鳃部、胃、肠和幽门盲囊中寄生蠕虫的种类和感染情况。共发现10种寄生虫,包括鳃上3种单殖吸虫:林氏异钩铗虫(Heteromazocraes lingmueni)、细长嗜鳀虫(Helciferus tenuis)和长江中华钩铗虫(Sinomazocraes changjiangensis);胃部1种复殖吸虫:鲚套茎吸虫(Elytrophallus coiliae);肠道3种线虫:简单异尖线虫(Anisakis simplex)、对盲囊线虫(Contracaecum sp.)和胃瘤线虫(Eustrongylides sp.),以及肠和幽门盲囊的3种棘头虫:陈氏刺棘虫(Acanthosentis cheni)、鲇异吻钩棘头虫(Arhythmacanthus parasiluri)、长江傲刺棘头虫(Brentisentis yangtzensis)。林氏异钩铗虫和陈氏刺棘虫在3种生态型的刀鲚中都有较高的感染率和平均丰度;海水性寄生虫细长嗜鳀虫、鲚套茎吸虫和对盲囊线虫只感染洄游型刀鲚,可作为区分洄游型刀鲚的寄生虫标志;淡水性寄生虫长江中华钩铗虫、鲇异吻钩棘头虫和长江傲刺棘头虫只在淡水型刀鲚中发现,可作为淡水型刀鲚的寄生虫标志。洄游型刀鲚的物种丰富度和Brillouin多样性最高,分别在1.25和0.19以上,淡水型刀鲚的较低,分别为0.79~1.12和0.10~0.12,陆封型刀鲚的最低,分别在0.66和0.02以下,这主要是由于淡水型和陆封型刀鲚中海水性寄生虫大部分丢失,以及淡水性寄生虫感染率和平均丰度都较低造成的。盐度降低和中间宿主缺乏是导致淡水型和陆封型刀鲚中海水性寄生虫丢失的主要原因;而淡水性寄生虫较低的感染水平可能是由于其对新宿主的适应时间较短;地理隔离可能是陆封型刀鲚中寄生虫群落多样性最低的另一重要原因。  相似文献   
【目的】球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)和蜡蚧轮枝菌(Verticillium lecanii)是国内外目前研究应用最广泛的杀虫生防真菌,欲扩大其防治范围、增强防治效果、降低生防成本。【方法】采用共发酵技术,通过组合菌株产孢能力和杀虫毒力比较试验,确定蜡蚧轮枝菌和球孢白僵菌共发酵的可行性。【结果】蜡蚧轮枝菌L-31和球孢白僵菌Q-55共发酵的最佳配比为1:1时,按10%总量接种于发酵培养液中(培养液按酵母膏5.0 g/L、葡萄糖20.0 g/L、麦芽糖提取物5.0 g/L、KH2PO43.0 g/L、黄小米200.0 g/L,pH 6.5配制),23.0°C±0.1°C恒温静置发酵12 d,共发酵液的含孢量可达1×109CFU/mL以上,杀虫毒力比较强,其对温室白粉虱和菜青虫可同时显效,处理9 d后的致死中浓度LC50分别为2.09×104±0.12 CFU/mL和3.17×105±0.11 CFU/mL,发酵液浓度为1×108CFU/mL时的致死中时间LT50分别为2.11±0.14 d和4.27±0.43 d,温室小区试验校正防效在80%以上,与其各单一菌株发酵液的防效之间存在显著性差异。【结论】通过两株生防真菌的共发酵研究,为杀虫真菌的扩谱增效以及植物害虫的有效防治提供科学依据和有效途径。  相似文献   
In this editorial I briefly review the new JCCS scientific directions that have emerged from the complicated situations created by the pandemics of COVID- 19, and by the internal audit of both Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling and International CCN Society, that were initiated since my proposal at the 2019 International Workshop on the CCN family of genes.I also welcome the distinguished members of our renewed JCCS Editorial and congratulate all those who have in many different ways participated to the consolidation of the 2021 JCCS Impact Factor attaining 5.908.  相似文献   
根瘤菌系统学研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈文峰 《微生物学通报》2016,43(5):1095-1100
根瘤菌(Rhizobia)原指能与豆科植物共生固氮的革兰氏阴性细菌,归属于变形杆菌门的α-变形杆菌纲和β-变形杆菌纲。近年来,细菌系统学研究方法的发展及大量新菌株的研究,大大改变了根瘤菌的分类方法和分类系统。最新的分类体系中,对α-纲内的根瘤菌属(Rhizobium)进行了重新划分:一部分种仍保留在根瘤菌属内,新增了副根瘤菌属(Pararhizobium)和新根瘤菌属(Neorhizobium),恢复并修订了土壤杆菌属(Agrobacterium)和其它根瘤菌属(Allorhizobium),且所有属中都包括了共生和非共生的细菌。α-纲内的中华根瘤菌属(Sinorhizobium)学名虽已被剑菌属(Ensifer)取代,但在研究共生的细菌时,前者的名称仍被广泛使用。在分类方法方面,最重要的进展是全基因组序列测定及平均核苷酸一致性(ANI)已取代传统的DNA同源性分析。由于16S rRNA基因序列在根瘤菌系统发育中的保守性,目前它多用于确定系统发育中属的分类地位,而多基因序列分析、全基因组序列比较来确定种的分类地位已成为确定根瘤菌基因种的"黄金标准"。加上生理生化特性、脂肪酸、醌等的快速测定获得表型和化学分类数据,使得近十年来根瘤菌的系统学快速发展。可以期待,未来基于全基因组序列分析的根瘤菌分类系统将更趋稳定,但大量的新种仍有待描述,而这仍会导致建立一些新属,或在原本不包括根瘤菌的细菌属内分离到一些共生固氮的种或菌株。另外,药用豆科植物苦参与含有不同结瘤基因型的多种根瘤菌共生混杂性的发现,突破了原来对共生专一性的认识,为豆科植物与根瘤菌之间共生关系的研究开拓了新思路。  相似文献   
菌物多样性、系统性及其对人类发展的意义   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
文中首先对于“Fungi”一词的含义进行了解释,并建议用“Panomycetes”代替广义的“Fungi”一词。随后讨论了菌物多样性、系统性及其对人类的意义。  相似文献   
多形性腺瘤基因(pleomorphic adenoma gene, PLAG)家族包括PLAG1、PLAGL1和PLAGL2共3个成员,为锌指蛋白的新亚科。多项研究表明,PLAG家族蛋白作为核蛋白转录调节因子,主要对机体多种重要基因表达发挥调控作用。本研究旨在介绍PLAG家族蛋白的结构和生物学功能,并详细介绍PLAG家族在肿瘤治疗和动物育种中的作用和研究进展,以为今后的研究方向提供参考。  相似文献   
In 1992 parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agreed to develop and implement policies to regulate and facilitate access to genetic resources (AGR). We examine regulations and agreements in Brazil, Colombia, and the Philippines in detail and discuss how these countries are implementing the AGR mandate. In particular, we evaluate progress toward achieving the CBD objectives of conserving biological diversity, using its components in a sustainable manner, and equitably sharing the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. We highlight the difficulties in developing and implementing these policies, arising from the conflicting goals of regulating and facilitating AGR, as well as the special character of genetic resources, existing ex situ collections, issues of ownership and tenure, and the dearth of legal, institutional, and scientific capacity in many countries. We recommend (1) independent, multidisciplinary evaluation of the success of the access policy in achieving CBD objectives, (2) resolution of the conflict between traditional land tenure and legal property rights of genetic resources so as to match conservation obligations with benefit-sharing rights, (3) recognition that benefits obtained from AGR may be entirely non-monetary, and (4) that countries provide a 'two-track AGR application process separately for commercial and non-commercial users.  相似文献   
We tested the capacity of the soil-dwelling predatory mite, Hypoapsis aculeifer , to control mites attacking lily bulbs. Experiments in the greenhouse and in the field showed that in the absence of predatory mites populations of the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini , on lily bulbs increased, whereas the release of predatory mites either slowed down the increase - as observed in the field - or caused the bulb mites populations to decrease - as observed in the greenhouse. In all cases the population of predatory mites increased as long as bulb mite densities were not too low. However, within the first week after predator release there was usually a sharp decline to 10-40% of the original number released. Greenhouse experiments on intact lily bulbs in pots, boxes and 1 m 2 plots with peat soil showed that when released in a ratio of 1 predator to 2 or 5 prey, the predatory mite, Hypoaspis aculeifer , suppressed populations of bulb mites to less than 10 individual per bulb within 6 weeks. Elimination of bulb mites was observed only when the predator-to-prey ratio at release was equal to 3:1. Field experiments in 2 m 2 plots with intact bulbs in rather compact sandy soil showed that when released in ratio of 1 predator to 1 or 2 prey, the predatory mite, H. aculeifer , did not cause the population of bulb mites to decrease, but it did reduce their population growth. The initial predator-to-prey ratios required to achieve suppression (ca 1:2) or elimination (3:1) in the soil environment are much higher than those required for bulb mite elimination when lily bulb scales were embedded in a medium of vermiculite (ca 1:20). Among the possible causes are: (1) the initial losses of predators in the greenhouse and even more so in the field due to mortality and/or emigration from the experimental plots; (2) the lower temperatures in the greenhouse and especially in the field, which slow down the growth and predation processes and thereby delay prey extinction; and (3) the spatial complexity of the soil environment which creates refuges for the bulb mites.  相似文献   
Despite the recognised conservation value of phylogenetic diversity, little is known about how it is affected by the urbanisation process. Combining a complete avian phylogeny with surveys along urbanisation gradients from five continents, we show that highly urbanised environments supported on average 450 million fewer years of evolutionary history than the surrounding natural environments. This loss was primarily caused by species loss and could have been higher had not been partially compensated by the addition of urban exploiters and some exotic species. Highly urbanised environments also supported fewer evolutionary distinctive species, implying a disproportionate loss of evolutionary history. Compared with highly urbanised environments, changes in phylogenetic richness and evolutionary distinctiveness were less substantial in moderately urbanised environments. Protecting pristine environments is therefore essential for maintaining phylogenetic diversity, but moderate levels of urbanisation still preserve much of the original diversity.  相似文献   
研究了受加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)入侵的半自然林地的植物物种多样性变化,以期揭示该入侵植物对物种多样性的直接影响规律。结果显示,加拿大一枝黄花对林地的入侵造成了植物多样性的下降,入侵区植物的多样性指数小于对照区和只有少量加拿大一枝黄花入侵的蔓延区,而对照区和蔓延区之间并无显著差异。植物多样性指数和群落均匀度指数在不同季节问存在较大变化:多样性指数从4月到11月呈现F降趋势,而从1月份开始多样性指数开始升高。加拿大一枝黄花入侵对物种多样性的影响在6月到10月份最为严重,这可能是由于这段时间该入侵植物通过旺盛的克隆生长侵占了大部分生境排挤了土著植物。可见,虽然在林下的生长受抑。加拿大一枝黄花仍可能通i寸克降繁殖占据牛境.造成林地植物多样性的下降。  相似文献   
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