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Summary Gene complementarity among various sources of resistance to greenbug biotype E was assessed. Analysis of the F2 generation of crosses between susceptible and resistant parents (mating 1) and among sources of resistance (mating 2) suggested that resistance in sorghum to greenbug biotype E was complexly inherited and, to some extent, dependent on the nature of both the resistant and susceptible parents. Positive transgressive segregation in the F2 generations of both matings was found to be due to effective plus factors, contributed by both parents in a cross, which complemented each other. The number of plus factors ranged from one to two in the susceptible parents and from two to five in the resistant parents of mating 1, and from one to five in the parents of mating 2. The consistently significant reciprocal effects shown by Sarvasi and PI264453 indicated that these sources had major factors for resistance in their cytoplasms, which were expressed in all their crosses. The results from this study indicated that the sources of resistance complemented each other to give increased number of F2 segregates with increased resistance. Thus, it should be possible to increase and diversify resistance of sorghum to greenbug biotype E by accumulating different, effective plus factors from various sources through recurrent selection.Contribution No. 90-106-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA  相似文献   
Summary Temporal patterns of variability in the longevity of the male and female phases of individual flowers and in the gender expression of plants of a dichogamous New Zealand tree,Pseudowintera colorata (Winteraceae), were documented in field studies. Two measures for the duration of phases in a dichogamous flower are distinguished; the nominal phases based on morphological features of the flower, and the effective phases reflecting the duration of their functions. Flower and phase longevity and phenotypic gender varied considerably throughout the season and among individuals. Temporal variability in phenotypic gender was loosely synchronized among the 12 plants sampled. Three effects of an environmental factor (temperature) were noted. First, increased temperatures shortened the duration of the female phase but had no effect on the duration of the male phase. Second, pollination frequency was positively correlated with temperature. These results indirectly suggest that increased pollination may shorten the duration of the female phase. Third, average population maleness, measured as the proportion of open flowers in the population on a given day which were in the male phase, was positively correlated with temperature. It is postulated that temperature indirectly influences temporal patterns of gender expression in the population through its differential effects on the longevity of the male and female phases in individual flowers. A theoretical model of bet-hedging shows that, if the direction of an environmental effect on the proportions of the sexual phases is irreversible, selection favours asynchronous dichogamy and reduces the temporal variability as much as possible. If the direction of the response is reversible, heterodichogamy is favoured.  相似文献   
Summary The structure of hemocytes in the normal state and during blood coagulation, and the intracellular localization of three clotting factors and two antimicrobial factors were examined in the Japanese horseshoe crabTachypleus tridentatus. Two types of hemocytes were found in the circulating blood: non-granular and granular hemocytes. The latter contained numerous dense granules classed into two major types: L- and D-granules. The L-granules were larger (up to 1.5 m in diameter) and less electron-dense than the D-granules (less than 0.6 m in diameter). The L-granules contained three clotting factors and one antimicrobial factor, whereas the D-granules exclusively contained the other antimicrobial factor. After treatment with endotoxin, the L-granules were released more rapidly than the D-granules, although almost all granules were finally exocytosed. The granular hemocyte possessed a single Golgi complex; possible precursor granules of L-granules and D-granules contained tubular and condensed dense material, respectively. These data are discussed in relation to the self-defense mechanisms of the horseshoe crab.  相似文献   
Summary Impacts of predators, food levels and cannibalism on population growth of G. buenoi were studied in two experiments using field exclosures. In the first experiment, experiments using field exclosures. In the first experiment, impacts of (1) predation by freshwater invertebrates and (2) food limitation on gerrid populations were considered in a 2 x 2 factorial design, using food supplements and elimination of predators as the experimental treatments. In the second experiment, the possible contribution of intraspecific predation to fitness of gerrid cannibals was assessed.Presence of invertebrate predators decreased egg-adult survivorship 2–3 fold and decreased the range of juvenile development times. The main predators noted in this study were fishing spiders (Dolomedes), backswimmers (Notonecta), larvae of predaceous diving beetles (Dytiscus), and dragonfly naiads (Aeshna). Food supplements, at 50–200% (by weight) of average natural surface fall, did not significantly effect survivorship but were associated with decreases in mean development time and with increases in whole body dry mass of teneral adults. Increases were greater for females than for males, suggesting that females are more likely to be protein limited under field conditions. Absence of predators was associated with smaller body size among teneral adults of G. buenoi, suggesting that screening out aquatic predators also had significant impact on food available to semi-aquatic bugs.Results of the second experiment demonstrate that the food cache hypothesis (Polis 1980) does not hold for G. buenoi. Neither survival to the adult stage nor dry mass of teneral males differed significantly between groups with or without access to early stages as potential prey. Dry mass of teneral females with access to younger stages during their own development was significantly less than for those without access to gerrid prey, suggesting that competition among stages for food was more important than cannibalism in, this experiment.A more comprehensive version of a paper presented at the XVII Int Cong Entomol, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany as part of a symposium entitled Phylogeny, Bionomics and Ecology of Waterstriders (Hemiptera, Gerridae)  相似文献   
Summary Studies on levels of lead and cadmium of Indian flue-cured tobacco indicated that the leaf contained very low amounts of these heavy metals as compared to tobacco from other countries. Indian tobacco can therefore be adjudged as ‘safe and clean’ and least hazardous to the smoker. Of the two heavy metals, lead content of soils is higher than cadmium. But in the leaf, cadmium content is more than lead indicating that soil cadmium may be more available to tobacco and hence more readily absorbed by the plant than lead.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic resistivities and membrane breakdown potentials of normal (AA), sickle-cell-trait (AS), and sickle (SS) red blood cells have been measured by the biophysical methodology of resistive pulse spectroscopy over a range of osmolalities. At isotonicity, the average membrane breakdown potentials are virtually identical for the three types of cells occurring at about 1150 V/cm. Average isotonic cytoplasmic resistivities are somewhat higher for the SS cells (166.7±7.49 ohm-cm) compared to the AA (147.6±1.98 ohm-cm) or AS cells (148.7±1.79 ohm-cm). As medium osmolality is varied, the differences in resistive properties become enlarged, especially at very low and very high osmolalities. At high osmolalities, both types of sickle cells show a large increase in internal resistivity compared to the normals; at low osmolality, the SS samples exhibit a distinctly different membrane breakdown characteristic, decreasing in this parameter, whereas the other two groups increase. Of the 15 SS samples tested, three displayed much higher cytoplasmic resistivities at isotonicity: 218.2±5.25 ohm-cm, compared to an average of 153.5±3.46 ohm-cm for the other 12. The relationship between these high resistivities and the subfraction of irreversibly sickled cells in the sample is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Previous studies have shown that extracts from mouse embryos at mid and late stages of development contain factors that exhibit transforming growth factor activity. The work reported here demonstrates that cultured mouse embryos at significantly earlier stages of development produce and release factors that exhibit the characteristic property of transforming growth factors. Specifically, the data demonstrate that embryos cultured from the blastocyst stage in serum-containing medium or in serum-free medium release factors that promote the anchorage-independent growth of normal rat kidney fibroblasts. It is shown that these factors are produced and released by cells derived from the inner cell mass and by trophoblasts. The precise developmental stage when production of these factors first begins has not been determined but our findings suggest that these factors are produced by cell types associated with early postimplatation embryos. This work was supported by the Laboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis at the National Cancer Institute and by grants from the National Cancer Institute (CA-36727) and the University of Nebraska Medical Center (22-271-732). Editor's Statement This paper presents evidence that, in an in vitro assay system, early embryonic cells are capable of both synthesizing and secreting TGF-like growth factors, implicating the production of these factors in the events of early development. David W. Barnes  相似文献   
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