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The field of landscape genetics has been rapidly evolving, adopting and adapting analytical frameworks to address research questions. Current studies are increasingly using regression‐based frameworks to infer the individual contributions of landscape and habitat variables on genetic differentiation. This paper outlines appropriate and inappropriate uses of multiple regression for these purposes, and demonstrates through simulation the limitations of different analytical frameworks for making correct inference. Of particular concern are recent studies seeking to explain genetic differences by fitting regression models with effective distance variables calculated independently on separate landscape resistance surfaces. When moving across the landscape, organisms cannot respond independently and uniquely to habitat and landscape features. Analyses seeking to understand how landscape features affect gene flow should model a single conductance or resistance surface as a parameterized function of relevant spatial covariates, and estimate the values of these parameters by linking a single set of resistance distances to observed genetic dissimilarity via a loss function. While this loss function may involve a regression‐like step, the associated nuisance parameters are not interpretable in terms of organismal movement and should not be conflated with what is actually of interest: the mapping between spatial covariates and conductance/resistance. The growth and evolution of landscape genetics as a field has been rapid and exciting. It is the goal of this paper to highlight past missteps and demonstrate limitations of current approaches to ensure that future use of regression models will appropriately consider the process being modeled, which will provide clarity to model interpretation.  相似文献   
Aquifers, springs and other groundwater‐dependent ecosystems are threatened by urban land use, which causes water quality deterioration through nutrient loading, sewage infiltration, groundwater extraction and, along coasts, seawater intrusion. The presence of certain microbes in groundwater can indicate that an aquifer is anthropogenically contaminated. Interpretations made from observations of indicator microbes in groundwater are limited because the relationship between the presumably allochthonous indicator microbes and relevant autochthonous microbial communities has not been characterized. This study addressed whether autochthonous aquifer biofilms can influence the presence of presumed microbial indicators in groundwater, and simultaneously used microbial indicators to trace sources of urban contamination at a karst spring of conservation concern. These questions were approached using a 17‐month time series analysis of attached biofilm and adjacent unattached bacteria in the submerged karst aquifer conduit associated with this spring. Environmental 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed to characterize these communities, and community structure data were contextualized with groundwater geochemical and hydrogeological measurements. Linear regression models were developed to explain the relative abundance patterns of indicator microbes and other unattached microbes at this site. The results of this study suggest that dominant aquifer biofilms do not influence the presence of unattached microbial taxa that are presumed to be indicators of groundwater contamination, and generated new information about the origin of coliform bacteria at the study site. These results build confidence in the use of microbial indicators in groundwater‐dependent ecosystem conservation strategies and inform future management plans for urban aquifers and springs worldwide.  相似文献   
The COVID‐19 pandemic has triggered numerous scientific activities aimed at understanding the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus and ultimately developing treatments. Structural biologists have already determined hundreds of experimental X‐ray, cryo‐EM, and NMR structures of proteins and nucleic acids related to this coronavirus, and this number is still growing. To help biomedical researchers, who may not necessarily be experts in structural biology, navigate through the flood of structural models, we have created an online resource, covid19.bioreproducibility.org, that aggregates expert‐verified information about SARS‐CoV‐2‐related macromolecular models. In this article, we describe this web resource along with the suite of tools and methodologies used for assessing the structures presented therein.  相似文献   
The AutoDock suite provides a comprehensive toolset for computational ligand docking and drug design and development. The suite builds on 30 years of methods development, including empirical free energy force fields, docking engines, methods for site prediction, and interactive tools for visualization and analysis. Specialized tools are available for challenging systems, including covalent inhibitors, peptides, compounds with macrocycles, systems where ordered hydration plays a key role, and systems with substantial receptor flexibility. All methods in the AutoDock suite are freely available for use and reuse, which has engendered the continued growth of a diverse community of primary users and third‐party developers.  相似文献   
Biology is advanced by producing structural models of biological systems, such as protein complexes. Some systems are recalcitrant to traditional structure determination methods. In such cases, it may still be possible to produce useful models by integrative structure determination that depends on simultaneous use of multiple types of data. An ensemble of models that are sufficiently consistent with the data is produced by a structural sampling method guided by a data‐dependent scoring function. The variation in the ensemble of models quantified the uncertainty of the structure, generally resulting from the uncertainty in the input information and actual structural heterogeneity in the samples used to produce the data. Here, we describe how to generate, assess, and interpret ensembles of integrative structural models using our open source Integrative Modeling Platform program ( https://integrativemodeling.org ).  相似文献   
Capture‐recapture studies have attracted a lot of attention over the past few decades, especially in applied disciplines where a direct estimate for the size of a population of interest is not available. Epidemiology, ecology, public health, and biodiversity are just a few examples. The estimation of the number of unseen units has been a challenge for theoretical statisticians, and considerable progress has been made in providing lower bound estimators for the population size. In fact, it is well known that consistent estimators for this cannot be provided in the very general case. Considering a case where capture‐recapture studies are summarized by a frequency of frequencies distribution, we derive a simple upper bound of the population size based on the cumulative distribution function. We introduce two estimators of this bound, without any specific parametric assumption on the distribution of the observed frequency counts. The behavior of the proposed estimators is investigated using several benchmark datasets and a large‐scale simulation experiment based on the scheme discussed by Pledger.  相似文献   
In studies based on electronic health records (EHR), the frequency of covariate monitoring can vary by covariate type, across patients, and over time, which can limit the generalizability of inferences about the effects of adaptive treatment strategies. In addition, monitoring is a health intervention in itself with costs and benefits, and stakeholders may be interested in the effect of monitoring when adopting adaptive treatment strategies. This paper demonstrates how to exploit nonsystematic covariate monitoring in EHR‐based studies to both improve the generalizability of causal inferences and to evaluate the health impact of monitoring when evaluating adaptive treatment strategies. Using a real world, EHR‐based, comparative effectiveness research (CER) study of patients with type II diabetes mellitus, we illustrate how the evaluation of joint dynamic treatment and static monitoring interventions can improve CER evidence and describe two alternate estimation approaches based on inverse probability weighting (IPW). First, we demonstrate the poor performance of the standard estimator of the effects of joint treatment‐monitoring interventions, due to a large decrease in data support and concerns over finite‐sample bias from near‐violations of the positivity assumption (PA) for the monitoring process. Second, we detail an alternate IPW estimator using a no direct effect assumption. We demonstrate that this estimator can improve efficiency but at the potential cost of increase in bias from violations of the PA for the treatment process.  相似文献   
The discovery of rare genetic variants through next generation sequencing is a very challenging issue in the field of human genetics. We propose a novel region‐based statistical approach based on a Bayes Factor (BF) to assess evidence of association between a set of rare variants (RVs) located on the same genomic region and a disease outcome in the context of case‐control design. Marginal likelihoods are computed under the null and alternative hypotheses assuming a binomial distribution for the RV count in the region and a beta or mixture of Dirac and beta prior distribution for the probability of RV. We derive the theoretical null distribution of the BF under our prior setting and show that a Bayesian control of the false Discovery Rate can be obtained for genome‐wide inference. Informative priors are introduced using prior evidence of association from a Kolmogorov‐Smirnov test statistic. We use our simulation program, sim1000G, to generate RV data similar to the 1000 genomes sequencing project. Our simulation studies showed that the new BF statistic outperforms standard methods (SKAT, SKAT‐O, Burden test) in case‐control studies with moderate sample sizes and is equivalent to them under large sample size scenarios. Our real data application to a lung cancer case‐control study found enrichment for RVs in known and novel cancer genes. It also suggests that using the BF with informative prior improves the overall gene discovery compared to the BF with noninformative prior.  相似文献   
Birth‐and‐death processes are widely used to model the development of biological populations. Although they are relatively simple models, their parameters can be challenging to estimate, as the likelihood can become numerically unstable when data arise from the most common sampling schemes, such as annual population censuses. A further difficulty arises when the discrete observations are not equi‐spaced, for example, when census data are unavailable for some years. We present two approaches to estimating the birth, death, and growth rates of a discretely observed linear birth‐and‐death process: via an embedded Galton‐Watson process and by maximizing a saddlepoint approximation to the likelihood. We study asymptotic properties of the estimators, compare them on numerical examples, and apply the methodology to data on monitored populations.  相似文献   
Land‐use change is the most important driver of biodiversity loss worldwide and particularly so in the tropics, where natural habitats are transformed into large‐scale monocultures or heterogeneous landscape mosaics of largely unknown conservation value. Using birds as an indicator taxon, we evaluated the conservation value of a landscape mosaic in northeastern Madagascar, a biodiversity hotspot and the center of global vanilla production. We assessed bird species richness and composition by conducting point counts across seven prevalent land‐use types (forest‐ and fallow‐derived vanilla agroforests, woody and herbaceous fallow that are part of a shifting cultivation system, rice paddy, forest fragment and contiguous old‐growth forest). We find that old‐growth forest had the highest species richness, driven by a high share of endemics. Species richness and community composition in forest‐derived vanilla agroforest were similar to forest fragment, whereas fallow‐derived vanilla agroforest was most comparable to woody fallow. The open land‐use types herbaceous fallow and rice paddy had fewest species. Across forest fragments, vanilla agroforests, and woody fallows, endemic bird species richness was positively correlated to landscape‐scale forest cover. We conclude that both fallow‐ and forest‐derived vanilla agroforests play an important but contrasting role for bird conservation: Fallow‐derived agroforests are less valuable but take fallow land out of the shifting cultivation cycle, possibly preventing further degradation. Conversely, forest‐derived agroforests contribute to forest degradation but may avoid total loss of tree cover from forest fragments. Considering the land‐use history of agroforests may thus be a promising avenue for future research beyond the case of vanilla. Abstract in Malagasay is available with online material  相似文献   
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