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毛红椿天然林种子雨、种子库与天然更新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008-2011年,调查江西九连山国家级自然保护区毛红椿天然林的种子雨、种子库及林下幼苗数量.结果表明:在毛红椿天然林,种子雨散布时间为10月下旬至12月下旬.2010年不同样地的种子雨强度为虾公塘气象观测站(320.3±23.5粒·m-2)>虾公塘保护站(284.7±24.2粒·m-2)>大丘田保护站(251.6±24.7粒·m-2),分别以222.0、34.3和22.6粒·m-2完好种子供土壤萌发更新;毛红椿种子储量取决于结实量、鸟类取食和种子活力等因素,鸟类取食是其种子储量大幅下降的首要因素;由于种子不耐储藏以及大量腐烂,种子有效贮藏期不足1个月.12月天然林种子库平均萌发数≤2株·m-2,次年1月土壤种子库种子量最少,为6.7~11.8粒·m-2,平均仅萌发0.4~0.6株·m-2,与林下实生幼苗分布极少相吻合.毛红椿种子雨储备、种子库种子活力保存及幼苗建成等因素影响其天然更新.  相似文献   
超富集植物短毛蓼对锰的富集特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
邓华  李明顺  陈英旭 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5450-5454
通过野外调查和营养液培养试验,研究了锰在短毛蓼体内的富集特征和对其生长的影响.在锰含量高达2.5×105mg/kg的锰矿废弃地上短毛蓼生长良好,叶锰含量高达1.66×104mg/kg.营养液培养条件下,随着生长介质中Mn浓度的升高,短毛蓼根、茎、叶中的Mn含量逐渐增加,当锰供应水平为1.000mmol/L时,叶锰含量超过10000mg/kg;当锰供应水平为20 000mmol/L时,短毛蓼仍能生长,根、茎和叶3部分的锰含量均达到最大值,分别为9923,18112mg/kg和55750mg/kg.在所有锰供应水平下,短毛蓼茎和叶中的锰含量都比根部的高.结果表明,短毛蓼是一种锰超富集植物,这一发现为锰污染土壤的植物修复和探讨锰在植物体内的超富集机理提供了一种新的种质资源.  相似文献   
选取长白山岳桦林中的岳桦-蟹甲草群落(Comm.Betula ermanii-Parasenecio forrestii)、岳桦-藜芦群落(Comm.Betula ermanii-Veratrum nigrum)和岳桦-小叶章群落(Comm.Betula ermanii-Deyeuxia purpurea)开展野外模拟氮沉降实验,采用野外原位模拟实验方法,设置对照(0 kg·hm-2·a-1)、低氮(30 kg·hm-2·a-1)、中氮(50 kg·hm-2·a-1)和高氮(100 kg·hm-2·a-1)4个氮处理水平,测定草本植物生长状况和土壤肥力,研究岳桦林下草本层植物和土壤肥力对氮沉降的短期响应。结果显示:(1)岳桦林下草本植物随氮沉降量的增加而加速生长,小叶章对氮沉降的响应较为敏感,藜芦次之,蟹甲草最弱;(2)氮添加造成林下土壤肥力发生变化,有机质含量下降,特别是岳桦-小叶章群落下的土壤有机质含量下降最明显;土壤总氮和速效氮含量增大,岳桦-蟹甲草群落下的土壤总氮和速效氮增加最多;土壤总磷和速效磷含量减小,岳桦-小叶章群落下的土壤总磷和速效磷含量的减少最多。本研究结果表明氮添加在短期内会促进长白山岳桦林下草本植物生长,尤其是小叶章的生长,加快土壤有机质的分解和磷的释放,逐步改变土壤肥力并反馈给植物,促使其进一步变化。  相似文献   
研究了不同月份、不同密度下川西亚高山丘桦(Betula albo—sinensis)幼苗土壤蔗糖酶活性对温度升高(ET)、大气CO2浓度升高(EC)及其复合作用(ETC)的响应.结果表明:ET处理下,各月份土壤蔗糖酶活性均表现出不同程度的提高,其中5、6、9和10月份达到显著水平(P〈0.05);EC处理下,各月份土壤蔗糖酶活性均显著提高,各月份土壤蔗糖酶活性表现为高密度根际土壤(HR)〉低密度根际土壤(LR)〉高密度非根际土壤(HN)〉低密度非根际土壤(LN);不同月份的土壤蔗糖酶活性对ETC和遮荫(CS)处理的响应不同,其响应动态与季节变化、植物密度以及蔗糖酶在土壤中的位置密切相关.  相似文献   
Summary Nitrate reductase (NR) assays revealed a bi-specific NAD(P)H-NR (EC to be the only nitrate-reducing enzyme in leaves of hydroponically grown birches. To obtain the primary structure of the NAD(P)H-NR, leaf poly(A)+ mRNA was used to construct a cDNA library in the lambda gt11 phage. Recombinant clones were screened with heterologous gene probes encoding NADH-NR from tobacco and squash. A 3.0 kb cDNA was isolated which hybridized to a 3.2 kb mRNA whose level was significantly higher in plants grown on nitrate than in those grown on ammonia. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA comprises a reading frame encoding a protein of 898 amino acids which reveals 67%–77% identity with NADH-nitrate reductase sequences from higher plants. To identify conserved and variable regions of the multicentre electron-transfer protein a graphical evaluation of identities found in NR sequence alignments was carried out. Thirteen well-conserved sections exceeding a size of 10 amino acids were found in higher plant nitrate reductases. Sequence comparisons with related redox proteins indicate that about half of the conserved NR regions are involved in cofactor binding. The most striking difference in the birch NAD(P)H-NR sequence in comparison to NADH-NR sequences was found at the putative pyridine nucleotide binding site. Southern analysis indicates that the bi-specific NR is encoded by a single copy gene in birch. These sequence data appeared in the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ nucleotide sequence data bases under the accession number X54097  相似文献   
We demonstrate, using a simple field experiment, that soil warming is sufficient, independent of other cues, to potentially alter the recruitment of Betula pendula seedlings. This study suggests that changing temperature, and correlated changes in edaphic factors, can alter patterns in plant recruitment via differential effects on seed dormancy. Increased soil temperatures (of less than 5 °C) throughout the year led to a significant increase in the number of birch seedlings that emerged from soil samples collected in the spring. No concomitant changes in the emergence of other species was observed. Such temperature induced changes in seedbank dynamics and their subsequent effects on the competitive interactions within a plant community suggest far reaching ecological consequences of current increases in global temperature.  相似文献   
盐胁迫对2种珍贵速生树种种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1/2Hoagland营养液为基础培养液,研究了在0.1%、0.2%、0.4%和0.6%NaCl胁迫条件下,毛红椿〔Toona ciliata Roem. var. pubescens(Franch.)Hand.-Mazz.〕和水松〔Glyptostrobus pensilis(Staunt.ex D.Don)K.Koch〕的种子萌发和幼苗生长情况。结果表明,随着NaCl浓度的增加,2个树种的种子萌发率和简化苗木活力指数均明显下降,在0.1%、0.2%、0.4%和0.6%NaCl胁迫条件下,毛红椿和水松种子的最终萌发率分别为89.3%、87.3%、62.7%、32.0%和26.0%、16.7%、6.0%、3.3%,简化苗木活力指数分别为1.39~0.08和1.52~0.07,且毛红椿的种子萌发率和简化苗木活力指数均明显高于水松。萌发恢复实验结果表明,高浓度NaCl处理后的种子具有较高的萌发恢复率。根据实验结果初步判定毛红椿种子具有较强的耐盐性。  相似文献   
毛竹根际可培养微生物种群多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为了了解天然毛竹林根际可培养微生物种群的多样性信息,[方法]采用稀释平板法,对浙江天目山和重庆缙云山天然毛竹林根际细菌和放线菌进行了分离,并对其16S rDNA序列进行了分析.[结果]分别从天目山和缙云山天然毛竹林根际分离得到51株和31株菌落形态差异的细菌和放线菌.16S rDNA序列分析表明,天目山和缙云山毛竹根际细菌主要包括厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,分别为40%和58%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,分别为36.7%和10.52%)、变形菌门-亚群(Alphaproteobacteria,分别为10%和5.26%)和变形菌门 --亚群(Gammaproteobacteria,分别为10%和26.32%),其中芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.)为共同的优势菌属(分别为34.38%和42.11%).分离的菌株中,B188、B171和B152等6株与GenBank中已报道16S rRNA基因序列的相似性从90%到96%不等,可能代表着新属或种.[结论]这表明,天然毛竹林根际具有较为丰富的可培养微生物种群多样性,并存在一些潜在的新的微生物菌种资源.  相似文献   
Birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) was investigated under steady-state nutrition and growth at different incident photon flux densities (PFD) and different relative addition rates of nitrogen. PFD had a strong influence on the relative growth rate at optimum nutrition and on the nitrogen productivity (growth rate per unit of nitrogen) but little effect on the formal relationships between nitrogen and growth, i.e. PFD and nitrogen nutrition are orthogonal growth factors. At a given suboptimum nitrogen (the same distance from optimum), increased PFD increased the relative growth rate and, therefore, the relative uptake rate and the required relative addition rate in accordance with the theoretical equality between these three parameters at steady-state nutrition. Correspondingly, at a given suboptimum relative addition rate, increased PFD decreased nitrogen status (larger distance from optimum) at an unchanged relative growth rate. Nutrient uptake rate, dry matter content, and partitioning of biomass and nutrients are strongly influenced by nitrogen status. PFD influences these characteristics, but only to an extent corresponding to its effect on the nitrogen status. The influence of PDF on the relative growth rate at optimum and on nitrogen productivity is well described by hyperbolic relationships, similar to reported PFD/photosynthesis relationships. These expressions for plant growth as well as the productivities of leaf area and quantum appear to be valuable characteristics of plant responses to light and nutrition. Although the calculated PFD/growth relationships indicate saturation at high values of PFD, a more realistic estimate of PFD at which saturation occurs is about 30 mol m−2 day−1, where the highest relative growth rate and nitrogen productivity were experimentally determined. No significant effect was observed because of day length differences between the present and previous experiments.  相似文献   
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