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浙江省植被覆盖时空动态及其与生态气候指标的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1982-2006年间浙江省归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空变化及其与关键生态气候指标(生物热量指数和生物干湿度指数)的相关性进行了研究.结果表明:研究期间,浙江省植被覆盖总体呈缓慢下降趋势,NDVI显著减少的地区约占全省面积的30.71%;生态气候指标与滞后一年的NDVI显著相关,其中生物热量指数与NDVI呈显著负相关,生物干湿度指数与NDVI呈显著正相关,说明研究区湿度的增加可促进植被长势,而过高的热量对植被生长则具有明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   
Aims We have two aims: (1) to examine the relationship between local population persistence, local abundance and regional occupancy of stream diatoms and (2) to characterize the form of the species–occupancy frequency distribution of stream diatoms. Location Boreal streams in Finland. There were three spatial extents: (1) across ecoregions in Finland, (2) within ecoregions in Finland, and (3) within a single drainage system in southern Finland. Methods Diatoms were sampled from stones (epilithon), sediment (epipelon) and aquatic plants (epiphyton) in streams using standardized sampling methods. To assess population persistence, diatom sampling was conducted monthly at four stream sites from June to October. The relationships between local population persistence, local abundance and regional occupancy were examined using correlation analyses. Results There was a significant positive relationship between local persistence and abundance of diatoms in epilithon, epipelon and epiphyton. Furthermore, local abundance and regional occupancy showed a significant positive relationship at multiple spatial extents; that is, across ecoregions, within ecoregions and within a drainage system. The relationships between occupancy and abundance did not differ appreciably among impacted and near pristine‐reference sites. The occupancy–frequency distribution was characterized by a large number of satellite species which occurred at only a few sites, whereas core species that occurred at most sites were virtually absent. Main conclusions The positive relationship between local population persistence and abundance suggested that a high local abundance may prevent local extinction or that high persistence is facilitated by a high local cell density. High local persistence and local abundance may also positively affect the degree of regional occupancy in stream diatoms. The results further showed that anthropogenic effects were probably too weak to bias the relationship between occupancy and abundance, or that the effects have already modified the distribution patterns of stream diatoms. The small number of core species in the species–occupancy frequency distribution suggested that the regional distribution patterns of stream diatoms, or perhaps unicellular microbial organisms in general, may not be fundamentally different from those described previously for multicellular organisms, mainly in terrestrial environments, although average global range sizes may differ sharply between these two broad groups of organisms.  相似文献   
O. S. Boikova 《Hydrobiologia》1986,141(1-2):113-123
A study has been made on the distribution of crustaceans along a profile of 6–9 stations from depths of less than 2 m to 20 m, in summer, autumn and early spring. The species composition, abundance, size-frequency distribution, biomass and diurnal dynamics were estimated. Many species abundant in the pelagic zone were found to be absent or scarce out to depths of 5 m. In the daytime, at depths out to 3 m, crustaceans greater than 1.0 mm were seldom found, while those 0.15–0.40 mm long were most abundant. At depths out to 5 m, not only was the total average size of crustaceans found to be smaller, but also that of individual species, including small ones: Ceriodaphnia and Chydorus. The biomass of crustaceans in shallow water and in the open lake differs in summer by more than 100 times, and in late autumn and early spring by more than 10 times. At the depth of 1 m, in none of the seasons did it exceed 0.026 mg l-1. All the crustaceans except for nauplii and Chydorus considerably increased in numbers in the shallow water at night. The impoverishment of the littoral plankton in Lake Glubokoe is regarded as a specific case of the well-known phenomenon of ‘avoidance of the littoral’ by euplankton (Hutchinson, 1967; Kiselyov, 1980). It is pointed out that there is a possible relationship between diurnal horizontal migrations of plantivorous fish and the impoverishment of plankton near the shore. An attempt has been made to substantiate the assumption that the ‘avoidance of the littoral’ by pelagic crustaceans is due to high numbers of fish in shallow water.  相似文献   
荔枝蝽田间种群消长动态及空间分布型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对海南省儋州地区荔枝园中荔枝蝽Tessaratoma papillosa(Drury)种群动态及空间分布进行了系统调查与分析。结果表明,在2005—2006与2008—2009年期间,荔枝蝽的产卵高峰期分别为4月与2月,若虫高峰期为3月,成虫高峰期分别为4月及7月;分析表明荔枝蝽各虫态在荔枝园中均为聚集分布,且成虫个体间相互排斥。  相似文献   
灌溉对孕穗期冬小麦农田温度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余卫东  成林 《生态学杂志》2012,31(7):1701-1706
灌溉是抵御和减轻冬小麦晚霜冻危害的有效措施之一。针对黄淮地区2010年4月的一次强降温过程,通过郑州农业气象观测站的灌溉防霜试验,对比分析了冬小麦孕穗期田间空气温度和土壤温度特征。结果表明:在外界环境温度下降时,灌溉可以提高田间最低气温0.1~0.6℃,增温效应主要集中在地上5cm处,灌溉可减少气温≤0℃的持续时间1~2h;对土壤温度的影响随着深度而存在差异,0cm土壤温度以增加为主,5~20cm土壤以降温效应为主;灌溉减小了气温和0~5cm土壤温度的变异系数和平均相对变率,而增大了10~20cm土壤温度的变异系数和相对变率;灌溉引起的温度差异只在15和20cm土壤处比较显著,其余各层温度差异并不明显。  相似文献   
The fish community in Tjeukemeer was monitored from 1971 to 1988 by trawling, and during the summer of 1988 the distribution of the more abundant species was determined in relation to size and location. Bream, pikeperch and smelt were the most dominant fishes, whereas roach, white bream, perch and ruffe comprised <10% of the total catches. After the termination in 1977 of the intensive gillnet fishery both pikeperch >50 cm and bream >30 cm increased in biomass, but roach >15 cm and perch >15 cm virtually disappeared and pikeperch <50 cm substantially decreased. Only smelt, ruffe, white bream and bream <30 cm hardly changed in biomass. Bream, pikeperch, perch and smelt were restricted to the open water zone, but roach <15 cm and 0 + bream were confined to the littoral zone. White bream and ruffe did not show a distinct habitat preference. Because the recruitment of smelt is largely dependent on immigration from the IJsselmeer, a feed-back between the smelt and pikeperch population is lacking. Because the carrying capacity of the pikeperch population is mainly determined by smelt, the other fish <15 cm are very vulnerable to predation when the smelt population is consumed, before a new year-class of smelt is recruited, or when the smelt fails to recruit. The vulnerability to predation of the different species and their feeding habits are discussed in relation to their distribution.  相似文献   
会同杉木人工林不同生长阶段植物固碳特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了探讨杉木人工林不同生长阶段的固碳功能,以会同杉木林为研究对象,在定位连续测定林分生物量和碳素含量的基础上,研究了杉木林不同年龄阶段的储存碳量及在各组分的分配和植物固碳能力。结果表明:杉木各器官碳素含量树叶树皮树根树干树枝,且随着林龄增加而增大;杉木林植被储存碳量为22.93—86.98 t/hm2,各个层次储存碳量乔木层林下植被层枯死物层;乔木层碳素在器官间的相对分配大小依次为树干树根树叶树皮树枝;树干碳素分配比随着年龄增长而增大,树枝、树叶随年龄增长而减少,树根和树皮虽有波动,但变化较平稳;树枝、树叶、树干、树皮和树根碳积累年均变化都呈单峰形曲线,但波峰出现林龄各有不同;杉木林固碳动态特征可分为固碳功能建立、固碳能力迅速增长、固碳能力最大、固碳能力相对平稳和固碳能力下降等5个阶段;杉木林的固碳能力,不仅受不同生长阶段生长发育生物学特性的制约,而且还受林分冠层结构特征以及土壤肥力条件的影响。  相似文献   
Sugar beet plants regenerated from UV-treated calluses were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to determine the extent of somaclonal variation occurring at the DNA level. In total, 50 random sugar beet DNA sequences were used to screen 42 somaclones for genetic alterations. Three polymorphisms were detected among the 7 644 alleles analysed. From these data a mutation frequency of 0.03 ± 0.02% per allele was estimated. This frequency is in agreement with similar studies of somaclonal DNA variation using molecular markers and lies in the upper range of the spontaneous gene mutation frequencies found in plants. The two probegenotype combinations showing independent polymorphisms, were further analysed using the restriction enzymes Bam HI, Eco RI, Eco RV and Hind III. Both polymorphisms are likely to result from structural rearrangements rather than from point mutations. Differences in methylation among 10 of the investigated somaclones were tested for by comparing Hpa II and Msp I generated RFLP patterns. The somaclones showed extensive methylation, but no differences in their degree of methylation. Cytological analysis revealed 34 diploid, 8 tetraploid, but no aneuploid plants.  相似文献   
Brood chambers of Januinae are cuticular and have to be shed to liberate the larvae, whereas those of Pileolaria are bounded by two epithelia and are used repeatedly. Links for interpreting these differences are to be found amongst some of the smaller genera of Pileolariinae. In Amplicaria and Vinearia the embryos are held between a pair of opercular plates, which form distal and proximal cups with the concavities facing each other. They are successive units in a series of sheddings and renewals, found generally in Spirorbidae even on non-brooding opercula. A Janua brood chamber corresponds with the distal component of such a pair, the proximal component being represented by the basal plate. In most Pileolariinae the brood chamber is formed entirely by the proximal component. Amongst Nidificaria species, some hold the embryos in a simple cup with no distal protection, but others have the aboral side of the cup extended and growing over distally, like the dorsal lip of a blastopore. The aperture that remains may be almost closed but can open again to liberate the larvae. Brood chambers of Pileolaria are exactly like that, except that they lack any calcification proximally. Those of Jugaria and Bushiella are similar, but with additional protection through retention of distal plates. Protoleodora species are subarctic and very close to Jugaria and Bushiella in distribution and morphology, but they have less calcification, readily lose their distal plates, and develop soft-walled brood pouch extensions which can accommodate very large broods. There seem to be tenuous links between the Pileolariinae and the Romanchellinae, southern hemisphere spirorbids which incubate in their tubes. Fertilization and spawning need further study.  相似文献   
Aim  To review and critically assess the evidence that the testate amoeba species Nebela vas does not have a cosmopolitan distribution, in contradiction to the paradigm of microbial distribution that 'everything is everywhere'.
Location  Terrestrial and wetland habitats world-wide.
Methods  Relevant data were assembled on the morphology, ecology and global geographical distribution of N. vas from a comprehensive literature review of published original records. The data were collated, analysed and summarized. The roles of long-term and short-term agents of dispersal are discussed.
Results  A clear and repeated pattern has been elucidated of a microbial species, with a distinctive and unmistakeable morphology, that inhabits acid, damp terrestrial and wetland habitats in the southern cool-temperate and sub-Antarctic zones – including similar high-altitude habitats in the Tropics. It is almost entirely confined to the Gondwanaland continents and Southern Hemisphere islands. It is definitively absent from Holarctic regions. It is proposed that the continental distribution of N. vas is a consequence of continental drift following its original speciation in the Mesozoic or earlier, whereas its distribution on sub-Antarctic islands (glaciated in the Pleistocene) has been effected by dispersal from South America by wind around the Southern Ocean.
Main conclusion  Nebela vas is a proven instance of a microbial species that does not have a cosmopolitan distribution.  相似文献   
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