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Two isolated trunk vertebrae from the ?uppermost Albian–lower Cenomanian Kem Kem beds of Morocco are described and assigned to Lapparentophis, an early snake genus known from coeval deposits in Algeria. The Moroccan specimens represent a new species, Lapparentophis ragei, which can be distinguished from the type and only known species, Lapparentophis defrennei, by its smaller size, its more elongate vertebrae, the presence of parazygosphenal foramina, and paradiapophyses extending anteroventrally closer to the cotyle. The discovery of Lapparentophis in the Kem Kem beds adds to the relatively diverse snake assemblage previously reported from this formation and extends the geographical range of the genus. The distribution of Lapparentophis and lapparentophiid-grade (?lapparentophiid) snakes is discussed. This poorly known family of terrestrial snakes seems to be restricted to the latest Albian–early Cenomanian of North Africa, with the exception of Pouitella from the early–middle Cenomanian of France. As for many other vertebrate taxa of this period, this distribution is consistent with a dispersal event from Africa to the western part of the European archipelago.  相似文献   
Exceptionally well-preserved specimens from the middle Albian of Spain corresponding to a nearly complete fertile frond and fragments of pinnae containing soral clusters of the tree fern Weichselia reticulata have provided new data about the structure and arrangement of pinnae and their associated fertile reproductive structure. This new material has been compared with the previous studies, and recostructions of this fern and the new data indicate the segregation of vegetative and fertile fronds within the main stipe of this fern.  相似文献   
Parahorologinella gen.nov.是一类多细胞、单层的定形群体化石,亲缘上可能与绿藻植物门有关。属下仅一种:P.ciconica gen.etsp.nov.,产于松辽盆地东南部登楼库组第三段。据同层孢粉化石的研究,时代为早白垩世阿尔必期,代表微咸一淡水的沉积环境。  相似文献   
A coleoid gladius (Mollusca, Cephalopoda), well preserved in a phosphate nodule, is described from the lower Albian of Normandy (France). The lateral parts of the gladius are considered as the remains of a primary conus. This fossil is part of a gladius of modern type. It is thought to be included in an evolutionary trend leading to the Recent genera, of narrowing of the gladius associated with greater streamlining of the body. The coleoid gladii are almost unknown from the Cretaceous. This coleoid gladius from the Albian of Normandy differs from any known Mesozoic gladius, and thus is named Normanoteuthis inopinata, new genus, new species, within the family Plesioteuthidae.  相似文献   
Two specimens of Thysanoptera with forked sensilla on third and fourth antennal segments were described from the Lebanese Neocomian and the Spanish Albian ambers, and attributed to the new genus Tethysthrips n. gen. in the family Thripidae Stevens 1829. One specimen with a tubular tenth abdominal segment was also discovered in the Lebanese Neocomian amber, and attributed to the new genus Rohrthrips n. gen. belonging to the family Phlaeothripidae Uzel 1895. Thripidae and Phlaeothripidae are nowadays the most species-rich families of Thysanoptera. The present discoveries of Early Cretaceous fossils show how diversified these families and thrips already were at that time. Moreover, this tubuliferan Rohrthrips specimen has plesiomorphies no longer present in the recent genera, in particular on the wings. Therefore it brings new insight in the evolution of Tubulifera.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Recent collecting from the Pawpaw Shale in north-east Texas has yielded several hundred teeth of anacoracid sharks. The material allows for a much-needed revision of the Late Albian anacoracids from North America. The previously recognized Squalicorax sp., also referred to as S. volgensis in more recent publications, is a mix of two different species: S. priscoserratus sp. nov. and S. pawpawensis sp. nov. In addition to these two new species, a single tooth is assigned to S . aff. S. baharijensis . Our data indicate that anacoracids were a considerably more diverse group in the North American Cretaceous than previously thought. We attribute much of the underestimation of diversity to vague species concepts, poor preparation techniques and the associated lack of attention to certain dental features, in particular neck morphology, root surface porosity and the root's vascularization.  相似文献   
The AR-1 layer, corresponding to the Escucha Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the Santa Maria Mine of Ariño, has supplied rich and well-preserved macrofloral and palynological assemblages showing interesting data about both taphonomic and environmental conditions. This single layer is located in the Oliete Sub-Basin from the Maestrazgo Basin in northeastern Spain, and it represents one of the most outstanding single layer fossil sites in the world. This site shows abundant and diverse fauna containing exquisitely preserved vertebrate and invertebrate fossils (dinosaur bones, turtles, crocodiles, fishes, molluscs and ostracods) and also plant remains of Albian age. The assemblage is especially significant for dinosaur phylogenetic analysis. The sedimentary environment corresponds to a freshwater swamp plain with sporadic marine inputs within a deltaic–estuarine system under subtropical–tropical climate.  相似文献   
A fossil plant assemblage composed of a great amount of macro, meso and microscopical charcoalifed remains occur in a single layer in Albian deposits of the Escucha Formation in northeastern Spain. This assemblage consists fundamentally of fragments of pinnae and pinnules corresponding to the Matoniaceous ferns Weichselia reticulata and Phlebopteris dunkeri also with some gymnosperm wood remains. The features of both the fossil plants and the deposit itself indicate accurate paleoenvironmental conditions related to the action of wildfires over the vegetation growing in freshwater swamp plains during Albian in Southwestern Eurasia.  相似文献   
Engel MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):137-152
Two new earwigs (Dermaptera) recently discovered in mid-Cretaceous (latest Albian) amber from Myanmar are described and figured. Astreptolabis ethirosomatiagen. et sp. n. is represented by a peculiar pygidicranoid female, assigned to a new subfamily, Astreptolabidinaesubfam. n., and differs from other protodermapterans in the structure of the head, pronotum, tegmina, and cercal forceps. Tytthodiplatys mecynocercusgen. et sp. n. is a distinctive form of first-instar nymph of the Diplatyidae, the earliest record for this basal earwig family. The taxon can be distinguished from other Early Cretaceous nymphs by the structure of the head, antennae, legs, and most notably its filamentous and annulate cerci. The character affinities of these taxa among Neodermaptera are generally discussed as is the identity of an enigmatic 'earwig-like' species from the Jurassic of China.  相似文献   
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