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The dissolved oxygen (DO) content of the ocean provides potential evidence and clues for the waxing and waning of marine productivity, ocean circulation, global climate change, and the evolution of ecological communities. On the basis of the analysis of the Benthic Foraminiferal Oxygen Index (BFOI), the percentage of epifaunal benthic foraminifers, and the redox-sensitive trace elements (Mo/Al) in Core MD12-3432, we reconstruct the evolution of deep water DO content in the northern South China Sea (SCS) during the past 400 ka and discuss the mechanisms of variable DO content. The results show that the changes of BFOI, Mo/Al, and the percentage of epifaunal benthic foraminifer present a similar pattern, which may reflect the variations of the DO content in seawater since 400 ka. Both variations in BFOI and Mo/Al indicate that the DO content was high during most time of marine isotope stage (MIS) 11 to mid-MIS 6, then decreased in late-MIS 6, and remained stable in MIS 5. It increased in MIS 4 and decreased until MIS 2, and then rose again. The non-synchronous variations between bottom water DO and benthic foraminiferal δ18O indicate that the DO content is not controlled by glacial-interglacial cyclic environmental variations. Comparing the biomarker productivity index with the DO content of water, we find that the DO content is affected mainly by productivity. Bulimina, Uvigerina and Chilostomella oolina are high productivity species. The accumulation rates of Bulimina and Uvigerina are higher during 61–15 kyr interval, but the accumulation rate of C. oolina is higher during 168–130 kyr. The results infer that different intensity of primary productivity and DO during these two periods. The DO and phytoplankton total (PT) show the opposite relation, which also indicates that the DO is affected by primary productivity, and the combined action of productivity and DO decides the growth of Bulimina, Uvigerina, and C. oolina. Besides the influences of productivity, the change of DO in the ocean is also affected by oceanic circulation.  相似文献   
Population density and biomass of bacteria and meiofauna were investigated seasonally in the sediments of the north-western bank of Red Sea. Samples of sediments were collected seasonally from three different stations to determine microphytobenthic biomass (chlorophyll a), protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and total organic matter concentrations. These investigations revealed that microbial components tended to increase their dominancy, whereas sensitive meiofauna were extremely reduced during the entire study period. Thus a very low density of the total meiofauna (with an annual average of 109 ± 26 ind./10 cm2) was recorded whilst the benthic microbial population densities exhibited higher values (ranging from 0.31 ± 0.02 × 108 to 43.67 ± 18.62 × 108/g dry sediment). These changes in the relative importance analysis of benthic microbial components versus meiofaunal ones seem to be based on the impact of organic matter accumulation on the function and structure of these benthic communities. Proteins, lipids and carbohydrates showed very low concentration values, and the organic matter mostly consisted of carbohydrates, reflecting lower nutritional values for benthic fauna in general and meiofauna in particular. The distribution of microbial and meiofaunal communities seems to be dependent on the quality of the organic matter rather than on its quantity. Total organic matter concentrations varied between 5.8 and 7.6 mg/g, with organic carbon accounting for only 32% of the total organic matter. Chlorophyll a attained very low values, fluctuating between 0.11 and 0.56 μg/g, indicating the oligotrophy of the studied area. The very low concentration of chlorophyll a in the Red Sea sediment suggests that the sedimentary organic matter, heterotrophic bacteria and/or protozoa constitute an alternative resource that is consumed by meiofauna when algae are less abundant. Protozoa, therefore, represent the “missing link in bacteria–meiofauna interaction in the Red Sea marine sediment ecosystem.  相似文献   
 There is limited information on the validity and reproducibility of estimates of benthic cover from manta tow surveys. To address this, benthic cover estimates from the same reef area were compared (i) among observers and (ii) with an independent assessment using under-water video. Benthic cover was classified into 11 categories. There was generally unbiased agreement within one cover category, both among observers (89%) and for comparisons between manta tow and video (86%). While estimates of dead coral cover were reproducible, they were not valid because the concordance between observer estimates and video estimates was not greater than would be expected by chance. Manta tow estimates of the cover of sand and rubble were biased in that they consistently overestimated sand and rubble cover in comparison with estimates from video. The results indicate that manta towing is generally effective for the broadscale estimation of live coral cover, providing observers receive adequate training. Accepted: 25 June 1999  相似文献   
Aspects of parasite transmission between Hydrobia spp. and Corophium volutator, first and second intermediate host of digenetic trematodes, were investigated under laboratory conditions. H. ventrosa is used as an intermediate host by several trematode species. Under laboratory conditions the most frequently observed emergence from H. ventrosa was of cercariae of Maritrema subdolum. The number of cercariae shed per day varied considerably. It was observed that 30 cercariae on average and up to 450 cercariae at maximum can emerge from a single H. ventrosa per day. Cercarial production continued until the death of the snails. The life-span of cercariae of the species M. subdolum decreased as the water temperature increased. It can be concluded that under natural conditions the cercariae, after emerging, have a maximum period of 1 day in which to seek out their second intermediate host C. volutator. Almost all specimens of C. volutator exposed to cercariae of the species M. subdolum died within the test period of 6 days. High average cercarial densities caused short life-spans (<50 h), while at lower densities longer survival times were possible. For cercariae of other Trematoda species, we were unable to find any equally clear evidence of a reduction in the survival rate of C. volutator within the test period. Mortality of C volutator, and other effects of infestation, as observed in our experiment, can be assumed to be a result of the penetration process of the cercariae but they also can be attributed to the mesocercariae.  相似文献   
1. Temperature and oxygen are recognised as the main drivers of altitudinal limits of species distributions. However, the two factors are linked, and both decrease with altitude, why their effects are difficult to disentangle. 2. This was experimentally addressed using aquatic macroinvertebrates; larvae of Andesiops (Ephemeroptera), Claudioperla, (Plecoptera), Scirtes (Coleoptera) and Anomalocosmoecus (Trichoptera), and the amphipod Hyalella in an Ecuadorian glacier‐fed stream (4100–4500 m a.s.l.). The following were performed: (i) quantitative benthic sampling at three sites to determine altitudinal patterns in population densities, (ii) transplants of the five taxa upstream of their natural altitudinal limit to test the short‐term (14 days) effect on survival, and (iii) in situ experiments of locomotory activity as a proxy for animal response to relatively small differences in temperature (5 °C vs. 10 °C) and oxygen saturation (55% vs. 62%). 3. The transplant experiment reduced survival to a varying degree among taxa, but Claudioperla survived well at a site where it did not naturally occur. In the in situ experiment, Scirtes and Hyalella decreased their activity at lower oxygen saturation, whereas Andesiops and Anomalocosmoecus did so at a low temperature. The decrease in activity from a high to a low temperature and oxygen for the five taxa was significantly correlated with their mortality in the transplant experiment. 4. Together the present experiments indicate that even relatively small differences in temperature and oxygen may produce effects explaining ecological patterns, and depending on the taxon, either water temperature or oxygen saturation, without clear interacting effects, are important drivers of altitudinal limits.  相似文献   
The diatom Didymosphenia geminata has emerged as a major global concern, as both an aggressive invader of rivers and streams in the southern hemisphere, and for its ability to form nuisance blooms in oligotrophic systems in its native range. South American D. geminata blooms were first documented in Chilean Patagonia in May 2010, and have spread to over five regions and three provinces, in Chile and Argentina respectively. The Patagonian invasion represents a distinct challenge compared to other regions; not only are affected systems poorly characterized, but also a general synthesis of the nature and magnitude of ecosystem impacts is still lacking. The latter is essential in evaluating impacts to ecosystem services, forms the basis for a management response that is proportional to the potentially valid threats, or aids in the determination of whether action is warranted or feasible. Based on a revision of the recent literature, some of the most significant impacts may be mediated through physical changes: substantially increased algal biomass, trapping of fine sediment, altered hydrodynamics, and consequent effects on biogeochemical states and processes such as redox condition, pH and nutrient cycling in the benthic zone. Surveys conducted during the early invasion in Chile show a strong correlation between benthic biomass and associated fine sediments, both of which were one–two orders of magnitude higher within D. geminata blooms. Experimental phosphorous amendments showed significant abiotic uptake, while interstitial water in D. geminata mats had nearly 10–20 fold higher soluble reactive phosphorous and a pronounced pH cycle compared to the water column. A dominant and aggressive stalk-forming diatom with this combination of characteristics is in sharp contrast to the colonial cyanobacteria and bare gravel substrate that characterize many Patagonian streams. The potential displacement of native benthic algal communities with contrasting functional groups, increased primary producer biomass, and fine benthic sediment accumulation, all may have a significant effect on stream nutrient cycling and ecosystem function, in Patagonia and elsewhere where nuisance blooms have been reported.  相似文献   
Marine benthic Foraminifera are abundant and thus represent a potential food source for fish. Previous studies of Foraminifera in fish diets have examined only small samples, with significant input reported only for a single surface-feeding species of fish. The present study is the first based on a significant sample (247 fish belonging to 83 species, 291 species of Foraminifera identified from more than 20,000 specimens examined). It provides new information on the contribution of Foraminifera to fish diets, and on the impact of fish predation on Foraminifera. The planktonic Tretomphalus phases, selectively ingested by Pomacentrus amboinensis, were the only significant nutritional input from Foraminifera. Herbivorous fish accidentally ingested living epiphytic Foraminifera, which were still living after digestion, and were defecated, with a significant effect on their dispersion. Carnivorous fish ingested a small number of tests, which were generally altered by the acidic phase of digestion and had no impact on foraminiferal assemblages. Sediment feeders ingested large quantities of empty tests that were released elsewhere, suggesting a possible bias in paleontological interpretations by mixing the thanatocoenoses. Observations on gut contents showed that the fish sometimes fed on a wide range of food, changing with food availability and individual preferences of fish.  相似文献   
The sediment cores 225514 and 225510 were recovered from 420 and 285 m water depth, respectively. They were investigated for their benthic foraminiferal δ13C during the last 500 years. Both cores were recovered from the southern flank of the Skagerrak. The δ13C values of Uvigerina mediterranea and other shallow infaunal species in both cores indicate that organic matter rain rates to the seafloor varied around a mean value until approximately AD 1950 after which they increased. This increase might result from changes in the North Atlantic Current System and a co-occurring persistently high North Atlantic Oscillation index state in the 1980s to 1990s, rather than from anthropogenic eutrophication. Using δ13C mean values of multiple species, we reconstruct δ13C gradients of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) within pore waters for the time periods AD 1500 to 1950 and AD 1950 to 2000. The calculated δ13CDIC ranges, interpreted as indicating total organic matter remineralization due to respiration, are generally bigger in Core 225514 than in Core 225510. Since mean δ13C values of U. mediterranea suggest that organic matter rain rates were similar at both locations, differences in total organic matter remineralization are attributed to differing oxygen availability. However, oxygen concentrations in the overlying bottom water masses are not likely to have differed significantly. Thus, we suggest that organic matter remineralization was controlled by oxygen availability within the sediments, reflecting strong differences in sedimentation rates at the two investigated core sites. Based on the assumptions that tests of benthic foraminiferal species inhabiting the same microhabitat depth should show equal δ13C values unless they are affected by vital effects and that Globobulimina turgida records pore water δ13CDIC, we estimate microhabitat-corrected vital effects for several species with respect to G. turgida: > 0.7‰ for Cassidulina laevigata, > 1.3‰ for Hyalinea balthica, and > 0.7‰ for Melonis barleeanus. Melonis zaandami seems to closely record pore water δ13CDIC.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the spatial and temporal distribution of the macroinvertebrate community of the salt marsh areas of the Tejo estuary, based on surveys conducted from autumn 1998 to summer 2000. Samples were collected quarterly in five different intertidal areas along an elevation gradient in: mudflats, creek mouths, creeks, pioneer salt marsh areas and middle marsh areas. A total of 36 benthic invertebrate taxa were identified. Insect larvae were the most well represented group, with 10 taxa identified. Oligochaetes and ostracods were the most numerically abundant taxa, whereas bivalves dominated in biomass. Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were dominated, both in number and biomass, by deposit feeders. Three distinct macroinvertebrate assemblages were distinguished along the elevation gradient, based on species presence, density and biomass: the unvegetated muddy areas with a macrobenthic assemblage composed mostly by infauna; the salt marsh pioneer areas of Spartina maritima in which several epibenthic taxa were found, as well as endobenthic taxa characteristic of muddy sediment; and the creek margins, with epifauna taxa such as insect larvae and crustaceans and a low abundance of benthic infauna. Total biomass in the unvegetated and Spartina areas was higher during spring and summer mainly due to the increase in biomass of Scrobicularia plana and Hydrobia ulvae. No decreases in the salt marsh macroinvertebrate biomass values were observed during the highest densities of their potential nektonic predators (summer). This fact might indicate that macroinvertebrates are not a limiting resource for the nektonic species, and that the natural biomass increment of these invertebrate species could be masking the predation/disturbance caused by the nektonic species.  相似文献   
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