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Studies conducted along the southern Iberian coastline validate macrobenthic community analyses at taxonomic levels higher than that of species. Twelve studies on littoral benthic communities, carried out by the same research team, were selected spanning both a variety of sampling strategies (spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal) and substrate/habitat types (sediment, rock, algae). In order to establish differences between the results obtained at the taxonomic levels of species, family and order, similarities among stations were calculated using Spearman’s coefficient for ranges. A subset of three studies was selected to investigate possible differences in ‘best-explaining’ environmental variables with taxonomic level. The environmental variables selected at species level were the same as those found at levels of family and order. It is concluded that studies at the different levels of taxonomic resolution (species, family, order) lead to similar results both with regard to relative community distributions and the environmental variables associated with these. The importance of this result for monitoring similar benthic communities is discussed.  相似文献   
Dispersal is a major factor regulating the number of coexisting species, but the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem processes has mainly been analysed for communities closed to dispersal. We experimentally investigated how initial local diversity and dispersal frequency affect local diversity and biomass production in open benthic microalgal metacommunities. Final local species richness and local biomass production were strongly influenced by dispersal frequency but not by initial local diversity. Both final local richness and final local biomass showed a hump-shaped pattern with increasing dispersal frequency, with a maximum at intermediate dispersal frequencies. Consequently, final local biomass increased linearly with increasing final richness. We conclude that the general relationship between richness and ecosystem functioning remains valid in open systems, but the maintenance of ecosystem processes significantly depends on the effects of dispersal on species richness and local interactions.  相似文献   
Surface associated microbes have historically been difficult to accurately and effectively enumerate. In the current study, we propose a rapid and simple method for estimating abundance of surface associated microbial cells by fluorescence of SYBRGreen stained bacteria and in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence of benthic diatoms in 24 and 48-well microtiter plates. The effectiveness of this high-throughput technique is demonstrated by assessing sensitivity of a clinical strain of Vibrio cholerae, a benthic bacterial isolate and the benthic microalgae Cylindrotheca closterium to three antibiotics — tylosin, lincomycin and ciproflaxacin. We report on the significant linear relationships between spectral chl a fluorescence and cell abundance and between microalgal growth rates derived from cell counts and fluorescence. Additionally, we provide a simplified and improved method for preparation of a silica gel matrix (SGM), which is an ideal plating media for fluorescence applications. These findings indicate that spectrofluorometry is an inexpensive tool for rapidly estimating abundance of surface associated microbiota and can be employed for assessing antibiotic sensitivity.  相似文献   
The diversity and distribution of modern benthic foraminifera has been extensively studied in order to aid the paleoecological interpretation of their fossil record. Traditionally, foraminiferal species are identified based on morphological characters of their organic, agglutinated or calcareous tests. Recently, however, new molecular techniques based on analysis of DNA sequences have been introduced to study the genetic variation in foraminifera. Although the number of species for which DNA sequence data exist is still very limited, it appears that morphology-based studies largely underestimated foraminiferal diversity. Here, we present two examples of the use of DNA sequences to examine the diversity of benthic foraminifera. The first case deals with molecular and morphological variations in the well-known and common calcareous genus Ammonia. The second case presents molecular diversity in the poorly documented group of monothalamous (single-chambered) foraminifera. Both examples perfectly illustrate high cryptic diversity revealed in almost all molecular studies. Molecular results also confirm that the majority of foraminiferal species have a restricted geographic distribution and that globally distributed species are rare. This is in opposition to the theory that biogeography has no impact on the diversity of small-sized eukaryotes. At least in the case of foraminifera, size does not seem to have a main impact on dispersal capacities. However, the factors responsible for the dispersal of foraminiferal species and the extension of their geographic ranges remain largely unknown. Special Issue: Protist diversity and geographic distribution. Guest editor: W. Foissner.  相似文献   
This study examines seasonal and spatial patterns in the diet composition, stomach fullness and condition of a landlocked population of brown trout (2.5–61.3 cm) in the lake-fed River Laxá in NE-Iceland. The stomach contents consisted predominantly of benthic invertebrates, such as blackfly larvae Simulium vittatum (58%), chironomids (24%) and the freshwater snail Radix peregra (7%). The seasonal and spatial patterns of S. vittatum in the stomach contents were consistent with published studies on the life cycle and production of S. vittatum in the River Laxá. Close to the Lake Myvatn outlet (0–16 km), S. vittatum constituted 63% of the stomach content volume, and exhibited two peaks (i.e., generations) in its seasonal contribution to the stomach contents, whereas further downstream (16–35 km) S. vittatum constituted 45% of the volume and showed only clear evidence of one generation. Seasonal fluctuations in S. vittatum availability appear to affect the stomach fullness and the condition factor of the trout, especially close to the lake outlet where the fluctuations are pronounced.  相似文献   
Seasonal variations in the physiological condition of two benthic deposit-feeding amphipods were studied in two environmentally differing areas in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) with the purpose of estimating their role in benthic mineralisation. At the shallower (26 m) nearshore station, Monoporeia affinis exhibited low ammonia excretion rate (VNH 4 + ) throughout the year. After intensive accumulation of lipids in spring, the lipid reserves of the individuals became rapidly depleted during autumn. Gravid females in winter-early spring showed exceedingly low lipid and triacylglycerol (TAG) levels compared to studies carried out in open-sea areas. Pontoporeia femorata studied at the deeper (43 m) offshore station exhibited a higher VNH 4 + at all times with no significant seasonal variation. Lipid and TAG accumulated continuously until November, reaching higher levels than recorded previously for this species. Experiments showed that the temperature coefficient Q 10 determined for VNH 4 + is likely to depend on the recent feeding history of the amphipods. Mineralisation of nitrogen and carbon by the amphipod populations at the study sites was estimated to be 1.7-3.0 g C and 11.3-13.5 mmol NH 4 + m–2 yr–1. Conclusively, both biotic and abiotic factors affect the condition of the amphipods, while the species also have genuine differences in their metabolic characteristics.  相似文献   
In the Warnow River and its tributaries in North Germany, measurements were made to characterise the longitudinal patterns of nutrients in the riverbed and lake sediments. The sediment composition was analysed based on dry weight, organic matter, mean grain size and concentration of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, aluminium and sulfur. Sediment phosphate was investigated in more detail by means of a sequential chemical extration. The phosphate was differently bound to the sediment particles in the upstream region than in the impounded section of the Warnow River and ist tributaries. Accumulation of fine sediment with high P-concentrations was recorded in the lake sediments and in the impounded section of the river. These impounded sections were the most important P-pool in the whole catchment area and played an important role in P-retention in the river system. Organic matter concentration, P-accumulation and P-binding in the sediment of the impounded section is corresponding with those of lake sediments. During the summer, anoxic P-release from the sediment in the impounded section was measured and calculated. The reductant-soluble fraction of the P-fractionation underestimated the release under anoxic condition. Adsorbed phosphorus and organic phosphate play an important role in P-release in the impounded part of the river.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution patterns of benthic foraminifers in upper Albian sediments from 25 DSDP/ODP sites and 31 onshore sections of the North and South Atlantic Ocean are used to generate paleobathymetric reconstructions and to identify areas of high primary production such as coastal and equatorial upwelling zones. New paleobathymetric estimates are provided for DSDP/ODP sites and onshore locations that are not situated on oceanic crust. Paleobathymetric reconstructions indicate shallow water exchange between the North and South Atlantic but show the existence of a deep-water connection between the western and eastern Tethys (>2500 m) through the Gibraltar Gateway. Strikingly, there is no evidence for a strong latitudinal gradient in deep-water benthic foraminiferal distribution during the late Albian: South Atlantic assemblages show close affinity to North Atlantic and Tethyan assemblages, exhibiting only a minor degree of provincialism. Biogeographic patterns reveal a distinct asymmetry in late Albian paleoproductivity for the North Atlantic. As for the present day, the eastern margins of the Atlantic were generally more productive than the western margins, and a belt of enhanced carbon flux export to the seafloor can be traced around the north African coast, which probably corresponded to a zone of vigorous coastal upwelling. By contrast, assemblage composition in the South Atlantic generally reflects mesotrophic to oligotrophic conditions. Benthic foraminiferal distribution patterns, thus, provide robust proxy data to test predictions from paleocirculation and paleobathymetric models for the mid-Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean and adjacent margins.  相似文献   
Two exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing strains of the diatom Navicula, were isolated from benthic and pelagic mucilaginous aggregates sampled in the Tyrrhenian Sea and cultured under laboratory conditions. The amount of carbohydrate formed over the growth period and on a per cell basis was quite similar. However, the benthic strain showed a preferential synthesis of the bound (i.e., cellular and capsular) carbohydrate fraction, whereas the pelagic strain preferentially synthesised soluble, polymeric carbohydrates. The polysaccharides released into the medium by the two strains showed the same qualitative monosaccharidic composition, being constituted by two acidic and six neutral sugars. It is suggested that the difference between the benthic and the pelagic strain in the synthesis of bound or soluble carbohydrates may be related to the different role of these compounds in the particular habitats of the strains.  相似文献   
Concentrations of heavy metals (zinc, copper and lead) were manipulated experimentally to test the hypotheses about effects on intertidal, soft-sediment assemblages of animals in two sand-flats in Port Hacking, Australia. Hypotheses about changes in the structure and composition of whole assemblages and changes in mean abundance and variability of individual taxa were tested. Specific hypotheses were derived a priori from repeated observations of assemblages in urban and non-urban areas of Port Hacking.After manipulation, concentrations of metals were similar to those in sediments near urban areas. Nevertheless, responses of assemblages to the increased concentrations of metals were weak. Polychaetes, spionids and amphipods responded to experimental treatments. Changes were, however, not consistent among times and places and generally not in agreement with what had been predicted. Significant spatial and temporal variability were detected for all variables investigated. Increased concentrations of metals did not affect variability or overall structure of assemblages. Thus, there was little evidence that increased concentrations of metals caused benthic assemblages in pristine areas to become more similar to those in areas contaminated by human activities.Several potential explanations for the discrepancy between previously observed correlative patterns and the results presented here are discussed. These include a critical assessment of different aspects of the experimental study, such as lack of statistical power, insufficient basis for prediction, artefacts due to experimental procedures and issues to do with the difference between evidence based on correlation and manipulation. Explicit comparisons showed that there were significant effects of physical disturbance due to repeated sampling and that assemblages of animals at the start of the experiment were different from those previously observed in uncontaminated areas. These observations were surprising and made interpretation more difficult. Nevertheless, it is possible that the metals investigated really contribute only marginally to previously observed differences between urban and non-urban areas. Repeated comparisons between observations of patterns and manipulative experiments like these can only improve the basis for prediction and the power of current mechanistic models.  相似文献   
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