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该研究通过查阅文献、核对贵州大学林学院标本库及现场群落调查与标本采集,并运用碳同位素比值法研究典型C_4植物水分利用特性,探索C_4植物在喀斯特植被恢复中的地位,进而揭示贵州喀斯特地区C_4植物资源的基本特征。结果表明:贵州喀斯特区共有C_4植物141种,隶属于74属15科,分别占全国科属种的62.50%、46.25%、24.48%,以禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)为主;区内C_4植物种均为一年生或多年生草本,多年生植物种略多于一年生植物种;水分生态型整体偏旱生,旱生和中生植物分别占总数的24.82%和31.21%;喀斯特区C_4植物具有高水分利用效率,但不同水分生态型间差异不显著;贵州喀斯特区C_4植物资源具有资源丰富、利用途径广泛、能长期利用、竞争力强、能大面积分布、偏旱生且水分利用幅度广的基本特征,适合喀斯特区生境,自然状态下多为恢复早期物种,有利于喀斯特区生态恢复。在贵州喀斯特恶劣生态环境下C_4植物有较好的生态适应性,并表现出较高的药用、食用、饲用、景观应用等价值,对其开发利用对贵州经济、社会发展及生态恢复有重要意义。  相似文献   
利用17个多态性ISSR引物对2017年在我国黄淮海地区采集的41株玉蜀黍黑粉菌Ustilago maydis样本进行了种群遗传结构分析。基于UPGMA法和贝叶斯模型对玉蜀黍黑粉菌群体遗传结构分析显示,采集的样本可以分为两大群,且种群的划分表现出了与来源地理纬度的一致性。因此按照各样本所属地理纬度将样本分为北纬33°-34°、北纬35°-36°、北纬37°-38° 3大种群。结果表明,分离自北纬33°-34°地区的玉蜀黍黑粉菌遗传多样性最丰富,Nei’s基因多样性(H)为0.2216,Shannon指数(I)为0.3300。分子方差分析(AMOVA)显示,变异中来自种群内部的变异为86%,种群间变异14%(φpt=0.141)。  相似文献   
利用枯草杆菌的分泌系统构建分泌型表达载体表达和分泌外源基因产物具有重要的商业价值。我们用鸟枪法克隆了枯草杆菌染色体的启动子和信号肽序列,将克隆的序列连接到能在枯草杆菌中复制的质粒pUB18上,获得分泌型表达载体pUS186。为了测试构建的载体pUS186的功能,将地衣杆菌α-淀粉酶基因的缺失了启动子和信号肽序列的片段重组进该质粒,经过Bal31酶切,T4DNA聚合酶补齐等处理,获得pUSA186Ⅱ及pUSA186Ⅰ系列质粒,将这些重组质粒转化枯草杆菌QB1130(amy-)后都能向胞外分泌淀粉酶,酶活测定结果表明,基因表达水平比用原有的启动子高1-2倍,蛋白质分泌率在84-96%之间。  相似文献   
东灵山地区大步甲属物种分布和季节变化的多样性格局   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于晓东  周红章  罗天宏 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1724-1733
针对东灵山地区的11种不同生境,利用巴氏罐诱法研究大步甲属(Carabus)种类多样怀及其变化与生境的关系,结果表明:(1)本地区有大步甲10种,其中C.manifestus Kraatz和C.crassesculptus Kraatz为优势种,占总数的70.8%,与C.smaragdinus Fischer、C.vladimirskyi Dejean和C.sculptipennis Chaudoir一起构成本地区的常见种;(2)从物种丰富度和数量看,由高到低依次为小龙门林区(以森林为主)、梨园岭退耕区(以灌丛和萌生丛为主)、东灵山主峰区(高海拔,亚高山植物);物种多样性指数(H‘)由高到低依次为梨园岭退耕区、小龙门林区、东灵山主峰区;均匀度指数值(E)梨园岭退耕区最高,其次为东灵山主峰区,再次为小龙门地区;(3)利用物种的发生与频度数据,对11种不同生境进行栖息地相似性聚类分析,发现东灵山主峰区的3种生境可归为一类,小龙门林区5种生境可归为另一类,梨园岭退耕区的辽东栎萌生丛单独为一类,梨园岭退耕区的山杏和荆条灌丛构成一类,这反映了大步甲属种类分布的地域及生境特点,特别是生境内的湿度、温度和地表覆盖层等特点;(4)通过物种间的相关分析看出:C.smaragdinus和C.granulatus呈显著的正相关关系,反映了它们对退耕区的选择倾向;C.crassesculptus、C.canaliculatus、C.manifestus和Carabus sp.之间,虽然后两种间未达到显著性,但彼此呈正相关关系,反映了这些物种对森林生境选择倾向;(5)大步甲成虫的季节性活动主要在4-9月份间,高峰期集中在6-8份月,各物种在生境内有不同的季节变化趋势,与该地区季节性气候变化一致。研究表明,大步甲物种分布受生境内的湿度、温度、地表覆盖层等环境因素影响,物种多样性与生境肥干扰程度有关,生态恢复将对物种多样性保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Alternate partial root zone irrigation (APRI) is a new water-saving irrigation technique. It can reduce irrigation water and transpiration without reduction in crop yield, thus increase water and nutrient use efficiency. Understanding of soil moisture distribution and dynamic under the alternate partial root zone drip irrigation (APDI) can help to develop the efficient irrigation schemes. In this paper, a two-dimensional (2D) root water uptake model was proposed based on soil water dynamic and root distribution of grape vine, and a function of soil evaporation related to soil water content was defined under the APDI. Then the soil water dynamic model of APDI (APRI-model) was developed based on the 2D root water uptake model and soil evaporation function combined with average measured soil moisture content at 0–10 cm soil layer. Soil water dynamic in APDI was respectively simulated by Hydrus-2D model and APRI-model. The simulated soil water contents by two models were compared with the measured value. The results showed that the values of root-mean-square-error (RMSE) range from 0.01 to 0.022 cm3/cm3 for APRI-model, and from 0.012 to 0.031 cm3/cm3 for Hydrus-2D model. The average relative error between the simulated and measured soil water content is about 10% for APRI-model, and from 11% to 29% for Hydrus-2D model, indicating that two models perform well in simulating soil moisture dynamic under the APDI, but the APRI-model is more suitable for modeling the soil water dynamic in the arid region with greater soil evaporation and uneven root distribution.  相似文献   
为了提高近平滑假丝酵母(Candida parapsilosis CCTCC M203011)的(R)-羰基还原酶在大肠杆菌中的表达水平及催化效率,对酶编码基因mRNA翻译起始区中+1~+78区进行二级结构的优化,并构建了相应的突变体。优化后mRNA翻译起始区的发夹结构明显减少,自由能显著下降(由原始的?9.5kcal/mol降至?5.0kcal/mol),使酶蛋白的表达水平及粗酶比活力分别比优化前提高了4~5倍和61.9%。在高底物浓度(5.0g/L2-羟基苯乙酮)下,优化突变株不对称转化效率较高,产物(R)-苯基乙二醇的光学纯度和产率分别为93.1%e.e.和81.8%,比优化前提高了27.5%和40.5%。研究结果表明:优化mRNA翻译起始区的二级结构,克服蛋白翻译启动的空间位阻,不仅能促进翻译的顺利进行,使目标蛋白得到高效表达,而且有利于蛋白空间结构的正确折叠,有效提高酶蛋白活力及生物催化功能。  相似文献   
In an attempt to detect differences in the thermal effect of infrared irradiation of different wavelengths, transient sweating response to infrared irradiation in various spectral regions was examined. In Series 1, the ventral or dorsal surface of the nude subject was irradiated repetitively for a period of 4 min (2 min on, 2 min off) by each of three kinds of infrared heaters with main emissivity in near-infrared (NIR; 0.7–2.8 m), intermediate-infrared (MIR; 1.5–5.8 m), and far-infrared (FIR; 2.8–25 m) regions. The sweating response on a non-irradiated area tended to be the greatest with MIR, while the magnitude of the sweating response on the irradiated area showed no consistent differences among various wavelengths. The results infer that MIR stimulated cutaneous thomoreceptors most effectively, while its direct effect on local sweat gland activity was minimal. In Series 2, the effects of 9–12 min irradiations in more restricted ranges of wavelength were compared by the combination of the three kinds of heaters with filters (translucent to wavelength ranges of 1.3–2.7, 2.7–3.5, 3.6–8.0 m, respectively). The sweating response on a remote area was predominantly greater with the range of 2.7–3.5 m than with the other wavelength ranges, while the local effect on sweating was minimal with this range. The results of Series 2 reinforce those of Series 1, indicating that the degree of stimulation of cutaneous thermoreceptors and of direct thermal effect on sweat gland activity differ with spectral regions incident on the skin, thus affecting local and remote effects on the sweating response.  相似文献   
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