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湖南具有很好的中医药旅游资源,并且在开发利用方面具有很好的优势,但目前湖南中医药旅游资源的开发缺乏品牌效应,管理混乱、人员素质不高、中医特色不凸显、对外宣传不足.为了加速湖南中医药文化旅游的发展,应该加强基础设施建设,培养专业人才,加大宣传力度,形成品牌,打造特色旅游产业链、开发中医药旅游多种模式,进一步提升中医药旅游在湖南旅游产业中的地位,促进湖南旅游业的发展.  相似文献   
Background: Suxiao Xintong dropping pills (SXXTDP), a traditional Chinese medicine, is widely applied for treating myocardial infarction (MI). However, its therapy mechanisms are still unclear. Therefore, this research is designed to explore the molecular mechanisms of SXXTDP in treating MI.Methods: The active ingredients of SXXTDP and their corresponding genes of the active ingredients were retrieved from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology (TCMSP) database. MI-related genes were identified via analyzing the expression profiling data (accession number: GSE97320). Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis were performed to study the shared genes of drug and disease. Through protein–protein interaction (PPI) network and the Cytoscape plugin cytoHubba, the hub genes were screened out. The compounds and hub targets binding were simulated through molecular docking method.Results: We obtained 21 active compounds and 253 corresponding target genes from TCMSP database. 1833 MI-related genes were identified according to P<0.05 and |log2FC| ≥ 0.5. 27 overlapping genes between drug and disease were acquired. GO analysis indicated that overlapping genes were mainly enriched in MAP kinase activity and antioxidant activity. KEGG analysis indicated that overlapping genes were mainly enriched in IL-17 signaling pathway and TNF signaling pathway. We obtained 10 hub genes via cytoHubba plugin. Six of the 10 hub genes, including PTGS2, MAPK14, MMP9, MAPK1, NFKBIA, and CASP8, were acted on molecular docking verification with their corresponding compounds of SXXTDP.Conclusion: SXXTDP may exert cardioprotection effect through regulating multiple targets and multiple pathways in MI.  相似文献   
N-Ethylmaleimide was employed as a surface label for sarcolemmal proteins after demonstrating that it does not penetrate to the intracellular space at concentrations below 1·10?4 M. The sarcolemmal markers, ouabain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+-exchange activities, were inhibited in N-ethylmaleimide perfused hearts. Intracellular activities such as creatine phosphokinase, glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase and the internal phosphatase site of the Na+ pump (K+-p-nitrophosphatase) were not affected. Almost 20% of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ pump were inhibited indicating the localization of a portion of this activity in the sarcolemma. Sarcolemma purified by a recent method (Morcos, N.C. and Drummond, G.I. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 598, 27–39) from N-ethylmaleimide-perfused hearts showed loss of approx. 85% of its (Ca2+ + Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+ pump compared to control hearts. (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ pump activities showed two classes of sensitivity to vanadate ion inhibition. The high vanadate affinity class (K12 for inhibition approx. 1.5 μM) may be localized in the sarcolemma and represented approx. 20% of the total inhibitable activity in agreement with estimates from N-ethylmaleimide studies. Sucrose density fractionation indicated that only a small portion of Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase may be associated with the sarcolemma. The major portion of these activities seems to be associated with high density particles.  相似文献   
Direct radioimmunoassay are described for the measurement of each of three specific estrogen glucosiduronates: estrone glucosiduronate, 17 beta-estradiol-17-glucosiduronate and estriol-16 alpha-glucosiduronate in urine. Each assay utilizes a specific antiserum prepared by complexing the carboxylic acid group of the appropriate glucosiduronate to the epsilon-amino group of lysine in bovine serum albumin or bovine thyroglobulin. The antisera showed little or no cross reactivity toward other estrogens that might be present in significant amounts in urine. These antisera were used for the direct assay of the conjugates in urine from normal men and nonpregnant women without prior extraction or chromatography. The values were similar to those obtained after extraction, chromatographic purification on DEAE-Sephadex and subsequent immunoassay; The following mean values +/- SE (microgram/g creatinine) were obtained: estrone glucosiduronate, male 10.1 +/- 0.6, follicular phase female 17.3+/- 1.6, luteal phase female 31.8 +/- 2.5; 17 beta-estradiol-17-glucosiduronate, male 1.7 +/- 0.3, follicular phase female 2.4 +/- 0.1, luteal phase female 4.2 +/- 0.4; estriol-16 alpha-glucosiduronate, male 1.8 +/- 0.2, follicular phase female 4.7 +/- 0.9, luteal phase female 10.0 +/- 1.6.  相似文献   
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are highly prevalent, a significant cause of morbidity and are increasingly resistant to treatment with antibiotics. Females are disproportionately afflicted by UTI: 50% of all women will have a UTI in their lifetime. Additionally, 20-40% of these women who have an initial UTI will suffer a recurrence with some suffering frequent recurrences with serious deterioration in the quality of life, pain and discomfort, disruption of daily activities, increased healthcare costs, and few treatment options other than long-term antibiotic prophylaxis. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the primary causative agent of community acquired UTI. Catheter-associated UTI (CAUTI) is the most common hospital acquired infection accounting for a million occurrences in the US annually and dramatic healthcare costs. While UPEC is also the primary cause of CAUTI, other causative agents are of increased significance including Enterococcus faecalis. Here we utilize two well-established mouse models that recapitulate many of the clinical characteristics of these human diseases. For UTI, a C3H/HeN model recapitulates many of the features of UPEC virulence observed in humans including host responses, IBC formation and filamentation. For CAUTI, a model using C57BL/6 mice, which retain catheter bladder implants, has been shown to be susceptible to E. faecalis bladder infection. These representative models are being used to gain striking new insights into the pathogenesis of UTI disease, which is leading to the development of novel therapeutics and management or prevention strategies.  相似文献   
We describe a multi-angle rotational optical imaging (MAROI) system for in vivo monitoring of physiopathological processes labeled with a fluorescent marker. Mouse models (brain tumor and arthritis) were used to evaluate the usefulness of this method. Saposin C (SapC)-dioleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS) nanovesicles tagged with CellVue Maroon (CVM) fluorophore were administered intravenously. Animals were then placed in the rotational holder (MARS) of the in vivo imaging system. Images were acquired in 10° steps over 380°. A rectangular region of interest (ROI) was placed across the full image width at the model disease site. Within the ROI, and for every image, mean fluorescence intensity was computed after background subtraction. In the mouse models studied, the labeled nanovesicles were taken up in both the orthotopic and transgenic brain tumors, and in the arthritic sites (toes and ankles). Curve analysis of the multi angle image ROIs determined the angle with the highest signal. Thus, the optimal angle for imaging each disease site was characterized. The MAROI method applied to imaging of fluorescent compounds is a noninvasive, economical, and precise tool for in vivo quantitative analysis of the disease states in the described mouse models.  相似文献   
The steady-state kinetics of four redox reactions catalyzed by galactose oxidase have been determined. The alcohol substrate used in each case was galactose; the four oxidant substrates used were O2, IrCl62?, porphyrexide, and Fe(CN)63?. With the exception of the last reagent, saturation behavior is exhibited by all substrates. Double reciprocal plots of rate data obtained varying one substrate at various concentrations of the other are intersecting for all pairs that exhibited saturation behavior. Thus, these reactions are kinetically sequential processes involving single central complexes. These complexes involve enzyme, galactose, and one molecule of oxidant, whether or not the oxidant is a one- or two-electron acceptor. This result indicates that for one-electron oxidants, an enzyme-alcohol-derived radical species may exist as a transient prior to the reaction of the second electron equivalent of oxidant. A similar substrate
transient is postulated in the reaction involving O2. The inhibition by H2O2 has also been studied in detail. H2O2 apparently binds to the enzyme at two sites. The nature of alcohol and O2 binding to the enzyme Cu(II) is discussed in light of these kinetic results.  相似文献   
摘要: 间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells, MSCs)是具有自我更新、 多向分化和强可塑性的细胞, 具有分化为血液、 骨、 软骨、 脂 肪、 肌肉、 表皮、 上皮、 神经等组织的潜能, 受到再生医学研究的关注。目前已有研究表明将 MSCs 移植到多种损伤组织中都能改 善损伤组织的功能。文章在简要回顾了低氧环境对 MSCs 增殖和分化的研究内容和有关理论争论基础上重点介绍了缺氧诱导因 子 ( HIF )通路对 MSCs 增殖和分化的影响。文章阐述了低氧环境对 MSCs 向成骨,成软骨,成脂及成神经元方向分化的影响。 由于 人体组织内生理条件下的氧张力远远小于大气中的氧张力 (21% ), 采用低氧培养 MSCs 的研究方法得出的结论将更加贴近实际 MSCs 在人体内的增殖、分化情况。因此研究 MSCs 在低氧张力环境中增殖、分化的能力将为 MSCs 能成功移植到体内并发挥作 用提供保障。  相似文献   
Structural modification of active natural compounds which were originated from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have showed great advantages in the development of new drugs. In TCM, “Huangqin - Huanglian” is a classic “medicine couple” that has been used to treat intestinal diseases for thousands of years, while baicalin and berberine are the major active compounds of Huangqin and Huanglian respectively. Based on this “medicine couple”, we designed and synthesized a new baicalin and berberine hybrid compound (BBH). Its molecular structure was confirmed by spectroscopy. The antibacterial activity of BBH was detected in vitro. Results indicated that the new hybrid compound exhibited the best antibacterial activity for proteobacteria as compared with its original synthetic materials (baicalin and berberine). In vivo, the effect of BBH on ulcerative colitis was also investigated. BBH treatment significantly ameliorated the disease symptoms and prevented the colon damage of ulcerative colitis. Furthermore, BBH showed a significant anti-inflammatory effect through regulating activities of SOD, MPO and expressions of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6) in colon tissue. Data also suggested that BBH was more superior than baicalin and berberine in ameliorating colonic damage. This indicated that the new hybrid compound BBH showed enhanced efficacy in treating ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   
C L Miller  J W Fuseler  B R Brinkley 《Cell》1977,12(1):319-331
Patterns of cytoplasmic microtubules in somatic cell hybrids between transformed mouse cells and nontransformed human skin fibroblasts were examined using antitubulin antibodies as an immunofluorescent probe. Nontransformed cells have been shown to exhibit an extensive cytoplasmic microtubule complex (CMTC), while in transformed cells, this complex is greatly diminished. The hybrid populations contained both types of cells. In addition, they contained cells with previously undescribed intermediate CMTC phenotypes. The percentage of each phenotype present in hybrid populations was determined for sixteen hybrid clones. Seven clones were found which appeared transformed on the basis of their CMTC pattern. The others were comprised of various proportions of all the cell types described. Repeated quantitation of the proportions of these types in the hybrid populations showed them to be stable with time in culture. Growth in vitro of the hybrid clones was assayed by determining their saturation densities, their plating efficiencies on plastic and their colony-forming abilities in soft agar. In vitro growth of a cell population was found to be directly proportional to the percentage of cells in the population which showed the greatly diminished CMTC pattern which has been described for transformed cells. This is strong evidence that a greatly reduced CMTC is associated with transformed behavior, especially the increased capacity of transformed cells for in vitro growth.  相似文献   
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