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王昶  魏美芹  姚海琳  左绿水 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7346-7353
废旧动力电池包中含有丰富的镍、钴、稀土等稀贵金属,其资源化利用是实现混合动力汽车(Hybrid Electrical Vehicle,简称HEV)全生命周期绿色化管理的重要内容之一。随着HEV的不断发展,动力电池包在未来几年将逐渐进入批量报废阶段,其资源化利用的环境效益成为值得关注的问题。鉴于此,以丰田混合动力汽车镍氢电池包为研究对象,利用GREET模型和LIME值法测算出,相比于原生矿开采,单位废旧镍氢电池包中稀贵金属资源化利用所产生的环境效益为1083元;根据报废周期,对我国市场上现存的HEV镍氢电池包的未来报废情况进行预测。结果表明,这些电池包将从2018年开始迎来报废,在2021年达到报废高峰,至2024年基本完成报废;预计其稀贵金属资源化利用的环境效益,可累计达9421万元。提出了加强废旧动力电池回收体系和资源化利用体系建设的政策建议。  相似文献   
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a class of seven-helix transmembrane proteins that have been used in bioinformatics as the targets to facilitate drug discovery for human diseases. Although thousands of GPCR sequences have been collected, the ligand specificity of many GPCRs is still unknown and only one crystal structure of the rhodopsin-like family has been solved. Therefore, identifying GPCR types only from sequence data has become an important research issue. In this study, a novel technique for identifying GPCR types based on the weighted Levenshtein distance between two receptor sequences and the nearest neighbor method (NNM) is introduced, which can deal with receptor sequences with different lengths directly. In our experiments for classifying four classes (acetylcholine, adrenoceptor, dopamine, and serotonin) of the rhodopsin-like family of GPCRs, the error rates from the leave-one-out procedure and the leave-half-out procedure were 0.62% and 1.24%, respectively. These results are prior to those of the covariant discriminant algorithm, the support vector machine method, and the NNM with Euclidean distance.  相似文献   
A simple agar diffusion method is developed where pure colony of Chlamydomonas sp. CRP7 was isolated from Chlorella sp. CB4 mixtures by passing through agar migration with a light exposure of 6,000 lux for 7 h. The main concept behind it is that Chlamydomonas has flagella and the rhodopsin pigment is attracted towards light. Thus the above two microalgae species can be separated from the mixtures as eye spot serves as a navigator and flagella serves as a propeller for Chlamydomonas spp. Further the genomic DNA was isolated and purified from the above mentioned two species after the separation from the mixtures. PCR amplification was carried out for ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 regions. The amplified products were sequenced and the sequence analysis confirmed that they belong to Chlamydomonas sp. and Chlorella sp. This is an important augmentation for isolation and separation of microalgae.  相似文献   
电场对完整青蛙横纹肌收缩机理的椭圆偏振法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用能反映肌纤维内部结构的椭圆偏振参数研究恒定电场,脉冲电场对完整的青蛙横纹肌收缩的影响,研究表明,电场对肌纤维作用后,肌质网释放钙离子,致使肌纤维中蛋白质分子运动后出现收缩效应。实验发现:椭圆偏参数的测量灵敏度和肌小节长度有关,蛋白质运动规律和电场的性质的关系无的差异,只有量的不同。它们的共同特点是,随着电场强度的逐渐增强,其退偏率的变化呈先下降一上升的凹形曲线,这是由于电场引起的肌球蛋白分子极  相似文献   
目的:用RP-HPLC方法对注射用重组人尿激酶原制剂蛋白含量进行定量分析。方法:用反相C18柱、0.1%TFA水溶液与0.1%乙腈进行梯度洗脱,280nm波长紫外检测器监测;以重组人尿激酶原同质标准品作为对照品,根据进样量和相应的峰面积建立标准曲线方程,将待测定样品的峰面积代入标准曲线方程,可测得蛋白含量。结果:按照方法学验证要求对此方法进行了专属性、检测限、定量限、线形、精密度(重复性、中间精密度)、准确度(回收率)考察,线性范围为9~27μg,回收率在97%以上,RSD2.0%,完全满足对制剂蛋白的定量需求。结论:本方法准确,适用于注射用重组人尿激酶原成品制剂蛋白定量测定。  相似文献   
Unique crystal-originated pit (COP) distribution, similar to a striation pattern, is well matched with the oxygen profile in experimental analysis. It shows the strong relationship between oxygen concentration and COP distribution. In this paper, we study the generation of void defects and the relationship between interstitial oxygen and vacancy using the kinetic lattice Monte Carlo (KLMC) method. The KLMC method has been applied extensively in various forms to the study of micro-defects in silicon wafers. It explained well the formation of void defects such as vacancy–oxygen complex and vacancy–vacancy complex. The formation of clusters is strongly affected by oxygen concentration, which showed the relationship between COP distribution and oxygen concentration. The unique COP distribution could be correctly explained with KLMC results, and this kind of meso-scale results has not yet been reported.  相似文献   
The land‐atmosphere exchange of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in a high‐Arctic wet tundra ecosystem (Rylekærene) in Zackenberg, north‐eastern Greenland, was studied over the full growing season and until early winter in 2008 and from before snow melt until early winter in 2009. The eddy covariance technique was used to estimate CO2 fluxes and a combination of the gradient and eddy covariance methods was used to estimate CH4 fluxes. Small CH4 bursts were observed during spring thawing 2009, but these existed during short periods and would not have any significant effect on the annual budget. Growing season CH4 fluxes were well correlated with soil temperature, gross primary production, and active layer thickness. The CH4 fluxes remained low during the entire autumn, and until early winter. No increase in CH4 fluxes were seen as the soil started to freeze. However, in autumn 2008 there were two CH4 burst events that were highly correlated with atmospheric turbulence. They were likely associated with the release of stored CH4 from soil and vegetation cavities. Over the measurement period, 7.6 and 6.5 g C m?2 was emitted as CH4 in 2008 and in 2009, respectively. Rylekærene acted as a C source during the warmer and wetter measurement period 2008, whereas it was a C sink for the colder and drier period of 2009. Wet tundra ecosystems, such as Rylekærene may thus play a more significant role for the climate in the future, as temperature and precipitation are predicted to increase in the high‐Arctic.  相似文献   
利用反硝化细菌法测试水体硝酸盐氮氧同位素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
反硝化细菌方法作为测试硝酸盐氮氧同位素组成的最新方法,具有可测试低浓度水样、对样品无需特殊处理、不会交叉污染和需样量少等诸多优点而得到迅速发展。本研究率先在国内实验室利用反硝化细菌法成功测试了硝酸盐氮氧同位素组成,将经过5~10d培养的反硝化细菌Pseudomonas aureofaciens离心,然后将菌液浓缩5倍,再向顶空进样瓶注入3mL菌液,密封后利用高纯氮气吹扫3h以上,注入50nmolNO3-水样经过夜培养灭活后,使用TraceGasPre-concentrator-Isoprime测试N2O同位素组成,结果表明,重现性和测试精度与国际上类似研究接近。该方法的建立对于国内开展河流及湖泊(水库)、降水等氮的生物地球化学循环将起到促进作用。  相似文献   
猕猴桃属(Actinidia)植物全世界有66种,约有118个种下分类单位(也有新的划分方法将其划分为54种21变种),其中大部分为中国特有。在猕猴桃杂交育种中,不同倍性之间选配不当会出现杂交失败、后代不育等现象,因此倍性鉴定是猕猴桃常规育种亲本选择的前提条件之一。但到目前为止,不少猕猴桃种或亚种的染色体倍性研究并不十分清楚,因而限制了这些资源的进一步开发利用。该研究针对广西植物研究所猕猴桃种质资源圃收集的目前倍性尚不明确的白萼、白花柱果、二色花、临桂、卵圆叶、桃花、宛田、长果、融水和五瓣猕猴桃等10个种类的猕猴桃,使用酸解法制备染色体标本,通过显微镜观察确定其倍性。这10个种类大多为广西特有,其中蕴藏着独特的优良园艺性状,具有很高的生产和开发价值。该研究结果表明这10个种类猕猴桃的染色体倍性均为二倍体(2n=2x=58)。该研究结果进一步丰富了猕猴桃种质资源多样性数据库,为这些猕猴桃资源的合理开发利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
肖永红  柳丰  贺一原  杨海明 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1239-1246
定量评价农药对天敌的影响是IPM研究的重要内容之一,由于对天敌的捕食量缺乏有效的定量测量方法,农药对天敌摄食功能影响仍处于定性水平的研究,误差基数较大。本文采用一种定量的测定方法——荧光物示踪法,以稀土元素铕作为荧光示踪物质,定量地测定了食虫沟瘤蛛在重复接受噻嗪酮喷施后,其存活个体在药后13天内摄食量的变化趋势,且把药后食虫沟瘤蛛的死亡率加以考虑,计算药后整个试验食虫沟瘤蛛群体的摄食量变化。结果表明:任何浓度任何一次施药后2天左右食虫沟瘤蛛存活个体的捕食量均急剧下降;药物浓度较低时,第1次施药对食虫沟瘤蛛的影响最大;药物浓度较高时,食虫沟瘤蛛存活个体药后摄食量恢复周期较长。药后一段时间内整个食虫沟瘤蛛种群的摄食率相当低下,高浓度农药处理的食虫沟瘤蛛组3次施药后13天内的平均种群摄食率只有正常状况下的1/4左右(24.44%),推荐浓度及低于推荐浓度的食虫沟瘤蛛种群摄食率也仅为对照组的1/3左右(38.69%,36.52%)。因此在对水稻虫害防治时,应当尽可能地避免使用化学农药,充分发挥天敌对害虫数量的调控作用;当害虫数量超过经济阈值而必须施药时,也应当掌握农药用药剂量和次数的尺度,以利于食虫沟瘤蛛等稻田天敌的生理恢复和群落重建。  相似文献   
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