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本文对高胆固醇血症家兔红细胞在交、直流电场中的电泳行为进行了多指标测定,结果显示,高脂组与正常组相比红细胞聚集能力增强,变形能力及膜流动性下降,表明高脂血症可能较易导致血栓形成。中药有效成分8501有对抗高脂引起的红细胞上述改变的作用,提示8501可能对血栓和动脉粥样硬化斑块形成有防治作用。  相似文献   
This paper examines the very disparate positions that various actors have taken towards the argument of subversion from within (a classical argument against the evolution of altruism by group selection) in a set of related debates on group selection, altruism and the handicap principle. Using this set of debates as a case study, this paper argues that different applications of epistemic values were one of the factors behind the disagreements between John Maynard Smith and Amotz Zahavi over a number of important evolutionary issues. The paper also argues that these different applications were connected to important epistemological differences related in part (but not solely) to their disciplinary background. Apart from conflicting evolutionary views concerning the theoretical feasibility of the handicap effect, these antagonists both differed in the confidence they ascribed to mathematical modeling and over the hereditary basis for altruistic behavior.  相似文献   
Presented is a new simple method for multidimensional optimization of fed-batch fermentations based on the use of the orthogonal collocation technique. Considered is the problem of determination of optimal programs for fermentor temperature, substrate concentration in feed, feeding profile, and process duration. By reformulation of the state and control variables is obtained a nonsingular form of the optimization problem which has considerable advantage over the singular case since a complicated procedure for determination of switching times for feeding is avoided. The approximation of the state variables by Lagrange polynomials enables simple incorporation of split boundary conditions in the approximation, and the use of orthogonal collocations provides stability for integration of state and costate variables. The interpolation points are selected to obtain highest accuracy for approximation of the objective functional by the Radau-Lobatto formula. The control variables are determined by optimization of the Hamiltonian at the collocation points with the DFP method. Constraints are imposed on state and control variables.The method is applied for a homogeneous model of fermentation with volume, substrate, biomass, and product concentrations as the state variables. Computer study shows considerable simplicity of the method, its high accuracy for low order of approximation, and efficient convergence.  相似文献   
Forty years ago, the ‘life‐dinner principle’ was proposed as an example of an asymmetry that may lead prey species to experience stronger selection than their predators, thus accounting for the high frequency with which prey escape alive from interaction with a predator. This principle remains an influential concept in the scientific literature, despite several works suggesting that the concept relies on many under‐appreciated assumptions and does not apply as generally as was initially proposed. Here, we present a novel model describing a very different asymmetry to that proposed in the life‐dinner principle, but one that could apply broadly. We argue that asymmetries between the relative costs and benefits to predators and prey of selecting a risky behaviour during an extended predator–prey encounter could lead to an enhanced likelihood of escape for the prey. Any resulting advantage to prey depends upon there being a behaviour or choice that introduces some inherent danger to both predator and prey if they adopt it, but which if the prey adopts the predator must match in order to have a chance of successful predation. We suggest that the circumstances indicated by our model could apply broadly across diverse taxa, including both risky spatial or behavioural choices.  相似文献   
A novel thermodynamic perspective on natural selection is presented. In the case that life continuity is optimized in an ideal system, where relatively constant and homogeneous selective pressures favour a given competing species, natural selection leads that system to a stationary state of maximum genotypic uniformity of life and maximum sustainable consumption of available energy by life (competitive equilibrium). Structurally and functionally, this optimizing tendency towards competitive equilibrium looks similar to the optimizing tendency towards thermodynamic equilibrium of classical thermodynamics (maximum energetic uniformity and maximum degradation of available energy). The principle of competitive exclusion may thus be conceptually viewed as an ecological manifestation of the second law of (classical) thermodynamics. On the other hand, the novel thermodynamic perspective on natural selection is discussed with regard to the open and nonequilibrium system of nature, where selective pressures vary in space and time. In this case, natural selection can induce diversity instead of uniformity, though an optimizing tendendcy towards maximum sustainable consumption of resources (optimization of life continuity) always remains. Overall, it is concluded that the action of natural selection favours the maximization of the sustainable consumption of energy at the level of individual organism.  相似文献   
The feeding niche and the body size of any species are fundamental parameters that constrain the evolution of many other phenotypic characters. Moreover, previous work has shown that body size and diet are correlated, as a consequence of the negative allometry of metabolic rate. Unfortunately, the precise form of the association between body size and diet has never been specified, principally because no suitable cross-species measure of diet has been advanced. Here we develop a measure of diet that is sensitive over the whole spectrum of primate feeding niches, and use this measure to define the relationship between body size and diet for a sample of 72 primate species. Subsequently, we present several examples of how behavioral and ecological hypotheses can be tested by examining the extent to which particular species deviate from the general diet-body size pattern.  相似文献   
侧枝匐灯藓是角倍蚜的优良冬寄主,其生长状况直接关系到角倍蚜越冬蚜的成活率,进而影响五倍子的产量,但目前关于侧枝匐灯藓培植方法的研究较少。本研究采用直接移栽、撕碎繁殖、切碎繁殖3种繁殖方式,结合垄床、塑料毡、泡沫箱3种不同载体进行试验处理,结果表明,采用1∶1比例直接移栽垄床植藓处理,藓的总鲜重、盖度、藓块厚度等指标值均最大,能够在较短的时间内提供释放秋迁蚜的冬寄主藓;采用比例为1∶1撕碎繁殖方式以垄床或泡沫箱载体植藓均能获得最大的藓新枝数和藓茎高度,可以作为角倍蚜种虫生产中冬寄主藓的主要繁殖方式;采用1∶4或1∶8比例进行切碎繁殖藓萌发的新枝最多,可以作为优良冬寄主藓的种藓繁殖的主要方式。通过主成分分析法进行分析,结果表明,3个主成分累积贡献率为86.573%,可以较好地反映出24个处理10个测试指标的综合信息。综合评价结果以A1B1C1、A1B1C2、A2B4C1、A2B5C1、A2B3C2、A2B5C2、A2B4C3处理的综合性状最佳。  相似文献   
In this paper, an epidemiological model with age of infection and disease relapse is investigated. The basic reproduction number for the model is identified, and it is shown to be a sharp threshold to completely determine the global dynamics of the model. By analysing the corresponding characteristic equations, the local stability of a disease-free steady state and an endemic steady state of the model is established. By means of suitable Lyapunov functionals and LaSalle's invariance principle, it is verified that if the basic reproduction number is less than unity, the disease-free steady state is globally asymptotically stable, and hence the disease dies out; if the basic reproduction number is greater than unity, the endemic steady state is globally asymptotically stable and the disease becomes endemic.  相似文献   
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