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The braconid parasitoidOpius dissitus Muesebeck (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) produced 1.7 to 3 times more offspring when provided second and third instar leafminers (Liriomyza sativae Blanchard) as compared to first instars. Females arising from parasitization of different instars did not differ significantly in numbers of chorionated eggs in their ovaries at adult eclosion. Development time was prolonged by about two days when parasitoid oviposition occurred in first, as compared to third instar hosts. Parasitoid length was positively correlated with host weight (r2=0.75). Because only 7% of variation in host weight could be explained by host density, parasitoid length varied considerably among hosts reared at the same density. Longevity and lifetime fecundity of parasitoids were inversely related to the weight of their hosts.  相似文献   
Climate warming increases tree mortality which will require sufficient reproduction to ensure population viability. However, the response of tree reproduction to climate change remains poorly understood. Warming can reduce synchrony and interannual variability of seed production (“masting breakdown”) which can increase seed predation and decrease pollination efficiency in trees. Here, using 40 years of observations of individual seed production in European beech (Fagus sylvatica), we showed that masting breakdown results in declining viable seed production over time, in contrast to the positive trend apparent in raw seed count data. Furthermore, tree size modulates the consequences of masting breakdown on viable seed production. While seed predation increased over time mainly in small trees, pollination efficiency disproportionately decreased in larger individuals. Consequently, fecundity declined over time across all size classes, but the overall effect was greatest in large trees. Our study showed that a fundamental biological relationship—correlation between tree size and viable seed production—has been reversed as the climate has warmed. That reversal has diverse consequences for forest dynamics; including for stand- and biogeographical-level dynamics of forest regeneration. The tree size effects suggest management options to increase forest resilience under changing climates.  相似文献   
  • 1 The success of mating disruption using synthetic sex pheromones depends not only on preventing mating, but also on delaying mating in the target insect. Using the geometrid pest of Eucalyptus plantations, Mnesampela privata (Guenée), we determined the effect of delaying mating when imposed on males only, females only or on both sexes simultaneously, for 1, 3, 5 and 7 days.
  • 2 Delayed mating had a significant negative impact on reproduction, with a 0.89‐fold decrease in the likelihood of mating and a 0.67‐fold decrease in the likelihood of that mating resulting in fertile eggs for every day that mating is delayed. A mating delay of 7 days reduced the mean number of viable eggs laid to 4–13% of that laid by moths paired immediately after emergence.
  • 3 Male only imposed mating delays had a significantly lower effect on reducing the likelihood of pairs mating than when both sexes were delayed. A delay imposed on one sex only or on both sexes simultaneously, however, had a similar negative impact on the proportion of fertile matings as well as on the total number of fertile eggs laid.
  • 4 Longevity of mated female and male M. privata was significantly different between mating delay treatments, with a significant decline in female longevity when they mated with older males.
  • 5 The underlying mechanisms causing a decline in female reproductive output when a mating delay was imposed on males versus females are discussed in relation to the reproductive biology of M. privata and the potential of using mating disruption strategies to control populations in Eucalyptus plantations.
  • 1 Among-population differences in pupal mass were studied in a geometrid, Epirrita autumnata. Some Epirrita autumnata populations regularly reach outbreak densities while others are never known to do so. Because adults do not feed, pupal mass of females correlates strongly with fecundity.
  • 2 Larvae were collected from twelve field sites. Ten of our sample populations originated within the outbreak range of the species and represented different phases of outbreaks. Two populations originated outside the outbreak range.
  • 3 Pupal mass of field-collected E. autumnata varied significantly among populations. The peak phase populations had the smallest pupae and the biggest were found in low density populations outside the outbreak range.
  • 4 Offspring of moths from each population were reared under identical conditions in two larval densities. Significant differences were not found in pupal mass among populations. That is, the inherent size, correlated with fecundity of moths, was not different between populations originating within and outside the outbreak range, nor among collections from different densities or phases of the outbreaks.
  • 5 Rearing density did not interact in a consistent way with population.
  • 6 As far as size and fecundity are concerned, the results do not support Chitty's hypothesis that differences in genetic composition of the population at low and high density phases generate cyclic fluctuations of population density.
  • 7 Because no hereditary or maternal differences were found in size and fecundity between E.autumnata originating within and outside the outbreak range, variation in reproductive capacity cannot explain why outbreaks occur only in some populations.
In Lake Lucerne, Switzerland, the predaceous cladocerans Leptodora kindti and Bythotrephes longimanus segregate along spatial and temporal dimensions. In spring (April–May/June), Bythotrephes longimanus occurs below 0–20 m, while Leptodora is absent. In summer and early autumn (July–September/October), when Leptodora dominates during daytime in the 0–20 m depth, Bythotrephes longimanus also lives in deeper zones. Food competition and fish predation pressure may be the cause of differences in ecology of Leptodora and Bythotrephes acquired during evolution. Due to its transparency and tolerance of higher temperature, Leptodora could avoid fish predation and, therefore, competes with Bythotrephes longimanus successfully. In addition, the differences between the two species may account for the spatial and temporal niche segregation in oligotrophic Swiss Lakes. But spatial niche segregation is less important in mesotrophic lakes with high prey density than in oligotrophic lakes with low prey density. In small, eutrophic lakes importance of temporal niche segregation also decreases, and Bythotrephes is seldom or not present. The preference of Bythotrephes to live in deeper water to avoid fish predation during summer may be the cause of its difficulties to establish itself in small and eutrophic lakes with high prey densities, where the hypolimnion is missing or anoxic.In the spring, Bythotrephes exhibits r-strategy (smaller body size and a higher fecundity), the female is already fertile after the first molt. In the summer, a K-strategy prevails (larger body length and lower fecundity than in the spring), and female Bythotrephes are fertile only after the second molt. Shortage of prey (biomass of Bosmina and Daphniadecreased after June especially in the surface layers) and the maximum fish predation pressure in summer may change the life strategy of Bythotrephes: while fecundity decreases from generation to generation, body length increases. Enhanced prey densities (e.g. during mesotrophic conditions in L. Lucerne) lead to larger individuals in summer and autumn.  相似文献   
Huang Z  Zhu J  Mu X  Lin J 《Annals of botany》2004,93(3):295-301
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leymus chinensis is an economically and ecologically important grass that is widely distributed across eastern areas of the Eurasian steppe. A major problem facing its propagation by man is its low sexual reproductivity. The causes of low fecundity are uncertain, largely because many aspects of the reproductive biology of this species remained unknown or incomplete. This study aims to address some of these issues. METHODS: Pollen dispersion, pollen viability, pollen longevity and pistil receptivity were studied in a representative, natural population of L. chinensis growing in Inner Mongolia. KEY RESULTS: Flowering of L. chinensis occurred at the end of June and lasted for 5 d. Pollination peaked between 1600 h and 1700 h, and about 56.1 % of the total pollen grains were released at this time. Pollen density was highest towards the middle of flowering spikes and lowest at the bottom over the 5 d measurement period. Pollen viability (62.4 %) assessed using TTC was more accurate than using IKI (85.6 %); 50 % of pollen arriving on stigmas germinated. Pollen remained viable for only 3 h and the pollen : ovule ratio was 79 333 : 1. Pistil receptivity lasted for only 3 h and, overall, 86.7 % of pistils were pollinated. Within the spike, the relative fecundity of different positions was middle > lower > upper throughout the period of pollination; daily variation of fecundity was similar to that of the pollen flow. The spikes that opened on the day of highest pollen density exhibited the highest fecundity (36.0 %). No seeds were produced by self-pollination. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that low pollen viability, short pollen longevity and short pistil receptivity all appear to contribute to the low seed production typical of this important forage crop.  相似文献   
Encountering mates and avoiding predators are ubiquitous challenges faced by many organisms and they can affect the expression of many traits including growth, timing of maturity and resource allocation to reproduction. However, these two factors are commonly considered in isolation rather than simultaneously. We examined whether predation risk and mate availability interact to affect morphology and life-history traits (including lifetime fecundity) of a hermaphroditic snail (Physa acuta). We found that mate availability reduced juvenile growth rate and final size. Predator cues from crayfish induced delayed reproduction, but there were no reduced fecundity costs associated with predator induction. Although there were interactive effects on longevity, lifetime fecundity was determined by the number of reproductive days. Therefore, our results indicate a resource-allocation trade-off among growth, longevity and reproduction. Future consideration of this interaction will be important for understanding how resource-allocation plasticity affects the integration of defensive, life-history and mating-system traits.  相似文献   
Fecundity, maturity and the relationship between growth and maturity of common wolffish Anarhichas lupus were studied in Icelandic waters. A total of 788 female common wolffish were sampled in two areas: one in the relatively warm sea west of Iceland and the other in the colder sea east of Iceland. No difference was detected in fecundity of common wolffish between areas. The time from the onset of the cortical alveolus stage until spawning, was on average, 10 years in the east and 8 years in the west area. Common wolffish in the east area reached cortical alveolus stage, on average, at a greater age but similar size compared to common wolffish in the west area. Similarly, common wolffish started spawning, on average, at greater age and larger size in the east than in the west area. Common wolffish grew faster in the west than in the east area. Spawning common wolffish grew faster than common wolffish at the cortical alveolus stage in both areas. The relationship between growth and maturity for common wolffish in Icelandic waters appeared to be related to temperature, characterized by fast growth and early maturation in the west and slower growth and delayed maturation in the east.  相似文献   
Female sandflies, Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli) (Diptera: Psychodidae), were fed via chicken membrane on heparinized blood from eight species of mammal (human, horse, cow, pig, dog, rabbit, guinea-pig, hamster) and their reproductive success rates were compared. No appreciable differences between those fed on human and animal blood were detected with respect to the proportion of flies that fed successfully, mortality-rate within 24h, number of eggs laid per blood-fed female or egg viability. When mass-rearing sandflies for research purposes, membrane-feeding avoids practical difficulties encountered if sandflies are allowed to feed on live hosts (i.e. anaesthesia, distress from handling and postfeeding inflammation) and reduction of sandfly fecundity due to host antibody interference. Use of animal blood also eliminates risks of accidental transmission of human blood-borne pathogens, e.g. hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and is less expensive than maintenance of animals and their preparation for sandfly feeding.  相似文献   
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