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H H Tai  B Yuan  M Sun 《Life sciences》1979,24(14):1275-1280
Renal, pulmonary and gastric NAD+-dependent 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase activities were determined in both spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats at 6 and 12 weeks of age. Renal enzyme activity in hypertensive rats was only 30–40% of that present in normotensive controls at both ages. In contract, pulmonary enzyme activity in hypertensive animals was twice as active as that in normal controls. There was no significant difference in gastric enzyme activity. NAD+-dependent 9-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase activity, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of vasoinactive PGF metabolites to PGE metabolites, also failed to show any difference in two types of rat kidneys. The results indicate that, in hypertension, prostaglandin inactivation is impaired in kidney but is facilitated in lung.  相似文献   
For optimum mutagensis in V79 Chinese hamster cells, the amount of liver postmitochondrial fraction in the assay was found to be of critical importance, depending on the chemicals being tested. Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) required lower (1-5%) concentrations of the liver 15 000 X g supernatant (S15) from methylcholanthrene pretreated rats for a maximum induction of cytotoxicity and mutagenicity, as determined by 8-azaguanine- and ouabain-resistance. A sharp peak of mutagenicity and cytotoxicity was induced by 7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene (7,8-diol BP) at a concentration of 1% of the S15 fraction. Little or no response was induced by these compounds with the S15 concentrations of more than 10%. Similarly, aflatoxin B1 induced a sharp peak of mutagenicity and cytotoxicity at a concentration of 2% of the liver S15 fraction from Aroclor-pretreated rats. Under the same condition, non-carcinogenic aflatoxin G2 did not induce cytotoxicity and mutagenicity. Analysis of BP metabolites by high-pressure liquid chromatography indicates that with the 30% S15 fraction, more than 80% of BP was metabolized during the first 15 min, while with the 2% S15 fraction, 7,8-diol BP increased continuously throughout the 120-min incubation period, suggesting a strong metabolic competition to rapidly remove BP and 7,8-diol BP with a high concentration of the S15. In contrast with these compounds, N-nitrosodimethylamine induced mutagenicity and cytotoxicity which increased linearly in proportion to the increasing amount of the S15 fraction from phenobarbitone- and Aroclor-pretreated rats. Various nitrosamines with different lipophilicity were examined at a high (30%) and low (2%) concentration of the S15 fraction from Aroclor-pretreated rats, in which ratios of mutation frequencies at 30% and 2% correlated inversely with lipophilicity of the compound. This result suggests that the lipid solubility of test compounds may be one factor which determines the concentration of post-mitochondrial supernatant for optimum mutagenesis.  相似文献   
Sackett GP  Erwin J 《Theriogenology》1981,15(5):505-511
In an effort to determine empirically the proper age for separation of pigtailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina ) infants from their dams in a large domestic breeding colony, we conducted a retrospective survey of 1,592 infants. Survivorship was highest for infants not separated from their dams at all and for those separated within the first four months of life. Survivorship was poor for animals separated during or after the fifth month. Thus, not weaning or weaning early are the most acceptable management strategies in terms of mortality risk. This result is paradoxical with regard to nutritional considerations, but appears to be related to a sensitive period in social development. The relative advantages and disadvantages of various weaning ages are discussed.  相似文献   
Stopped-flow kinetic studies of the formation of ferrioxamine B were performed. Formation of the complex follows the rate law
where Ka is the acid dissociation constant of the iron(III) aquo species in 0.1 M formate buffer. At 25°C k1 = 3.94 × 102M?1 sec?1, k2Ka = 1.18 × 10?1 sec?1, k3 = 3.6 × 10?1 sec?1. Activation parameters for k1 are ΔH = 11.7 kcal mole?1 and ΔS = ?8 cal K?1 mole?1. An associative mechanism is proposed. Attachment of the first chelate ring is the slow step and favorably positions the second chelate ring for attachment. Coordination of two chelate rings favorably positions the third chelate ring for attachment. These results are compared to kinetics of formation of model complexes and to a previous study of the formation of ferrioxamine B in which attachment of the third chelate ring was proposed as the slow step  相似文献   
The investigation of the inhibitory activity on the membrane bonded ATP-ase of the M(L)2X2 complexes [where M = Pd(II), Pt(II); L = isoxazole(isox), 3,5-dimethylisoxazole(3,5-diMeisox), 3-methyl,5-phenylisoxazole(3-Me,5-Phisox), 3,5-diphenylisoxazole-(3,5-diPhisox), and 4-amino-3,5-dimethylisoxazole(4-ADI); X = Cl, Br] is reported. These results show that the complexes with isox and its methyl and phenyl derivatives have a much stronger inhibitory effect than the corresponding free ligands; in the 4-ADI compounds this activity drops. The Pd(II) complexes have a greater effect than the Pt(II) derivatives. The interaction occurs with SH groups and probably also with other active centers of the enzyme. These conclusions have been correlated with the E.S.C.A. spectra. These measurements show that the electron density of the complexes on the central metal ion and Nring atom or Nring and N-hexocyclic atoms on passing from chloride to bromide derivatives changes slightly.  相似文献   
13C nmr studies of gold thioglucose, AuSTg, and solutions containing added β-1-D-thioglucose, TgSH, have been conducted at PD 7.4 and interpreted in terms of complexation and ligand exchange reactions that are consistent with the known preference of gold(I) for linear two-coordinate structures. The upper limit of the half-life for ligand exchange between 0.25 M Au(STg)2? and TgSH at pD 7.4 is 2.2 msec. The 13C nmr spectra of various thioglucose derivatives have been assigned. A novel oxidation reduction reaction was discovered that leads to the formation of metallic gold and a product tentatively identified as the sulfinic acid derivative of thioglucose. The presence of sulfinic acid in AuSTg was indicated by the infrared absorption at 1050 cm?1. The same product was formed by slow hydrolysis of thioglucose disulfide. A mechanism for the formation of the sulfinic acid derivative from AuSTg is proposed.  相似文献   
Daily injections of estradiol or the antiestrogen tamoxifen initially stimulate uterine weight increase and progesterone receptor synthesis, though continued tamoxifen fails to maintain the increased weight. The stimulatory actions of both estradiol and tamoxifen are inhibited or reversed by a single injection of progesterone. It has been hypothesized that progesterone antagonizes estrogen action by reducing estrogen receptor levels, but in the present experiments neither cytoplasmic nor nuclear estrogen receptor was affected. We conclude that progesterone acts at a point beyond estrogen receptor availability or translocation to antagonize estrogen action.  相似文献   
A DNA fragment carrying the thrP region of Escherichia coli has been identified and characterized. Starting from a secondary site lysogen of bacteriophage λ, where the position of the prophage is either within thrP or between thrP and thrP structural genes (Gardner et al., 1974; Gardner &; Smith, 1975) it has been possible to isolate transducing phages which carry bacterial DNA from either side of the prophage. By Int-Xis mediated site-specific recombination we have generated recombinant transducing phages which carry an intact thrP region. A phage carrying a regulatory mutation, which maps in the thrP region, has also been constructed.Mapping with several restriction endonucleases has allowed us to construct a map of the cleavage sites of the thrP region. A 1700 base-pair HaeIII fragment carrying the secondary attachment site (attΔOΔ′) was isolated and its position was localized within a 180 base-pair TaqI-HhaI restriction fragment. The location of attΔOΔ′ in the HaeIII fragment suggests that the entire thrP region is carried by this fragment.  相似文献   
Results from this study indicate that adult rat brain posesses guanylate cyclase activity sensitive to serotonin (5-HT) and localized in the synaptic plasma membrane. The enzyme appears to have multiple activation sites for 5-HT with specific activity maxima at the 5-HT concentrations of 5 × 10?10M and 7 × 10?8M respectively. The rates of guanosine-3′:5′-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) formation at these concentrations of 5-HT are, respectively, 170% and 307% above the endogenous or basal production rate of 2.7±0.3picomoles/minute/milligram of synaptosomal membrane protein. We have also been able to identify four distinct types (Type #1, #2, #3, and #4) of high affinity, specific binding sites for 5-HT on isolated synaptosomal membranes from rat brain. Dissociation constants of 2.6 × 10?10M, 2.5 × 10?9M, 7.0 × 10?9M, and 4.6 × 10?8M, characterize the binding of 5-HT to our sites of Type #1 through Type #4 respectively. The specific, high affinity binding was saturated at 5-HT concentrations of 5 × 10?10M for the Type #1 sites, 5 × 10?9M for our Type #2 sites, 1 × 10?8M for our Type #3 sites, and 7 × 10?8M for our Type #4 sites. The 5-HT concentrations producing saturation of our specific binding sites of Type #1 and Type #4 are virtually identical to those that elicit the two maxima of 5-HT stimulated cyclic GMP production, indicating that a membrane-bound guanylase cyclase may be closely associated with certain 5-HT receptors and/or re-uptake sites.  相似文献   
Investigations of the incorporation of 32P into acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) in incubation mixtures containing a soluble protein preparation derived from mitochondria, [γ-32P]ATP, and palmityl-CoA have led to the discovery of an enzymatic activity which catalyzes the exchange of palmityl groups between molecules of CoA: CoA1 + palmityl-CoA ? palmityl-CoA1 + CoA. The preparation also contains dephospho-CoA kinase and palmityl-CoA thiolester hydrolase activities. The initial detection of the exchange reaction resulted from the formation of [3′-32P]CoA via the dephospho-CoA kinase reaction with exogenous [γ-32P]ATP. The described preparation of palmityl-[3′-32P]CoA and palmityl-[35S]CoA facilitated demonstration of the reversibility of the reaction and ruled out the possibility that the exchange of fragments of the CoA molecule mediated the observed incorporation. The reversible palmityl group exchange does not appear to be catalyzed by a previously described enzyme. None of the possible acyl group acceptors considered in these studies participated in the reaction as efficiently as CoA itself. The possibility is discussed that the exchange reaction may explain reports of an unknown lipid formed by an oligomycin-sensitive mitochondrial ATPase preparation.  相似文献   
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