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The Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus, consists of two subspecies distributed along the Atlantic coast of North America from Labrador to the east coast of Florida (Atlantic sturgeon subspecies – A. o. oxyrinchus) and along the Gulf of Mexico from Florida Bay, Florida to the mouth of the Mississippi River (Gulf sturgeon subspecies – A. o. desotoi). The species has been exploited throughout its range with landings peaking around the turn of the 20th century followed by drastic declines shortly thereafter. During recent years, landings in Canadian waters have increased substantially (approximately 129 metric tons in 1993) while in the United States landings are more controlled or prohibited (approximately 22–24 metric tons in 1993). Recently, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission developed a Fishery management plan for Atlantic sturgeon, and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service and Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission drafted a Gulf Sturgeon Recovery/Management Plan. Fishery managers in Canada are in the process of establishing more stringent fishery regulations for sturgeon. Thus, the impact on populations due to harvesting should be substantially reduced. Current research focus includes: life history and population status studies, stock delineation, and development of culture and stock enhancement techniques. Implementation of the findings of such studies may be helpful in the restoration of depleted stocks.  相似文献   
Catches for the last 25 years are analyzed for beluga Huso huso, stellate sturgeon A. stellatus and Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, which are the three commercially important species of sturgeons found in the Caspian Sea Basin. Population sizes for generations born between 1961 and 1970 are estimated, and found to depend on natural reproduction and the number of young fish stocked annually from sturgeon hatcheries located in the Volga River Delta. A ban on sea fishing from 1962 to 1991 positively impacted the number and total biomass of commercial stocks. Sturgeon growth rates depend on water levels in the Caspian Sea. In order to preserve Caspian Sea sturgeon populations, it will be necessary to coordinate efforts of all countries surrounding the Caspian Sea to achieve rational harvests, preserve juveniles, and produce at least 100 million juveniles annually from hatcheries.  相似文献   
Tarja Katajisto 《Hydrobiologia》1996,320(1-3):153-159
Many planktonic calanoid copepod species have been proved to spend a part of their life cycle as benthic resting eggs. In addition to avoiding seasonally occurring unfavourable conditions resting stages may also be used as a long-term survival strategy. The aim of this study was to find out for how long eggs of calanoid copepods retain their viability in the sediments of the Baltic Sea. The occurrence of viable copepod eggs in sea bottom sediment was studied in Pojovik Bay, SW coast of Finland. Eggs were found throughout a 25 cm deep core but deeper than 20 cm they were very scarce. Eggs were incubated at 12 °C in order to check the viability, and their age was estimated by determining the sediment accumulation rate with 137Cs-method. Viable eggs were estimated to be 10–13 yrs old, some possibly even 18–19 yrs. Most eggs in the top 8 cm were viable, their age being up to 7–8 yrs. Nauplii that hatched from the eggs belonged to Acartia bifilosa and Eurytemora affinis, A. bifilosa dominating the hatchers of the top sedment layers and E. affinis the deeper layers. Preliminary evidence is presented that E. affinis produces true diapause eggs in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   


The Baltic Sea forms a unique regional sea with its salinity gradient ranging from marine to nearly freshwater conditions. It is one of the most environmentally impacted brackish seas worldwide, and the low biodiversity makes it particularly sensitive to anthropogenic pressures including climate change. We applied a novel combination of models to predict the fate of one of the dominant foundation species in the Baltic Sea, the bladder wrack Fucus vesiculosus.


The Baltic Sea.


We used a species distribution model to predict climate change‐induced displacement of F. vesiculosus and combined these projections with a biophysical model of dispersal and connectivity to explore whether the dispersal rate of locally adapted genotypes may match estimated climate velocities to recolonize the receding salinity gradient. In addition, we used a population dynamic model to assess possible effects of habitat fragmentation.


The species distribution model showed that the habitat of F. vesiculosus is expected to dramatically shrink, mainly caused by the predicted reduction of salinity. In addition, the dispersal rate of locally adapted genotypes may not keep pace with estimated climate velocities rendering the recolonization of the receding salinity gradient more difficult. A simplistic model of population dynamics also indicated that the risk of local extinction may increase due to future habitat fragmentation.

Main conclusions

Results point to a significant risk of locally adapted genotypes being unable to shift their ranges sufficiently fast considering the restricted dispersal and long generation time. The worst scenario is that F. vesiculosus may disappear from large parts of the Baltic Sea before the end of this century with large effects on the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. We finally discuss how to reduce this risk through conservation actions, including assisted colonization and assisted evolution.  相似文献   
尽管古老的鲟形目鱼类的分类及系统演化一直是中外学者感兴趣的研究课题,但迄今仍有诸多谜团未解。其中,关于亚洲远东地区和北美地区的中吻鲟(Acipenser medirostris)的分类地位争论已久。长江水系的达式鲟(A.dabryanus)和中华鲟(A.sinensis)及其它鲟属(Acipenser)鱼类之间的亲缘关系近年来也有异议。为了给上述争议提供更多的科学依据,作者测定了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区 (D-loop) 的核苷酸序列,并进行了分子系统学和遗传差异分析。研究结果表明:⑴UPGMA,NJ和MP分子系统学分析方法以及遗传差异分析都支持了亚洲远东地区中吻鲟和北美中吻鲟为一个有效种的观点;⑵同样研究方法并结合相关群体遗传资料表明,长江达式鲟与中华鲟关系最近,提出了达式鲟为中华鲟的一陆封类群的假说。最后,作者认为本文提出的观点和假说还需要更多的研究来证实。  相似文献   
Alicodoxa rasnitsynigen. et sp. n. (Dictyopharinae: Orthopagini) is described based on a nymph from Rovno amber; it also occurs in Baltic amber. A small additional wax plate dorsal to the large wax plate of abdominal tergites VI-VIII is first reported in this and other genera of Dictyopharidae. A lectotype is designated for Pseudophana reticulata Germar & Berendt, 1856 transferred to Protepiptera (Achilidae): Protepiptera reticulata (Germar & Berendt, 1856), comb. n.  相似文献   
This study examined how variability in the abundance and biomass structure of benthic invertebrates affected the feeding choice of the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus on a hard bottom habitat of the brackish Baltic Sea. In general, crustaceans such as Idotea balthica and Gammarus spp. were preferred over molluscs. Although being the most numerous taxon in the invertebrate samples, Mytilus trossulus was the lowest ranking in C. lavaretus food preference. The availability of benthic invertebrate prey set the dietary range of fish but the selectivity largely described fish feeding within this range. There was no clear link between fish predation and the dominance structure of benthic invertebrate communities, suggesting that species composition, abundance and biomass of invertebrate species had no impact on the feeding selectivity of the fish. Thus, while fish predation may not affect the dominant species within a benthic community, due to strong selectivity fish may impose strong pressure on some rarer but highly preferred invertebrate prey species.  相似文献   
The blue mussel Mytilus trossulus occurs in the Pacific and in the North Atlantic. We developed and characterized six microsatellite loci for Baltic M. trossulus. Seventeen microsatellite loci were screened, of which six were polymorphic. The number of alleles among 50 individuals ranged from 3 to 13 and the observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.09–0.46 and 0.34–0.86, respectively. The loci were also tested for cross amplification in M. edulis, in which four of the six microsatellite loci were successfully amplified.  相似文献   
In the distributional overlap volume of Baltic cod Gadus morhua and its prey, studied in the Bornholm Basin in the southern Baltic Sea, only a fraction of the sprat Sprattus sprattus population vertically overlapped with the Baltic cod population. Sprat occurred in the intermediate water, in the halocline and in the bottom water, while herring Clupea harengus and Baltic cod occurred exclusively in the halocline and in the bottom water. Only parts of the sprat population were hence accessible for Baltic cod, and only a fraction of the sprat had access to the Baltic cod eggs below the halocline. Baltic cod–clupeid overlap volumes appeared to be determined by salinity stratification and oxygenation of the bottom water. Hydrography time series were used to estimate average habitat volumes and overlap from July to September in 1958–1999. In the 1999 survey spawning Baltic cod had greater ratios of empty stomachs and lower average rations than non-spawning Baltic cod. The average ration for Baltic cod caught within 11· 4 m from the bottom (demersal) did not differ from the average ration of Baltic cod caught in shallower waters (pelagic), because spawning and non-spawning Baltic cod in both strata were caught at equal rates. The diet of the Baltic cod caught demersally contained more benthic invertebrates, especially Saduria entomon, but Baltic cod caught pelagically also had fresh benthic food in their stomachs, indicating vertical migration of individual fish.  相似文献   
Sturgeon fingerlings of 20.0 g at a water temperature of 18.20° C, fed for 130 min and consumed 6.5% of their body weight when the food concentration was 2 g m−2. At 38 g m−2 the fingerlings stopped feeding after 45 min but consumed 9.0% of their body weight. As satiation approached the intervals between successive food intakes increased and feeding rate decreased. The rate of feeding was inversely proportional to the amount of food already consumed, and an equation describing this relationship is given. During the first minutes of feeding the ration size was directly proportional to food concentration but with further feeding the relationship changed. The equations of Ivlev and Rashevsky were close approximations to the relationship between ration size and food concentration. At a density of 12 individuals/m2 the feeding duration and ration size was low in comparison to single fingerlings and to fish fed at higher densitites.  相似文献   
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