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The flagella-like but immobile pseudocilia of the green alga Chaetopeltis are described. Examination of the pseudocilia reveals a similarity to those previously described for other members of the Tetrasporales. The taxonomic position of Chaetopeltis, in relation to other members of the Tetrasporales, is shown to be in the family Chaetopeltidaceae.  相似文献   
We investigate the cyst‐theca relationship of Impagidinium caspienense. Through an incubation experiment, we succeeded in examining the motile stage. Additional molecular analysis of single‐cyst PCR (LSU and SSU rDNA) reveal that the cyst is related to the species Gonyaulax baltica Ellegaard et al. ( 2002 ). The ability of this species to belong to two types of cyst‐based genera (spiniferate and impagidinioid) suggests that environmental (particularly salinity) and not genetic factors explain the formation of both morphotypes by G. baltica, which provides evidence for heterospory in this species. The affiliation to G. baltica demonstrates that I. caspienense is not endemic to the Caspian Sea. The phylogenetic position of several other gonyaulacoid species is also documented: Impagidinium pallidum, Ataxiodinium choane, Pyxidinopsis psilata, Spiniferites belerius, and Spiniferites ramosus. The LSU and SSU rDNA based phylogenies suggest that the genera Impagidinium and Spiniferites are not monophyletic, and that P. psilata and A. choane are close to Gonyaulax verior and Gonyaulax polygramma, respectively. In addition, this study accentuates the importance of cyst morphology in the classification of the Gonyaulacales.  相似文献   
The sea growth of two whitefish forms, anadromous (Coregonus lavaretus lavaretus) and sea‐spawning (Coregonus lavaretus widegreni), was analysed using samples collected from the commercial sea catch in the Gulf of Bothnia (GoB) in the northern Baltic Sea during 1998–2014. In the GoB area, these two forms are possible to identify because the gill‐raker number and size at maturity vary between forms. The growth rate of the forms is linked to their feeding area. Sea‐spawning whitefish, which has a feeding migration near its home site, was shorter in the northern GoB (66°N–64°N) at the ages of 3–11 than those in the southern GoB (64°N–60°30′N). In the data, most whitefish were caught with gill nets in the GoB. The mesh sizes of gill nets capturing the anadromous form were mostly 35–45 mm, while those capturing the sea‐spawning form were <35 mm in the northern GoB. It is likely that the different growth trends for small and large whitefish were connected with differences in their recruitment for fishing. The length of anadromous females at the age of four sea years increased significantly, but the length of six‐year‐old anadromous female whitefish decreased over the catch years from 1998–2014. In contrast, the length of slow‐growing sea‐spawning whitefish of six years or older increased significantly in relation to the catch year in the gill‐net catch. The increase in the growth of young age groups in both forms was probably associated with the increasing temperature and the low fishing pressure on small fish. The decreasing age at capture for both forms and the depression of the mean size of old anadromous whitefish are signs of high fishing pressure with a high gill‐net effort that selectively removes the largest and oldest individuals of both forms.  相似文献   
Mx and Viperin are important interferon‐stimulated genes that mediate the antiviral immune response. In this study, we cloned the Mx and viperin genes from Dabry's sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus). The Mx cDNA sequence contained an open reading frame (ORF) of 1,449 nucleotides, encoding a putative protein of 392 aa, which is significantly shorter than other animal Mx proteins. Although the similarity and identity were low between sturgeon Mx and other animal Mx proteins, sturgeon Mx contains the conserved tripartite GTP binding motif and a dynamin family signature. The sturgeon Mx gene contains eight exons split by seven introns. The sturgeon viperin cDNA sequence contained an ORF of 1,047 bp encoding a putative protein of 349 aa, which is relatively well conserved among species. Sturgeon viperin proteins show 82% similarity with those of Xiphophorus maculatus platyfish and Poecilia formosa Amazon molly. The sturgeon viperin gene has a six exon/five intron structure with the same size of second, third, fourth, and fifth exons between different species. The expression of Mx and viperin was detectable in all tissues examined, with the highest expression in skin for Mx and in peripheral blood for viperin. After mock infection using polyinosine‐polycytidylic acid, Mx and viperin showed significantly upregulated expression in primary spleen leukocytes from 3 hr to 72 hr. Lipopolysaccharide could also induce their expression. These results suggested Mx and Viperin could play a vital antiviral role in the innate immune system of Dabry's sturgeon.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary oxidized fish oil (OFO) and green tea extract (GTE) on growth performance, antioxidant status and immunological parameters in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri). Fish weighing about 108 g were randomly assigned to one of nine dietary treatments (control diet without OFO and GTE; diets containing only 25 or 50 mg/kg of GTE; diets containing 50 mg/kg of OFO combined with 0, 25 or 50 mg/kg of GTE; diets containing 100 mg/kg of OFO combined with 0, 25 or 50 mg/kg of GTE) with three replicates of 15 fish stocked in fiberglass tanks using a completely randomized design. Growth performance indices, immunological parameters and antioxidant status of all treatment groups were determined using appropriate assays and compared. Results showed that GTE could enhance growth performance. Feeding GTE alone or combined with the OFO could decrease the hepatosomatic index (HSI) and viscerosomatic index (VSI). Serum lysozyme activity and antibody level were increased significantly by GTE alone or combined with OFO compared to the oxidized diets (p < 0.05). Conversely, lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant enzyme activity were significantly lower in GTE treatment groups and those that received combination of GTE and OFO compared to the oxidized diets. Low‐density lipoprotein (LDL) level in GTE groups was lower than other treatment groups (p < 0.05) however, in OFO treatment groups the LDL level in fish serum was significantly increased in comparison with the other treatment groups (p < 0.05). GTE and OFO alone or combined together significantly decreased the levels of triglyceride and cholesterol compared to the control group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, immunological and biochemical parameters were improved by inclusion of GTE into Siberian sturgeon rancid diets which can protect fish from the oxidative damage challenged by dietary oil oxidation.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a conserved component of the innate immune response in many species. In the present study, the cDNA sequences encoding two AMPs (cathelicidin and NK‐lysin, comprising 1,576 and 606 bp, respectively) were cloned from Dabry's sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus). Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the two AMPs were clustered together with homologous protein sequences from other fish. NK‐lysin was highly expressed during early embryonic development, suggesting maternal transmission. Tissue distribution analysis showed that cathelicidin had the highest expression in the liver and NK‐lysin was most abundantly expressed in the spleen. In response to Poly I:C treatment, the expression of cathelicidin was upregulated at 12 and 24 hr post induction (hpi), but downregulated at 72 hpi. NK‐lysin mRNA expression increased after treatment with Poly I:C, reaching a peak at 24 hpi. Lipopolysaccharide treatment also induced the expression of two antimicrobial peptide genes. Lipopolysaccharide treatment significantly upregulated the expression of cathelicidin at 6, 24, and 48 hpi, and upregulated NK‐lysin expression at 6 and 12 hpi. These results suggested that two AMPs could participate in the immune response induced by poly I:C or LPS stimulation.  相似文献   
This paper presents an update on the global sturgeon and caviar production until 2017, attempting to continue previous efforts on summarizing the global trends in these markets. For the current update, an expanded data base was derived from questionnaires sent to 86 regional contacts in 46 countries, mostly farmers or scientists, and personal interviews. A total of 2,329 commercial sturgeon farms were recorded by 2017 globally, which represented an increase by 7% compared to 2016. Of these farms 54% were located in China, followed by Russia (24%), the Middle East (8%), the Far East (7%) and Europe (6%). Among the rearing technologies flow‐through (FT) systems (36%) were most common, followed by recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) (21%), cages (18%), mix FT/RAS (11%), and ponds (6%). In total the aquaculture sturgeon biomass production peaked at about 129,608 t in the year 2015, with a decline to 119,979 t in 2016, and to 102,327 t in 2017. China contributed about 79,638 t to the overall production in 2017, followed by Russia (6,800 t), Armenia (6,000 t), Iran (2,514 t), and 52 other countries with less than 1,000 t each. This production exceeded the fishery harvest during the 1970–1980s by more than four times. Of the 25 species of Acipenseridae, 13 pure species and four hybrids were farmed for meat with Acipenser baerii dominating production in 2016 with a share of 39.5%, followed by the two hybrids, Huso dauricus × Acipenser schrenckii and A. baerii × A. schrenckii (35.6%), as well as A. schrenckii (10.2%). Global caviar production increased during the last years and the production for the year 2017 amounted to approximately 364 t. China contributed more than 100 t to the overall production in 2017, followed by Russia (49 t), Italy (43 t), France (37 t) and diverse other countries. The species composition in caviar production in 2016 was dominated by A. baerii (31% of the total volume), followed by Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (20%), the hybrid H. dauricus × A. schrenckii (13%), and Acipenser transmontanus (12%), while other species jointly contributed 24% to the overall yield. The trends of sturgeon meat and caviar productions of the last 5 years and the forecasts for the future suggest a short‐term scenario in which the demand remains lower than the supply. In order to absorb the growing production, the market will have to be expanded by targeting new market segments.  相似文献   
《Fungal biology》2021,125(11):886-890
An ancient fungal parasite of a Camponotus ant (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) in Baltic amber is described as Allocordyceps baltica gen. et sp. nov. (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae). The new genus is characterized by an orange, stalked, cup-shaped ascoma with partially immersed perithecia that emerges from the rectum of the ant, two separate stromata with septate mycelium that emerge from the base of the neck and the abdomen of the ant, respectively, and free-standing putative perithecia bearing putative asci with putative multicellular ascospores fragmented into one-celled partspores. This oldest known fossil fungus of an ant could represent a precursor of the genus Ophiocordyceps, which at present is the only fungal lineage parasitizing ants of the genus Camponotus. The fossil shows unique morphological features that existed in the Hypocreales some 35–55 MYA.  相似文献   
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