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L. Jerling 《Plant Ecology》1988,74(2-3):161-170
Population fluctuations ofGlaux maritima, along a transect on a Baltle sea shore meadow, were recorded between 1979 and 1983. A bimodal distribution in numbers along the transect reflects the variation in factors regulating numbers: The two maintenance systems of the species, vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction play different roles. Vegetative propagation is fast and responds quickly to variations in the environment. The seeds germinate in strongly fluctuating temperatures which are triggered by disturbances such as flooding, damaging the vegetation.  相似文献   
Sediments of the southern Baltic Sea were analysed for content of steryl chlorin esters, the chlorin compounds discovered recently in the marine environment. The chlorin esters occur in the Baltic sediments in substantial amounts and form a considerable fraction of the total chlorin content. Among the physicochemical parameters studied the highest correlation with the steryl chlorins showed organic carbon content in sediments and the content of fraction of sediments smaller than 10 μm. A significant correlation was observed between the steryl chlorins content and other chlorins as chlorophylla, phaeophytina, pyrophaeophytina as well as with β-carotene, the distinctly less significant correlation was with phaeophorbidea. This indicates an other way of formation of the steryl chlorins from algae than zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   
Sakson  Maire  Miller  Urve 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):243-249
Twenty one superficial sediment samples from areas of high and moderate eutrophication in the Gulf of Riga were studied with respect to siliceous microfossils, mainly diatoms.The results seem to imply that the number of taxa and the abundance of the frustules are affected by runoff from rivers and the degree of eutrophication in different parts of the Gulf. Areas with high eutrophication, e.g. the river estuaries, have diatom assemblages of varying composition, while in areas with moderate eutrophication the composition is almost constant and the influx of freshwater diatoms and littoral periphyton small. The high abundance and low diversity of brackish-marine and brackish, planktonic diatoms seem to be a result of an influx of nutrients and pollutants in the water and bottom sediments. The sea ice diatoms occurring in the Baltic waters and also in the Gulf of Riga tend to be resistant to eutrophication or are even favoured by it.  相似文献   
Acrocyathus是一类块状体或丛状体的四射珊瑚,在北美分布于下石炭统,我国见于上石炭统,但丛状体的在我国系首次发现。在连续切片上,可见两个生长阶段,其繁殖方式有侧芽繁殖和边缘泡沫板内繁殖,系统分类上另置独立的科级分类。根据形态分析,该珊瑚栖息在动水,能量略高及食料丰富的浅水环境。当前标本为一新种:A.jiyuanensissp.nov.。  相似文献   
描述在甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世地层中发现的貘属新种和政貘(Tapirus hezhengensis sp. nov.),它是貘属中已知最小的种之一。在基本特征上,临夏盆地的和政貘与现生貘已相当接近,前臼齿完全臼齿化,门齿、犬齿的数目和形态也与现生貘一致。东亚晚中新世缺少貘科化石的材料,和政貘的发现对中国第四纪貘类的来源提供了重要线索,显示中中新世起源于欧洲的真貘在晚中新世时期已扩散至东亚。貘类通常适应于潮湿的热带森林环境,但和政貘在华北三趾马动物群中的发现说明这类动物也能够生活于干旱的温带草原地区。  相似文献   
Precipitation is a key factor in the water cycle. At the same time, precipitation is the focus of study in meteorology and climatology, ecological environmental assessment, non-point source pollution and so on. Understanding the temporal-spatial variation and the corresponding factors of precipitation has become the object of hydrology and environmentology. Based on the annual precipitation data, we analyzed the spatial distribution of precipitation in Sichuan Province in China as well as the temporal-spatial variation and the corresponding influence factors involved. The results show that the amount of precipitation was abundant, but the spatial distribution was not consistent with it and the amount of precipitation gradually declined from the south-east to the north-west in Sichuan Province, China. Moreover, the spatial distribution was different throughout the years. The result of correlation analysis indicated that elevation, temperature and air pressure were three key factors affecting the amount and distribution of precipitation, and the correlation coefficients were −0.56, 0.38 and 0.45 respectively. Notably, the relationship between the slope of topography and precipitation were significantly negative and the average correlation coefficient was −0.28.  相似文献   
近40a甘肃省气候生产潜力时空变化特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
根据甘肃省69个气象站1971-2007年温度和降水资料,采用Miami模型、Thornthwaite Memorial模型计算了全省温度生产潜力、降水生产潜力和气候生产潜力,分析了影响气候生产潜力的气候驱动力,用经验正交函数(EOF)分析其时空变化特征。结果表明:温度生产潜力显著增加,降水生产潜力略有减少,平均气候生产潜力为733.86 kg · hm-2 · a-1,呈逐渐减少趋势。区域差异性明显,呈东南-西北递减,陇南山区>陇东高原>陇中高原>甘南草原>河西走廊,气候生产潜力以1997年为转型年。增湿和增温均有利于气候生产潜力的增加,但增湿增益更为显著,另气候的暖干化趋势是研究区气候生产潜力减少的重要原因。  相似文献   
【背景】番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCV)是由媒介昆虫烟粉虱传播的一种双生病毒,对蔬菜及烟草等经济作物造成严重危害。前人资料表明,该病毒于2006年传人我国南方地区,2007年传人山东省,2008年后在山东各地逐渐蔓延扩散。【方法】为了考证TYLcV传人山东省的时间,本研究利用mtCOI基因对于2005和2006年7—8月份在山东省不同地区作物上共采集的15份烟粉虱样品进行了生物型鉴定,并进一步检测了烟粉虱携带TYLCV情况,同时对PCR扩增产物进行了测序分析。【结果】2005年的4份样品烟粉虱生物型均为B型,均不携带TYLCV。2006年的11份烟粉虱样品为B型与Q型混合样品,其中,2份烟粉虱样品检测到TYLCV,进一步证实该病毒为TYLCV。【结论与意义】本研究首次证实了TYLCV早在2006年就已经传入山东省。研究结果不仅对于防控该病毒具有重要指导意义,而且对于其入侵生物学研究也具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
利用中国浙江省西南部九龙山自然保护区和安徽省南部牯牛降的高海拔黄山松树轮径向宽度资料,分别建立了2个树轮宽度差值年表(RES).由子样本信号强度(SSS)>0.8判定,九龙山年表(JLS01)的可靠时段为1884—2010年,牯牛降年表(GNJ01)的可靠时段为1837—2008年.将采样点周围气象站气象数据做算术平均代表区域气候状况,利用相关函数检验了两年表与区域气象数据的月降水量、月平均温度、月平均相对湿度、月总云量和月日照时数的关系.结果表明: 2个高海拔点树木径向生长主要受夏季(上年6、7月,当年6月)水热条件的影响.九龙山年表与上年6、7月温度呈显著正相关,与上年6、7月和当年6月降水及相对湿度呈显著负相关,与上年7月总云量呈显著负相关,与上年6、7月日照时数呈显著正相关;牯牛降年表与上年7月温度呈显著正相关,与上年7月和当年6月降水及相对湿度呈显著负相关,与上年6月总云量呈显著负相关,与上年7月、当年6月日照时数呈显著正相关.由于高海拔地区温度较低,夏季温度的升高有利于该地区树木生长,同时较多降水对应的高相对湿度、高云量和低日照时数,限制了光合作用产物的合成,导致树木的径向生长受到抑制.
对冀西北坝上地区蛾类进行了逐日灯诱监测,以微软系统的Excel列表、作图,进行蛾类群落的种-多度曲线作图及群落多样性(H')、均匀度(J')、物种丰富度(S)和个体数(N)的时间和空间分布的处理,并做了多样性分析。结果表明:该区蛾类已知16科173属247种,夜蛾科是该区蛾类的优势类群,旋幽夜蛾、网锥蛾野螟(草地螟)和小菜蛾为当地优势种。从5月到9月蛾类多样性指数、物种丰富度和个体数基本呈上升趋势,多样性指数与均匀度(r=0.9477)、物种数(r=0.7785)、个体数(r=0.9704)相一致。不同月份间的蛾类相似程度差异较大,种-多度关系符合对数正态分布模型,研究认为坝上地区蛾类赖以生存的生态环境稳定,生态环境条件保持较好。  相似文献   
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