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Many aspects of blue whale biology are poorly understood. Some of the gaps in our knowledge, such as those regarding their basic taxonomy and seasonal movements, directly affect our ability to monitor and manage blue whale populations. As a step towards filling in some of these gaps, microsatellite and mtDNA sequence analyses were conducted on blue whale samples from the Southern Hemisphere, the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) and the northeast Pacific. The results indicate that the ETP is differentially used by blue whales from the northern and southern eastern Pacific, with the former showing stronger affinity to the region off Central America known as the Costa Rican Dome, and the latter favouring the waters of Peru and Ecuador. Although the pattern of genetic variation throughout the Southern Hemisphere is compatible with the recently proposed subspecies status of Chilean blue whales, some discrepancies remain between catch lengths and lengths from aerial photography, and not all blue whales in Chilean waters can be assumed to be of this type. Also, the range of the proposed Chilean subspecies, which extends to the Galapagos region of the ETP, at least seasonally, perhaps should include the Costa Rican Dome and the eastern North Pacific as well.  相似文献   
Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) were among the most intensively exploited species of whales in the world. As a consequence of this intense exploitation, blue whale sightings off the coast of Chile were uncommon by the end of the 20th century. In 2004, a feeding and nursing ground was reported in southern Chile (SCh). With the aim to investigate the genetic identity and relationship of these Chilean blue whales to those in other Southern Hemisphere areas, 60 biopsy samples were collected from blue whales in SCh between 2003 and 2009. These samples were genotyped at seven microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial control region was sequenced, allowing us to identify 52 individuals. To investigate the genetic identity of this suspected remnant population, we compared these 52 individuals to blue whales from Antarctica (ANT, n = 96), Northern Chile (NCh, n = 19) and the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP, n = 31). No significant differentiation in haplotype frequencies (mtDNA) or among genotypes (nDNA) was found between SCh, NCh and ETP, while significant differences were found between those three areas and Antarctica for both the mitochondrial and microsatellite analyses. Our results suggest at least two breeding population units or subspecies exist, which is also supported by other lines of evidence such as morphometrics and acoustics. The lack of differences detected between SCh/NCh/ETP areas supports the hypothesis that eastern South Pacific blue whales are using the ETP area as a possible breeding area. Considering the small population sizes previously reported for the SCh area, additional conservation measures and monitoring of this population should be developed and prioritized.  相似文献   
Eyeballs from 121 fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and 83 harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were used for age estimation using the aspartic acid racemization (AAR) technique. The racemization rate (kAsp) for fin whales was established from 15 fetuses (age 0) and 15 adult whales where age was estimated by reading growth layer groups (GLGs) in the earplugs. The (kAsp) for harbor porpoises was derived from 15 porpoises (two calves and 13 > 1 yr old) age‐estimated by counting GLGs in the teeth and two calves classified to age based on length. The (kAsp) values were estimated by regression of GLGs against D/L ratios. For the fin whales an (kAsp) of 1.15 × 10?3/yr (SE ± 0.00005) and a D/L ratio at birth [(D/L)0] of 0.028 (SE ± 0.0012) were estimated, which is in agreement with rates for other mysticeti. For the harbor porpoises a (kAsp) of 3.10 × 10?3/yr (SE ± 0.0004) and a (D/L)0 value of 0.023 (SE ± 0.0018) were estimated, which is considerably higher than found for other cetaceans. Correlation between chosen age estimates from AAR and GLG counts indicated that AAR might be an alternative method for estimating age in marine mammals.  相似文献   
Little information exists on the current status of Southern Hemisphere sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis). We assessed their distribution and abundance along the west coast of the Falkland Islands (southwest Atlantic) during February and March 2018, using line transect and nonsystematic surveys. Abundance estimates were generated for a single survey stratum using design- and model-based approaches. Sightings of sei whales and unidentified baleen whales (most, if not all, likely to be sei whales) occurred from the coast to the 100 m depth isobath that marked the offshore boundary of the stratum. The modeled distribution predicted highest whale densities in King George Bay and in the waters between Weddell Island and the Passage Islands. Sei whale abundance was estimated as 716 animals (CV = 0.22; 95% CI [448, 1,144]; density = 0.20 whales/km2) using the design-based approach, and 707 animals (CV = 0.11; 95% CI [566, 877]; density = 0.20 whales/km2) using the model-based approach. For sei whales and unidentified baleen whales combined, the equivalent estimates were 916 animals (CV = 0.19; 95% CI [606, 1,384]; density = 0.26 whales/km2) and 895 animals (CV = 0.074; 95% CI [777, 1,032]; density = 0.25 whales/km2). The data indicate that the Falkland Islands inner shelf region may support globally important seasonal feeding aggregations of sei whales, and potentially qualify as a Key Biodiversity Area.  相似文献   
  • 1 We summarize fin whale Balaenoptera physalus catch statistics, sighting data, mark recoveries and acoustics data. The annual cycle of most populations of fin whales had been thought to entail regular migrations between high‐latitude summer feeding grounds and lower‐latitude winter grounds. Here we present evidence of more complex and varied movement patterns.
  • 2 During summer, fin whales range from the Chukchi Sea south to 35 °N on the Sanriku coast of Honshu, to the Subarctic Boundary (ca. 42 °N) in the western and central Pacific, and to 32 °N off the coast of California. Catches show concentrations in seven areas which we refer to as ‘grounds’, representing productive feeding areas.
  • 3 During winter months, whales have been documented over a wide area from 60 °N south to 23 °N. Coastal whalers took them regularly in all winter months around Korea and Japan and they have been seen regularly in winter off southern California and northern Baja California. There are also numerous fin whale sightings and acoustic detections north of 40 °N during winter months. Calves are born during the winter, but there is little evidence for distinct calving areas.
  • 4 Whales implanted with Discovery‐type marks were killed in whaling operations, and location data from 198 marked whales demonstrate local site fidelity, consistent movements within and between the main summer grounds and long migrations from low‐latitude winter grounds to high‐latitude summer grounds.
  • 5 The distributional data agree with immunogenetic and marking findings which suggest that the migratory population segregates into at least two demes with separate winter mating grounds: a western ground off the coast of Asia and an eastern one off the American coast. Members of the two demes probably mingle in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands area.
  • 6 Prior research had suggested that there were at least two non‐migratory stocks of fin whale: one in the East China Sea and another in the Gulf of California. There is equivocal evidence for the existence of additional non‐migratory groups in the Sanriku‐Hokkaido area off Japan and possibly the northern Sea of Japan, but this is based on small sample sizes.
在分析组织结构并测定脂肪含量的基础上,利用现代制革鞣制工艺对一头小布氏鲸(Balaenoptera edeni)的皮作了脱脂效果研究。在控制好对皮肤整体质量影响最小的情况下,本文设计了一套工艺流程,将脱脂操作贯穿到整个皮张的鞣制过程中。经组织切片和氯仿甲醇法检验,胸部和腹部真皮的脂肪体积比,由31.78%±2.69%和44.80%±3.74%下降至4.28%和6.83%;含脂量下降至4.04%和5.57%,脱脂率达到了86.24%和84.90%,基本满足了标本制作的脱脂要求。  相似文献   
Observations of feeding and ventilatory behavior of individual fin whales ( Balaenoptera physalus )were made from various vessels during the months of May–September, 1981–1987, in the waters off eastern Long Island, N.Y., U.S.A. Intervals between blows were measured and recorded to the nearest second. Information about behavior was recorded, as were location, depth, and surface temperature at sounding dives. Animals observed feeding at the surface were noted as such, ail others were considered non-surface-feeding animals. Data were compiled by individual, month, year, and analyzed for mean interblow interval during surface activity bouts; mean dive duration; and overall mean blow interval.
Overall mean blow intervals (±SE) of 47.89 ± 0.81 set for surface-feeding ( n = 10,411), and 57.92 ±0.97 sec for non-surface-feeding animals ( n = 11,024), differed significantly (Mann-Whitney U, P < 0.001). Interblow intervals for surface activity bouts (±SE) of 12.29 ± 0.05 set for surface-feeding ( n = 7,894), and 13.58 ± 0.06 set, for non-surface-feeding animals (n = 8,187), also differed significantly (Mann-Whitney U, P < 0.001), as did mean dive duration (159.53 ± 2.16 sec, n = 2,517, for surface-feeding animals; 185.86 ± 2.53 set, n = 2,837, for non-surface-feeding animals). Yearly comparisons of blow intervals between surface-feeding and non-surface-feeding animals during surface activity bouts yielded significant differences for each year except 1981, while comparisons of dive durations yielded significant differences for all years except 1981, 1982, and 1985.  相似文献   
Dive habits of four Northeast Pacific blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculus ) were studied using satellite-monitored radio tags. Tags summarized dive-duration data into eight 3-h periods daily. One tag additionally summarized dive depth and time-at-depth information for these same periods. Tracking periods ranged from 0.6 to 12.7 d and provided data for 17 three-hour summary periods, representing 2,007 dives (788 of which provided depth information). Total number of dives during a 3-h summary period ranged from 83 to 128. Seventy-two percent of dives were ≤ 1 min long. All whales spent >94% of their time submerged. Average duration of true dives (dives >1 min) ranged from 4.2 to 7.2 min. Seventy-five percent of depth-monitored dives were to ≤16 m, accounting for 78% of that animal's time. Average depth of dives to >16 m was 105 ± 13 m.  相似文献   
The annual trend in energy storage in the Antarctic minke whale was examined using catch data from all 18 survey years in the Japanese Whale Research Program (JARPA). Regression analyses clearly showed that blubber thickness, girth and fat weight have been decreasing for nearly 2 decades. The decrease per year is estimated at approximately 0.02 cm for mid-lateral blubber thickness and 17 kg for fat weight, corresponding to 9% for both measurements over the 18-year period. Furthermore, “date”, “extent of diatom adhesion”, “sex”, “body length”, “fetus length”, “latitude”, “age” and “longitude” were all identified as partially independent predictors of blubber thickness. The direct interpretation of this substantial decline in energy storage in terms of food availability is difficult, since no long-term krill abundance series is available. However, an increase in the abundance of krill feeders other than minke whales and a resulting decrease in the krill population must be considered as a likely explanation.  相似文献   
Active acoustic techniques can be used to detect whales. The ability to detect whales from a moving vessel or stationary buoy could reduce conflicts between hazardous human activities and whales, enabling implementation of mitigation procedures. In order to identify acoustic targets correctly as whales, knowledge of whale target strength (TS) is required. Active acoustic detections of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) were made in the Norwegian Sea; acoustic data were collected using calibrated omnidirectional sonar, operating at a discrete frequency of 110 kHz. Three fin whales of similar size (estimated between 16 and 18 m total length) had an overall average TS for all insonified body aspects of ?11.4 dB [95% CI ?12.05, ?10.8] at 110 kHz, with a total spread of nearly 14 dB. As expected, the received signals were stronger when the fin whales were insonified at broadside (?5.6 dB). Individual fin whale TS varied by approximately 12 dB, probably due to variation in lung volume with breathing, and to dynamic swimming kinematics. Our TS values are consistent with values reported previously for other large whales. All data together pave the way for development of automated acoustic whale detection protocols that could aid whale conservation.  相似文献   
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