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Patterns of invasion within a grassland community   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Intraspecific patterns of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation were determined among California sea lions ( Zalophus califomianus californianus ) from three colonies along the Pacific coast of southern and Baja California and one colony in the Gulf of California. We found no variation in 368 base pairs (bp) of cytochrome b sequence among 40 sea lions from these localities, but analysis of 360 base pairs of control region revealed eleven genotypes. The four genotypes found in the Gulf of California population were unique and phylogenetically distinct from those found in sea lions along the Pacific coast. The average sequence divergence between Gulf and Southern California genotypes was 4.3%, suggesting a relatively long period of isolation. However, colonies along the Pacific coast, which are less than 200 km apart, shared mtDNA genotypes, indicating that recent genetic exchange has occurred between them. Therefore, we suggest that regional female philopatry exists in California sea lions. Regional boundaries may be related to oceanic currents or patchiness in the distribution of resources. Further research is needed to better understand the underlying causes of genetic differentiation in the California sea lion.  相似文献   
Abstract: Humans introduce many toxicants into the environment, the long-term and indirect effects of which are generally unknown. We investigated exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides and evaluated the association between notoedric mange, an ectoparasitic disease, and anticoagulant exposure in bobcats (Lynx rufus) and mountain lions (Puma concolor) in a fragmented urban landscape in southern California, USA. Beginning in 2002, an epizootic of notoedric mange, a disease previously reported only as isolated cases in wild felids, in 2 years reduced the annual survival rate of bobcats from 0.77 (5-yr average) to 0.28. Anticoagulants were present in 35 of 39 (90%) bobcats we tested, multiple compounds were present in 27 of these 35 (77%), and total toxicant load was positively associated with the use of developed areas by radiocollared animals. Mange-associated mortality in bobcats showed a strong association with anticoagulant exposure, as 19 of 19 (100%) bobcats that died with severe mange were also exposed to the toxicants, and for bobcats with anticoagulant residues >0.05 ppm, the association with mange was highly significant (X2 = 10.36, P = 0.001). We speculate that concomitant elevated levels of rodenticide exposure may have increased the susceptibility of bobcats to advanced mange disease. Bobcats were locally extirpated from some isolated habitat patches and have been slow to recover. In 2004, 2 adult mountain lions died directly from anticoagulant toxicity, and both animals also had infestations of notoedric mange, although not as advanced as in the emaciated bobcats that died with severe disease. Two other mountain lions that died in intraspecific fights also exhibited exposure to 2-4 different anticoagulants. These results show that the effects of secondary poisoning on predators can be widespread, reach even the highest-level carnivores, and have both direct and possibly indirect effects on mortality. Further research is needed to investigate the lethal and sub-lethal effects of anticoagulants and other toxicants on wildlife in terrestrial environments.  相似文献   
Summary In the northern Gulf of California the adult distribution of the intertidal barnacle species, Chthamalus anisopoma, on exposed shores is approximately between 0.0 and 2.0 m above mean low water (MLW). The species is typically absent in protected (from wave splash) areas. In this study, I examined a series of alternative hypotheses relating to the factors that could be responsible for limiting the distribution. Post-settlement factors appear to be unimportant because settlement was largely restricted to areas within the adult distribution. Two processes could account for the high correlation between settlement and adult distributions. First, hydrodynamic factors could restrict deposition of larvae to sites that coincidently were in areas in which individuals could survive to maturity. Second, larvae may choose to settle only on sites where they can survive to maturity. Of the two, the later was supported as settlement could be induced on surfaces outside the adult distribution using transplanted adult conspecifics as cues. Thus, competent larvae were present outside the adult distribution of Chthamalus zone but did not settle under normal conditions. Also, there was no evidence that pre-emption of space by other sessile species, by itself, restricted the distribution of Chthamalus. Settlement within the existing adult distribution may be an evolutionary response to increased mortality for individuals settling outside the adult distribution compared to those settling within it.  相似文献   
One of the major challenges confronting grassland restoration of highly invaded communities is increasing the diversity of native species. There is surprisingly little research investigating how reconstructed native grasslands respond to common management techniques and how these techniques influence the relative establishment of both native grasses and forbs. Despite the diversity and wide distribution of native clovers in California, few practitioners incorporate them into grassland restoration plans. Conversely, non‐native clovers have been seeded extensively onto California rangelands. This study addresses the following questions: (1) Using readily available management tools, is there a strategy that can benefit the growth of both planted native bunchgrasses and seeded clovers? (2) Do native bunchgrasses compete with establishing clovers and non‐native grasses? (3) Do native and non‐native clovers differ in their response to management treatments or in their productivity? Plots were established to test three factors in different combinations over 3 years: (1) early spring clipping, (2) initial broadleaf herbicide, and (3) native bunchgrass planting density. Native and non‐native clovers were seeded in years 2 and 3. Early spring clipping did not have a significant effect on native bunchgrass cover, yet it did result in greater growth of native and non‐native clovers. The direction of the response to broadleaf herbicide changed between years for native bunchgrasses and was consistently negative for native clovers. Plots with higher native grass densities did not adversely affect the seeded clovers, yet non‐native grass cover was reduced. Native and non‐native clovers exhibited similar responses to clipping and established at similar densities.  相似文献   
The plasma aldosterone radioimmunoassay developed by Ito et al. was found to be non-specific for aldosterone following administration of the spirolactones, spironolactone and canrenoate-K, in rabbits, dogs and humans. The assay interfering principle was identified as a hydroxylated derivative (M-B) of canrenone, which itself is a metabolite common to both spironolactone and canrenoate-K. The metabolite M-B possessed a high cross-reactivity to the 21-hemisuccinate aldosterone antibody relative to other spirolactones. A modified procedure was developed specific for plasma aldosterone in the presence of M-B. Following single doses of spironolactone and canrenoate-K, aldosterone plasma levels were unchanged in humans and in dogs and decreased in rabbits.  相似文献   
Pups on San Nicolas Island were counted by two methods; counts by observers on the ground were compared to counts from aerial photographs taken with a 126-mm-format camera with image motion compensation. No difference was detected between photographic counts and ground counts (P= 0.367) when ground counters had unobstructed views. However, ground counts were significantly lower when areas with obstructed views were included in the analysis (P < 0.001). For areas with unobstructed viewing conditions, no difference was detected between counts by the two methods for rock substrates (P= 0.140), sand substrates (P= 0.468), or mixed rock-and-sand substrates (P= 0.968). No differences were found among three replicate aerial photographic censuses (P= 0.432), but a significant difference was found between two replicate ground censuses (P= 0.037). Total counts obtained from the aerial photographs were more precise (CV = 0.042) than counts obtained on the ground (CV = 0.078). Less variability in counts was found between photographic counters than for ground counters.  相似文献   
Straight growth forms of wild shrubs and trees unaffected by insects, diseases, or accumulated dead material have been valued cross-culturally for millennia for use in basketry, yet these growth forms do not occur readily in nature without disturbance. California data are presented that demonstrate how fire and pruning were ancienthorticultural techniques that were utilized by Native Americans in various temperate ecosystems to shape ecosystem structure, reduce the occurrence of insects and diseases, and activate specific developmental stages in shrubs and trees for twined and coiled basketry.Itis suggested that the magnitude and extent of burning applied to wildlands for basketry and many other cultural purposes in most indigenous cultures in California have been drastically underestimated in the published literature. A methodological approach is outlined for unraveling past and present-day wildland management for basketry materials in various temperate regions. Working hypotheses to explain the ecological rationale for indigenous management at both the organismic and ecosystemic level are proposed.  相似文献   
Aerial and underwater audiograms for two young female northern fur seals ( Callorhinus ursinus ) and one young female California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) were obtained with the same procedure and apparatus. Callorhinus hears over a larger frequency range and is more sensitive to airborne sounds than Zalophus or any other pinniped thus far tested in the frequency range of 500 Hz to 32 kHz. Sensitivity of Callorhinus to waterborne pure tones, ranging from 2 to 28 kHz, is equal or superior to all other pinnipeds tested in this same frequency range. Like Zalophus , the upper frequency limit for underwater hearing (as defined by Masterton et al. 1969) in Callorhinus is about one-half octave lower than the three phocid species thus far tested. Callorhinus' upper frequency limit in air is about 36 kHz and under water it is about 40 kHz. Comparison of air and water audiograms shows Callorhinus is no exception to previous behavioral findings demonstrating that the „pinniped ear” is more suitable for hearing in water than in air. Similar to Zalophus and Phoca vitulina, Callorhinus shows an anomalous hearing loss at 4 kHz in air. The basis for this insensitivity to airborne sounds at 4kHz and not at lower or higher frequencies is presumably caused by specialized middle ear mechanisms matching impedance for waterborne sounds. Critical ratio curves for Callorhinus are similarly shaped to ones obtained for humans but are shifted upwards in frequency. Compared to all other marine mammals thus far evaluated, the critical ratios for Callorhinus are the smallest yet reported.  相似文献   
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