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Benzodiazepine receptor binding was measured in cerebellar cortex of 15 patients with dominantly inherited olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA). The majority of these patients had a moderate to marked Purkinje cell loss, as judged by the lowered levels of dentate nucleus gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a marker of Purkinje cells. Despite the reduction in Purkinje cell number cerebellar cortical benzodiazepine receptor density was either normal or slightly elevated in the OPCA patients. These results are in contrast to the findings in a mutant strain of mice deficient in Purkinje cells in which the concentration of benzodiazepine receptors in cerebellum is greatly reduced. Our data indicate that in the human, cerebellar cortical benzodiazepine receptors are either not significantly associated with Purkinje cells or that in OPCA Purkinje cell loss triggers a de novo synthesis of extra benzodiazepine binding sites. It is concluded that, in contrast with the rodent, in the human benzodiazepine receptor binding may not serve as a marker for cerebellar Purkinje cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: Quantitative and qualitative modifications of the specific binding sites for [3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate (QNB), a muscarinic antagonist, were studied during rat cerebellar postnatal development. Specific binding sites for QNB (QNB-sbs), regardless of whether they correspond to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, are present with the highest density in the archicerebellar cortex, but the total amount per region is about the same in the archi-, paleo-, and neocerebellar cortex regions. Large amounts of QNB-sbs are also present in a cerebellar fraction including central white matter and deep cerebellar nuclei. QNB-sbs are low but present at birth and then accumulate during ontogenic development according to a curve which duplicates, with a delay of a few days, the curve of DNA accumulation. Dissection studies indicated that this curve does not depend on the preferential localization of QNB-sbs in a specific cerebellar region nor on the particular development of this region. The similarity of the QNB-sbs and the DNA developmental curves might indicate that the QNB-sbs are present on granule cells; however, a comparative analysis of the data in the literature suggests that a great many QNB-sbs are located on the Purkinje cell dendrites in the molecular layer, where all or some of them might correspond to the ex-trajunctional muscarinic acetylcholine receptor detected there by electrophysiology. It would appear that only a small percentage of cerebellar QNB-sbs corresponds to the cholinergic synapses present in cerebellar cortex; hence, the question of muscarinic receptors in the cerebellum should be re-examined.  相似文献   
Abstract: In the present communication we report that Ca2+-dependent acetylcholine release from K+-depolarized Torpedo electric organ synaptosomes is inhibited by morphine, and that this effect is blocked by the opiate antagonist naloxone. This finding suggests that the purely cholinergic Torpedo electric organ neurons contain pre-synaptic opiate receptors whose activation inhibits acetylcholine release. The mechanisms underlying this opiate inhibition were investigated by comparing the effects of morphine on acetylcholine release induced by K+ depolarization and by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and by examining the effect of morphine on 45Ca2+ influx into Torpedo nerve terminals. These experiments revealed that morphine inhibits 45Ca2+ influx into K+-depolarized Torpedo synaptosomes and that this effect is blocked by naloxone. The effects of morphine on K+ depolarization-mediated 45Ca2+ influx and on acetylcholine release have similar dose dependencies (half-maximal inhibition at 0.5–1 μ M ), suggesting that opiate inhibition of release is due to blockage of the presynaptic voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel. This conclusion is supported by the finding that morphine does not inhibit acetylcholine release when the Ca2+ channel is bypassed by introducing Ca2+ into the Torpedo nerve terminals via the Ca2+ ionophore.  相似文献   
Abstract: (β-FNA, the β -fumaramate methyl ester of naltrexone, has been shown to antagonize irreversibly the actions of morphine on the guinea pig ileum and mouse vas deferens bioassays but does not affect the actions of δ-receptor ligands on the mouse vas deferens bioassay, suggesting that the compound does not irreversibly bind to the S receptor. In this paper we examine the effect of (β -FNA on the binding of the prototypic δ agonists, Leuenkephalin and d -Ala2- d -Leu5-enkephalin, its metabolically stable analogue, and show that treatment of membranes with β -FNA does lead to alterations in the in vitro properties of δ receptors.  相似文献   
Scrapie is a transmissible disease that results in progressive degeneration of the central nervous system and death. Although scrapie has been studied histopathologically, relatively little is known concerning neurotransmitter alterations. Specific [3H]muscimol binding to whole brain crude synaptic membranes (CSM) from mice clinically affected with scrapie was significantly (p less than 0.01) reduced, to approximately 73% of that of the controls. Of the brain regions examined, binding to only cerebral CSM was significantly (p less than 0.0001) decreased. Scatchard analyses of saturation curves revealed that the high-affinity (KD = 8 +/- 3 nM) site for muscimol was abolished in cerebral CSM from scrapie-infected mice, while the low-affinity site was unaffected. Binding of [3H]flunitrazepam to cerebral CSM was unaffected by scrapie and was stimulated by GABA to the same extent in both scrapie and control mice. These results suggest that scrapie agent 139A in C57BL/6J mice manifests a portion of its CNS pathology via a high-affinity GABA binding site that is unassociated with the benzodiazepine receptor.  相似文献   
Summary Synaptogenesis has been studied in the electric organ of embryonic Torpedo marmorata by use of two antisera directed against components of synaptic vesicles (anti-SV) and presynaptic plasma membranes (ap-anti-TSM), respectively. The anti-SV serum was previously shown to recognize a proteoglycan specific for synaptic vesicles. The ap-anti-TSM serum was raised to plasma membranes of synaptosomes derived from the electromotor nerve terminals and affinity-purified on electric-organ gangliosides. The vesicular antigen was first detectable at the 81-mm stage of development, which is 1–2 weeks earlier than the formation of morphologically mature presynaptic terminals, but is coincident with a rise in choline acetyltransferase levels and the ability of the electric organ to generate discharges. The gangliosidic antigen recognized by the ap-anti-TSM was first detectable on the ventral electrocyte surface at the 93-mm stage of development. This indicates that specific carbohydrate epitopes, not present on the growth cones, are expressed during maturation of the nerve terminal. The nerve terminal components recognized by these sera arose pari passu with neurite coverage of the ventral surface of the electrocyte, reaching a maximum in the adult. In contrast, postsynaptic aggregates of acetylcholine receptor, rendered visible with rhodamine-labeled -bungarotoxin, arose previous to the presynaptic antigens, reaching a maximum surface density at 110 mm and then declining in the adult.  相似文献   
Summary Immunocytochemistry has been used to study distribution of cell surface transferrin receptors in erythroid, leukemic (K562) cells. The cells were fixed and labelled with monoclonal (OKT-9) anti-transferrin receptor antibodies; the antibody-labelled receptors were then detected by either immunofluoresceinor immunoferritin-antimouse-antibody conjugates. Typically, the immunoferritin labels were distributed diffusely at the non-coated regions of the cell surface as well as concentrated in the clathrincoated pits. To examine further this pattern of distribution, cells were labelled at 0° C and then warmed to 37° C for zero to 30 min prior to fixation. The majority of the immunoferritin labels were initially dispersed in small groups at the non-coated regions of the cell surface (mean = 6 immunoferritin labels/cluster), but larger groups were common subsequent to incubation at 37° C (mean = 13 immunoferritin labels/cluster). However, the size of immunoferritin labels in the coated pits was unchanged (mean = 12 immunoferritin labels/pit). Immunoferritin labels were typical in coated and uncoated vesicles l min after warming to 37° C, but common in endosomes, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes by 30 min. It appears that single cell-surface receptors form large aggregates prior to their concentration in coated pits. Coated vesicles, uncoated vesicles, and endosomal vacuoles may together form the non-lysosomal compartment where the internalized receptors might be dissociated from the ligands (antibodies).  相似文献   
The receptor for urokinase-plasminogen activator   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Many human cells and cell lines possess a specific receptor that binds urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) with an affinity of about 10(-10) M. Bound enzyme is not internalized, is slowly dissociated, and retains its enzymatic activity. The amino acid sequence of uPA responsible for receptor binding is located within the first 35 aminoterminal residues, ie, in the growth factor domain. Binding, however, is not competed for by other proteins that contain the growth factor domain (including epidermal growth factor). Cells that produce uPA secrete the pro-uPA form, which subsequently binds to the receptor. A431 cells, in fact, have their receptors completely saturated with pro-uPA. It is proposed that uPA:uPA-receptor interaction plays a direct role in physiological and pathological processes that require cell migration.  相似文献   
The colony-stimulating factor, CSF-1, selectively stimulates the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes. The solubilization, assay, and characteristics of the CSF-1 receptor from the J774.2 murine macrophage cell line are described. The recovery of cell-surface receptor in the postnuclear supernatant membrane fraction of hypotonically disrupted cells was 76%. Recovery of the ligand binding activity of the receptor after solubilization of this fraction with 1% Triton X-100 was approximately 150%. The binding of 125I-CSF-1 to intact cells and membrane preparations was consistent with the existence of a single class of high-affinity receptor sites. In contrast, the equilibrium binding of 125I-CSF-1 to the solubilized postnuclear fraction indicated the existence of two distinct classes of binding site (apparent Kds 0.15 nM and 10 nM). A rapid assay was developed for the high-affinity sites, which were shown to be associated with the CSF-1 receptor. The function of the low-affinity sites, which have not been demonstrated on intact cells or cell membranes and which are 13 times more abundant than the high-affinity sites, is unknown. The solubilized high-affinity receptor-CSF-1 complex was stable on storage at 0 degrees C and -70 degrees C but dissociated at 37 degrees C. Dissociation also occurred at 0 degrees C in buffers of low pH (4.0) or high ionic strength (0.7 M NaCl).  相似文献   
Epinephrine-promoted release of [3H]guanylylimidodiphosphate ([3H]Gpp(NH)p) from human platelet membranes has been used to probe the interactions between alpha2-adrenergic recpetors and Ni, the guanine nucleotide binding protein that couples those receptors to an inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity. We show here that ADP, which also acts through specific platelet receptors to inhibit adenylate cyclase activity, also promotes the release of [3H]Gpp(NH). The amount of [3H]Gpp(NH)-release elicited by epinephrine and by ADP together is equal to the sum of the amounts released by the two agents acting individually. Furthermore the maximal amounts of [3H]Gpp(NH)-release elicited by each of the two agents approximates the numbers of receptors for ADP and epinephrine present in the platelet membranes. These results suggest that the two receptor types interact with distinct portions of the pool of Ni molecules and that each receptor initiates guanine-nucleotide exchange on a single molecule of Ni.  相似文献   
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