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Concentrations of soluble aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn) frequently reach phytotoxic levels in acid soils. While dose response relationships for these metals are well documented, the effects of combined exposure have received less attention. We have examined the effect of combinations of Al and Mn on growth and metal accumulation in Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. grown in solution culture under conditions of low ionic strength (conductivities typically < 100 µS cm−1). The nature of interaction between these metals varied with the specific physiological response, the part of the plant investigated, and the relative amount of stress imposed. Analysis of growth data provided evidence for amelioration of metal toxicity (antagonistic effects), although this effect was dose dependent. Analysis of metal content data provided evidence for antagonistic and synergistic (exacerbation of toxicity) effects, again depending on dose. Analysis of foliar symptoms also provided evidence for antagonisms and synergisms, with the nature of the response dependent on the specific physiological response and specific plant part investigated. In contrast with previous reports, evidence for antagonistic, synergistic, and multiplicative effects on growth, metal uptake, and expression of foliar symptoms have been obtained under physiologically and environmentally relevant conditions. These results suggest a more detailed analysis of the potential for interactions between metals in the environment is required.  相似文献   
Monte Carlo simulations and a modified Poisson–Boltzmann (MPB) theory are used to investigate the temperature dependence of the capacitance (around the potential of zero charge) of an electric double layer in the presence of surface polarization due to a dielectric boundary. Within the context of the restricted primitive model planar double layer, whose solvent dielectric constant is ε2, the cases when the electrode is an insulator (ε1 = 1), when the electrode and the electrolyte have the same permittivity (ε1 = ε2, no polarization), and when the electrode is a conductor (ε1 → ∞) are studied for the case where the electrolyte concentration is 0.1 M. The simulations reveal a capacitance anomaly, that is, a positive temperature dependence of the capacitance at low temperatures for the former two situations. The MPB theory also shows this effect for these two situations and is in qualitative or better agreement with the simulation data. In these two cases, both the simulations and theory show a dramatic increase of the diffuse layer potential in the temperature regime where capacitance anomaly occurs. However, in the latter situation, where the electrode is metallic, the capacitance always has a negative temperature derivative for the MPB theory and probably also for the simulation data.  相似文献   
Three new geranylated flavonoids, including two geranylflavones (1, 2) and one geranylflavonol (3), named as paucatalinone C–E, were isolated from the fruit peel of P. catalpifolia T. Gong ex D.Y. Hong. Their structures were determined by means of UV, IR, MS, and NMR techniques. To our known, geranylflavone or geranylflavonol was the first isolation from the genus Paulownia. These isolated geranylated flavonoids displayed good antioxidant effects on DPPH and the senescent human embryonic lung diploid fibroblasts cells (2BS cells) induced by H2O2. The geranyl substituent may be an important factor for the cellular radical-scavenging effect because of its lipophilic character.  相似文献   
Proteins present in the seminal plasma of mammals are known to influence functions associated with ejaculated spermatozoa such as motility, capacitation, acrosome reaction and fertilising ability. The proteins isolated and characterised so far influence only one of the above functions of spermatozoa. Seminalplasmin, a protein isolated from the seminal plasma of bull is exceptional in that it influences many of the above spermatozoal functions. It is also a potent antimicrobial protein and capable of lysing microbial and mammalian cells. The physiological function of seminalplasmin as nature's own antifertility agent is discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of repeated annual application of methiocarb-based slug pellets, broadcast on the soil surface and drilled into the seed bed, on carabid beetle activity were investigated over a four year period on a winter-sown cereal field using pitfall traps in barriered plots. Following applications in late autumn all winter-active carabid populations were severely depressed; total carabid activity falling to less than 5% and 10–15% following broadcast and drilled applications, respectively, compared with untreated plots. Spring and summer-active species, not active at the time of application, were largely unaffected by applications and were responsible for a gradual recovery of total activity from early spring onwards. Activity of all affected winter species remained demonstrably depressed on treated areas for the remainder of their seasonal incidence. However, all except one species, Bembidion obtusum, recovered to normal activity levels in the following season prior to reapplication. Recovery patterns are discussed in terms of the known biology of the species involved. Evidence that a minority of summer-active species were also affected by treatments, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively, were attributed to indirect effects possibly involving prey availability and foraging behaviour. The long-term ecological and short-term agronomic implications of methiocarb effects on carabid populations in winter-sown cereals are discussed.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of species‐specific litter decomposability in determining plant community structure, we constructed a theoretical model of the codevelopmental dynamics of soil and vegetation. This model incorporates feedback between vegetation and soil. Vegetation changes the nutrient conditions of soil by affecting mineralization processes; soil, in turn, has an impact on plant community structure. The model shows that species‐level traits (decomposability, reproductive and competitive abilities) determine whether litter feedback effects are positive or negative. The feedback determines community‐level properties, such as species composition and community stability against invasion. The model predicts that positive feedback may generate multiple alternative steady states of the plant community, which differ in species richness or community composition. In such cases, the realized state is determined by initial abundance of co‐occurring species. Further, the model shows that the importance of species‐level traits depends on environmental conditions such as system fertility.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The influences of hatchling character and rearing density on body colour at the last-nymphal stadium are investigated for the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria . Hatchlings are divided into five groups based on the darkness of the body colour and reared either under isolated or crowded conditions. Two types of body colour variation at the last-nymphal stadium are separately analysed (i.e. the background colour and black patterns). Under isolated conditions, the background body colour is either greenish or brownish. Most individuals are greenish and the highest percentage of brownish insects is obtained from hatchlings with the darkest body colour. Under crowded conditions, the background colour is yellow or orange and the percentage of yellowish nymphs tends to decrease when they are darker at hatching. The intensity of black patterns differs depending on the body colour at hatching and subsequent rearing density. Most isolated-reared nymphs exhibit few or no black patterns but nymphs with some black patterns also appear, particularly among those that had been dark at hatching. Under crowded conditions, the black patterns become more intense when they are darker at hatching. Therefore, last-stadium nymphs with typical solitarious or gregarious body colouration appear when they have the phase-specific body colouration at hatching as well. The present results demonstrate that both body colour at hatching and rearing density during nymphal development influence body colouration at the last-nymphal stadium.  相似文献   
Top predators from the northern sub-polar and polar areas exhibit high cadmium concentrations in their tissues. In the aim to reveal possible adverse effects, samples of five Atlantic white-sided dolphins Lagenorhyncusacutus have been collected on the occasion of the drive fishery in the Faroe Islands, for ultrastructural investigations and energy dispersive X-ray microanalyses. Cadmium concentrations were less than the limit of detection in both immature individuals and ranged from 22.7 to 31.1 μg g?1 wet weight in the mature individuals. Two individuals with the highest cadmium concentrations exhibited electron dense mineral concretions in the basal membranes of the proximal tubules. They are spherocrystals made up of numerous strata mineral deposit of calcium and phosphorus together with cadmium. Cadmium has been detected with a molar ratio of Ca:Cd of 10:1 in the middle of these concretions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such granules in a wild vertebrate. The role of these granules in the detoxification of the metal and the possible pathological effects are considered.  相似文献   
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