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《Free radical research》2013,47(1-2):1-5
The metastable intermediate II produced on reaction of bacterial luciferase with reduced flavin mononucleotide and O2, reacts with any of several stable free radicals to produce bioluminescence. The bioluminescence spectrum is very similar to that from the well-studied intermediate II and aldehyde reaction, and the number of photons per luciferase molecule reacted is at least 40% of the aldehyde reaction.  相似文献   
The Malpighian tubule is the main organ for excretion and osmoregulation in most insects. During a short period of embryonic development the tubules of Drosophila are shaped, undergo differentiation and become precisely positioned in the body cavity, so they become fully functional at the time of larval hatching a few hours later. In this review I explore three developmental events on the path to physiological maturation. First, I examine the molecular and cellular mechanisms that generate organ shape, focusing on the process of cell intercalation that drives tubule elongation, the roles of the cytoskeleton, the extracellular matrix and how intercalation is coordinated at the tissue level. Second, I look at the genetic networks that control the physiological differentiation of tubule cells and consider how distinctive physiological domains in the tubule are patterned. Finally, I explore how the organ is positioned within the body cavity and consider the relationship between organ position and function.  相似文献   
Cystic kidney diseases can cause end stage renal disease, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. They may arise early or later in life, are characterized by a spectrum of symptoms and can be caused by diverse genetic defects. The primary cilium, a microtubule-based organelle that can serve as a signaling antenna, has been demonstrated to have a significant role in ensuring correct kidney development and function. In the kidney, one of the signaling pathways that requires the cilium for normal development is Wnt signaling. In this review, the roles of primary cilia in relation to canonical and non-canonical Wnt/PCP signaling in cystic renal disease are described. The evidence of the associations between cilia, Wnt signaling and cystic renal disease is discussed and the significance of planar cell polarity-related mechanisms in cystic kidney disease is presented. Although defective Wnt signaling is not the only cause of renal disease, research is increasingly highlighting its importance, encouraging the development of Wnt-associated diagnostic and prognostic tools for cystic renal disease.  相似文献   
The FGFR pathway triggers a wide range of key biological responses. Among others, the Breathless (Btl, Drosophila FGFR1) receptor cascade promotes cell migration during embryonic tracheal system development. However, how the actin cytoskeleton responds to Btl pathway activation to induce cell migration has remained largely unclear. Our recent results shed light into this issue by unveiling a link between the actin-bundling protein Singed (Sn) and the Btl pathway. We showed that the Btl pathway regulates sn, which leads to the stabilization of the actin bundles required for filopodia formation and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement. This regulation contributes to tracheal migration, tracheal branch fusion and tracheal cell elongation. Parallel actin bundles (PABs) are usually cross-linked by more than one actin-bundling protein. Accordingly, we have also shown that sn synergistically interacts with forked (f), another actin crosslinker. In this Extra View we extend f analysis and hypothesize how both actin-bundling proteins may act together to regulate the PABs during tracheal embryonic development. Although both proteins are required for similar tracheal events, we suggest that Sn is essential for actin bundle initiation and stiffening, while F is required for the lengthening and further stabilization of the PABs.  相似文献   
The endolithic environment is a ubiquitous microbial habitat for microorganisms, such as lichens, Cyanobacteria and fungi, and it provides mineral nutrients and growth surfaces. In extremely environments, such as hot and cold desert, endolithic communities are often the main form of life. More recently, endolithic microbial communities have been observed inhabiting a variety of rock types ranging from hard granite to porous rocks such as basalt, dolomite, limestone, sandstone and granites. Regardless of geographic location and rock type, each of these habitats is characterized by a subsurface microclimate that prevents endolithic microorganisms growth. Photosynthesis-based endolithic microbial communities commonly inhabit the outer millimeters to centimeters of rocks exposed to the surface. The ability to fix carbon dioxide and in some cases atmospheric dinitrogen, gives the Cyanobacteria a clear competitive advantage over heterotrophic bacteria, so it is been called the main primary producer. Light quality and intensity appear to be the main determinant of the maximum depth to which growth occurs in endolithic phototrophic communities. Valleys of Fantastic Rocks in Bole is close to Alashankou Port of Xinjiang which belongs to extreme continental climate. In order to investigate the structure, composition and diversity of endolithic bacterial community in exposed granitic porphyry in the Valleys of Fantastic Rocks, environmental DNA was directly extracted from granite rock, the 16S rRNA genes were amplified from the total DNA by PCR with bacterial-specific primers, and an endolithic bacterial clone library was constructed. Positive clones were randomly selected from the library and identified by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP). The unique rRNA types clones were sequenced, analysised and then constructed phylogenetic tree. In total, 129 positive clones were screened and grouped into 46 operational taxonomic unites (OTUs). The clone coverage C value was 89.15%, indicating that most of the estimated endolithic bacterial diversity was sampled. BLAST analysis indicated that 46 OTUs were divided into seven phyla (Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria) and five unknown groups. Cyanobacteria (43%), especially the Gp I, form the functional basis for an endolithic bacteria community which contain a wide spectrum species of chemotrophic bacteria (33%) with mainly Actinobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria. Additionally, most clones that derived from the endolithic bacteria clone library showed high similarity to the sequence deposited in GenBank database with 97%–99%. Besides, 35% of the clones showed less than 97% of sequence similarity, of which 12% sequences were affiliated to genus Rubrobacter. The results suggested that endolithic bacteria in Valleys of Fantastic Rocks in Xinjiang were highly diverse in species richness, and maybe have a diversity of potential novel species and lineages.  相似文献   
To investigate whether earthworm cellulases contribute to the innate immune system, the responsiveness of cellulase activity and mRNA expression to bacterial challenge was examined by zymography and RNA sequencing. A zymographic analysis revealed that the activity levels of earthworm cellulases were upregulated in response to either a bacterial (Bacillus subtilis or Escherichia coli) or LPS challenge. After the challenge, significant increases in cellulase 1 and cellulase 2 activity levels were observed within 8–16 and 16–24 h, respectively. In the coelomic fluid, both activities were significantly upregulated at 8 h post-injection with B. subtilis. Based on RNA sequencing, cellulase-related mRNAs encoding beta-1,4-endoglucanases were upregulated by 3-fold within 6 h after B. subtilis injection. Our results clearly demonstrated that earthworm cellulases are upregulated by bacterial challenge at the mRNA and protein levels. These results support the view that earthworm cellulases act as inducible humoral effectors of innate immunity against bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The morphogenesis of lobed mesophyll cells (MCs) is highly controlled and coupled with intercellular space formation. Cortical microtubule rings define the number and the position of MC isthmi. This work investigated early events of MC morphogenesis, especially the mechanism defining the position of contacts between MCs. The distributions of plasmodesmata, the hemicelluloses callose and (1 → 3,1 → 4)-β-d-glucans (MLGs) and the pectin epitopes recognized by the 2F4, JIM5, JIM7 and LM6 antibodies were studied in the cell walls of Zea mays MCs.


Matrix cell wall polysaccharides were immunolocalized in hand-made sections and in sections of material embedded in LR White resin. Callose was also localized using aniline blue in hand-made sections. Plasmodesmata distribution was examined by transmission electron microscopy.


Before reorganization of the dispersed cortical microtubules into microtubule rings, particular bands of the longitudinal MC walls, where the MC contacts will form, locally differentiate by selective (1) deposition of callose and the pectin epitopes recognized by the 2F4, LM6, JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies, (2) degradation of MLGs and (3) formation of secondary plasmodesmata clusterings. This cell wall matrix differentiation persists in cell contacts of mature MCs. Simultaneously, the wall bands between those of future cell contacts differentiate with (1) deposition of local cell wall thickenings including cellulose microfibrils, (2) preferential presence of MLGs, (3) absence of callose and (4) transient presence of the pectins identified by the JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies. The wall areas between cell contacts expand determinately to form the cell isthmi and the cell lobes.


The morphogenesis of lobed MCs is characterized by the early patterned differentiation of two distinct cell wall subdomains, defining the sites of the future MC contacts and of the future MC isthmi respectively. This patterned cell wall differentiation precedes cortical microtubule reorganization and may define microtubule ring disposition.  相似文献   

Ginger bacterial wilt (GBW) is a destructive disease of ginger in Ethiopia. Field studies were conducted to determine effect of integrated management of GBW, through host resistance and cultural practices, on wilt epidemics at Teppi and Jimma, southwestern Ethiopia in 2017. Treatments were factorial arranged in a randomised complete block design with three replications. Analysis of variance indicated that effect of variety, cultural practices and variety x cultural practice interactions significantly reduced GBW epidemic parameters and enhanced yield at both locations. Boziab recorded lower wilt incidence, area under disease progress curve and wilt progress rates than Local variety. Integration of lemon grass with soil solarisation and fertiliser reduced wilt incidence in Local variety up to 38.3% (Teppi) and 42.05% (Jimma) compared to the control on final wilt assessment date. In Boziab variety, integrated use of lemon grass with soil solarisation and fertiliser reduced wilt incidence up to 42.5% at Teppi and 33.85% at Jimma compared to the control on final date of wilt assessment. The overall results revealed that integrating cultural practices with host resistance are found effective to slow down GBW epidemics and improve ginger productivity; and thus, recommended for the study areas along with other crop management practices.  相似文献   

The bacterial symbionts isolated from the entomopathogenic nematodes were compared for their pathogenicity to last instar larvae of G. mellonella at both Phases I and II. Most bacterial symbionts at Phase I cause 100% mortality within 2-3 days post-injection with 1 times; 10 3 cells/larva. The pathogenicity of Phase I decreased in the following order: Xenorhabdus nematopbilus, Flavimonas oryzihabitans, Photorhabdus luminescens and Xenorhabdus bovienii with LD 50 values of 40, 55, 70 and 170 cells/larva. The injection of Phase II of the bacterial symbionts did not give 100% mortality even after 4 days post-injection. The time mortality response of G. mellonella larvae to both phases of the bacterial symbiont was significantly different usually at the two highest concentrations tested. The significancy in case of Phase I was in the following order from lowest to highest, F . oryzihabitans , X . nematophilus , P. luminescens and X. bovienii . It was 20.57, 23.96, 23.99 and 53.76 h, respectively. Also, F. oryzihabitans gave the lowest LT 50 value for its Phase II form. It was 36.85 h, and this is followed by X. bovienii , X. nematophilus , and P. luminescens , the LT 50 values of which were 69.29, 74.08 and 74.49 h, respectively. The results suggest that there is a direct correlation between toxin concentration and rate of killing the larvae. On the other hand, there is an inverse correlation between the LT 50 values and the injected concentration.  相似文献   
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